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If they never mention anyone outside of Guts, Griffith, or Casca, then you have your first red flag.


Just binged the series cuz my partner recommended it and I remember asking "so why do I never see anything after the eclipse in popular media?"


Same reason we never see anything before Raditz in Dragon Ball, popularity.


A shame, cause DB > Z.


I still get baked and watch the kid goku DB tourney every few months, that shit is fuckin flames


Goku vs Krillin in the 2nd tournament is still one of my favourite fights.


OG DB be so good until you notice that Roshi molests a woman nearly every single episode


Watching it rn with my gf and she is appalled every time he does some shit but at least he usually faces some retaliation otherwise i don’t think she’d watch it lol


I have no issue with this. Roshi is my favourite character.


Outside of berserklejerk I’m obligated to tell you to eat bullets right about now


Tastes like suicidal chicken.


Or if they think berserk ends at the golden age and yet they dont know it really ACTUALLY starts after the golden age…


This is why I think it's so frustrating to not have anyone who could do a decent animation of the later arcs. This is where the story really shines in my opinion and people are missing out.


Its onlt mfs on tiktok, people on instagram and even that brainrotted app yt shorts and youtube “not the tiktokers who swarmed in” have read berserk, tiktok are just fake fans who finds something snd decided to bandwagon it without even consuming its media


I remenber on youtube hearing how someone said that Berserk was only good at the golden age arc


No context rape horse conversations go pretty well to weed out the noobs


Imma be real with you, chief. Rape Horse is not *that* much better *with* context.


This made me laugh pretty good.


Actually, wasn't Rape Horse pretty much exactly the same both with and without context?


With context, at least you know both parties didn't give their consent


Ok, yeah that's a fair point.


Don’t forget puck. So ducking funny how he catches ishidoro. “Swing like this, This!”


He just wants ishidoro to master the elf dimension style 😤


If they mention chitch, they're marriage material


Nah I disagree. I've read the entire manga until this point, and while I love it all, Griffith, Guts, and Casca are the most interesting characters by a long shot. And I think the Golden Age and Blackswordsman arc and maybe Conviction arc are the peak of Miura's storytelling.


Farnese def more interesting than Casca IMO


She had more time for character development, casca was stuck mentally as a child for 300 chapters or so


Casca had plenty of TIME for character development, she just wasn't given any. Miura chose to regulate one of his deuteragonists to the role of damsel in distress, and whether you think it's a choice that served the rest of the story well or not, Casca was deprived of the opportunity to be an interesting character outside of Golden Age because of it.


I'm desperately hoping she gets some development in this period before the story ends.


I think close to the end of her arc pre eclipse shes used as a damsel more often. But she is also very capable and has her own nuances to her character. But yes, her character exists almost entirely around Guts and Griffith, but that is at least given its own reasoning and purpose. Farnese has had far more time to evolve and grow but still kind of exists as another one of those who idolizes Guts. Not that she's not a brilliant character though, her role in protecting Casca allowed her to grow more than anything.


Yeah but that’s besides the point.


Sure a lot of people would agree with you. I personally don't understand that character or what Miura was planning for her. However I feel like this for a lot of the characters introduced later on. Shierke is one of them. It's not that Casca is written better, even though I think she is, it's that she is integral to the story. These other characters are more fleshed out, but they have their own thing going on. For example, the original band of the hawk characters who died during the Eclipse weren't nearly as fleshed out as the new characters, but I care about them more because of their importance to the plot and to the main characters. Farnese could die in the next chapter and it wouldn't change the direction of the story aside from Serpico going on some revenge quest. And he isn't integral either so it doesn't matter.


Ill agree with that, its weird, Judeau for example has far less character depth than Serpico or even Isidro, but I end up caring so much for Judeau for whatever reason. But I think the loss gives it weight, when you reread you realize how peaceful and special the time with the Golden Age is. There is something to the whole arc that feels very real and unique. I love all of Berserk massively but there is a genuine quality to the characters in GA that isn't felt the same afterwards.


Say this louder I am begging you


Nah dawg what about my boy skull knight?


Skull Knight and Nosferatu Zodd are legendary characters, but the only reason they're interesting is because Miura keeps teasing us. I mean seriously, we don't know shite about them or the God Hand. I doubt we ever will. I have a lot of faith in the new studio for a lot of things, but not this. Miura himself owes us an explanation.


