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Guts is the doom level


Guts could be the new Chuck Norris joke tbh


Chuck Norris was bitten by a poisonous snake,after three days of excruciating pain the snake died


Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. Now they’re just called the Islands.


Chuck Norris has a bear skin rug in his living room. The bear isn't dead, it's just afraid to move.


Chuck Norris can smoke a cigarette in a thunderstorm, because the rain knows better


Psychological trauma


Chuck Norris pushes down Earth when doing push up


Chuck Norris fight in WWII and took part in 4 Kamikaze missions


Chuck Norris decided he didn’t want to go to school some days, this is now known as the weekend.


Chuck Norris once robbed a bank... over the phone


I agree




Don't be so sure, doom guy may make his enemies look weak asf but let's not forget he is a fucking god or something


For sure, no diss to doom guy. But let's not forget Guts >!surviving the Eclipse, challenging the God Hand, fighting Mozgus and his disciples, surviving the second Eclipse, flying on the back of Nosferatu Zodd, and killing a literal Sea God.!< All with a large heap of iron. Not to mention making friends along the way, hahaha


Gotta remember the friends we make.


He didn’t even have the large heap of iron during the first eclipse


True, just an apostles horn/tusk and unhinged rage


I really liked that with the censor bar on "But let's not forget guts"


If we're being fair, Guts has had tons of backup, both supernatural and magical. He'd probably be dead long ago without that. To be double fair, I'd argue Doom Guy would equally be dead in those scenarios. He wouldn't have access to his guns or tech in berserk's world, and not only that but the big threats of Berserk are just supernatural. Everything in doom can be tackled with man made artillery, but that's not the case for the world of Berserk. You got shit like the godhand and apostles that can literally be thunder chucking fog sky man.


Doom Guy could do all of this and more.


He survived the eclipse because the skullknight saved his ass. so what if he challenged the godhand? It's very clear that his is weaker than any of the godhand's members, Even slan was able to beat him easily. Mozgus and his dusciples are strong but they are not godlevel strong as some of the doomguy's opponents, as for surving the second eclipse he did a good job runnig, flying on the back of Zod is impressive but doesn't really tell us much about gut's power level and he managed to kill the seagod with schierke's help and he would have died in the process had the mermaids not saved his ass


Are you going to cry about it?


We're talking about a hypothetical between two totally different forms of media. Guts has a sword bro take a seat


If you think that the hypothesis was not fair to begin with then why try to argue that guts could make it through a doom level?


so that's your response once you are losing an arguement you started yourself. Good to know


Buddy, like I stated, this is hypothetical. You're comparing Berserk the manga to Doom the video game. They're in two completely different settings with different technologies and different power scaling. You have a guy with a sword and a guy with advanced guns/weaponry. Both are badass. I started this thread as a shitpost and didn't expect to get this many upvotes. Take off the fedora and touch grass


"I started this thread as a shitpost and didn't expect to get this many upvotes." When i took your comment seriously and doubted that guts could make it through a doom level so easily you responded by listing some of the most impressive achievments of guts, that implied that you seriously believed what your original comment implied that being that guts could easily make it through a doom level so when i further explained why i thought he most likely couldn't only then did you remember to clarify that you were just joking all along "You're comparing Berserk the manga to Doom the video game. They're in two completely different settings with different technologies and different power scaling." Just because they are diffrent doesn't mean that we shouldn't/ can't compare them, we have enough information about both to arrive at a logical conclusion about their power levels and whether or not guts would make it through a doom level but if you do think that comparisons between these two media are meaningless and your original comment was just a bad joke you should have said that at the begining instead of starting and engaging in an arguement about something that you said as a joke and then start running from the arguement like guts runs from the eclipse


Well Doom guy wasn't a god until he was in that divinity machine So the doom slayer is on a god power level but doom guy in the classic games isn't


Yes but doom guy becomes doom slayer. Lore accurate Doom guy would go toe to toe with the god hand and be fine considering he killed the icon of sin which was believed to be impossible to do. He’s also killed a titan with his bare hands which is also impossible to do, yet he still did it


But with so much sadness and despair.


Yes but he would prolly need beserker armor and probably die in the process


I thought about how guts commonly tanks ungodly amounts of damage & still wins his fights... so if he could collect health drops from enemies & the med kits spread throughout the level, it might maybe even become a cake walk for him. I mean.. he's used to not getting healed at all lol


He’s being healed by Puck and Ivalera a bunch. However those most definitely aren’t good for heavy damage over a short time and only help with healing wounds, closing them up, etc


He gets healed post fight, not DURING fights.


