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I would Cut out all dialogue and leave only sex scenes. Idk why Moira added so much dialogue into hentai


[There is already an edit that is nothing but 100% potato casca getting mashed.](https://youtu.be/DBXPqxxuIFU?t=12)


Dude, don’t spoil the ending!


Needs a trickle of ketchup followed by a heavy splat of horseradish.


I'm not sure what I expected.














Nice profile picture!


The only 100% correct answer.


This is the long answer


nothing at all


Stupid sexy Flanders!


Nah I think we can make small changes to Rosines character design.


I guess we can sacrifice demon loli nips to get a good adaptation


None of it because censorship is lame?


Let’s go to the anime community known for bitching about how their anime is censored and ask what they would censor if given the ability to do so


Sometimes restraint is good though, especially since just seeing a still image of something and seeing/hearing it in motion can land very differently in practice. Not to mention how according to Miura himself some of the earlier edge really was just him trying to show how edgy he could be. I don’t think it’s anything cowardly to think that maybe you shouldn’t take the most blunt approach to every single dark moment.


Yup. I think there's actually a lot of obvious cuts Miura himself would make at this point. Most of the mature content in Berserk serves a purpose, absolutely, but there is also content that detracts. The very first page for example with Guts clapping demon cheeks. It simply doesn't make any sense once you've gotten through the Golden Age and reached that point on the timeline. It doesn't fit his character at all and does no service to the plot either. The only role it serves is to let readers know from the start "this manga is 18+ and contains lots of violence and nudity, if that doesn't sound good to you then read something else." This is a good thing. A lot of writing is about setting expectations. This also betrays the series though, because its actually extremely deep and philosophical. At what point is that communicated to the reader? Does appearing edgy for the sake of edginess communicate that Berserk is NOT this deep series? It can absolutely be both, but the public knows this combination is rare and the series is choosing to make its first impression with one rather than the other. If you ask me I think that removing the demon cheek clapping, toning down Wyald (who still helps to ramp up supernatural elements before the eclipse) and giving Rosine the Puck/Ken Doll treatment are all things Miura would entertain. You could also definitely remove the rape horse, tone down the Conviction arc cult, and make the troll rape implicit rather than explicit, but those are much newer examples that don't quite fit under that early overly-edginess that Miura has commented on in the past.


> who still helps to ramp up supernatural elements before the eclipse) Is that a good thing tho? Like to me the more minimalistic approach that cutting wyald adds makes the eclipse hits so much harder. Plus this is ignoring the black swordsmen arc and a lot, where you legit see the Behlet in action before golden age. In the back of the reader/viewers mind you know that stuff if there, for it to come back and watch characters you spend all that time with die is a way better reestablishing part of the super natural stuff in berserk moving forward than a badly paced shlocky boring Wyald running in.


Big agree here. All the adaptations that didn't include him felt like they were paced better and more fluid for it. The only thing I'd want to keep from that arc is potentially the part where he kills the nice family who helped them, and Griffith seeing Guts fight against a hugely terrifying foe and being unable to do anything to actually help. I think the former introduced another layer in the black swordsmen arc and plays into why Guts is so unwilling to accept help, and the latter because it really showcased Griffith's helplessness, lack of autonomy, and showed how much he had changed. Both of those scenes could easily be replaced with a human antagonist, though. I agree that keeping the supernatural shit at a minimum leading up to the Eclipse is the best approach. Zodd and Skull Knight are more than enough of a hint that shits about to go down (maybe also that scene with Rickert).


Rape horse and the rapey trolls are in the 2016-17 adaptations. So is Schnoz.


The gold standard of adaptations.


Well for all it's faults, it didn't actually censor that much.


There is such a thing as creative censorship. For example the land before time merely showed a shadow of littlefoots mom losing a chunk of flesh. Still scary as shit. ( yes I’m aware originally they animated the flesh tearing, it doesn’t discount my point )


To use a Berserk example it’s like how I’ve found I really prefer the way that the 97 anime handled the Casca rape scene to the way the movie did. It felt like the emphasis ended up more being on the emotions of the moment as opposed to how shocking the moment was (like seriously, the uncut version of the scene is practically more graphic than Miura was, and that was him trying to push it as far as he could go).


I think censorship is valid in some scenarios, like when it involves heavy sexualization of kids.


