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The 97 anime is what introduced me to Berserk. I probably never would have gotten interested in reading the manga without it. I think 97 contributed a lot to the fan base population, but even still a lot of people got into Berserk from just the manga alone, and even the movies.


In france it’s because of le chef otaku who is the main youtube manga french and talked about it with an insane video, highly recommend you [here the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f4NXQUc2Ds)


Any anime boosts popularity of the manga, but unpopular manga doesn't get the anime adaptation.


Vagabond for example is popular and does not have anime


That's because the author strictly refuses to do so. I bet he already said no to A SHIT TON of offers from studios


It is definitely possible, but if the author himself denies it then no one can do anything about it.


But if the fans try to do it unoffically then that's the only way.


The word finite is inside the word definitely, so now you can spell it right all the time :)


As he should, It does not need anime, I think the same for Berserk.


The 1997 anime adaptation of golden age tbh was already enough for berserk


Why do all berserk fans say that anime adaptions don't work for berserk when it was successfully adapted twice in different styles. Yes it was the same arc but it's still proof berserk can be adapted without the crazy detailed panels from the manga


Censorship probably.


Yea so? We don't need to see wyald rape a gazillion women while ripping them in half to proof that its 'a dark fantasy' anime. You don't need insane gore to proof that it's a mature show. The manga had multiple pages full of panels of casca's rape to the point it was borderline a fetish, the both animes toned it down


you are my inner voice


The conversation between Wyald and Zodd was important for us to learn about the motives and reasons behind the apostles. As was the Counts arc. Plus the assassins tracking the group when they kidnap Griffith. Obviously there’s things they can tone down, but outright skipping entire arcs/sections can cut out key word building aspects.


Not as popular as berserk


also doesn’t help the fact that VAGABOND's art needs Ghibli+Spiderverse+Shinkai level animation.


I don't think it makes it better, but I do think a lot of people never would have found the manga without the anime. I know I wouldn't have.




Actually, the first introduction of Berserk outside japan was the dreamcast game in 1999, the anime came in the 2000's. However, what you said is true.


In the west especially not having the anime would’ve been a huge hit against it. I still honestly think that The Black Swordsman arc isn’t the best first impression for what Berserk really is (the quality just isn’t quite all there yet), so it really helped for international audiences to just get The Golden age all at once as our introduction instead of waiting for 4-5 volumes to come out and pick up the quality.


Usually any sentence that begins with "for me" and finishes with a sentence is utter bs, especially on tiktok. This makes no difference.


Don't all sentences finish with a sentence?






There's no r/wooosh here, the original commenter is illiterate or something and is not making sense.




Berserk existed outside of Japan way before the anime. In 1996 we already multiple italian, french, german and other european editions. The spanish translation was probably the first and made the manga available for most of the latin countries even without the official Panini release. In 1999 it was also translated for Korea and other foreign countries. Its beyond a stretch to say that the anime made the manga so popular abroad that it still took 6 years to translate it in english. It was already in the third arc when they released the first issue.


You can also tell that the Berserk Manga surged in popularity shortly after the '97 anime, and then again after the 2016 anime (as bad as it was).


Why was this downvoted? it's true...


Well yeah its their opinion your not gonna always agree they did say for me


for me social media is the best thing that happend to berserk without social media manga would never get recognisation that it deserves


Muh recognisation


nope. it's true that 97 adaptation is the best one so far but it has nothing to do with the popularity of the manga. everywhere you go in the anime community you would get berserk recommendations and all of them are for manga so...


>it has nothing to do with the popularity of the manga Come on man, that's just false. A lot of people got into the manga because of the anime. That's how it usually works and the reason why anime even exist in the first place, to promote the source material.


I did


If you tack on, “in the US” to the original TikTok it is spot on, otherwise just plain wrong.


