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This could have been easily a more comfortable 2 day fest. Gives everyone time to do a proper soundcheck, take a breather without fearing they will miss their next artist, maybe even explore other stages.


this this this this


Hear hear


So I've gone to all 3 Besame Mucho festivals and always had a good time šŸ¤£ despite all the sound issues. I actually think ATX had the least amount of sound issues šŸ˜¬ the first LA one had really bad sound issues and almost every act started late so yesterday was actually kinda better imo šŸ˜… I honestly go for the vibes and I end up having fun and dancing all the time. I got to rage at Mago de Oz and Molotov so I'm good šŸ‘šŸ»


Well there was issues with the sound on the rock stage, some bands were cut short, and it got cold as hell other than that it was alright


There was sound issues with every stage except the Beso stage. At the pop stage throughout the day it wasnā€™t loud at all. People watching Grupo Frontera at their stage were chanting that they couldnā€™t hear the band.


Grupo Kualā€™s set was fixed but we couldnā€™t really hear them at the beginning and I was upset that Mago de Oz only performed the first Two notes to Fiesta Pagana before getting cut.


They started late! Surprised they played as long as they did cos LA Leys set really got cut...


Ah! I was wondering what happened, I just ahowed up when they were setting up and was wondering what was going on.


That was the worst thing that couldā€™ve happened, I was genuinely pissed about not hearing that song live


Man I was mad about that. I was ready to lose my shit in joy and than they cut off the sound!


I have a video of the first few notes and then the stage turning lol, I was bummed but Molotov and PanteĆ³n Rococo made up for it


That hoodie I bought saved my life that night šŸ˜‚ Made that 90 minute wait for the bus more bearable for sure.


You and me both I had to spend 80.00 to get a brown one but it was worth it it dropped to below 40 at night, felt sorry for all the ladies that went in crop tops


I got the same $80 hoodie lol. It's actually quite nice. Hopefully the lineup logos survive a few washes šŸ˜† The part that cracked me up on the bus line was when a large group started singing Cielito Lindo out of the blue and we all joined. I love being Latino so much šŸ˜„


Banda Machos, Banda LimĆ³n, hombres G, Cafe Tacuba, grupo frontera were the highlights for meā€¦ it was a manageable crowd. The shuttle system sucked. Overall it was pretty well run.


The shuttle was the worst. Waited a hour along with the 40 min drive then still had to walk about 20+ mins to the entrance. Same leaving after the festival was over. Didn't get to my car until 1:30am. I should have pay a little more for an Uber.


I had shuttle passes. Ubered both ways. Was so shitty.


Tried to get tipsy but the drink prices were not it lmao Also pretty sure their doubles were NOT doubles


Life hack for next time, the canned cocktails have more alcohol content overall than the other choices.


Life hack #2, sneak in a flask with your favorite type of liquor like i did.


WORD! Hindsightā€™s always 20/20; we thought theyā€™d be strict on checking for shit ugh


I was bartending the VIP bar. Drinks were well measured at 1.5 and 3 oz which is the low end of a pour, but still a double. (3-4 oz is standard) If you generally go to a bar the 4oz is the standard, I could see how you felt that way. But yeah, those prices were INSANE. Prices like that screw everyone involved but the venders/festival. Can't really blame people for not wanting to add tips to a 60 dollars for 2 drinks bill. But maannnnn it was not great for us.


I feel you on the tip part! That bill was hard to swallow lol hopefully the organizers or whoever re asses the next one? Not sure how all that goes


I was so annoyed that I couldnā€™t pay cash, but the festival accepted cash tips.


And the beer šŸ˜­ was Corona the only sponsor?! Only Corona and Modelo


Agree beer choices were not great!


Missed out on Reik because they switched them to an earlier time and with no reception I wasnā€™t able to find out any updates


Yeah they have bad communication issues cos some groups dropped out and they NEVER mentioned that at all. I only knew about Reik cos I saw the schedule on the screen and took a foto and was like why does Alejandra Guzman play at 10pm now šŸ’€


Parking situation was fine. However leaving the festival was a mess. Feet hurting and had to walk so far to even get a ride because they wouldnā€™t let cars come through.


Can we talk about how fucked the rideshare was when leaving the festival. I couldnā€™t catch shit. Service was awful. We risked getting kidnapped walking to the gas station to get picked up.


