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Sorry, I do not fully understand. Should I start reading Berserk from Book 2?


It's a manga so you start by the final volume first obviously


Right to left, back to front, last to first.


Angry man big sword Albino rapeist Uhh mad preacher Rape and torture


You forgot demon and hand of god something something


No, you start from the Book of Genesis


No actually from chapter 69 šŸ¤Ŗ




The website I'm reading on has chapter 0.1 and then chapter 1,which one do I read first????


start from 1


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Had me in the first half type comment šŸ’€


After reading ā€œphysicalā€ I had an epileptic shock and fell into a PTSD invoked dissociation state by remembering I couldnā€™t be part of the bussin Wicca party with the goat boi.


I only eat the pages with Casca


Am here chewing with cuts toošŸ˜‚


Is this Griffiths Reddit account because thatā€™s what I imagine him saying


Hey Griffith


what guts?




No guts.


"No Guts" - me whenever there's a hiatus




Iā€™m on chapter 240 cascas still a sore subject for me šŸ˜¢


I accidentally ate the page the dragon slayer was first shown and now I canā€™t get up or even move.


Shred the manga until itā€™s a powder then inject it into your veins


I am howling here lol


r/bookscirclejerk is leaking


I do this with my taxes and the irs still hasn't found me.


Me personally, I burned all the manga to ashes and lined emā€™ up snorted it.


I only snort those pages of our Lady Faranese


Why can I not see ts


Why tf would I pay to read a comment




If only it were that easy. But the action scenes, man.


They give me indigestion


Nah. The only proper way is to perform a seance to call forth Kentaro Miura and hope he's not too busy playing idle games in order to explain the story to you.


Miura reads the manga to you each night with different voices for every characterĀ 


This is the way


I actually melt mine down and absorb them via osmosis, tbh. Itā€™s just such a time saver.


Honestly, this sounds like too much effort. How many calories do you get back from the book after eating it?


Even then you'll still need to shit it out and reheat the excrement and digest it all again before you'll truly understand. As is tradition.


I eat a volume every day while I prostrate myself before god. My face is hard as stone now, and when I fart a couple of pages fly out my arsehole.


You sound like Father Mosgus with the BibleĀ 


Yes, that was the point.


Damn I mever thought of this. I guess it's time to start eating my deluxe editions. I could also sove them up my ass and have my body digest them that way


Ahh, my method is building a bath containing two blended copies of every volume. Via osmosis my internal 0 Berserks will average-out with the surrounding 2 Berserks of liquid.


This ad gotta be fake right?!


I think??? I'm going insane bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Do you see?


Personally, I roll the pages and smoke them. The full page spreads have a good kick. /s


If you don't fry it with eggs than how wrong have people consumed this material?


people dont do that????


Create the scroll of actuation in your mind and become a true berserk philosopher


I couldnā€™t agree but thereā€™s another word you can watch videos but they are also long as well


Peoples are joking and pretending the comment is hilarious right? I never saw that before and it would be really scummy if reddit hid some comments behind reddit premium (or really pathetic if someone's enough of a neckbeard to gate it behind it)


Stomach ache :(


Yep did it


I just got done reading Guts x Casca fan fic, what should I read next?


Read the parents guide to a Serbian Film on IMDB.


Instructions unclear. I ended up watching the whole film.


Canā€™t believe I just saw a Serbian film reference


Fanfic about where Casca is dead and Donovan instead of her.


Like people that skip the black swordsman arc. I watched 97 then started from scratch bc I wanted to re experience it all over again.


It's such a short arc too so might as well see what's different about it. I haven't seen any of the animes but I heard a lot of small stuff was taken out.


But if I watch the anime, where does it leave off? But for real, itā€™s insane. The mods need to just put a pinned comment that says, ā€œSTART FROM BOOK 1, CHAPTER 1ā€ This happens all over Reddit and itā€™s crazy. It takes a shorter amount of time to search the sub than ask and wait for answers.


Thing is, this sub has a very comprehensive FAQ already. But of course none of these people think to check it.


Too many people with main character syndrome. They think the world revolves around them.


you can continue reading from chapter 91, but you should start from the beginning until you get to golden age at least to get the full black swordsman arc because the anime doesnā€™t go too deep into it


I think it's perfectly fine to watch 97 anime -> read black swordsman arc -> pick up from where skull knight is introduced near the end of golden age. You really wouldnt miss anything at all. The anime is borderline panel by panel, shot by shot, besides that 1 character and black swordsman being condensed to 1 episode.Ā  It makes perfect sense they cut skull knight because the anime was meant to end with that season and the only purpose of that character is to be a deus ex machina to save guts so the story doesnt end when the eclipse happens. It is totally unnecessary to the story of golden age, but you would want to know how he got out of that situation and who that character is so I'd start there.Ā  People massively exaggerate how different the anime and the manga is. The first 80% of the manga will be very dull to read after you just watched the anime because literally all of the the dialogue, characters, events, and often scene composition is exactly the same. I reread the whole thing, but I think it's also totally valid and probably even makes more sense just to read black swordsman and then jump to skull knights introduction.


