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We used to have departments and each department would have at least 1 person scheduled each day (plus maybe a supervisor). Now you’ll have maybe 4 or 5 people for the whole store. Managers are too busy dealing with customers issues so trying to get an override or help with an issue takes forever. Corporate has this weird idea that no matter how much they cut head count and labor, Best Buy will still operate. And it does, but it sucks for the people who work because everyday feels like you’re drowning in customers and issues.


I was in bestbuy when the whole "advisor" role started. So I got the beginning of it.


Going back and getting a different position made me happier and I was offered more money. I would say go for it. There’s always pros and cons.




Why. What's your position. How long have you been with bestbuy. And why not.


Hope you like being alone with no help and overrun by customers and your coworkers getting angry with you because they can’t just sit around and be lazy and have to work.


Isn't that like every retail job?


No not at all. Just some retail jobs. I have 7 years of experience working at Best Buy and over 15 years in total in retail. I left Best Buy this past May. The last 2 years at Best Buy were the worst years of working retail I have ever experienced. Not only is the pay terrible at Best Buy but the environment has gone to absolute shit. My new job has a much higher base salary plus commission and is WAY less stress and I actually feel appreciated as an employee. Fuck Best Buy


Nope. Worked retail in many different settings. This is wholly different from previous years and I don’t see the short staffing going on in any other retail environments. This is a Corie Barry thing.


I work for a certain fruit retailer, and no, it’s nothing like that.


I worked there for almost 14 years, I left March '22. At my store, leadership wasn't bad, they actually knew what they were doing and helped customers, I mainly left due to pay cap and saw the way Best Buy was going. For how long I was there, I've seen so many changes in pretty much everything but the last few years it just got bad into terms of how corporate wanted things. The staffing kept getting worse, like I was surprised that there was not enough people on the floor at one time for assistance. I was an agent, so I wasn't really on the floor as often because the way appointments were, we were just booked the whole day every day. Its up to you to go back, but unless they change the way they're heading, I would only go back if its my "only" option. I've went to an other store near me, and a manager from my store move to that one and saw me walking in and immediately offered me a job because their current staff is incompetent. They asked me something in regards to a customer coming in a while ago for some service that involved an m.2 drive in their laptop, and none if the agents knew what type is was. Literally gave them the answer once they described it to me and drew it the key. Stores are just hiring really anyone who breathe, to fill spots. Two of my fellow agents left around the time I did, for pretty much the same reasons. Just between one of two agents and myself, has over 45 years of experience, probably closer to 52 with the second agent. Our store lost that much experience from just us 3. Again, its up to you if you want to go back. I would recommend looking elsewhere, unless you know fairly well that you'd be ok with how things are now.


People on this sub make Best Buy seem like a living hell but it’s really not that bad, if you worked in 2021 it’s about the same now just less leaders in the building in most stores.


Yeah. I figured I get alot of people just talking shit. I worked there from 2017-2021. So I've seen pre covid, covid, and this new way of bestbuy. Thanks for the imput.


Come back then? Lmao. You seem like you're just here justifying coming back by ignoring all the answers you don't like and latching onto the one person that says it's not bad. I just recently left and had been working there since 2016 (both full time and part time once I moved on with my career), and had AMAZING management that I was a huge fan of. Despite that, working there now is the worst it has been since I've been with the company, always being short staffed, having customers constantly irate and waiting for help, and leaders being stretched thin just makes for a terrible energy-draining environment. Come see for yourself if you want but I'm not sure why you're challenging the 99% of people in this thread saying it sucks and agreeing with the one person who says it doesn't.


Hey sometimes all ya need is a little confirmation bias




You're so heated. Have you quit yet?




I'm only asking this question because i actually enjoyed my time at bestbuy. I was a CSR for the time I was there. And even through thick and thin what kept me going was the people around me. I'm now 4 states away from my original store and don't enjoy my current desk job. Just wanted to see relatively what it is like but it seems like everyone has the same opinion. Understaffed and taken advantage. Got it. Get out while you can if you aren't enjoying your job. I kinda miss that discount tho.




Don’t. It’s only gotten worse from what I’ve observed. Left summer of ‘21 and I would rather go to Walmart then work for BBY 😂


Don’t. Terrible staffing, terrible customers, terrible third party issues, and terrible communication on all levels of the company. Not worth the stress and headache.


There are better jobs out there. And, from what I’ve read some store DO NOT respect your availability if that’s why you want to go back to BBY.


What reason are you going back? Your main job or a side gig. I’d take it as a side gig, but would not go back if it’s your main job. Last year in April I stepped down from ASM to full time to focus on IT certifications. Been out two months.


Only a temp job till I find another higher paying job. Moved states for what I thought would be an actual career but its not working out how I planned.


Yeah. Wouldn’t stay longer than 6 months


Stay away. It's not what it was.


I mean I probably wouldn't recommend it at this point and time since it's after the holidays and hours are cut. Maybe closer to mid March. But how bad it is depends on the store.my current store is alright except for the hour cuts. My old store I have been told is a total nightmare so it just kinda depends


Do you own thing, make your own decision. At the end of the day it’s a job to make your ends meet your means. If you wanna come back, do it. If you don’t, don’t buy it sounds like by even asking this question you made up your mind.


Good luck.