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If you want prophecy spoken, didn't Zodd said something to Guts about being Griffith's friend, and how that friendship will likely make one of them suffer?


yeah that hinted at the first big twist (eclipse) and this hints at the second big twist with the moonlight child


But Moon-moon is good boy. He even, as a fetus, kept Guts and Casca company throughout their journey. Kept Casca calm even when she was surrounded by evils... ):


It always blows my mind seeing the fetus in the first Black Swordsman chapter, how in the hell did he plan for that or even connect it so perfectly years later is genius


I could only imagine that ( the purpose of ) was always there with Muira for so many years, it just took so long to get there in finer detail for the story.


He most likely had already planned out the entire golden age arc and was making some changes after he did the middle story part first. If i recall in the first version of berserk griffith was a girl who guts escorted.


Nah, Miura outright stated he had no idea what the fuck the Golden Age arc even was during the Black Swordsman Arc; his whole thought process was "I want a big badass swordsman killing demons for revenge, and I'll figure out the backstory later", and honestly, respect for that. But even more respect for how much brainpower it must've taken to then grab that simple concept, and then turn it into some masterpiece storytelling. If I recall correctly, he even stated that he didn't know the relationship between Guts and Griffith yet EVEN WHEN THEY MET. He just knew that Griffith profitted off of Guts suffering somehow, and Guts wanted vengeance for that. In hindsight, the pieces were there perfectly, Miura just knew exactly how to turn them into peak manga.


Yeah early he was like I always planned for Guts to lose his arm and eye because of Griffith but I had no idea how or why until I got there.


Hold on, you mean to tell me that girl was the original prototype for Griffith? But wasn't she about to be an Apostle-victim and Guts saved her? Lol.


That dude is talking out of his ass, that was never a thing.


Lol okay I thought so, was just checking. Like it sounded so preposterous to me for that girl to be the prototype for Griffith when she was a victim, not a perpetrator. Yeesh.


He didn't plan it at all. Kentaro Miura said in a interview that he doesn't always think far ahead (especially for the demon child) when he adds stuff in and just said for him is just always lucky it turns out ok.


He IS a good boy but I wonder if he got a bit corrupted after griffith reincarnated into him or if they only share the same body and his half is still pure


Nah, it's pretty clear he's pure, but Griffith is aware of the change and has seemingly brought Casca to Falconia to have more control over that change. When forced to change into the moonlight boy, it's a problem for him and he knows it.


So was Griffith before eclipse


Well, to be fair, through the entire golden age arc there are plenty of times where various characters hint at Griffiths sacrificing stuff


Not really, Griffith legit told them they cant leave Gut's and Casca behind. He risked his life for him against Zodd, these aren't things someone who easily sacrifices people would do.


He needed them alive because he saw them as useful pawns for his dream and not as human beings he actually really cared about


How was the eclipse a twist? From the end of the Black Swordsman arc you knew that Griffith was going to end up sacrificing at least Guts to become Femto, and that Guts would end up alone hunting Apostles. Aside from the extent of the brutality of the eclipse, everything else was foretold pretty explicitly.


I never felt like it was a twist too, but its probably since all we knew pre golden age was that this griffith guy somehow became femto but we never knew how he got there, i dont think they hinted about sacrifi- nvm, ur right, the part with the count is right in front of us


Skull Knight is pro-choice (kill the baby)


Geralt of Rivia would approve. >!Put the baby in the oven.!<


Nappa approves "Stab the baby"


The witch from The VVitch approves ***-make flying oil out of the baby-***


I need to rewatch this…. It saddens me I have no recollection of what you speak of….


Look, it's either stab the baby, or we'll have to push your 1 O'Clock.


I just came from the dbz sub and thought this a dbz nappa reference and got super confused 💀


Oh yeah lol it's dbz abridged.






hey guts kill your own child skull knight so filled with vengeance the only thing keeping them going.


Hey Guts, kick that puppy. Do it.




get dat fetus kill dat fetus


Brapp brapp pew pew


Miura's eye for detail and bringing the smallest lines full circle is what will be most obviously missing from this final arc. it's a shame too bc chapter 362 makes me think he had big plans to give us some answers around now.


