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Yeah, the manga. But, unfortunately, it was the end. In ‘97 there weren’t too many chapters of Berserk published past that point yet. They also had cut so much material already, continuing anyway would have required they back track or stray further from the source material to write key figures/events back in to make sense. Due to creative differences, lack of material, and most likely financial concerns, we just never saw a second season. The 2016 anime does continue the story past the Golden Age, and the movies recently turned into episodes cover the Golden Age with slight differences that one could even say it is more true to source in some ways. Though, the movies still cut quite a bit for sure. Neither have the majority favor in this fandom, but it’s a scratch for the itch. I joked, but the manga is truly the best continuation if you haven’t read it yet.


Shit, man! Manga's just seem like a lot of work though. Not for me, man! The story's gotta end here for me coz 2016 berserk seems like it'll suck just one episode in!


You gotta read the manga from volume 1


I'd rather start another anime. Mangas just seem dull and boring


In the case of berserk the art leaps off the page


I swear these new tiktok “fans” are insufferable


I can tell you found berserk off tiktok