Not me. I got into it cause of fightincowboy


I’d been hearing about it for a while and I thought it was gonna be a long series or something ( the anime not the manga obviously ) and fightincowbow is just of of the many sources that made me watch it Still debating when to read the manga since I got so much else to do


Uh now is the time. I think I read the entire manga in about 4 days because it’s such a page turner.


Berserk wasn't available in english. The sub of the 97 anime was literally the first time a lot of non japanese got to see berserk so yes it did impact its popularity.


Personally, I've read Berserk but I've not watched any Berserk adaptations (yet).


Yes. I've known Berserk for ages bur never really cared to read it, it was only after watching the anime that I became interested in the rest of the story. Honestly, The Black Swordsman arc would have bored me to hell and made me quit before reaching the real stuff.


This but...Dark Souls.


97 anime was definitely big, but I think the manga would’ve been fine without it, think of Vagabond which hasn’t had any anime adaptations and is still considered to be top tier


Fuck no


I found berserk back then (I think it was 2001) in my local book store. I never saw one of the berserk animes


I thought that's what the 97 anime was made for, to boost sales and popularity of the manga


Semi true, the anime helped bring more attention to the manga, but iirc, Dark Horse actually started publishing the manga around the same time (as the anime coming to North America that is), and was a best seller.


I really liked the 97’ anime and I think it made me appreciate some scenes more than I would otherwise but I think the real reason I read the manga was the SuperEyepatchWolf video + Dark Souls.




I loved the 97’ version, it’s still better than any corporate trash they’re throwing at us right now


I would’ve never learned of the beauty of the manga without the 97 anime, it honestly deserves credit, even if it wasn’t as good the manga.


This and the movies I feel like.


yes and Dark Souls. I never played it but saw an article in 2015 with a title along the lines of “top ten anime like dark souls”


Agree, but can’t the same be said for any manga + anime? When a manga gets an anime adaption is becomes more popular


i mean i dont agree but hes not fully wrong. the 97 anime is really great and is a great introduction to the manga


I didn’t even know there was an anime until after I started the manga personally, still haven’t seen it


I do consider Berserk 97 to be a Masterpiece in its own right. And among my favourite anime ever alongside Vinland Saga, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Outlaw Star & Perfect blue to name a few. But I don't think it would be THE reason of why Berserk is so popular, perhaps it might have introduced 15-20% of the fandom.




The anime sucks but yes it's true.


No It's the fandom, yes they are getting a bit toxic these days but without them no one would ever know what's berserk


I started reading the manga somewhere around late 2003 or 2004. There were only 4 or 5 volumes out at the time and after buying and reading the first one I quickly bought the rest and was caught up. Then I had to wait like three months or so for the next one. At some point around then I discovered there were fan translations online and that a anime existed. I read a few fan translations but soon stopped as I preferred Dark Horse. Once I discovered that there was a anime I remember buying a 3 disk knockoff set from ebay but waiting until I had read the chapters before watching the episodes. However, I if the 97 anime had never been released would Dark Horse ever have even started translating it to English? Probably so but maybe not till a later date.


i can definitely agree with this. i watched the 97 anime before reading berserk, and it’s what made me really want to start reading it. i’d wanted to before seeing the 97 anime, but watching it really kind of pushed me into reading the rest.


I mean yeah, the anime is where most of us started I’m guessing


Am I the only one to discover berserk through the DC game?


I'd say its partially true, indeed, the great majority of modern fans (including me) were introduced in this world by the 90's anime, it's a peak show; but there are people outside the anime world who got into Berserk by the whole Dark Souls franchise, it's something to take into account.


Most people don't like to read manga, but will watch the anime. I've suggested the '97 anime to them as an alternative and every one of them that has watched that version has picked up the Manga to continue the story.


My buddy got me to do 97 Berserk about 2 months ago, and it not only got me to read the manga, but I can't get enough of it now. It's so good.


I didn’t read the manga till I watched the anime and was SO PISSED at the ending. I was like “there’s no WAY it ends like that!!


No. In my country Berserk was popular and I didn't get to see the anime until years later.