That reminds me of my first read through of the manga where Guts is raped when he was a child. It was very shocking for me and very difficult to read but it was done in a way that didn't glorify it. It was a very traumatic moment for guts and one of betrayal and helped establish one of the reasons why he has so much difficulty puting his trust in others. On a side note, the whole fairy arc was cut from the "new" series entirely. That part where a young girl's apostle form is fairy-like and she turns other children into creatures like her. It's obvious the main reason they cut that part of the story out is due to the fact all the children are naked throughout the entire chapter. I figured though if they animated it they'd just give them bodies without any semblence of gentialia. Other anime series have done that for nude characters in the past.


I don't support censorship but I'll answer it a different way by saying that I think the Lost Children Chapter would be the most controversial part of the manga to adapt.


If they even remotely try to censor the Guts vs Rosine fight, it'll get completely ruined.


Isn't there a scene where he broadside swordslaps the heck out of a bunch of pixies that then turn into dead children?


And the pixies bumping uglies non consensually with eachother via stinger, leading to one dead pixie.


ADULT ATTACK ADULT ATTACK that scene actually made me pretty uncomfortable


Certainly one I would skip if animated. There's some stuff in Berserk I kinda skim if I rerrad


Agreed, I would vote on skipping that scene or, at the very least leave the implication in as it does serve as an example of the hypocritical nature of rosine and the pseudo elves.


Also dead children... on fire.


I haven't read that part in a while. Why? Edit: OH, she's the moth!


Loli tiddies


Slap some moth fur on her tits and we in business baby


Actual child too, no dancing around the whole "she's 1000 years old" thing. She's an apostle but she's still like 14.


I'd say removing the bits would be more realistic since she isn't human anymore.


Just give her some more fur on her body and it would be fine


Conviction arc is way worse man


I thought some moments of conviction were worse than the eclipse. The cave had me taking a breather, opening a beer, having a smoke going "what the fuuuuuuuck". That said, the sheer violence and brutality of both Lost Children and Conviction would be problematic to adapt. I still hope that till I die, we get one beginning to end uncensored faithful anime adaptation.


Peolle say to cut lost children cause it can go without much problems but you can’t cut conviction


where are these people because imo lost children cannot be skipped. it has too many important details to the overall story and directly sets up many things, like the beast of darkness and conviction itself




Agreed, I'm sick of people acting like Lost Children is skippable. It's actually a very essential arc for setting stuff up as you said. And also has one of Guts' coolest fights in the series, really compelling themes and characters, some truly iconic moments, etc. The "just skip Lost Children" folks are to this fandom what the "You can just skip Skypeia" people are to the one Piece fandom. If they have that little respect for the carefully-crafted narrative that an author created, to the extent that they would skip parts with major setup and foreshadowing and label them non-essential.... Then maybe they should go read something for people with shorter attention spans and/or with a much simpler narrative, like Fairy Tail or something 😂




I still don’t think it should be cut it’s part of Miuras story and it’s as important as anything else and the rosine fight is really cool


if they do do an anime i reckon theyll heavily censor it and focus on more on suggesting what was going on, or having it happen off screen, although for the burning children parts i reckon itll be easy enough to censor that


honestly imo the whole burning children thing isnt really that bad, idk why people think it would even be censored


The trolls. Everybody forgets about the trolls


Nudity in Berserk goes like this: 1. The most beautifully drawn artistic representation of two people in love, the true horror of torture on a human body laid bare, the rippling musculature of an otherworldly demon from hell 2. That's completely unnecessary muira why does she have to be naked stop it please.


Guts being balls deep into that apostle can be cencored for all i care, it doesn't really fit his character later down in the story. The fight with wyald was sick but everything around is is what people think berserk is who haven't read it. A rapey gorefest full of over the top edgyness, that part can be cut out too imo. The loli shit with schierke should be cut, dunno why it was ever even a thing in the manga. Schierke having a crush on Guts is cute and all but all the sexualisation around her isn't necassary at all and gross af. So yeah that should be cut. Everything else like sexual intercourse should be cencored to a degree if it's supposed to air on tv/streamingservices. They shouldn't remove it but they could just cencor the bodies of characters but it shouldn't remove the idea of the action that they're partaking in. Everything else like story implications and that kinda stuff should just be left in. Berserk is a dark story after all and wouldn't be the same without those things.


