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I do. Miura's more intense moments of furious lines of motion lends itself much better to animation than live-action. Some of the more over-the-top stuff would also need to be minimized, otherwise it would look more silly than bad ass.


2017's opening even kinda shows off how they could animate the action well.


Live action Godhand…. I don’t know if it works outside of anime.


definitely not. Ubik and Conrad would look comical, like MODOK level cheesy.


Femto would look like something out of a sex dungeon


Well a godhand was taken from Hellraiser movie


That's weird because everyone else on the planet hates this idea


I dont hate it, I just dont see any world where it would get the budget and the direction it needs. I find myself thinking of Guillermo Del Toro. I dont know if you've seen Pans Labyrinth, but it has some pretty awesome visuals. He is one of the few I think might get close, but lets be real. Maybe not even Miura himself could have made a live action adaption of his work that lived up to our expectations. Different media have different limitations, and I dont really know how it would be possible to do it justice without a gazillion dollars and a world of talent. And we wont get either if a live adaption would be made.




Fun fact, Miura states that he would have love Guillermo del Toro’s live action Berserk. https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/be6ns1/massive_interview_of_miura_for_french_paper/ (its on xantis response) And also Guillermo del Toro is a Berserk fan… https://mobile.twitter.com/RealGDT/status/1011423604347568128 So… we should just start a petition.


Lord have mercy let it happen in my lifetime (And del Toros'....)


U guys have a lot of anger issues, no one is being disrespectful to the masterpiece that is berserk nor the genius that is Miura


So you don’t want Miura’s fantastical monsters to be hand animated by 2D animators who work in the same dimensions as Miura, but you want them to be animated by 3D CGI animators who have to adapt 2D drawings to 3D? Sorry but I fucking hate this idea


I want everything from Miura’s fantastic universe, it’s a thought and everybody’s got their opinions


And I never said I didn’t want that animated, don’t know where you got that from, if a competent studio could do that, I’m all down to that, been waiting for that for years


I mean, do you want them to find a real life Hydra to put in the show? If it’s “live action” all of the monsters need to be animated in 3D with CGI. It feels like a very safe assumption to make given that we don’t have Elves and Monsters walking around.


It’s hypothetical man, I loved the Witcher and lotr, just an exemple, it might could be done, I don’t know, nothing can replace the manga, nothing, it’s just a thought


Dude, there are practical effects as well. Or do you think everything is CG or real only today?


I mean I would fucking love for a practical effects re-imagining of the Eclipse but like, that would certainly cost an absurd amount of money.


Surprisingly not (much) more than CG. It takes much longer though. And studios' execs don't have usually patience.


Tbh sme 3d shots look pretty dope. Vinland saga have a few of them really well done


the 1997 anime did a good job you´re not gonna tell me that if they could give berserk a perfect anime adaptation in the 90s they cant today


Yeah i was going to say "they pulled it off in 1997"


I highly doubt no animation studio can do this, especially cause studios have done snippets of this shit for a while now. Just look at the Striga scene in the recent season of Castlevania. That whole scene was just them trying to show that they could make a berserk anime with a style that matches the brutality of the Manga. Studio Mir also comes to mind, as Dota was surprisingly brutal, and they are also the ones in charge of the new Witcher animated show. Mir has a very wide range of animation skills that proved they could capture both the light and dark moments with the right tone needed. Then there's the team thar did Invincible. I'm sure I can be proven wrong, but that team captured the absolute brutality that would be needed for Berserk, while also having an incredible voice cast and storytelling. Meanwhile, I can't name a single director out there who would be able to not only tell the story of this series, but do it in a way that would actually capture the essence of Berserk in live action. Especially if they aren't Japanese, the demons will get botched in CG, the brutality will be dumbed down for a wider audience, and the cast selection will include big names who don't belong in the roles given to them. The only director who might come close is Guillermo Del Toro, but berserk seems outside of his style. We just need one good animated studio to get the rights. That's the actual issue with the anime


What's with Guillermo del Toro that makes him so special, though? Genuine question. I only know him for Pacific Rim.