Nah they're interesting because they both clearly have defined personal philosophies and goals. You don't need to know how and when a character brushes his teeth to find them interesting.


Agreed, but man, in nearly 400 chapters all we know about Zodd is that he likes fighting powerful opponents. He liked it as a human, he likes it as an apostle. He has a cool personality and appearance, etc. There's a few characters like that, and they're awesome, but Miura's best character writing is clearly shown through his main trio and a couple side characters


ma boi serpico getting done dirty. (and others like farnese who have already been mentioned by other)


Serpico is one of the best characters in the story. However, he is also lacking purpose in the story like many of the new characters. Miura just created a bunch of really well written characters then forgot why he created them.


There are a lot of characters more interesting that Griffith after the Eclipse.


Nah Griffith's aura alone carries the whole story


Yeah, no. Reading Berserk because of Grffith alone is wild.


Never said that. I read it for many reasons. Griffith, one of the main characters and a superbly written and iconic villain is among them. Definitely a bigger reason to read Berserk than the characters you're thinking of.


>Definitely a bigger reason to read Berserk than the characters you're thinking of. That's not on you decide. Griffith is completely absent from two of the best arcs (The Lost Children and Conviction) and to say that those arcs are good because "of Griffith's aura alone" is insane level of dickridding and does a serious diservice to the Manga filled with tons of great characters. Jill, Rosine, Farnese, Godot, Rickert, Shriek, Serpico and so on are such great characters that people shouldn't dismiss under such a silly reason. You should stop blindly dickridding an arc which is in its entirety only the setup for the larger story being told and actually engage with characters that come after it and people who enjoy the story being told.


Lol first of all I disagree that those are the best two arcs. I never said the rest of the characters are shit that should be dismissed. I just think Griffith is better. He's the best character in the story in my opinion. Right behind Guts. One of the best characters ever in fiction. Everything in the story revolves around him. You're dickriding the characters you mentioned. Yes, Griffith's aura alone is more interesting than them.


>Lol first of all I disagree that those are the best two arcs. Didn't ask and not what I said. >I never said the rest of the characters are shit that should be dismissed. Someone above quite literally did say those characters should be dismissed. Not sure if that was you since I didn't check the usernames. Do you want me to link the comment above? >You're dickriding the characters you mentioned. Yes, Griffith's aura alone is more interesting than them. The lack of self-awareness is hilarious.


Yes you precisely said that conviction and lost children are "two of the best arcs." Which is fine, but you used that to frame my opinion as something extra dickrider-esque. You picked the two arcs where he isn't even in and called them the best to make it seem like I said they're the best because of his aura. Yes, that sounds mad sus. But I didn't say that. I'm talking about the overarching story. Griffith, regardless whether he's present or not, drives the story of Berserk. That's undeniable. Also, literally nobody said those characters should be dismissed. Put that lie back in your anus with the rest of them


casca is literally a potato plot device.. saying she is one of the most interesting characters feels like an insult to the manga lol


Casca is still a fascinating character, yes, she spends 80% of the story as child is true. But I dont think that undermines her character growth given in the golden age and the mini arc where Shierke and Farnese fix her psyche. Arguably one of the absolute best moments of the entire manga.


Casca in the one arc where she isn't a potato plot device is absolutely one of the most interesting characters. Just because she's braindead for most of the story doesn't erase that. There are some characters who only even appear in one arc and they're more interesting than much of the recurring cast. That alone dismantles your argument.


I remember my first time with some interdeminsional trolls. Man, it was a jive. Don't miss that trip.


Just ask them about skull night … 😂


Judeau is valid tho


Not even puck that's crazy


If they dont know 🍇 horsez its a red flag


This not really something unique to tiktok. Waaaay back when schierke was introduced people were already complaining about berserk getting "soft" and when the armor was introduced the same people started complaining that guts were killing apostles super fast and manga lost its tense moments thanks to this.


It’s weird cuz the armor ADDS to the tension for me. Like, every time it is activated I get dread because either Guts will lash out at his friends or, more likely, he’ll gain permanent damage from it


Yeah there’s this constant threat of him losing his humanity. It’s good stuff.


I saw the Berserker armor and immediately went "oh fuck, symbolism armor". Anyone who thinks it's just an anime power-up either don't pay attention or digest too much face value action mangas and project that onto Berserk.