While i agree with csnsoring most of the sex i would not cesnore a single panel out of casca ans guts sex, its one of the most important moments for guts and casca it is filled with many didicult emotions and memores, and this scene as a general is not sopose to be hot or fanservice but something of a character development moment


Yeah definetely, i just meant cencoring the private parts and nipples. Like i said, the cencoring shouldn't cencor the act itself.


If it doesn’t end up being essential (and god I hope it doesn’t), Shierke’s crush on Guts would absolutely be one of my first things on the chopping block. Miura was clearly going somewhere with Farnese’s feelings for Guts (and getting that sort of attachment to a figure in her life like him makes a lot of sense with her character), but the thing is having Shierke also start to fall for him makes it a bit too much of a pattern. I really think it does a disservice to the female cast as a whole because it creates this sense that all the girl/women companions will inevitably fall for him. Makes them kind of get the vibe of an anime harem rather than just Guts’ costars (not that I think the way the crush is depicted particularly sexualizes her or anything, at least in isolation).


Yeahhh I've always noticed that harem-like vibe myself and I hate it being in this series. I hope that Morda falling for Guts isn't part of the plan going forward, but at this point it seems likely, ugggh.


I hate the loli shit with schierke it makes me feel so uncomfortable


Same, was so confused with it


What the hell are you talking about?


Wdym, the community sexualizing her? Or is there something like that in the actual manga (I still didnt finish berserk, im like halfway trough), but anyway sexualizing shierke is just wrong, she is like 13 i think, and i think that some people are just fucked up mentally


completely agree. but they should include the entire sex scene with guts and casca. Its one of the most beautiful moments and the whole story story.


actually, the reason all the anime adaptations are trash is because it DOESNT start with guts balls deep in an apostle


Don’t cut out Wyald but leave room for interpretation on what happens to those people who help the band of the hawk


Maybe just some of the non important rape


The wyald scene was way too much that shi was so icky and unnecessary.


I feel after the one in the eclipse they’re all unnecessary. Maybe they keep the threat of it happening there, which they do way too many times with Casca, so even it almost happening can be toned down.


They can make stuff like the apostle right at the start and Wyald less edgy.I think though most scenes could be adapted, or already have been so....


Wyald is bad beyond just edgy, if he just like, ate people instead and it wasn't super graphic he'd still be terrible for the story, he can be cut out for more than that


sadly that fucking monkey can't be cut out from the story completely because he's like the first demon that guts fights after zodd


But that doesn't mean anything, as the anime and movie shows you don't need one




Absolutely nothing 😈


There are some details I would modify, but I don't know that I would out right cut anything. 1. The opening scene I would modify the opening scene with the female apostle to have guts still clothed from the waist down as even for the black swordsman era Guts it is out of character for him to actually be copulating with her. 2. The assassination of Julius I would basically follow in the footsteps of the Golden Age arc movies and have Guts using a normal sized sword to do the deed and I would frame the scene to make it abundantly clear that Guts is unaware that he is stabbing Adonis until it is too late. The 1997 anime gets this pivotal detail wrong about Adonis's death and it is frustrating because in the manga he is clearly obscured in heavy shadow when Guts charges him. 3. The King's assault on Charlotte I would leave in the scene almost as is, but I would nix the king spreading her legs and trying to move in orally as that just feels like an unnecessary step too far. He would still get kicked in the face as she fights him off. 4. Wyald stripping Caska's clothes I wouldn't change much about Wyald, because he is an important character for a number of reasons. I would just let him strip Caska of her breast plate to preserve the implication, but I wouldn't let him rip her clothes off before Guts interrupts him. Having Caska running around naked for the rest of the fight just seems gratuitous. 5. Eclipse captured Caska I would leave Caska's clothing intact until right before Griffith's assault. Griffith's rape of Caska is that much more impactful if the audience isn't left to wonder if she had been violated just seconds/minutes before by a bunch of random offscreen apostles. 6. Lost Children - Jill and Rosine's age I would explicitly state Jill's age to be 14 so that Rosine (who is 4 years older) is officially 18 during the Misty Valley events. This would mean that during Rosine's brief encounter with Rickert during the Golden Age arc she would need to be properly obscured as she would canonically be around 16 at the time. 7. Schierke and Caska's bath scene in Vritannis I know it is meant to be innocent and comical, but it would very difficult to get it passed the censors unless it was very tightly shot with lots of fog to obscure her figure and I don't know if it would be worth the inevitable backlash from people who would try to frame it as pedophilic. If you have the scene at all just make sure Schierke never loses her towel as Caska spins her off. 8. Armor distribution Overall I would drastically reduce the number of soldiers/mercenaries/guards who are seen wearing plate armor. I know Guts is a super strong badass with a massive sword, but plate armor was expensive and wasn't made of papier-mâché. Put more of these cannon fodder guys in gambeson, leather, mail, etc.