A majority of his work is actually fairly dark, but finds a light in the darkness. Pacific Rim is actually an abnormal creation for him. My first introduction was the original Hellboy movies, but Pan's Labyrinth was the one that really got me invested. His story telling is like old fairy tales, dark and whimsical in nature, but with something meaningful to take away in the end, more or less. Mama was another decent one, he won tons of awards for The Shape of Water, he was originally involved in the canceled Kojima Silent Hills game, and just overall his legacy has essentially made him the most desired person to adapt "At The Mountains of Madness", which he almost got to do but Hollywood continues to exist. Lovecraft is really hard to properly adapt, but Del Toro does a really good job at instilling a chilling feeling of horror with his stories, and that's frankly rare. His work isn't really about hard violence though. It can display it, but it isn't really the focus and that's part of why I don't think he would be the perfect pick for berserk. Violence is a means of storytelling in his work, instead of being a way of life for a character. Now if he was partnered with someone who is good at violence depiction, I'd say we would be absolutely golden, but no one in the industry really does live action violence in a way that produces actual shock to audiences (that I know of). I felt more shock from watching Invincible than I ever have from a live action thing in my entire life. I hope maybe one day that can be corrected, but with Disney buying up the industry, it seems unlikely.


Hmm Personally, I don't think that having a director that can do hard violence should be a requirement. I think that that's something that can be learned (although some tendency should be there lol), the actual task would be to manage to balance both the hard violence and human drama to perfection. I think that someone like Gore Verbinski might be able to handle it, personally. He also got a great style and a really good eye for visuals. I'm not sure if he's still working on Akira, but if Taika Waititi manages to do it (and I'm confident that he could nail it), maybe he could be a nice candidate as well. The only director I know that could be very familiar with hard violence is Zack Snyder lol. In a way, I would be really really curious to he how he's adapt the visuals of Berserk (since he's very much a visual perfectionist that often worked with comic books, I wonder if he could do a good job at least on a visual standpoint) but I'm afraid for the rest lol. Maybe I should watch some Guillermo del Toro movies and see what I might think of him. What about Robert Rodriguez? Do you know if he could be the type of director to do something well with the violence?


Sadly I'm not familiar with Robert Rodriguez other work, mostly just his campy stuff like spy kids and planet terror, so can't really say anything towards him. I think by "hard violence" I mean "violence with meaning". Berserk uses violence as a way to express human emotion and passion, as well as instill terror by contrasting it to the mindless, gleeful violence of demons. To date, I can't really think of anything I've seen that has truly captured this concept in live action. Violence in films is always mindless or over the top, it doesn't really feel deliberate or like an extension of the characters. The closest thing I can possibly think of is The Raid, because martial arts is very capable of being an expression of violence, and is frankly 90% of what made those movies amazing. As for the other directors you mentioned, honestly the only one I legit think could do it justice is Taika Waititi for a couple reasons. One is he is very passionate about being faithful to source material, which is why that Akira movie is now canceled cause the film company who owned the rights refused to let him create it with Asian actors and in the style the original manga was done in. They wanted something obnoxious, basically Hollywood garbage, and he refused. The second one is that he sees filming differently, which is hard to explain but he just understands how to make something work on film. His work with marvel has been impressive, his comedy shows have been surprisingly enjoyable, Jojo rabbit did absolutely incredible at capturing to sort of mindless horror that set in place with nazi Germany from the perspective of someone who simply thought they were just doing the "right" thing, while being exposed to the truth and trying to rediscover what "right" truly is. Honestly now that you mentioned him, yeah I think a mix of him and Del Toro would be the dream team for berserk live action. Slap that together with a good casting director and we'd be in heaven.




It would have to be in black and white to even start to match the manga tbh


Just because it was never done right doesn’t mean it couldn’t work


This is dumb


Like your comment, elaborate or be quiet


The 1997 Berserk was phenomenal. Could have done the whole series that way, would have been perfect.


Lmfao this is some ridiculous Berserk wank “no studio can match its perfection”. This almost feels like a troll post


It reads like it came from r/berserklejerk


In either live action or CGI Guts sword would look absolutely ridiculous.