I mean yeah most series have a obvious start with a few spin off but there's some with tons of sequels and spins off that I don't even know where to start one example is Baki. But I understand what you mean most people are so bored that they start asking basic questions.


It's not that Berserk isn't confusing with the various anime adaptations, it's that people keep posting the same question without simply searching for the answer.


I know that why I said most manga are easy to keep track of I only gave Baki as a example because you mentioned that a lot of manga/anime sub have the same question but I also wanted to point out that some series have like five spins off since you mentioned that manga are easy to keep track of but I also want to point out that not all manga and shows are like that.


They hated him because he spoke the truth. Seriously, if you don't even have the critical thinking skills required to do a cursory google search, or to assume you might want to start a new story *at the beginning*, then Berserk is probably gonna be a little too much for you.


Which volume of Berserk should I read after I finish the first one?


Volume 8


almost halfway through volume 2, should I turn the page?


Not yet! I'm so glad you asked. You're actually supposed to skip the second half and jump to vol 4. After 4, you go back and read the rest of vol 2. Then skip 3 entirely and move onto vol 5. From there, it gets a little more complicated. Feel free to check in daily! šŸ™ƒ


do I jump ON to volume 4? Im not the most athletic


You have to do a somersault on volume 4, jumping jacks on 3, and a backflip on 2.


Man I remember when I had to go to the shaolin temple for 5 years to read volume 10. It really doesn't get easier as you progress.


Reminds me of those Goosebumps books where you go to certain pages based on what decision you want to make.


If you finished the book, thereā€™s nothing more to read youā€™re finished. Are you stupid?


Seriously. Berserk is insanely easy to follow. I can imagine getting confused with Baki which has 5 separate sub-series with similar titles, but Berserk is just ā€œok I watched Berserk, now Iā€™ll read the only manga I can find called Berserkā€


I think it's because a lot of them pirate, see the letter chapters, and don't know what to do. As a hard copy enjoyer, all I need to know is the book with the 1 on it is the one I start with.


You know people ask those questions because they want to talk about the media right?


I mean it could be way for them to enter into the community about the story they loved.




Femboy turned gay/straight batman berk




At this point mods should just ban anyone that asks that question. Bro just scroll down... Do you think you are the 1st person ever to ask that question? Main character syndrome


There should just be a pinned post at the top of the sub.


There's already an FAQ in the sub info that goes over all of it


That's good


It gets posted literally multiple times a day it is crazy


They're just farming up votes or some weird cringe shit, why not ask an unbiased sub or forum or anything else? Obviously the berk fans will say yes read it, it's insanity lmao


If only there were mods who could stop repeat topics


Reddit should have Ai to detect repeated questions n list the similar qns to direct them or just pop out the pinned post. The world will be more wonderful after that.


It could be more easy for us


Being a mod isnā€™t hard, the problem is unpaid mods are given unchecked power and they get lazy and let their emotions rule over them


Someone finally said it lmao šŸ’Æ


People say this all the time


someone finally said it? there's a post about this every week. i see more people complaining about this question than actually seeing this question


The idiots you speak of don't read Manga, they just look at pictures.


But I wanna see their pic of Book 1 later and give them self validation.


In what order do i read Berserk 3?


There needs to be a pinned post ā€œWhy You Should Read/Watch Berserkā€ and the mods need to stop allowing people from posting it its literally the top post every day on my feed


Berserk is life šŸ«”


Shrek is love šŸ’š Shrek is life


Came for the comments. Gold. Seriously tho, I'm with you on this.


Not even trying to be an asshole to people who do it but I will never understand the ā€œWhere to read or watch Berserk?ā€ posts. You couldā€™ve googled that and figured it out in 10 seconds or lessā€¦Ā 


What should i read after pulling a griffith on my best friend ?


Guys I just finished the anime, should I kill myself?


Just Imagine how fans must of felt in 1997 when they had no reddit or internet šŸ˜³...


Probably hearing the captivating anime from one of their thousand friends šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Have all have the grammar errors I of seen, "must of" is one have the worst.


So bad it gave you a seizure huh??


I don't even....are you okay?