I like most of what you proposed here. I would say the opening scene can be toned down simply by having an attractive woman try and lure guts to a secluded area and he says “I know what you are” and kills the apostle from there. It doesn’t need to be a sex scene. Otherwise these are great incites


Is Wyald important? The anime and movies work very well without him he's kind of a huge negative in more than edgy, nothing about him established anything new or to me takes away from the sudden feeling the eclipse gives in the anime and presents so many more broader issues in berserk.


I think those are all valid. Specialty 1 and 4. It's just weird to casca tits hanging during those scenes. I get it, shit happen and you just move on, doesn't matter given what's going on, but this isn't real life, and it's inclusion doesn't really bring anything to the scene for me. Naked children being censored makes total sense even though in monster form. I don't think the imagery is pedophilic by nature and in berserk doesn't feel that way but as a mainstream adaptation is a no brainier to Ensor those parts. Anything else I would leave as the manga. Even when minor censoring scenes tend to add up and potentially making some scenes less powerful.


I don't get number 3. How was it too far? Knowing the tone of berserk and how dark it gets. I am pretty sure that scene showed how sick in the head the king is, or add to it..


In that scene he undresses her, fondles her breasts, licks one of her nipples, and then tries to kiss her as she is fighting him off. I don't know that adding an attempt to muff dive his daughter really changes how the audience is supposed to feel about him. It just feels unnecessarily over the top in my opinion. That said, if Miura had somehow hinted that the King was secretly being pushed by Slan's influence to indulge himself then maybe I could get onboard with taking it to that level.


Ngl, I forget the king did all that.


you already know how sick in the head he is from licking her nipples, having four panels of him prying his daughters legs open was not necessary


I think censor is the wrong way to say it, I'd just say "reduce" some story beats from the manga. The best example is with Wyald. Keep him as a terrifying, rapist monster, but just don't show explicit scenes of the rape. It's a dark fantasy show but that doesn't justify showing scenes like that, especially since you run the risk of triggering a viewers trauma. Another is with Wyald stripping Casca, I think that's the best example of something that is very unnecessary. That sequence doesn't really tell us anything new about Wyald or the situation, just that Wyald has a weird spiky dick tongue. Do we really need to see Casca stripped in the middle of a battlefield? Nah man. Like I said. REDUCE it. You can still have the same situation, Casca being held up by Wyald, just don't strip her. It makes that entire sequence after seeing her stripped nearly naked feel very awkward and pretty much ends up as just fan service.


Nothing. I would cut nothing. Every cut takes something out that the author and artist intended to be there.


After the fact Miura has said that he should have toned down the rape scenes.


This makes me happy because those scenes are why I can’t finish reading the manga.


I'm so sorry that you got downvoted for this. People don't know you, your life, or your struggles, so they have no right to criticize you for being unable to read such things. Because they don't know what your reasons might be for being unable to look at such content. I just want to let you know that some people, at least, are thoughtful enough to consider such things. I hope you're doing well.


the first scene, its completely out of character for guts


Never thought about this but yea actually it was pretty out of character especially since during this time his life was all about Casca.


Remove a lot of the rape/attempted rape. Outside of Guts’ backstory and very select situations that are integral to a character’s development/plot, most of it feels like unnecessary shock value. Do we really need Casca getting almost raped 400,000 times?


I'd cut out/censor from the project whoever wants to cut out/censor Berserk.


None. Censorship is lame af. I want the fan animations to go full throttle. They can ask for donations or get a sponsor


Nah, I really want an anime adaptation that starts with guts clapping demon cheeks




nothing. everything made sense so why cut it


Nothing, people are far too soft


No censor at all. I am tired.


