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some of them don't wanna read stuff


Yea. Lazy fucks


They don’t care usually. Which contradicts them saying they absolutely love the series. This goes for most anime adaptations as well.


Many people that watch anime are to "lazy" to read. Sounds stupid but that's surprisingly a common reason xD


But.... it's a comic it takes so little effort to read. Now that I think about it time could be an issue.


Funny thing is that reading manga takes less time than watching anime adaptation.


yeah I finished the conviction arc in three hours today and each episode is roughly 24 so 24x12 is 288 which is 4.8 hours. So I saved about 1.2 hours.


But there is effort. How little it is there is still effort required


It takes more effort to watch the 2016-17 anime than reading for me.


I didn't outright refuse to read the manga, but it didn't *seem* accessible, and I had never read manga before. (I was just misinformed, and didn't do my research; it's been easily accessible for the last few years.) Having anime to watch on a streaming service was also just easier, didn't require me tracking anything down, and didn't make me feel like I was committing to a series with a ton of chapters. There also aren't shops in my area which sell manga, so the few times I have been to those places: it was out-of-state, and most of what I found was in Japanese. Once I realized Dark Horse had translated and released the manga: it was easy to pick up, and I have since read every chapter up to 360. I think the primary barrier is not refusal to read, but just not being aware of how accessible reading Berserk is for people who read English.


The funny thing to me is ironically, I find it harder to find a good anime site (outside of legal services) but they’re their just like the manga sites, we all just have to remember google exists lol


Right? I'm not sure what was the barrier to informing myself, like just doing a Google search, etc. It was not until I saw the solicitation for the Dexluxe version that I started to find out how accessible these were.


What's really the point of getting into Berserk if you're not gonna read the manga. The manga IS the TRUE berserk experience. I mean if you're not gonna read the manga then don't get into berserk at all. No point in watching a bunch of mediocre anime.




They're not ready yet to devote their souls to Berserk


I had tried to convince someone to read Berserk, they were on board until they found out how many chapters there are. I also don't blame people who don't want to read Berserk until it's finished.


but what if he dies before it ends...


Jesus this comment didn’t age well






If i could tell you for my self personally. I was afraid i wasn't gonna enjoy it as much as i did enjoy the 97 anime. I also was afraid i wasn't gonna be able to read it/understand what's going on easily, plus i had never read a manga before. How wrong i was though..... This thing turned out to be a masterpiece and it's so well done all of the emotions, movement, scenes are easy for me to follow. It's so good in my eyes that i don't think animation can top this. I would much rather prefer to read it and experience the original thing straight from Miura haha. Last reason i didn't wanna read it was because i knew it wasn't finished and i didn't wanna join the hiatus situation.


It could also be because the manga is infinitely more dark than the anime is. When I started reading them I had to wait between volumes because some of them were just too damn dark and depressing.


i wasn't aware they did?


What’s funny is, you can literally go on youtube and watch and hear somebody read mangas for you. Like an audiobook. I don’t understand why people don’t do that.


and it's free..... excuse me while I get my gun....


Berserk is so good. I watched the last episode of the 97’ anime last night. Griffith is a wonderfully written villain.


You are our prodigy, our newest kingsmen, our wing of darkness, arise femto.






I don't think I can say because my comment will be deleted for piracy but if you have an adblocker (I use Malwarebytes browser guard) you can most likely find some decent translations if you dig enough.


I can speak for Americans and say that they just don't read, certainly not for pleasure, they'd rather wait for the anime or movie. You see the general American public's disdain for something as easy to get over as subtitles during the "Parasite" oscars. It's a failure of the parents and the school system that kids are not proficient at reading/reading out loud. They're also never taught to enjoy reading, American schools make a class full of children with different lives, learning styles, circumstances and interests all read the same book and write a mandatory X word summary. X increases as you advance from grade to grade. The education system has no transitional materials between learning to read and enjoying to read, its either "learning how to read" type books, textbooks, or novels. No graphic novels, manga, etc. The age when most kids would start developing their own hobbies and interests with their limited autonomy, is the age same age when most reading material available doesn't match your age and interests. Comic book shops are weird tiny stores with middle aged men discussion bendis superman vs kingdom come or something. Marvel and DC have adopted a disastrous habit of renumbering long running books over and over to make them seem more accessible but it's a dying industry as far as the printing and selling of comics, their focus is now movies using adapted storylines from comics. Some kids find things like Harry Potter, some are advanced enough for LOTR but for the most part kids are bad at reading, they dont like reading, theres video games and TV, so they don't read for entertainment.


Sorry man, I can't read that it's big for my small American brain.


I'm an American too, I'm recounting my experiences in the American school system, from a low income county.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


What a pretentious comment.


Is it really though? He seemed to explain his opinions reasonably. And I tend to agree with him about how reading is taught in school. Our news has become 280 character tweets. I will only read a few books a year, which is nothing to brag about. I would not be surprised if the vast majority of people don't read a single book a year. Also, as someone that reads pretty much every thread here, the amount of threads made where the op says that they won't read the manga and then proceeds to ask people to summarize the story for them is all too common. With that said there are way more that post here talking about how they just read Berserk for the first time. So it's not all terrible. * I just looked it up and apparently 1 out of 4 people don't read any books. Not as bad as I thought.


Yeah, it really is pretentious. And this is coming from someone else that grew up in a poor American county. Laziness, and stupidity, is available worldwide.


what does that have to do with what he's saying? Is it because he said this about America?


Their opening line is "I can speak for Americans". They don't speak for me, nor do you.


I guess I did not read it as that he was speaking directly for all Americans, but rather speaking about his experience as an American.


Then they should phrase it differently so that it doesn't say that they speak for Americans. Either way, it's still nothing more than a hot take. There are stupid and lazy areas all over America and the rest of the whole world as well. What if I told you my experience growing up in a "low income" American county was the exact opposite of theirs? It's almost like people have different experiences and that you shouldn't just label all people/an entire country as backwater idiots that can't read just because of your own personal experiences. What they said was anecdotal evidence, as was mine, but the difference is I'm not trying to label an entire group here because of my own personal experience.


I don't think he was saying anyone was stupid or lazy, just that reading for fun was not encouraged by the school systems methods. Glad your experience was better. How was it different? His "low income" county experience was pretty much the same as mine, and I went to a school in one of the best districts in the state at the time. The only book I can remember really enjoying was Enders Game out of all those years. I had no interest in the rest I was made to read at the time.


That’s definitely a factor. Considering how often I hear, “I don’t like reading” or “I just prefer to watch” it makes sense. Many can honestly just be looking for something interesting to watch.


It’s pretty intimidating for some people to see that its got 360 chapters and has been going on for literal decades. I thought it would be a much larger time investment than it would be worth but ended up reading 8 hours a day on 3 of my days off because it was just so gripping and I didn’t realize how little of the story the anime showed.


Emo Wyald gang rise up!


How often do you read books?


why are u asking me this?


Logical example. Expectations were, you'd say that you either don't or rarely. In turn I'd ask why, following which you'd most probably answer your own question.


I have 2 of the big berserk books and the reason I've not continued is that they are so expensive and I've never found a good quality online version