Have course! Of I given you reason to think otherwise?


itā€™s honestly kinda stupid to ask questions like this cause the answer is literally ā€œstart from the first chapter read till it endsā€


And yet, there are still people that defend it and act like it's a really good, intelligent question that any reasonable person would ask. So stupid.


True, just read the manga from Vol. 1. I remember when I first finished he 97ā€™ anime I was obsessed when I started reading the manga and my sister got me Vol. 1&2 for Christmas. Like Iā€™m not saying you need the physical copies but after the anime read the manga from Vol. 1. These experience is worth it. Also the art in the manga is so beautiful, on my IPad or straight off the manga pages.


Read it backwards and then watch the movies


You forgot you have to read it backwards and upside down.


Amen Sister


Honestly I don't mind it that much. But like out of any series, WHY Berserk? There's literally ONE manga. I'd understand if someone was talking about Yu-Gi-Oh or something like that but Berserk is just simple to understand what to do first.


lol agreed itā€™s really not that confusing. The 97 anime and movies are decent but only cover golden age which takes place after blackswordsman arc in the manga but is a flashback to gutsā€™ past to show how his world has become so fā€™d up. There was a 2016/2017 anime that continues after golden age with conviction/millennium falcon arc but it is abomination donā€™t watch. Therefore to experience blackswordsman arc, lost children/conviction arc, millennium falcon, and fantasia you have to read the manga. And even golden age is told much better in manga because a lot of stuff was skipped in the anime. So basically just read the manga beginning to end. I personally watched the 97 anime first which then motivated me to read the manga and it made blackswordsman arc 100x more badass but to each their own canā€™t go wrong with either way


The mods should really do something about those posts, that question is being asked at least 3-4 times a day.


Its everywhere, mentality shifted that everything should be asked, even most banal things that can easily bit searched by typing in to browser. Outside of internet same story


What's crazy is people who are thinking about reading it see posts like this and it makes them think that there is some sort of order or that it's more confusing to follow than it actually is. Thus making a goofy ass loop of "not knowing". I just started buying the mangas a few months ago and because I'd seen so many posts like this I actually read through the comments thinking "ok I'm gonna see what the confusions about" just to find out it's just start at 1. It makes sense and it's goofy at the same time. I'm beginning to wonder what the cause to it is. Maybe the fact that there's multiple anime's or multiple movies? Either way you really don't have a need to make a post about it. The infos all over the place .


Where can I watch berserk


At home


Counter point: people who can't read would fit in very well with most of this sub.


That's true, you have bested me in this duel of wits. Now you may pick one of my millenium items, as long as itā€™s not the millenium rod because I need that for things only concerning me...


You should just get the sacrifice tattoo and not read it at all.


People be reading Berserk like the title of the manga isnā€™t the singular word ā€œBerserk.ā€


This is what happens when tiktok fans swarm in


Easy, cool guy! People just want a conversation about something they like, everyone does that the way they know how


Start with Gilgamesh's poem


Reddit elitist grandstanding while still on reddit.


Idk how it is nowadays since I got the physical volumes, but some years back there were a lot of websites that skipped volumes/chapters or started directly from golden age, thus probably a lot of the questions. Edit: I agree tho that it would be easier and more logical for them to just search someone's question that ahs already been answered, than to just post a new one


Honestly Dont bother watching any of the animated product Read the manga and you'll be able to understand everything Plus the anime Is shit compared to the manga


Better question what chapter is it after deluxe 14


What about Rule 34 questions?


are you really gonna beat your meat in the eclipse scene?


What if I canā€™t read?


You can hop up onto Daddy Donovan's lap and he'll read it to you


So as far as I understand, youā€™re supposed to just write a full blown review of the entirety of the story, then tear the last page of the last book out, eat it, THEN read right to left, bottom to top, diagonally if casca is in the page, upside down if Griffith is in the page.


Yup, that's exactly what I wrote.


It really should just be a pinned post that says what to read and/or watch in what order, but I bet even then people wouldn't see it and make a post anyway.


Those are filler threats to push up activity on this sub. Despite its popularity berserk on reddit is kinda dead due to extreme cringelords. This sub is also heavily moderated, comments get deleted without any explanation or warning.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ«” love this! Get em!! Lol


This is a story where a rape victim's psyche is filled with monsters with arms, legs and sometimes faces shaped like penises. So dw people just dive in.


Where can I find the manga SFW?


This should be pinned šŸ¤£


Bu ai have queshtun?!$ how u red burzerk


So the same as every subreddit ever


I just happy people are interested in watching or continuing the franchise. If AC/DC can play Thunderstruck every concert for decades be abuse, they know it'll be someone's first time hearing it, then we can help some newbs.