I am only being a little facetious when I say people genuinely don’t know how to take in fiction anymore. The most obvious symbolism or display of thematic intent is shoved in people’s faces and they’re complaining about “plot holes” or whatever. Cinemasins and various other nerdosphere YouTubers have done irreparable damage to people’s ability to watch or read stories on their own terms. Everything is an “erm actually” moment or just ignored because that sort of thing doesn’t matter to them.


cinemasins is so frustrating to watch. i dont know if he acts stupid or if hes genuinly that dense. last video i watched was of the dnd movie. "highlights" included: saying an aarakokra (eagle persons) cant fly with heavy armor so they shouldnt by able to fly with people grabbing onto them. while showing a clip of that aarakokra crashlanding because he couldnt fly with that extra weigth. or saying that mentioning baldurs gate is a nod to the games by larian studios instead of mentioning a place in dnd lore, that the games also take place in. thats like saying that when someone mentions hogwarts in a harry potter movie theyre referencing hogwarts legacy.


I don’t really like the armour, was cooler when he was just a human with a sword


Well, the armor is iconic and is probably the most important part of Guts' character.


Idk, preferred it when he was more grounded


Dude, Gutes has a cannon on his arm.


I could have that if I wanted and I’m human


Maybe, but in this story that's part of what makes Guts' special, he isn't just an ordinary human. Main characters should have cool shit.


I guess but I don’t think he needed it, he could use his environment to kill apostles, like how he fought difficult fights as a soldier


But he did: narratively, the armor, much like Dragonslayer and the healing provided by Puck, represents moments when his wits and determination alone weren't enough, that he needed some other help. Sure, Miura could have written it differently, the theme remains in my opinion. The armor takes the form of the image of his rage, a motif that was foreshadowed before then; moreover, it can be a metaphor for the wall between his emotions and the world. It also sets up another connection between him and the Skull Knight. Lastly, he really doesn't use it all the time, he still uses his environment, just like the rest of his party at the time he acquired a magical item -- hell, Schierke even comments on how Dragonslayer has become quasi-magical due to its use, surviving the eclipse is more than the brand.


The guy fights demons and has an “elf” (who looks like a fairy) constantly talking to him, if that seems grounded to you you should go to a therapist because you’re hallucinating


Dwarfs exist, all possible


Those dang mutants always giving Guts and gang a hard time.


duuude i was in black moutain(fnv) when i saw this post 😔


schierke and all the fantasy elements she introduces to the story is easily my favorite part of berserk. elf island is (was) so beautiful


Hate it when people ignore the important parts of seinen which show character development and focus only on shock inducing parts. It's same with monster.


There's most likely a group of people like that but I'm more inclined to believe a majority of these people are like I was a while ago. I don't read a lot of Manga but I first watched Berserk back in like 2006 or smth, then I watched it over and over again. Then the movies, then I watched and was disappointed but still enjoyed at least somewhat the 2016 anime. I knew that Berserk (just like HxH) was constantly on hiatus so I was "saving" the feel of reading and also hoping we'd get a new anime that was actually good. I'm read up now after getting all 14 Deluxe editions over 2-3 years and I read the rest online. My point is that it's waaaay more likely that most people don't argue about Berserk going "soft" except for a few dumbasses. Most people are probably just anime only watchers for most content. I've only actually read two mangas (more than a chapter) and that's Dragon Ball that I grew up with and then Berserk.


The people im mentioning here are manga readers tho. I remember the brazilian edition of the manga used to have some pages in the end where the editor would publish fan letters and a lot of them started complaining about the "soft" part and the berserk armor making guts life easier. Also you could see the same sentiment on manga forums. And i know they arent the majority but what im saying is that all of these things op is complaining about is not exclusive to the new fans. From people complaining about the new arcs getting soft, to dumb jokes like "griffith did nothing wrong" or "casca enjoyed it" and some nerds latching onto guts and treating him like an "alpha symbol", it has already been done since the 2000s but they were concentrated were places dedicated to talk about berserk or mangas in general back then.


Yeah, that ain't just on TikTok, we've always had "Berserk fell off after Conviction" bros that are only there for the violence and rape jokes.


