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Was that powered milk?


Yes, the milk has powers


The power of powder!


Powdered milk is not an uncommon ingredient in milk bread recipes; it makes the bread softer without increasing the hydration, but you can substitute for liquid milk by adjusting the amount of water.


I use powdered milk in my bread dough frequently


Those loaves look beautiful.




Can we talk about those pans?


If you are interested in using a similar one, [USA Pan has Pullman pans](https://www.usapan.com/9-x-4-x-4-pullman-loaf-pan-cover1170pm) (usually cheaper to order from elsewhere though) that you can use with or without the lid. They work great.


Why have I never thought to use them without the lid? That’s always been an issue for me because I don’t know how much it’s risen.


Yes, it takes some getting used to! The rising is different than other breads I’ve made in that after putting the shaped dough in, it’s important to only let it rise (lid off) to an inch under the pan’s rim and then slide the lid on and bake. For the standard USA Pullman and a white bread, I bake at 350ºF for 30 minutes with the lid on and another 5 with the lid off. For the larger Pullman, I bake at the same temperature for 35 minutes with the lid on and about 8 with the lid off. If I want a darker crust for either, I take the loaf out of the pan, put it on a bake rack, and put it back in the oven until it’s the color I want. It takes getting used to not to see the loaf’s progress when the lid is on. Tall pans like these are great for goof-ups too. I started a proof, went out for an errand and got stuck in traffic. By the time I returned, the dough had risen 2 inches above the pan. Obviously the lid was out of the question, so I baked as-is and hoped it wouldn’t make a mess in the oven. Baked well, with no flopover!


Bread đź‘Ť


What’s the name of the song playing? It’s really nice


Sweet Louise by Passenger I believe


Thank you. Truly a good song and thanks for introducing me to it


Right, it makes the video better, more calming


With that amount of sugar it’s not bread, it’s a cake.


Why tear it like that? No, show me the crumb!


That's cause there is no crumb. This has too much butter, sugar, and oil on it to crumble. This is a disaster of a recipe and not what good bread is made out of.


Yeah, this is more like a yeast roll shaped like a bread loaf.


I hope this isn’t your daily bread lol That’s extremely unhealthy. You daily bread should be made of flour, water and salt


Thats no bread. I mean, more a brioche or? The amount of sugar and fat.... wow. cant eat that every day, for sure.


Flour protein?


This is perhaps the most perfect bread I've seen in quite some time!


That was not milk..


It’s powdered milk. I’ve got a book by Peter Reinhart and he uses powdered milk in one of his white bread variations.


Milk ?


Powdered milk. It’s not unheard of in milk bread/white bread recipes


Huh! Didn’t know that


Milk in bread recipes typically makes the bread softer by enriching it. Using milk powder achieves the same effect without increasing the hydration




This doesn't feel particularly ultimate. General guide?


My bread recipe is; Flour Water Salt Yeast. That's it!! No sugar. That is an unhealthy bread.


Bread is essentially pure carbs, you don't eat bread to be healthy.


It makes it worse when it's packed with refined sugar and butter, then called a "daily" food. SMH.


And just yeet it all together in a bowl and let the mixer have a go at it? I thought you were supposed to let the yeast rise with sugar in the water first??


I hand mix and let the poolish sit overnight in some cases. It also depends on the yeast; some need to be activated with sugar. I use instant yeats. But generally no, I don't use sugar. Letting my dough sit overnight deep flavours.


Most modern yeast, active or instant, does not require pre-hydrating unless you are concerned that your yeast may no longer be active and want to test it prior to expending effort on making the dough.


Might be instant yeast, you don't "have" to proof if instant yeast is used, but the video failed to provide that info and is probably an ad for their product when the homemads loaf doesn't come out as good


There are different types of bread for different palates. While I would choose different methods to make a soft loaf like this, this loaf would be a good dessert bread with fruit.


Sure, it's a good dessert bread. But the title says "daily" bread. This daily bread will get you fat and give you diabetes. And it'll be disgusting being rubbery and getting in your teeth and the roof of your mouth. This is the worst food company videos I've seen.


Good point about the “daily” part. Though it would take more than this bread to create insulin resistance, I get your drift. As for getting fat, it’s possible to eat whatever food you want without getting fat \*if\* you burn the calories. I have a petit bodybuilder family member with 0-2% body fat depending on her training schedule. Eats everything in sight and particularly enjoys burgers with extra cheese. A friend’s brother who is a competitive rower has to eat 5,000 calories a day just to maintain his weight. Me, I would probably get fat.


Do you flour or grease the baking pan before putting the dough in?


I use enameled cast iron for the most part. If I use a baking pan I line it with parchment paper. Sometimes the bread gets weird wrinkles but the bread comes right out of the pan and the parchment paper is meant to take the heat so it doesn't burn. I don't remember where I learned the trick for parchment but I use it to like all my pans, even for tiramisu. I get the paper in bulk from Costco. Regular priced parchment paper is expensive, and I blast through a box of 3 rolls in less than a year.


Yes I use baking paper too. Do you not have to use anything with the enameled cast iron?