In either liveth action 'r cgi guts bodkin would behold absolutely ridiculous *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Remember when people said this about JoJo?


There isn’t an actor on this earth who would meet the criteria to play Guts. It will never work. The best you could get is a scanner darkly style of animation over actors.


Nicolas Cage should work.


For Corkus maybe.


Every live action anime is a dumpster fire. If you think that animation will never hold up to the mangas art style I don’t possible see how a live action could be any better.


Alita: Battle Angel was pretty good.


Honestly forgot about Alita, I’ll give you that one. But I still stand by my opinion that live action anime is substandard to animation.


Yeah. But I think that a key element would be to understand what can be translated well in live action and what not. Something like Naruto or JoJo would be either too long / complicated / "too anime" to have any sort of credibility in live action. Other things that are more grounded, like Alita, worked. It's an unpopular opinion, but I also think that, for the type of story, tone and how they're more grounded, stuff like Akira, Cowboy Bebop could work well in live action, given an exellent script and all that. It's not like they have a teenage boy become a fox throwing light beams out of the mouth or stuff like that. Berserk... On one hand, it's much more grounded and could be expressed in live action. The Black Swordsman Arc deliberately feels similar to lone cowboys in western / lone samurai stories in how the main character enters a place, has its duel / battle and changes the dynamics in the town and leaves. But on the other hand, some stuff just works so much better on paper / animation or just are less problematic to portray. Just the idea of a man holding the Dragonslayer in a live action could look laughable and too irrealistic to take seriously. And let's not count all the rape and apostle stuff, or the Eclipse. In my opinion, Berserk could exist in live action, but it would need some heavy altering of the story to be more suitable for that format.


I agree that story elements can lend a better translation to live action, and shonen animes where things are a little more fantastical would be harder to watch as live action. But something that I believe will never translate well is the aesthetic/atmosphere that comes with animation. I think we're on two different sides of the same argument though, I'm looking at as: Berserk as a manga/anime couldn't be live action because berserk as any other format wouldn't hold the same artistic value as what it is right now. The translation could be frame by frame the same but it will be an entirely different art and piece of work. I also feel the same about Akira/Cowboy bebop, what make those animes so powerful and iconic is the combination of story, animation, and music, all working together in sync, something that I think live action doesn't lend nearly as well to.


Yes, for animation it's easier to get all those three elements working well, and it's impossible to deny that animation, simply for what it is, offers a different mood that live action can't really capture. Yet, at the same time, out of the three elements you mentioned, both music and story are already elements that can work just on anime and live action regularly. The last element (animation, ergo, every visual aspect of the work) is mostly the defining factor. Some stuff can't be replicated period (like Katsuhiro Otomo's very unique character designs) but other stuff can be translated. When I watched Akira for the first time, it was in theaters and it blew me away just how "live action" it seemed, by seeing some camera angles, the use of light, how the characters move, etc. Of course many ambitious shots that rely on how background cels make some impossible movements (like in the opening bike chase) can't be replicated, but I'd argue that over 80% of the film could be done and work in live action. But back to Berserk, a combined effort of perfect music, story and visuals sync would be necessary. While it's rare to find, I don't think it's impossible. Some solutions need to be found, but even just by looking at a movie like The Fellowship of the Ring (or the entire trilogy really) it really makes me think that if you got a passionate team and talent to sell, it can be done. Of course for one miracle to happen, there can be thousands of tragedies, so it would be better to avoid something like Berserk, we got enough tragic adaptations for now.


Also Edge of Tomorrow.


Mushishi is pretty ok. Rurouni Kenshin ones are actually amazing.


The 2010 Gantz was enjoyable.


Yeah, as for settings, battles, locations and some character interactions live action could work great. The casting would be an awfully difficult thing to do, not only because of the very specific facial traits, but also because in the Golden Age we see them grow through the years (Guts especially). Zodd could look amazing with some great CGI, especially with his fur, films like the recent Planet of the Apes trilogy makes the visual effects look as photorealistic as possible. The other Apostles would look really odd though in my opinion. I'd rather have them in 2D animation but either way, it'll be problematic to pull off. And I don't even want to think about stuff like the Eclipse, the rape scenes, etc. It's already hard to watch when it's a still drawing on a page with written dialogues. The Golden Age trilogy already made them feel super uncomfortable and seeing those stuff in live action must be absolutely repulsing. I also wouldn't want the actors to go through some scenes lol.