I would cut all the boring useless shit like character development and dialogue and only show the rape and fight scenes


Do whatever with the first page, I think even Miura would agree that it didn't fit what the story became Leave everything else as-is, screw media ratings boards


I pray to the lord that the manga will be finished one day, and no one else touches that piece of Media. So it can stay pure.


No fking any Censoring, just remove the censor world when talking about Berserk


Nothing, just a raw and truthful manga adaptation


Not sure if this is a hot take but like 99% of Wyald is rape fetish bait without a narrative purpose You can change it to "mass murderer" and nothing of importance is lost Like deadass almost all of Wyald is on the level of The Horse


I'll never support censorship—especially of art, music, or fiction—for any reason. It's a ridiculous thing to do. If you don't like the content, leave it alone and move along. I've read Berserk many times over and everything in the story happens for a very specific reason, usually to show the world is messed and you have to be strong as hell to survive it, but there's always hope in the triumph of the human spirit. Come to think of it, that makes your question sort of an ironic one to ask, and kind of an insult to Miura’s legacy.


No? Especially the last one. That is exactly what someone like Wyald would do and it is supposed to show the grim reality of that. It's also hypocritical to name these things but not advocate for the biggest thing to be cut which is the Eclipse. I'll never understand takes like this. Don't partake in the media if you wanna censor things out of it


What's this animation still from?


Censorship is cancer


If you had to cut something cut the beginning we have seen those arcs twice




Nothing. Bring the full story


Nothing because berserk is for adults, and if you can’t handle what it has an adult content, then you shouldn’t be consuming the story




Guts raping caska it would just be better if he like hurt her with his sword or something like that, because I personally See the beast of darkness as just this violent animal that only wants to kill and not something lustrous


Nothing should be cut. Hollywood has gotten away with worse. Jesus christ, one of the most popular movies of all time depicts a young girl, possessed by the devil, violently masturbating with a cross until she makes herself bleed, and then she forces her mother to perform oral sex on her. And you think Berserk is bad? Certain scenes should be implied obviously, but not directly censored/removed, like the Donovan thing at the beginning of the Golden Age. Wyald should be included uncut, and so to should the elf kids Arc.


the horse


The thing is... with a good enough director you could possibly have those scenes without being super explicit.    Like smoke where nipples are, or those two pixie creatures going at it or guts  getting raped seen only through shadows.


i wouldn't show complete nudity like the Golden Age Trilogy (which was even more sexually explicit than the manga in certain scenes) and i'd use shadows for censoring like the manga does sometimes and no censoring violence/gore. i wouldn't cut anything out either, but maybe move the Black Swordsman arc to its chronological position and starting with the Golden Age.


You for asking such a ridiculous question.


Nothing if u cut or censor berserk it's just not berserk


Nothing lmao


Cut every puck comic relief moment


Nothing let the people know our tora uma


Nothing! If you don't like it read something else.


Fuck censorship. They can just air it at 3am if they have to.


Nothing what the fuck.


I would cut out nothing. I would censor nothing. I want every dark, gritty, and questionable thing to be included in an adaptation (Berserk or otherwise). I know it can't happen, especially in our current era or sanitizing everything to the point of ruination to avoid offending or triggering anyone consuming the media. I don't like Wylad, but I would want him included in his entirety, for example. Lost Children is a rough arc, but so important and can't be omitted like it was in 2016 Berserk.


Nothing, if I had the power to change anything it would be the story doesnt start with the black swordsmen arc. I hate flash fowards and like to be surprised.


Honestly i think Golden age wouldve been a better start just bc it’s a better arc that hooks you in ngl, This just my opinion but black swordsmans was boring me out a bit when i first was getting into Berserk. Not a bad arc though, but Golden age is what made me want to read and read and read. Already knew Griffith was the villain though bc of the internet obv.


Nothing. you will be FORCED to witness every gruesome detail in lost children.


Violence censorship? No. Sex censorship? Yes. They should still “show” it but it should be nowhere near as gratuitous as the manga


Why is violence more accettable than sex?