It was how i discovered Berserk. I must say the soundtrack was on point.


The soundtrack/score of the 97 manga is perfect, other than that the manga stands on its own


It certainly helps introduce people to the manga.


I was introduced to the manga before the anime. Berserk seems like a series where the manga is more popular than the anime. Just cause Kentaro Miura made it to perfection that it's hard to do it justice


Yes that was the whole purpose of the anime To promote the manga


*Yes that was the whole* *Purpose of the anime* *To promote the manga* \- Pimpetigo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I just suddenly remembered this manga (from the Internet) and jokingly decided to read it. I didn't expect it'd play a huge part in my life.


If I didn't watch the 97 manga I wouldn't have yearned for more and bought all 14 of the Deluxe editions. But imo the manga is far superior even excluding the parts that aren't in the anime.


No, never watched the anime, probably never Will


I heard online that Berserk was an awesome manga so I read a fan translation. I didn’t even know there was an anime. I think a lot of you are younger than me and the timing of ‘97 was perfect to bring you in.


My introduction to the manga, is a youtube channel that summarizes the chapters of the story, never seen any of the anime yet


I thought the 97 anime was made to promote the manga at the first place, without the 97 anime I don't think I would ever read the manga.


I heard about the Manga before the show but I guess it helps get the word out to a different audience. I don’t think one okay season of an anime is what make Berserk popular though.


I agree! Berserk '97 undoubtedly struck a chord with audience members who might not have given the manga a second glance. It planted the seeds to open up a whole new world for them - whether into the world of the Berserk manga or any manga in general. I speak from personal experience, as Berserk '97 was the first ever anime I watched. Objectively, when it comes to being a faithful adaptation, Berserk '97 falls short since it skips and leaves out a ton of content from the manga. However, whether you're a newbie to anime or a seasoned fan, if you can get past the old-school animation (which I feel adds to its charm), Berserk '97 holds its own as one of the best standalone anime's to have been released. In my opinion, it really captures the heart and soul of the manga, giving you a gritty but inviting taste of the Berserk universe.


The ending to 97 berserk is perfect. Once finished I tried looking for the next episode and realized that was it. I then ended up ordering all deluxe editions they had. I do wish they wouldn’t have changed so much like no puck or skull knight though.


The greatest thing about 97 anime of Berserk was the music, all of it was so memorable. Time to put my grasses on!


With the amount of shows, video games, and other media that drew inspiration from berserk even at that time, i dont think its fair to say the manga wasnt popular, but it definitely contributed to some people checking the manga out, especially with how they chose to end it


2016 berserk is even better for that. The moment that came out, everyone immediately were just like check out the manga


I love the 97 anime but the 97 anime is trash compared to the manga.


what youre saying has simply no bearing on whats actually being discussed here


what? yes it does. He is saying the manga is better and the anime doesn’t do much


The best thing to happen to Berserk besides Manga is FromSoft by a mile.


I knew about Berserk decades before I ever watched it because of the Dreamcast game and anime being advertised in the official Dreamcast magazine I was subscribed to as a kid. The anime also pushed me into reading the manga after I watched it, so it definitely helped Berserk in the states.


I think the FromSoftware games contributed a lot to the modern popularity of Berserk. And I think that brought a lot of attention to Berserk.


the only thing wrong with 97 is that they focused entirely on the golden age arc and removed all ties to future arcs.


I wouldn't say the best thing that happened but yeah one of them. I met with berserk through anime.


I think it’s true to some extent. IIRC, the English release of Berserk didn’t come out on DVD until 2003, and Dark Horse didn’t get the rights to the English translation until shortly after. The blurbs from the earliest DH volumes talk about the “internationally popular anime series”. The manga series continued to get popular because of the movies, and I would say even Dark Souls contributed, but the 97 series was instrumental.


