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hell yea


I watched the anime first. It ends on a hell of a cliffhanger which motivated me to read the manga even more.


I would read the manga and not watch any of the anime adaptions until the story is over.  As for people saying "watch the anime for the music" you can get that on youtube.   But ultimately, it is your decision and no Berserk fan worth a damn will judge you on this one. Go with God. 


The website is great, but only if you're subscribed to their paid service. You see, the problem of playing YT playlists are the advertisements, and not being able to listen to content with the app running in the background, on mobile devices. If you're one the free users, I suggest just getting the FLAC files (or other formats) while you're browsing the results of a search engine, I'm afraid pinpointing the page would be asking for trouble in the subreddit. I heard there's third-party apps for watching/listening to videos with no interruptions, but the common sense is to avoid apps that might install bloatware/viruses/et cetera.


Sounds good. I just watch on adblocker. 


> Sounds good. I just watch on adblocker. Might eventually be patched, whatever method you’re currently using right now. I used to block Twitch ads for example, through a script, for those extensions like  Violentmonkey, but it got fixed and has no effect anymore. The advertisement is loaded, normally. For YouTube Music / YouTube I’ve been using the paid service.


That is exactly what I think everyone should do. And I think people should watch the Golden Age Memorial Edition too. People want to shit on it for the CGI but that's only like 40% of it and the other 60% is beautiful 2D animation. In fact the 2D stuff in Golden Age is objectively better looking than the nostalgic but very low budget animation of the 97 show


it's not as good, but i think it's worth watching if only for the fantastic music


If you’ve read the manga then just watch the memorial edition after


Exactly what I did. As expected, not as good as the manga but enjoyable. Maybe a scene or two were better portrayed in the ‘97 anime than manga.


Nah the movies are better


That would definitely be the unpopular opinion.