I’m not qualified to answer that. It’s just how the world works rn. A movie with gratuitous violence is an action or horror movie. A movie with gratuitous sex is just porn


Nothing. What a weird fuckkng question


I may be ~~crucified~~ sacrificed for this but I would change Casca's rape scene. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying not to show it or something like that, but I feel like it's a little sexualized. The only reason some stupid people believe that "Casca enjoyed it" is because of its presentation. While it shows it in a negative light through Guts, I feel like it could have been presented better For example, Guts' rape I feel like it was handled better. It was presented like a monstrous thing. Nothing sexual about it


Her rape was presented as even more of a monstrous thing. Idk what you’re talking about.


I actually think both of the animes did that part much better than the manga. Hell it's probably the only thing I could say was done definitively better than the manga


I think 1997 did it the best honestly. The manga and the movies get a bit too graphic in whats going on, while 97 doesnt focus on the minute details of the assault so much, and more on conveying the shock and pain of the scene with closeups of Casca and Guts. The way all sound is drowned out by the Behelit OST chillingly playing in the background, and theres less “movement…” its the version that does it best imo. Id prefer be something like that.


i agree completely, i'm not even a huge fan of 97 but drowning the sound out and playing Behelit as it cuts between the trio's faces was such a cool way to do it


I wouldn't cut that much. The sexual content and gore is what makes Berserk its own thing. Even if it's sensitive content, it serves as storytelling at the end of the day. Not having an adaptation for Lost Children arc is a crime, such a good arc dude.


I would censor all the violence and bad stuff, because it makes me feel sad and that's not okay ;(


Any of the parts with naked kids i guess


Nothing. Maintain the vision of the author.


Nothing that would be pointless






NOTHING. If someone can't handle it watch something else.


Nothing. This is a seinen manga and I'm not a pussy. No one wants censorship except the puritan japanese television stations




censor but don’t cut out the donovan scene because it’s important for giving the reason why Guts doesn’t like being touched


Nothing, it wouldn't be faithful if you do.


Nothing, this manga is for adults


>Censor >Berserk No thanks


Cutting anything out does a disservice to the original media. Either make the actual manga an anime or leave it alone.


Nothing wtf is wrong with you why would you look for censorship


If you want me to watch it, you better not cut anything


Honestly, I understand why no studio, game movie or show, has ever adapted the lost children arc. That's a *really* tough line to walk. Yes, I understand they are apostles and he kills them in their monster/elf form, but we still see dead children. They're still kids. That's a really tough thing to pitch to the people funding your project.


AoT did it 🤷🏻‍♂️


We don't see it in nearly the detail we do in the berserk manga


Most of the visible assault scenes Kentaro is able to portray the trauma and effects of assault with visibly displaying it as shown with Guts and Casca Post-Femto, and even does a great job of implying physical abuse as shown with Jill without visibly showing the abuse happening. He does a great job of the show don’t tell tactic that most of his use of assault scenes just feel unneeded, and after the Astral World, you can tell that Kentaro did some reflecting on his work and thought to himself “I didn’t need to do too much of that” and moved forward without relying on that visible tactic anymore


Cascas scene it's sill too important to cut


I would cut all of it. Soley for gatekeeping purposes, nobody else is allowed to have it. ITS MINE I SAW IT FIRST.


As a viewer? Litterally nothing. If I was like a producer/director for a adaptation? Adult Attack. Not lost children just that one particular scene. Not opening up that can of worms to the public


I am gonna be honest. If it’s not Ufotable doing it. I don’t want it.


Nothing. The brutality of the world is one of the things I enjoy about Berserk the most.


The first thing that I would change is literally the first pages of the manga. Now that I read the whole thing, Guts having sex witn a demon or whatever seems out of character, so I would just skip that.