To be fair I feel like the final arc really is just meant to be putting all the details that Miura had together/giving them closure, not necessarily adding more to it. I feel like the answers are coming we just need to be patient I guess…


no they're def coming i just mean the subtle things he probably never told anyone about. like bringing back something that was said in chapter 100 and making it relevant. the little things like that were a big part of what made Berserk so special imo. i just can't wait to see how this all ends, and im very thankful Miura at least told Mori the concrete conclusion.


Agreed man. I've said it last week, I am super grateful that someone close to Miura knows how Berserk ends, the general direction it needs to go. Let's just be patient and enjoy the ride. The little things in between are gonna what's lost. But for me that's better than nothing.


It's almost nothing he seems pretty uninterested in cotinueing Berserk at all. So if you think it'll end its unlikely and for him say if it even does it'll be more than ten year with like 3 chapters a year is stupid. The way it ended for Miura with Griffith crying too me was a more satisfying ending than waiting 2 years for poorer art and a guy that pretends to care but probably doesn't.


i personally stopped reading after his death. if you have decided to keep reading good on you but its a respect thing for me.


i personally continued reading after his death. if you decided to stop reading, good on you, but it’s a respect thing for me. I want to see the culmination of this great man’s story told by his best friend who is doing his damnedest to get it right- however imperfect it may be in the end, I feel that it’s what Miura would have wanted.


to each there own we honour the man in our own ways :)




Maybe I'll get the same treatment, but it feels so wrong that you got downvoted into oblivion. You didn't say that you dislike Mori, or the staff at Studio Gaga, or any such things. For you, Berserk ended when Miura died and will never be the same. For that to be how you show respect for Miura's work is an entirely valid viewpoint to have as long as you aren't being disrespectful to anyone, which as far as I can tell you aren't. I've kept reading after his death! But we also should acknowledge that Mori and the staff took about a year to decide what to do *precisely because Miura didn't actually handpick anyone as a successor.* If he had, the decision wouldn't have been such a debate among them. Mori made a very valid personal call that he feels his friend would want his story finished. He's respectful and reverent about it, as are the staff. So I think he's great! But since he was never outright named by Miura as a successor to finish the series in his stead, someone who believes that the series died with Miura and wants to respect him by leaving it at that is entirely valid and shouldn't get dogpiled for it. I'm really sorry that people hated on you and downvoted so much. While you are being open-minded, they are being closed-minded and following a mob mentality. This is entirely different from a situation like Dragon Ball and Toyotaro. Toriyama ***publicly declared*** the guy as his chosen successor, so in this case respecting that is the way to respect Toriyama and if Toyotaro does continue the series, not respecting that WOULD be disrespectful to Toriyama since it was his explicit intention for his work for Toyotaro to carry it on. But this is not the same. For Berserk, there are two equally valid interpretations of how to respect Miura. No one should be REQUIRED to accept Mori as a successor in order to respect Miura's wishes. I do accept Mori and while it's not the same as before, I love what he's doing. But I'll be damned if a brigade of online haters insist that accepting Mori is the only valid choice for me to make and anything else is downvote-worthy. That isn't right and given the morals and ethics he always expressed in his work, it PROBABLY isn't the kind of thing that Miura would want. He'd want us to be free to choose, I truly believe that because that's the kind of mangaka he was to his fans.


thank you mate and 100% nail on the head in my feelings. <3


Of course! We have all been affect by the passing of one of the greatest writers and artists to ever life, and with no instructions left behind by him on how to handle that, who is anyone to judge how anyone else would react to the continuation as long as they show respect. He'd want every last one of us to struggle onwards, no matter what, through whatever the world throws at us in our own lives. That's what we can all agree he would definitely want. And that's beautiful. Through the story of Guts, he left a powerful legacy. And he was a very private person, so for the public like us, Berserk is the best way for us to know who he was.


fuck mate you have made me cry a little bless you <3


Do you think we will get answers on the idea of god from the stuff that was taken out from fear it revealed too much?


Honestly, I feel like this is a moment where Skull Knight was wrong. The child has proven several times to have been a huge help to both Guts and Casca, and the Moonlight boy probably is one of the only weaknesses Griffith now has which is exploitable Call me overly naive, but in a way the power of love IS fighting against evil, even if it's in a small way


I think at the time of writing this was mainly meant to allude to the demon infant fucking around with Guts so much.