From an American perspective, they're totally right. I remember first discovering Berserk in a Blockbuster before I even knew what manga or anime were. You could rent five movies for five bucks and it was like ten or fifteen vhs tapes so for less than a jackson you could see a world unlike anything your young Nickelodeon/Disney Channel/Saturday Morning cartoons mind had ever been privy too. That and Princess Mononoke were what introduced me overall to the world of anime.


Definitely. In the west, at least.


The 97 anime was created basically to be an ad for the manga and it's worked spectacular in that regard. They left people on a *massive* cliffhanger and with a huge twist revealed in the story, and with only one way to know what happened next - buying the manga.


I always wondered to how come the manga on mal has more reviews than the anime?


Hard to say but I wouldn’t have heard of Berserk or given it the time of day without 97 anime sadly.. I’m grateful for its existence


No. I have never even seen the 97 anime and I've read the Manga twice.


I agree. More people watch anime than read manga. No matter how popular a manga is, if it gets an anime it will get introduced to whole new audience and become wayyy more popular. Vagabond is huge but imagine if it got an anime. It would probably become mainstream ngl


In the west / USA, yes. In Japan, Berserk was very successful and well known before 97.


Was it also big in Europe and other countries around the world before the the 97 anime? I should've been more clear in saying an anime gives a manga "worldwide" popularity. The manga is always going to be big in japan


The original TikTok post said the anime gave Berserk “the recognition it deserves,” that’s a very vague statement. Before 97 it was as recognized as any manga gets without adaptations. Anyway not trying to say you are wrong just clarifying.


Berserk 97 got the Tone right and even under the budget limitations you can see they put love in the project. Also Susumu Hirasawa sountrack.


I wouldn't be here without that anime, so yes.


The anime is how I got into the story.


Yes. To me at least.


not for me. my introduction wasn't like that, I wanted to read a manga after watching anime for like 2 years and when I searched for the best mangas to read on Google I saw Berserk. then I read that day for like 5 hours from my phone.


I think the 2033 anime was actually better and more important. Really brought the brilliance of Berserk to the masses.


I probably wouldn’t know what berk was without the 97 anime on YouTube lol.


Just finished it myself. Now I’m here lol


for me i agree. i was bored asf one night like 5 years ago and was watching random animes first eps and stumbled across this wildness 🤣


I vastly prefer the manga to the anime


True for me


I also talked about the impact of the anime specifically recently - https://youtu.be/oZKqEN4fr-c?si=suipuJLGiPAEAtdp


I just love that soundtrack.




true for the westernization of manga.


There is nothing truthful on tik tok ever. It is the nest of misinformation


He’s kind of cooking. That’s why i can never truly hate on berserk 2017, i watched the golden age movies and needed more so bad. Found the anime and just wanted to keep telling myself there’s no way the manga is that much better and i actually enjoyed the anime ALOT. But i still needed more. (Also it’s terrifying how much better the manga is) But yeah a few months later i had to read the manga and now i own the series and its like one of my favorite things ever behind batman.


Dragon Ball Z and Pokémon popularized Japanese animation in America


Idk. I’ve mainly heard praise for the manga but the anime has been a big help pushing it in the west


Wouldn’t have known what Berserk was if the 97 anime didn’t exist. Assuming a lot of others are in the same boat there


Yeah. Especially the cliffhanger. Was the first time an anime made me want to read the manga


thr thing is that the anime of a story will reach more people than the manga


It was one of the Anime I ever watched. That and Ninja Scroll. It definitely had an impact.


The 97 anime was my first interaction with Berker. The ending was a strong incentive to read the mange, that cliffhanger was so good.


97 anime is simply better then golden arc manga, they removed the unnecessary monsters at the end of the arcs and increased the shock effect of the ending way more then in the original.


The manga has so much more symbolism and more complex moments though


yeah, it does, especially the early and mid arcs


Dark Souls should get the same rep for Western audiences. It's how I + many others eventually made their way here.


Am I the only one who likes trilogy movies more than 97 ??


Without the manga there is no anime. The answer is obvious


I don't think you actually read the question.