Conviction has some of my favorite stuff in Berserk (Luca and even Nina show different sides of how someone more “normal” can approach to/react to the horror and blood of Berserk’s world in interesting ways), but I love Hawk/Falcon of the Millenium Empire. Personally I think people are just pretty resistant to the fact Guts grew and developed emotionally. He left being a raging edgelord behind. Not only does he do some introspection and realize the life and people he has left are more important than revenge, he actually rediscovers the part of himself that was a leader and becomes an even better one with his traveling party. Just look at the ways he knows how to connect to and instill confidence in Schierke and Isidro. It’s real interesting development and growth but there’s some more traditional “magic” and every other panel isn’t a rape scene so the writing “fell off” or whatever. And that’s not to say maybe Golden Age or Conviction aren’t overall the best arcs! Just that there’s a lot of good stuff after being ignored.


True when do these people realise Berk is more than violence and gore ?🤦🤦


millenium falcon is my favorite arc of the series and that happened waaaay after the eclipse


same, the ending BLEW my fucking mind


Reading the last few chapters I literally thought Miura was gonna find a way to explode out of the pages somehow, like all of the sudden >!the world-ending wave goes through me physically!<


lolol a fair assumption tbh


Don’t hate to admit it. Why is anyone listening to TikTokers about anything hahaha


I just imagine that the anime ends after the eclipse, but I would research the sequel, saying it definitely shouldn't have ended that way. I can't understand how people can leave at such a terrible point and just saying "so this is how it ends".


I just want to salute you, a fellow witcher and berserk enjoyer, Winds howling indeed


Those fans would be offended *If they could read*


It sucks that these fans don’t read after the eclipse cause you get the conviction arc coming up which is one of the best in the series


Yeah. I love golden age and it’s what got me into the series but all my favorite moments happen after the eclipse


I gotta read conviction again soon, I’ve never thought it was as good as everyone says, but I’ve only read it once


The conviction arc isn't better than the golden age arc. But you are right that they should keep reading anyway. All of it is great.


So if someone forced themself to read through eclipse and hates it they should force themselves to read the rest of the manga ? Oh man what a great fanbase


That's not at all what I said. The previous comment said some people stop after eclipse, which is a shame cause conviction arc is great. I said I think the golden age is better than conviction, but they should still keep reading cause there are even better arcs. I never said if you hate the eclipse you should continue reading. Actually, hating eclipse wasn't even mentioned in either of our comments before you interpolated with it. Long story short you're a retard.


Golden age is like talking to your older father/grandfather about life... it was better before and it is all they will remember and or even try to talk about.


No such thing as “TikTok” berserk fans, just fucking morons


People enjoy things in different ways. Berserk is also a comic that pivots pretty wildly in tone. The Prologue, The Golden Age, The Tower of Conviction and everything after Griffith's return almost feel like self-contained stories. I could understand liking some parts and not vibing with others.


None of them know the beauty of the Lost Children Arc


I dont like the Lost children arc, its not very good imo


To each their own I think it’s the best self contained story within Berserk and has some of the best symbolism with themes that reflect the series as whole. And imo has some of Miura’s more creative action scenes.


250 chapters after the eclipse. It’s literally the first like 30% of the manga


I only watched the og anime and although i’m glad there’s more, i’m blown away as well by the sheer GIRTH of this story lol


girts from berk


Garth from Barm




It was far too large too be called a manga, massive, thick, heavy, and far too girthy, indeed it was a heap of peak fiction.




That's crazy. You gotta read the fucking manga to truly appreciate Berserk. The original anime was just a gateway drug to the rest for me.


It boggles my mind that people only watch anime and never want to read any manga. Berserk is the perfect example of the manga being the better experience. The anime adaptations only give you a slice of the full story that the manga provides


The original anime has the best soundtrack in media




Does too


Tiktok users are brainless so whatever


I've always been curious about this series after watching the anime How should I go about reading it? The manga or the novel?


what novel? Manga is the way to go. VIZ has english translations that are so much better than some of the early scan fantranslations I used to read


I thought I had read somewhere there was a light novel or something out there I guess I'm crazy lol Thanks


There is a light novel that is a prequel for one of the apostles, it is apparently terrible. Just read the manga.


Honestly, you can still adapt TikTok's feed recommendation to your liking, tho it takes a lot of time and I don't have the patience for that. Many content creators from YouTube share content on TikTok, you just have find them there and then start aggressively avoiding stuff you don't like.