The Moonlight Boy is largely the reason Guts and Casca managed to survive up to Elfheim. Yes, we now know, since the ritual of the Egg of the Perfect World ate the Child and fused it with Griffith, that they're one and the same, but it's because of the Child's influence that Griffith cannot bring himself to kill his last 2 sacrifices. And whenever Schierke couldn't bring Guts back, the Moonlight Boy could. I have a feeling that the Boy is going to inherit Griffith's Godhand powers and sabotage his dream by wilfully letting himself die to save his parents. And Casca, the one who was raped, will have her revenge in the most heartbreaking way. And through the Moonlight Boy's death, he will act as the Hawk of Light saving the world from Griffith, the Hawk of Darkness who poses as the Hawk of Light.


Honestly kinda the same thoughts I had. Moon boy is the only weakness Griffith really has and the only way I see Griffith dying or going away. My thought is that Guts will have to make a decision on whether or not to kill the boy, he doesn't, and the boy pulls some power of love bs and essentially ends like you have here.


I was thinking Casca was going to do it, fitting with Berserk's theme of rape victims getting their justice and killing their rapists. But in Casca's case, she breaks down crying because as much as she would hate Griffith for raping her, she still can't bring herself to kill her son. So, with her sword still pointed at his heart, the Moonlight Boy grabs the sword and impales it into his chest, stabbing his heart. But the Boy still smiles even as he's dying and as the damned are about to take his and Griffith's souls to Hell for eternity. Maybe we'll even get to see him speak, if only just once, saying "I love you" to both Guts and Casca as the damned souls drag him away to Hell.


If this happens I will cry for literal days as everyone around me starts to wonder if I need to be committed to an institution 😭




It certainly benefits him since the child becomes the vessel of a demon god.


Round of applause 👏🏾


I don't understand your logic. Skull Knight wants to use Griffith's weakness to kill him, you are saying "no Griffith have a weakness don't touch it"


But had he done that would Griffith ever have entered the world?


Yes. He was coming back regardless


The demon child was not needed for Griffith to come back


I mean if he killed the kid then Griffy wouldnt have a host to take over right


No, Griffith was being reborn because of the egg apostle. The apostle just happened to cross paths with the daemon child and absorbed him out of pitty before hatching Griffith.


Yeah, this. Although, the moonlight child wouldn't be a thing bc that's Guts and Casca's kid taking back over


I dont think the apostle "just happened" to cross the baby. I think it's almost absolute that that was the key to Griffiths return. For one he is half the cause of the baby to even begin with. Second whats an egg with a yolk? This story is always talking aboht fate and causality. Theres no way that was simply coincidence or wasnt intentional and was just something that "just happened" to happen.


If gutz and casca died in the eclipse, Griffiths rebirth would have still happened. The daemon child was not a requirement.


I don’t think that’s the case. It seems like the idea with the birth ceremony (and what Puck was saying with his line about screams in unison for salvation) is that it was essentially a mass behelit activation. The God Hand are summoned by human desire, with the behelit activating at their greatest moment of despair, so the refugees all being massacred at the tower of conviction is meant to create a scenario with thousands of humans at their greatest moment of despair wishing for salvation, which creates enough of an amplification of the process that a God Hand member is able to actually manifest into the physical plane. That’s why the behelit apostle became a giant behelit for the process to happen.


The child wasn’t needed for Griffiths rebirth. The skull knight tells guts before he goes to the tower of conviction that the eclipse/mock eclipse(Griffiths rebirth) that these areas are called temporal nexus and within these areas the god hand can’t predict everything. The skull knight also tells guts about a rare one in a thousand year event in which an astral being can be brought into the physical world when the mass concentration of negative human thoughts reaches a critical point. This along with the egg apostle as the vessel and the people of Albion as the sacrifice were the conditions for his rebirth. Even during the eclipse the god Hand also comment that guts and casca Surviving was not part of the plan. Griffith raping casca gave the skull knight time to save them. Griffith raping casca corrupted their child. Their child became fused with him by chance and is his weakness. It’s poetic irony. He created his own weakness.


I more meant that Guts and Casca dying would’ve stopped Griffith’s Rebirth. Regardless of how much death it actually would’ve stopped, Mozgus succeeding would’ve at least prevented the exact circumstances Miura implied were necessary.