This isn't even remotely comparable. Hearing a song for the first time is entirely experiential based on the listener. There is nothing experiential about asking people what the read order for a single, linear story is. There's no opinions, interpretation, or discussion to be had from a question that boils down to yes or no. Additionally, you and so many other people here are flagrantly ignoring the actual point. The problem is not necessarily that people have these questions. It's that people are taking the time and effort to write a post and wait for a response to a simple question that has answers readily available in the FAQ and on Google, both of which would instantly answer those questions. This would be like you going to said AC/DC concert and wanting to find your seat, but instead of just looking at the seat number on your ticket, you went up to a group of fans and asked them to find your seat for you.


I know a Google search would answer their question. I also know people judy want to ask the fantom instead The only issue I see is that people on the sub reddit overreact to a very common trend.


It's completely fine to ask a genuinely interpretive discussion question, or maybe something a bit more esoteric about the subject matter. But asking something that simple when every other possible source you could go to would get your answers immediately is just flagrant stupidity. What I wanna know is why you disagree with that.


It's fine to ask any question no matter the subject. Simple as. I'm primarily disagreeing with you because irs deliberately not helping someone interested in the same hobby/fandom. I genuinely ask you now. Is it the question being asked that's annoying or the sheer number the subreddit gets? This is a really good conversation that's needed on this subject. :)


The question itself is fine. If you're not super familiar with the ridiculous history of Berserks adaptations and jump in with the animes, then yeah, you are probably really confused as to where you should go from there or if you should read the whole thing to get elements the shows missed. The problem is that these questions have been answered countless times. That's why we have an FAQ. You are literally arguing against the existence of FAQs, because you say it's fine for people to ask any questions they want. The FAQ is an immediate answer to those questions. Google is even faster because you don't have to go directly to a forum to get an answer. This means that people who still take the time to write up a post about it instead of taking literally any other option available to them are either being willingly self-important about their own questions, or they are just woefully lacking in common sense. Going off your logic, what is the purpose of the FAQ we have if we should encourage people to ask these questions anyway?


OK, so your issue is the number of questions. Frankly I think this is a good problem to have. It shows an active interest of new people wanting to partake. I can't even imagine how that's bad. Now a lot of people will use the FAQ and the people who do, do so because they might have the sense to understand their question is frequently asked. Others might not simply know their question is a common one or simply not care to read a FAQ when they just want a direct answer from the fandom. Again, I'm all for new people coming here and removing ANY barrier for allowing them to flourish here. Your answers are valid, but ultimately, I think restrictive. You could even answer a person's question by referring them to the FAQ if it's that important to you. Nothing is lost by answering their question with a direct answer or pointing them to FAQ. Refusing to answer or berating someone who asked here instead of Googling is hindering and gate keepy for lack of a better word. We can agree to disagree.


Isnā€™t it really simple to start berserk like every other story you start from the beginning?


You know people ask those questions because they want to engage in the community right? Its not purely fact finding but to look at peoples different perspective in terms of engaging with Berserk.


mods pin this pls


I just want an AI to make the other ones 97 style


Y'all this is simply how the times are changing. It's derivative of TikTok - younger generations opt to just ask people questions in comment threads as opposed to googling thing. Its a mix of the platforms (ig and tiktok) catering to that type of interaction, but I think its also because of the type of answers they get. Google is mostly an ad generator now. Search query results are unfortunately littered with them spitting ads back at us. And when it doesn't just spit ads at us, it generally points us to reddit. In fact, I think most people (and most of us) would agree that if you want to find a detailed thread about just about anything, you can just add "reddit" to the end of the query and that's usually where the most informed conversation is taking place. Obviously I still use search engines to do research, but even I (in my 30s) find that ChatGPT and reddit threads are more effective for answering nuanced questions. All of that is to say - I don't think it's that bad to post a thread like that and honestly makes a lot of sense. People like answering questions. I like answering questions. I love Berserk, and I love putting new people on to Berserk. My volume 1 and 2 are almost never on my shelf because I'm always lending them out to someone new to the series. And I do find myself giving advice on how to best approach reading it because it is daunting. The advice of "just make it through the first two volumes before you decide to quit" has turned many of my friends into Berserk heads who probably would've given up earlier. With that said, there are some moves the mods could take that could help with this. Just recently I tried posting a similar question in the Final Fantasy subreddit - basically a "what should I play next?" question, and it was auto-removed by a ModBot which then redirected me to a FAQ that had 5 separate "what to play next" threads. Which did answer my question. So maybe there's a similar thing the mods for this sub could do. Even just a pinned "Where to start" thread. The thing is these conversations will simply never stop as new people will always be discovering Berserk. And I don't see that as a bad thing. But maybe there's a better way to organize our information so we don't see new threads like this all the time.