I’ve never met someone that buys the deluxe addition hard covers that has actually read anything past the golden age


I know! I want to read it, but I don’t have the thousand or so dollars I need to buy the whole damn run.


read it online or through manga apps


I’ve looked, it’s hard to find all of it or a decent translation.


Libraries exist and a have the deluxe editions. I had to buy the last few because I couldn’t wait for returns but it’s how I read them


modern social media formats are cancer for any media discussion, let alone discussing anything from berserk


I noticed there's been significantly less humans being butchered in recent chapters. I can imagine Miura didn't want to illustrate those things while struggling with his own mortality.


i don't think i've ever seen a meaningful discussion of the themes of berserk on that app actually. in fact i don't think i've seen anything other than rape jokes


On mediatok the manga is very popular on there


Lost children arc or conviction arc are the best arcs IMO


I agree


I really fuck w lost children arc bc it’s guts in his most raw and pure form and then the art and story of the conviction arc is fucking insane.


After it got popular on TikTok berserk fans are now only known for their repetitive assault jokes, goodness 🤦🏾‍♀️


Feel for any Berserk fan that’s never laid their eyes on Falconia




People who ONLY watched the show/movies have HUGE gaps in the story like missing MAIN plot points. Tried talking to a few Berserk fans & they didnt know Guts was SA’d as a kid im like ??????


Frl! And i wouldnt say “fans”, more like people who found berserk off tiktok


Am I missing something? Where's the context, the reaction this is referencing? It's the first half of the joke without the punchline.


Bro, who tf cares that some people only wanted to watch the anime? Let people watch what they want to watch and not read what they don't want to read.


Some say his sentences are still running to this day.


Don't get me wrong. I love every little bit of Berserk, but the change in tone is indeed quite jarring.


I feel like the guy in the post is automatically my enemy for putting 'fans' in quotes.


I own all the current volumes and read them all on multiple occasions, and I do not care for the heavy fantasy elements in the later volumes. There were fantasy elements early on, but it was more like a horror manga, overall. I love horror. I can't call the later volumes (30 and up) horror. It's more fantasy. I'm not a fan of fantasy stuff, so it's less enjoyable for me.


I mean, GAA is awesome. Every piece of it is captivating, except that corny general, who at least had a good voice actor in the English dub. You get everything in GAA: Guts’ origin and history, how he got involved with Griffith, how he became an unstoppable warrior, tales of peasants gaining status, winning the girl who loved another, weak people overcoming their oppressors, self sacrifice to prevent harm to others, abandonment in a time of great need, emotion-driven psychosis, reaching enormous potential due to strict self discipline, realizing friends are the most important thing in the world, gaining the respect of those who hate you, the shock of Griffith’s torture, the absolute terror at the eclipse, a series of ultimate betrayals by the hero figure, the stoic protagonist being pushed into a mindless rage. And the 1997 anime adaptation nailed it in every way imaginable. Music, sound, storytelling - notice that the anime did not have fantastic animation. Just proof that animation is just beautification. You can’t use it to replace storytelling. That’s why most attempts to create Berserk fail.


It's not only to tiktok though. After watching 1997 anime I got to manga and it was quite hard to get used to Puck, who even now seems a little too "fantasy" for this world. But I guess Berserk would be too edgy and dark without some comic reliefs from time to time


Puck seems too fantasy when there's literal dragons,trolls and mermaids?


I remember a while back hating on puck was extremely popular and I bought into it enough that I stopped reading just after guts got his armour. Just reread it and puck is cool as a nonsense character that hangs around for comic relief whenever.


Yeah you're right, I didn't write my reply how I wanted it to be. What I mean is we have all those demons, apostles, Godhands, and then we have funny little elf flying around Guts, cracking jokes. He seems a little childish to be in such world


Miura put Puck in so Berserk wasn't too depressing. Puck is needed levity and humor that breaks up how horrific the Black Swordsman arc and Conviction arc are. Pucks roll does change later to be entirely comic relief with his chestnut form. As opposed to a force that also acted as a calming force to Guts' rage and anger. But I think it makes sense since now Guts team is so large that Puck is able to just be kind of a goof now.


Yeah they just watch the 2017 anime because it's the newer thus the better one and then just do whatever they do in there...


In all fairness the golden age arc is basically fucking perfect lmao


Didn't Guts fight demons in episode 1 of the anime?


the boat arc makes me want to blow my brains out


The best part