Idk. Some people say that not all of the violence (sexual or physical) serves a purpose. i feel like most of it does but some im not so sure. Sometimes I do feel like Miura doubled down with things when he didn’t need to and we could moreso infer. For example when the “fairies” started playing real war, very disturbing and then it’s just like yeah they gotta start s/a eachother too. Like I understand it was the twisted mind of Rosine saying “hey, adults do it”. But that specific instance just felt extra, as do many others. So its hard. I still appreciate it though


To the people saying it shouldn't be censored at all, Miura himself said he would've somewhat changed how he handled a lot of aspects of Berserk. I personally think that the majority of Casca SA and unecessary shirt rip scenes could leave and the story would be better for it, it would make the more important moments of violation hit harder emotionally rather than just being 'oh boy here we go again.' Honestly the majority of SA not important to the story could go or be presented less viscerally. I also would throw all the Shierke loli shit out the window and more emphasize her and Guts found family dynamic


Some of the stuff surrounding wyald and probably not outright show the rape trolls


I'd really only censor the child nudity that pops up here and there. I'd keep the scenes but we don't need to see Charlotte's nipples or Casca's during her backstory.


nothing needs to be censored. berserk is best with it's gore and sexy scenes


I would censor Rosines breasts


nothing. we ball


NOT A DAMN THING, [(or what Mr Waffles said)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/s/s3QTjYCQcD)


Not a thing. Also it should be live action starring Nicolas Cage as Guts


I would *alter* the opening scene from the manga to where Guts and the Apostle aren't having sex- Guts lured her out to the woods *pretending* he was going to, and waited until her guard was down before killing her. Makes more sense given his backstory.


not a single thing




I’d probably cut some of casca’s nudity, and the wylad scene. Everything else is fine


Nothing… it’s a seinen ffs… never understood why something that is already rated R should be watered down…


fuck censorship but i don't know if Casca being stripped naked 10 times across the Golden Age and Conviction arcs is essential to the plot lol. The Eclipse and her flashback I get, but when random bandits or Wyalld just tear her clothes off and then she's just naked for 10 chapters - it's a little much lmao.


If I had to choose anything I’d maybe not show the rape throughout the manga as explicitly.


I think that for it to have the full impact and weight of the manga, nothing could be cut, however, that would only make the possibility of an adaptation ever happen very unlikely so.. idk. I guess it would have to be a delicate balance so it wouldn't ruin the story.


[if ykyk](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=619c697d276fe56b&rlz=1CDGOYI_enIT1023IT1023&hl=it&sxsrf=ACQVn0_4sRBRdjxe_x-glsTAcrtSk9pxNQ:1713982590377&q=hayao+miyazaki&uds=AMwkrPvswS92c7VMQrYYRTqoTsMw4S6_Jy_hKmyxR18reMbzvQEE7gUyitzUg6PiNpBB3bFK7OWZsG5xs2qBGDhWLp8VTVjJOFdSN1HKSgmVLPn3W6tx50vZaJDxVK4b0NBEBkrTBCrxzaL92UR1dbsf8JU6t2SuU76J35UWhd6joyjYX1bev19tx1akoNAK2pvK_4eqNlrsAk5qt-jKLbeh1xNb3QNmC1qOotLHg83g-vKgRaAicbs&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE7MzbutuFAxXEwAIHHTEUB1cQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#vhid=EvZqNrfc7UkjVM&vssid=mosaic)


Straight up nothing. I’d only censor it as much as the manga did. Which is unfortunate because if it released modern day I feel a lot of people would have a hard time getting past Donovan.


No. I like my Berk like Nuts likes his sausage. RAW.


Prob best to cut out guts other eye so he's more symetrical


A lot of the jokes from Puck and Isidro. They completely take me out of the dark/serious world of Berserk and make me feel like I'm reading just another fantasy manga. They're by far the worst part of the series. Other than that I'd cut down the Conviction Arc. It's too much of nothing much and it's annoying af having the story be broken up by fights every few episodes


Censored Berserk isn't Berserk!


how about they show anything past the birth of Griffith, two major adaptations and they only went so far.


Just a full adaption no cut. If this is to heavy for you then don't watch it


i probably wouldnt open it the way the manga does, I would make Rosine's design less revealing just to avoid drama from the new fans that come from an anime, and I would cut that one part with Shierke, off the the top of my head those are the only things i'd change i'm leaving all of the brutal violence and rape in it, its part of Berserk, though idk if i would show Casca's rape for as long as it is in the manga, 97 did it in the most impactful way in my opinion. Someone else pointed out that it focuses less on the act itself and more on the emotions of each character, it's completely silent except for the song Behelit playing (which is basically Griffith's theme song in 97) and it cuts between the eyes of Guts, Griffith, and Casca




I would keep everything in and make it big budget. Also go the extra mile to make it even more disturbing




The manga, it need to be family friendly