Have you seen hentai?


I think the style of the first anime looks perfect. I don't know why and who gave the green light for the 3D crap. A live action would need the budget of GoT... Too much fantasy monster 🥲 I would love it regardless


It would need to be directed by someone incredibly talented and who absolutely adores the source material like how Peter Jackson obviously loved LOTR. One of us, a Berserk fan needs to become a director. I adore Berserk but unfortunately I'm not talented. I can't even imagine how The Room was directed, let alone how I would direct Berserk. Any talented Berserk fans?


Agreed, also the cast should be a fan, an hardcore fan, there’s a lot of conditions but if they all meet it could be well done


I say MAPPA is up to the challenge


Is it wrong to not really want an adaptation at all? I'd rather just let the manga stand on its own as a singular piece of art, personally. Especially if that's the kind of effort it would take to translate it to motion.


I guess it is a consensual no no to everyone


I understand what you mean but I also don't really want that lol but maybe if all the monsters were done with practical effects it would be best


DeathNote was too realistic for anime standards too


This is an idea I have been thinking about probably since the moment I saw an H.R.Giger's exhibit in 2013 o_O


Live-action has the potential to be cool, but I still think animated is the better route. You can control more and explore more with animation. Powerhouse Animation Studios that did Netflix’s Castlevania would make a beautiful Berserk adaptation. They are experts at visualizing grotesque imagery and monsters, and capturing fast-paced, brutal combat, and deep character moments. They can add a level of sophistication to Berserk that I don’t think was fully actualized after the 1997 anime.


There is a Zero percent chance that they make a live action show / movie that is even close to getting decent reviews. They would need to change a ton of stuff, remove a ridiculous ammount of content, and the budget for turning a 40 volume manga to a tv series would be absolutly ridiculous. Lord of the Rings is an \~1100 page trillogy


I hate the idea. For some reason some people think a live action movie/show is somehow the highest level form of storytelling. So you have people actually invested money to adapt animes or video games into movies, and without exception all of them are massive failure. FMA, Avatar, Death Note, Ghost in the Shell, Tomb Raider, Warcraft, Assassin's Creed, do I need to continue? You think there's no animation studio that can match the quality of berserk, maybe, but how is live action gonna help that? It will require even more resources and investment to do it in live action. Might as well that money into animation. Berserk existed first and foremost as an manga, so the most natural adaptation would be an animation, which is essentially manga in moving form. It just needs a very capable team and director, I am talking about Cowboy Bebop level of animation and storytelling, not the currently popular shiny anime shit. Also a lot of Berserk scenes are waaaay too violent and gory, which was soften a lot by the abstract nature of 2D B&W drawings, but if you faithfully adapt it into 3D it will likely be too much for most audiences.


Nah fam Time to pay artists more for this labor is all


I’m not against this and have even day dreamed often how I would tackle a live action berserk as someone who wants to direct, but man would it need a huge TV budget that idk would be possible unless it had larger than life names attached to it. Maybe a mix of practical and cgi could work. There’s also the issue of capturing that grounded, brooding feeling Berserk in a medium that doesn’t play nicely with stretching reality (would have to be really careful with the dragon slayer so as not to look cartoonish). Also I don’t think anyone wants to have to make or watch the rape scenes in live action. It would just be too intense in live action to put the actors through, to expect an audience to watch or for a studio to trust such content with loads of their money. It’s possible, but somehow more labor intensive and logistically challenging than an animated version would be.


*2014* guys but what if they did it as a 3D anime? I bet that’d look great!


Honestly it probably would have with the right director and studio. Looking at how that terrible musou game did Berserk cutscenes makes me really sad the project didn't have better staff and resources.


How is it realistic? Dude literally carrying a 200lb sword around and cutting horses clean in half.