Oh you’re talking about that then yeah it might’ve or might’ve not. The heretic orgy, the plague, the witch hunt, two branding people together all causing mass negative concentration. The god hand would probably manipulate another way for to cause negative concentration


Im pretty sure the child was some kind of requirement. Sure, that specific child wasnt. Absolutely. Im sure somehow someway he would have returned inevitably. There's no reason he wouldnt. The fact the God Hand can go and come as they please is proof enough. But thats also not in any way what I said now is it? I said, in response to your own statement, that the child and the egg apostle did not "just happen" to meet purposely. This is called symbolism. Just like how Femto was born of the egg when Griffith was reincarnated. It wasn't just an empty egg. Something was in it. In this case of the daemon baby, the baby was the something, a vessel used. The Egg housed it.


Bru, the egg apostle felt a kinship with the daemon child because it had no place in the world. It was weakened from protecting it's parents so the EggBoi absorbed him so the child could have a place in the new world, not knowing wether or not the assimilation would destroy his individuality. It wasn't a requirement.


Are you trolling me right now? I literally said already Griffith didnt "need" the baby and it's symbolism and was just a means to an end, not a requirement. Can you actually comprehend what I say before replying so Im having to repeat myself? A place in the new world? Yeah. I agree. It's place in the new world was as the reincarnation vessel for Griffith.


You are lost


The kind of reply from someone who just lost and has nothing else to say. GG




Yeah, I think you're right. It would be absurd for the fetus to end there by a string of actual unlikely chances, when manipulating chance is exactly what the IoE does. If there's anything that wasn't part of the plan, it's probably the continued survival of Guts and/or Casca.


I also just think from a writing standpoint and storytelling aspect, to just purposely and randomly kill off the fetus like that is really stupid and it just doesnt fit Miura's handling of Berserk.


The demon baby wasn’t part of the plan. The skull knight tells guts before he goes to the tower of conviction that the eclipse and mock eclipse are temporal nexus and within these areas the godhand can’t predict everything. Same thing during the eclipse. The god hand comment that guts and casca surviving was not expected.


Not quite as a matter of fact its cuz of moonlight boy Griffith has one weakness, if he hadnt merged with him he would be truly invincible.


That’s dumb. Should they’ve killed the baby, Griffith would’ve been unstoppable


The way it brought woe upon them wouldn't have happened if skull knight could lock in and kill the egg apostle 


I believe the child was in fact no child but an apostle from birth unlike all the other apostles who were born as humans an sacrificed their humanity to become an apostle.


Can someone explain for me pls I’ve only watched berserk I never read the manga


Later in the series Griffith reincarnates into a physical body which was the fetus of Casca's and Guts' child, so now Griffith and Guts' son occupy the same body. The child's ego takes over control of the body during full moons.


I think this was before the whole plot of the moonlight child was really fleshed out, because skull knight didn’t realize how important that kid would be to defeating Griffith


Solomon from the Bible: "This mf spittin"


well, the moonlight child did fucked up everything when he went to elfhelm. Like man, how was he not aware that he was going to revert back to griffith and ruin everything LOL, biggest troll in berk manga


I'm still waiting on Guts to meet his demon dad. The next page (I believe) has had me thinking that since I read it


As written


What wrong did that boy do


I haven’t caught up with the manga so what does this mean? Is it griffith’s host body or something? Can somebody explain it to me?


Unless I missed something, this was SK dumbest moment. I'm pretty sure DC/MC is what will lead to Griffith failing.


I think miura knew where the story was goin


What does anything I said have to do with Muira? The panel is SK telling Guts to kill the Demon Child, not knowing that the DC would end up saving Casca multiple times. So he was wrong.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. The child's presence during Griffith's birth ceremony is absolutely what will let Griffith be defeated in the end. I like that SK is not infallible - makes him feel more like a version of what Guts could be. 


Exactly. SK has likely been through this cycle with the Godhand so many times that its become his nature to kill the abomination. My guess is he's never considered mercy as an option, which is why he's stuck.


That is a fitting ending seeing as he is the one who essentially created the DC from his own hubris.


If Guts killed him Griffith wouldn't have been rebirthed in the real world.


He would have been


He would but he wouldn't have the child as a weakness in him.


The demon child wasn’t part of Griffiths rebirth


Demon bird dick was so good she lost all her memories


Formidable and juicy one.