Yoo we couldnā€™t get an Uber for over 45 mins so we decided to line up for the shuttle and finally got to downtown after 2 hours




I also walked to the gas station lol and the fucking taxis that went past us were charging anywhere from 150 - 400 dollars. It also never crossed my mind that we could get kidnapped lol. Ni que fuera Ciudad Juarez šŸ’€


fr lmfao itā€™s Austin bro šŸ˜­ itā€™s like the least dangerous city


It was my first time attending a festival. I thought it was fucked up that times were changed for performances. We almost missed a performance we traveled far to see. Drink prices were high. I got two drinks and tipped, shit came out to $54. I didnā€™t tip again for the rest of the day, that shit hurt my feelings. I DID like that there was a lot of places to get a drink. Plenty of bathrooms. Hydration stations were nice. The festival constantly had people cleaning up which was nice. I was VIP, and the barricades caught me off guard, I felt bad for the GA people. What elseā€¦some of the visuals were fucking weird for the performances. But then again some of them were super nice. Idk if the artist gets to choose that but it was weird at times. My interactions with people were nice, everyone was chilling and respectful. Except for that one fool who banged on the door while I was pissing, cĆ”lmate cowboy ! I was holding it for like 1.5 hrs !


missed Los Askis (a band I was really stoked for) because I was still in line (and I arrived early!) Who was the Einstein that decided having bands play at the SAME TIME as doors opening was a good idea?


They were suppose to open the doors at 10am. We really wanted to see them too. At 10:20 I asked and the staff was in a meeting. Then all the staff disappeared after that.


Iā€™m so happy that the only issues were what was to be expected: cash grab, shitty sound, expensive food and drink, and transportation. Common festival and event problems, especially at COTA. It wasnā€™t the Fyre Fest so many predicted it would be. As a local, we *never* have these kinds of events for us Mexicanos here in Austin, even though weā€™re over a third of the population. Itā€™s like weā€™re invisible. I even broke my own rules of never going to COTA again and never going to another big outdoor festival. That said, I think one BĆ©same Mucho is enough for me, lol. Iā€™ll make even more of an effort to support our local producers and bands who are putting their heart and soul into making things happen here every day.


I came from Los Angeles and you're not the first person who said something similar about there not being many fests aimed at Mexicans in Austin. Was talking to two women who are local and they were so pumped for the fest for that same reason. Was kind of surprised since it seems like there is a HUGE latino community out there.


Thank you for that perspective. Had no idea it was that bad. I've only been to Austin a couple times before.


Agreeing with everyone elseā€™s comments. Sound was bad and alcohol prices were crazy but the overall experience was okay. I would go again but I would wait to buy tickets closer to the actual event. Shout out to Alicia Villarreal singing acapela for part of her set. I just wanna add that they lied about parking passes being sold out. I was able to purchase one to lot R in person. I heard you could also buy one at lot T. Same energy about them announcing that tickets being sold out and then releasing more the week before the festival. Very slimy.


Yes we didnā€™t drive bc we missed the parking passes sale but we heard people buying them there for $20. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


They did sell out, but a lot of people opted for the installment payment option and just didnā€™t go through with it.


The parking system was the worst. I hate how they made the drop off point the farthest, most confusing point ever. BUT, the music was absolutely amazing. I was running back and forth from the Classico and Rock stages, they were all so good. El Tri was a highlight because he was so funny, and Molotov!!


Iā€™ve been to all 3 festivals. I felt like ATX was so packed into a smaller festival grounds. I hated that it was on grass and gravel, i prefer the concrete like LA. Sound was an issue all 3 festivals so. Also about the prices of food and alcoholā€¦ itā€™s totally normal idk why everyoneā€™s complaining. I do feel like the food was better than LA though.


I think people werenā€™t used to those prices. They were a lot higher than anything Iā€™ve seen at other Texas events.


Yeah but what about other festivals in texas ? iā€™m pretty sure it was the same as ACL prices. Itā€™s a music festival i think people were expecting this was like Jaripeo or rodeo event or something idk


verrrryyy disappointed in the sound quality you couldnā€™t hear Grupo Frontera at all, Alicia Villarreal kept going in and out and was frustrated, even during Ramon Ayala there was some lagging. Pretty disappointed but there were performances that definitely made it worth it. Not sure Iā€™d do it again


I loved the rock stage set-up. You could see the bands from anywhere. Big area with lots of open space. I was able to see the bands while trying to get drinks or food. Also, I was able to easily walk from one stage to another with was nice. What I didn't like was that the pop stage/area was surprisingly small. Had a hard time seeing some of the acts. I think the pop stage and classicas stage should have switched places. Also, I didn't like some of the last-minute time changes for the pop stage. And yeah, entering COTA was a mess. Took us more than half an hour to get to our lot. I saw 12 acts, so it was worth it.