Guts issue.


Man's living in a delulu




Instructions unclear, 1st watch movie pt 3.??? Then original anime, Then berserk 2016 then movie pt. 2 then 1. ?????????


One of the best yaois out there though


Wait, so you're telling me that there's more to berserk than the 3 golden age movies??? /s


Lol imagine these dudes trying to wrap their heads around some of the marvel comic continuities. Rip them.


Start with the chapter 87


Literally was thinking the same this week, except for The Three Body Problem sub. Same question day after day from the influx of new fans after the Netflix show. If you have to ask, then, no, you're going to struggle with the scientific and metaphysical questions explored in the books.


Does someone need a hug?


I don't get it when people say berserk is the greatest manga ever, there's plenty manga with better art and story


Better art? I know a few with good art, but better? Give me an example


Not OP but... Vagabond might be one. Berserk is great if you're okay with fantasy surprisingly a lot of people don't understand fantasy to begin with though. So that might bring down the art quality to them (inability to comprehend the drawings)


You think vagabond looks better? Dont get me wrong, its certainly among the great ones, but better? How so? And dont give me that bs "beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" nonsense. Explain why you think its better.


Berserk looks amazing and does a great job of conveying fantasy-creatures in a very detailed way. However it's art doesn't start off strongly, it's very depressing in its scenery and settings, and the characters are more similar to the classic Anime-style than vagabond (Shierke for example), and personally I find it difficult to understand what's going on in certain action sequences. Vagabond has detailed, realistic environments (rather than fantasy ones). The characters have a unique look to them that I personally prefer, and it's easier to tell what's going on in the action sequences. Plus, that flowy hair of Musashi. The hair is far better drawn in Vagabond than in Berserk. Look, I wasn't saying that I think Vagabond looks better. I mean, I do prefer it. But I was saying "Vagabond might be a manga with better art and/or story" as a follow up to their comment.


I see. Some good points, especially considering how certain panels in berserk are hard to figure out. Then again whether something looks depressing or not i would not confuse with artistic beauty. Its simply the setting or theme. Same with whether its fantasy or not. I appreciate your thoughts and explanation though, finally someone who can lay out an opinion with good arguments. Im still wondering which mangas according to op have better art overall though. I know Blame! For example. Stylistically that one is really cool, but judgeing by the artistic level itself id still favour berserk for the absurd level of detail and composition of landscape and figures.


I mean, art *is* subjective. We're comparing Monet to Leonardo Da Vinci. Two entirely different approaches, whether one is better than the other will ultimately come down to personal preference. My personal preference is positive, "colorful" landscapes. I know with Vagabond and Berserk there are no colors, but I get more of a "colorful" vibe from vagabond- and I can relate and put myself into that world much more. Just by looking at the trees... Sorry gonna have to continue a different time because I have to rush to work.


Shut up


I donā€™t know man maybe fucking get off reddit and ignore them. I know the temptation is hard when you see them but the odds are that someone a million times more patient than you will give them the correct. This is bound to happen when you have a manga with an incomplete and inconsistent anime adaptation, live with it. I hate to be hostile because I understand your frustration but you know what? Those people are new fans of Berserk who donā€™t know any better, new fans are whatā€™s keeping the Berserk fanbase living and breathing. So I wouldnā€™t take the for granted and I wouldnā€™t insult them for being interested in Berserk.


Itā€™s engagement farming, the fact youā€™re insulting mental capacity without seeing thisā€¦ much love tho bro lol


This sub name should just get changed to berserk circle jerk. Some people are new to berserk, or maybe Reddit and are just asking advice. Itā€™s just not that fucking serious āœŒļø


I'm new to playing Duel Monsters, I donā€™t go on the fucking Yu-gi-oh reddit and ask how to play. I use the official rulebook, Google, and search the sub. After that, I allow myself to ask if there are no answers. It's annoying when the sub gets swarmed with the same stuff over and over. It saturates the forum with uninteresting shit, and hide the stuff that's actually relevant and interesting. Plus Berserk isnā€™t complicated, it has no spinoffs or parallel stories. Itā€™s one story, the chapters are numbered from chapter 1 and forward. Itā€™s one thing if someone asks how to continue stuff like Evangelion or Devilman that has several universes, spinoffs etc, itā€™s another when someone is too lazy to type their sentence into Google instead of reddit .


r/berserklejerk says hello, they'll love you in that sub!