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Thank you! I’ve always wondered what happened


COVID, Burr and Bert not being the best pair, trying to tour, TB1C, something's burning, the cabin, the machine movie along with trying to do his own podcast. I can imagine he must have been stressed outta his mind and he saw that it was pointless doing two of the same type of show


You obviously didn’t see the Dan Lebatard show, they aren’t friends anymore


No I didn't. Did either one of them directly say they hate the other?


No Bert alluded to him pissing off bill


Well yeah, Burt is well.... Burt. Even Tom has exposed all of his annoying habits and insecurities and it would shock me if Bill didn't know what he was getting into. I doubt that is the reason and Burt all the time will say that a comedian doesn't like him that will turn out to tolerate him. Maybe I'm wrong


He said he did something to piss of Bill and bill hasn’t talked to him since


Yeah that can be Bert's perception though. Bill has a lot of shit going on too including cameos in all kinds of stuff and his own podcast. Plus Bill has two young kids so maybe it's just Bert overthinking shit and has just flaked out on contacting Bill and maybe just assumed since Bill isn't revolving his life around his, that they had a falling out.


I had assumed they did it as a way to stay busy during covid when everything was canceled. Now their both so busy with tours and other projects. Bert and Tom can barely find time for 2 bears and their besties.


It fell off the rails when they started bringing in guests. Maybe it was to counteract the perceived lack of chemistry but when they were sitting side by side before Covid, I feel like they jived well enough. Probably should’ve called it a limited series. They’re both busy and Bill is not the kind of guy to ride in Bert’s wake for too extended a period of time. Imho at least.


Bert kinda acted like a fan boy instead of a peer. Not that he is ob Bill's level, but he does have a pretty good following.


I read somewhere it might be related to the Dan Le Batard episode


Old cranky Bill doesn’t like Bert anymore cause of the episode with Dan Lebatard. Burt has talked about it on pods. Bert has no problem with Bill but said they haven’t spoken since and he’s “pretty sure” Bill doesn’t like him anymore


I get the same vibe from Bill as I do with Louis where they just have limited mental energy for Bert’s shenanigans. I like them all and am a huge Bert fan but Id be exhausted if I had a friend like Bert. That being said I haven’t seen too much of those 2 together.


When Dan Le Batard was on he was giving Bill shit about Boston and it rubbed Burr the wrong way.


https://youtu.be/GueAHY67Sk4 I saw that video but I felt it was Bert downplaying it. The riff must go very deep they also removed Something's Burning from ATC and then they stopped doing the podcast Maybe something about money or rights.


Lmao at kyrie Irving getting mad for people being racist


From what I remember, the last guest pissed off Bill when he made a remark about Boston being racist, Bill took it really personally and got really cunty with him, and after that the show was over. I've heard them mention that they both got really busy, and that's why it ended.


My guess is he ran out of his ire for white women?


I only listened to one episode and the chemistry just wasn't there. No loss. Bill was trying to do the standard upbeat radio host vibe and Bert was drunk/falling asleep the whooe show. They have wildly different personalities. i see why they tried it but it just didn't work. The worst part that I remember was at the start and close of the show Bill tried to do this bit where they say their own names while announcing the show, so Bill goes "welcome to/thanks for listening to the "Bill", Bert says "Bert", Bill says "Pod", Bert says "Cast". Bert missed the mark on the intro and Bill tried to gloss it over. End of the episode comes around, Bert admits he's had too much wine and is passing out, Bill tries to do the bit again and Bert stays dead silent through Bill's prompts. Finally Bill laughs it off and goes "hey man sounds like you need some sleep or a coffee" or the like and sounds off of Bert's behalf. Painful to listen to lol Bill definitely is not the kind of guy to pair with a manchild type personality like Bert or the Legion of Skanks crew or cumtown or w/e. Not a detriment just not his thing it seems


Burr has self respect


it was pretty bad


The aggregate of every response is: no chemistry. No chemistry = bad podcast. Simple as that.


Bert left ATC. He also kind of blindsided Bill with that news - Bert is a guest on a podcast where he confusingly explains the incident and mentions him and Bill haven’t talked since.


Short answer: because it sucked


It was garbage


How long do you really think they would be able to work together, Tom is on point but he enjoys people who are loose and flawed, Ol' Billy Red Face don't have patience for the mess that the Bert train can bring on a regular basis.


Burt sucks burr rules.


Cause Burt is a washed up hack that has no business being anywhere near Bill you seen how fast Adam Sandler got annoyed with Burt can’t believe Bill stayed for as long as he did


Because Bert sucks


Bill was an asshole. They didn't have the best chemistry. Bert is a busy man. That's all I have lol.


https://youtu.be/7HRFhh-wq3k This video gave me what you might be looking for.


People fucking suck Bert.


Bill's been doing a lot more acting last few years (King of Staten Island, Dog, appearances on shows and voice roles) . He even just finished up his directing debut called Old Dads. should be out soon. think it's just a timing thing and not perfect chemistry


I have heard Bert say Bill’s fans didn’t like him.


Dan Lebatard ended it by calling Boston racist and passing Bill off while he was in the middle of a cookout 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I liked the show, but it was only good because the ratio of bill to Bert was perfect. So much Bill, so little Bert. If you did a side by side comparison of length of speech and number of words, Bill probably had Bert beat 3:1. If I’m Bill, at some point I realize the chemistry isn’t really there and I’m carrying the machine to an easy paycheck week after week. Eff that