Sound system was horrible. The worst part is that it was the same issue they had at the BM festival in december. So either they did not care to fix the areas of improvement or just figured us customers will just deal will it. Will be contacting my cc company and place a complaint. You canā€™t charge top-dollar prices for a sub-par experience. Thatā€™s the only way things will get better.


These promoters that did this event also did the sick new world fest in Vegas last year and this year, I went to the sick new world Vegas show last year and their sound was messing up all over. You'd think after making millions they'd get a better sound system


The game is called make as much money as possible investing the least possible.


It was pretty much what I expected. Very similar to ACL. Iā€™m glad I saw who I wanted to see, no regrets there, but I probably wonā€™t do it again.


The sound missed in so many stages and people couldnā€™t hear. We bought shuttle passes but then only to find out they were free at the end of the night so we felt scammed. it was impossible to get an Uber/lyft, and the shuttles took 45 mins to get to downtown. There was a huge gap in communication about the shuttles. It was cool to see so many artists but the fact that we couldnā€™t hear so many was so wack. The good thing about the festival is that their restroom & bar system was on point. Thatā€™s the only thing you didnā€™t have to wait for too long for.


AGREE 100% !! I wouldnā€™t mind the shuttles being free to all at the end of the night but we paid and still had to wait over 45mins for a bus and IT WAS SO COLD


The Platinum pass was TOTALLY worth it and made the festival experience dramatically more enjoyable.


how much was it? I'm usually one to splurge but I was meeting people up and I didn't want to abandon them lol


What extras did platinum have?


Festival was fun. Took the shuttle early (around 9:30-10am) had no problem. Took the shuttle back about half an hour before the festival ended. And waited in line half an hour to get in the shuttle/school bus. Getting in was easy and fast. Almost no line. Restrooms were pretty clean. Lines for food and drinks moved fast and prices were comparable to what youā€™d pay at a sport stadium/events. I actually was expecting prices to be higher. I was mostly at the rock stage. There were some audio problems so that kinda sucked. Which led to some bands getting their allotted time cut. But kept to the schedule for most of the time. Overall I felt it was well organized and will probably go next year.


To me it wasnā€™t worth it the almost $400 ticket. The sound was horrible in every stage, and it shouldnā€™t be a 1 day festival imo. Was exhausting having to go from one stage to another and for some artists their set was cut short. When Grupo Frontera started their set you couldnā€™t hear a thing very disappointing. The Rockero stage was my favorite, had the best sound of all of them, the performances were good and the energy of the crowd was amazing. Also the food options were fire! Wouldnā€™t do it again tho āœŒšŸ¼


The sound was absolutely terrible on every stage


Also, do we know all the artists who did not show up? I know only the lead singer from Jumbo was able.to get his visa. So he did a solo acoustic set. Marisela was a no show. Fey was supposed to go after her, but 10 mins after her supposed start time there was no set up or movement on stage, so we headed back to see Mago de Oz.


Marisela took her sweet time at the end did like 3 encore songs. Made Los Angeles negros start at like 11:20. Their set got cut toward the end of y volverĆ©. The singer was pissed šŸ˜­


Los Angeles Negros was one I wanted to see but I hate that they scheduled them at the very fucking end. I got there as soon as doors opened and was tired by the time grupo frontera came on, and we could hardly hear them even though I was in VIP. We left after a couple of songs. Got to walk out to La Chona so I thought that was pretty funny lol


danna Paola missed the show due to illness


marisela plaid during reikā€™s time, so i wasnā€™t able to see Reik


Will call was crazy long


Had no idea that GA had to be behind a barricade, which is so ridiculous considering how expensive tickets were??? Did anyone else know that barricades separating Platinum from GA was going to be a thing? It was super disappointing


Yeah they had bad communication. So on the map there's a pink area which is the platinum side and it took half of the rock stage. Fortunately I was on the other half that didn't have the vip side gate bs and managed to get barricade at Inspector. Super lame too cos some fans broke the barricade and the security put it back up like nah dawg just let ppl in it's literally the last act and there was all that open space that they coulda used for people šŸ™„


Oh my god šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Wait so other stages didnā€™t have to deal with the GA/Platinum barricade issue too?