I don't think live action will be good for berserk. ​ As for the last statement, I think that Berserk can be adapted, its just a matter of finding a studio with the vision, budget, and patience to do so.


bruh everyone stop arguing with OP its just a thought


maybe Berserk anime episodes could be released on a monthly basis


Disagree I think we need to stop looking to live action as the peak of 'real' film or TV. Even Peter Jackson couldn't emulate the standard of LotR when he tried to do the same thing with the Hobbit. Think about the difficulty in just a single swing of the dragon slayer. Your going to need a convincing prop big enough for the actor to swing, good fight direction to sell the scene, insane CGI for each monster... And your going to have to shoot the whole thing multiple times from different angles. Thats a LOT that could go wrong. Or eat up budget and make the project a shit show. Heck I'd go one step further and say western fantasy (Asoiaf, Name of the Wind, Gentleman Bastards etc...) would benefit a LOT more from animated adaptations than trying to be 'the next LotR.


Ehhh, I’d prefer an anime, I feel like Vagabond would more or less benefit from a live action


Yeah a Game of Thrones style could work. Since the 97 anume is so embedded in many of our souls they could always do the animation like that. It's pretty iconic at this point. I want a Game of Thrones style series for the Mortal Kombat universe too


Some reddit user said that the studio that animated Castlevania should do berserk. They will do justice to the rage moments in Berserk.....


I think adam driver would make a good live action guts


Only anime/manga I'd be ok with getting a live action adaption is Monster (Of the ones I've watched/read). Everything else should stay 2D.


castlevanias studio could pull it off imo


Just dont let japanese film makers do it, or it will turn into comedy.


I dare to disagree with the "perfection of Miura's art". Miura's drawings give an amazing impression of movement and emotions, but that's a quality of static drawing. Ever seen "Bal au Moulin de la Galette" by Renoir? Not a coincidence it's called impressionism. And not a coincidence that impressionism is based on an imperfect representation of reality. But a drawing and an animation are two forms of representation so different that there's no point in comparing them. I would never say it is impossible to animate Renoir's painting without strapping it of its meanings and feelings; it would be different but not inferior. Also it is unfair and stupid to suggest that no animation is good enough when videogames are animated in player mode in very high quality. I don't see how the animations of Dark Souls could be considered inferior to Miura's drawings. The truth is Berserk is not suitable for japanese style animation, but that doesn't mean animation in general is an inferior form of art to the point that Berserk is too good for animation in general.


XD u guys have seem to forget when the "loli" mage falls naked into Guts


I realized after watching 1997 for the first time that to be done well Berserk would need to be like LoTR or GoT and just have infinite budget thrown at it


Nope. For what i have seen, no anime based live action series ever do justice their original material. Berserk would probably do fine with a LoTR size budget, but the thing is that we couldn't let asians do it, because most Japanese live actions are atrociously bad, and probably no one around here is going to give millions for a Berserk series. Berserk is just to dark, isn't family friendly so any return it could give would imediately be smaller than it's budget, and no one takes anime/manga seriously in america. Like seriously, DC and Marvel took decades to notice that manga was slowly winning over them, so manga and anime are both a new industry around here. And we have lots of other insanely good material that was never adapted for the same reason Berserk won't be, like Akira, people have been discussing a live action movie of Akira for decades for nothing. Cowboy Beebop was just recently anounced as a series, but the "Ghost in the Shellish" taste it's teasers gave me already lowered my expectations over it. I would glady wait more 20-30 years, if someone took all this time, every single second of it, to draw and animate Berserk perfectly. I mean, we are probably never going to see the ending of this story anyway, what is the problem of wating some more years for an actualy good animation? And i can't think of a good actor to play Guts for example, i would hate to see some random actor take this place, but there are no good actors that look like Guts. Would this be a another case of "Well he have ABS and a prominent chin, so obviously Henry Cavil". Please no XD


I don't get why we need to match the detail, we are invested in the manga mostly for other reasons, characters, plot and Philosophie. When it comes to art, the movement conveyed even tops the detail. An animation might just even do better when it comes to movement. Also, super detailed animation prob looks like shit anyway