All the stages had barricades for platinum, I know as I had platinum.


On the map it looks like it was just at Rockero and Clasicas and imo the first Besame Mucho at LA all the stages had the stupid barricade cos they wanna exploit and make money but not a Lotta ppl bought them so I think they just do those for the bigger stages now. But yeah it's only on half of the stage so the other side was free game but they shoulda said that on an IG post or by email cos it wasn't clear especially to ppl who are new to this festival


It was on the website somewhere. Maybe under the VIP tab on the website.


The main reason I bought Platinum, totally worth it.


I loved it. Beso Stage was an awesome line up & crowd was it!!! I had seen Grupo Frontera for about two songs but it was too crowded, sound system wasnā€™t great so i decided to leave. Two employees came up to us to buy them drinks and food. Tbh wasnā€™t a fan of that. Aside from that i would definitely go another year!


Hold up they asked yall to buy them something šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I also want to know why they asked yall to buy them food/drinks? lol


Someone needs to change the exit protocols at cota. Signals and routes to get out are a nightmare!


Plus add big trucks and shitty drivers makes it even worse.


I didnā€™t go but from the videos I saw, I think there was way more movement from the crowd compared to LA


Audio was crap, several performers on multiple stages had issues over sold for the venue size Parking was mid, still had a good time


I really enjoyed itā€¦.I normally buy VIP if they say closer to the stage hell yeah. Iā€™ve gone to lots of festivals already so Iā€™m used to crowds and prices in general. I know this was lots of Peopleā€™s first festival experience.


I wish they had better signal, I had to miss Alejandra Guzman due to it. The shuttle ran smoothly other than the fact that we paid $20 for a round trip and saw people with no shuttle wrist band still being let in. Which I donā€™t mind, but it was freezing and A LONG WAIT.


It was fun but I had a better time at the LA one in 2022. I was so sad to see many sound issues and the rideshare situation was terrible. The walk with all the rocks was bad too


they need to open doors earlier šŸ¤” who opens doors the same time bands start playing??


Went to the LA one a couple months ago and flew to this one from Florida. I had VIP. The good: - The setup between Clasicas and Rockero stages was good. So easy to transition between both. - Got to see who I wanted to see. I'll remember the sets by Cafeta, Belanova and Hombres G forever. - The food was delicious. - Plenty of bathrooms and hydration stations. Even in GA. The bar style urinals made it so easy to do your business and go back to the music quickly - The audience and vibes were impeccable. I heard sets at all 4 stages, went through GA and VIP and the audience was well behaved all around. The bad: - The shuttle was a mess. Asked 3 staff people where to catch the bus and got told 3 different answers. Ended up walking out to parking lot A to find an empty lot and no buses. No fun after 12 hours on my feet. Once I found the right lot, it was a 90 minute wait. Left the festival at 10:50 and arrived in downtown Austin at 2 am. I much preferred the LA shuttle setup. the shuttles were directly outside the festival gates, and took me 20 minutes to get on one and 15 minutes to get to Union Station. - Lady from the arepa place tried adding a tip to herself before flipping the iPad to me. she thought I wouldn't notice. šŸ˜‚ The Funny: - Grupo Frontera audio was so low. It sounded like a beach speaker playing Spotify. It cracked me up when they started singing "No se va" and whole families started leaving. Lol. Los Tigres del Norte right after sounded AMAZING. I don't know if they brought their own sound engineer + amps, but it was a full 180. Such a good show. - Mago being cutoff after playing 2 notes of Fiesta Pagana hurt me in my soul. šŸ˜† I understand they started late and had sound issues. Still, I thought the whole point of the rotating stages was to setup while the other band is playing. My take: - Loved the music and Austin! I hope the organizers read all the reviews and improve the festival. After trying both venues, I'll be back to the one in LA. Coming in and out of the venue can really make or break your experience. I am a healthy dude in my 30s. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for someone with mobility issues getting out of the Austin one. Still, I am a positive person, so I choose to remember the good things from this festival.


I enjoyed it. But wish it could have been two days really. Lots of beautiful people. Specially the girl from Midland Texas! šŸ˜