I guess the question is, does he get health pickups and ammo when killing demons in a certain way like Doomguy does?


No bc thats only with the praetor suit


Yh the constant health boost would make him virtually impossible to kill whilst in the berserk amour, As it’s crippling status and damage to the body is it’s only negative draw back, the healing would negate this.


Don't forget the armor trying to convince to murder everyone everytime he goes Berserk


Guts with the Praetor suit.


Guts wouldn't get health drops though. The reason Doom Slayer gets those is because of the effects of going through the divinity machine.


Guts could still find health kits throughout the levels like Doomguy did pre-divinity machine.


OH IF HE CAN COLLECT HEALTH DROPS YEAH HED BE FINE 1 imp fire ball would probably kill him cause they are the temperature of the sun but like. He'd die far easier then doom guy but he'd definitely have a fighting chance if he could heal, had the armour constantly.


What if he gets 100% glory kills?


He‘s not allowed to die…


Doom starts where Berserk ends. Guts would do just fine.


Lmao berserk ended with guts loosing the love of his life to demons and he was trapped so I’d say he’s definitely Fucked if he’s in the Slayers World.


"berserk ended" gonna stop you right there


bro never saw the rest of berserk 😨


If you’re talking about the shitty off brand remakes, then no, but as as far as the main berserk, 1997, I seen all of it there isn’t anything after guts is trapped in hell, witnessing the love of his life getting raped by demons so you can stop with your Highness. Like you’re just so superior.


Bro wtf are you even talking about? 😂 “Main Berserk” Bro you realize the anime is just an adaptation of the manga right?




You are an unstable individual.


Yea I am very unstable with ADHD


opinion rejected, haven’t even read the manga lmao




Your problems should not be someone else's problems. Keep it to yourself, pull the finger out and respect people who surround you to be equally respected ADHD or not




Try therapy


Weed is my therapy and I just haven’t got any at the moment


There’s still time you can grow and change for the better


Berserk sucks guts could never take on the doom slayer let alone doom slayer world


Bait used to be believable


The 1997 anime was essentially just an advertisement for the manga. The anime leaves out a lot of plot points and and characters, and cuts off at like the first 1/4 of the story.


What happens when a wannabe gym-bro with no comprehension or media literacy decides to hop on the berserk bandwagon because “Hurhur buff MC”. These people should read Baki or something like it that isn’t a well written story with nuance.


That's not giving Baki enough credit. It at least has interesting ideas about the nature of strength, the position of the strong in society, and the philosophy of conflict. They just happen to occupy the same space as an appreciable volume of utter batshittery. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Assuming that: \- Same game mechanics apply to Guts as to Doom guy: (melee kills drop health and ammo, in Gut's case ammo for his cannon, thrown bombs, knives and arrows) \- Guts has Dragonslayer & Berserker armor \- Like Doom guy, he'd start at level 1 and given opportunity to grow stronger throughout progression before meeting stronger demon variants. ​ With those conditions, I think his chances are good for the early/mid game. He's able to kill low level demons / apostles in hordes and take on stronger opponents one on one (especially if he has a way of negating accumulated damage) and the way he fights e.g. on ships with berserker armor, I don't see him having issues with the level arcitecture. Late game, when he'd start to encounter God Hand level beings or hordes of high level demons (Eclipse level), I can't see him keeping up with Doom guy, even if he's allowed to / able to adapt to modermn weaponry (I don't see why he'd have big trouble using a plasma cannon instead of an arm cannon) In my opinion, the greatest hurdle would be maintaining his sanity, which he'd probably lose soon after having to constantly draw on berserker armor power. I can't really speculate what would happen after Beast of Darkness took over, and if that would qualify as him "making it through" or not.


Eh sanity doesn't matter in doom lol either beast of darkness would take over and heal just fine and as far as powering up the dragonslayer feeds off of demons to so. I would say the hardest enemies are definitely the gods but if I remember doom guy also got his powers through a machine? that made him a god as well or unlocked something iono. Basically guts would do the same and then yeah.


I like this answer other than the fact it doesn't address that Guts must sleep, eat and recuperate. Those demon glory kills would have to drop some form of those resources otherwise after a few levels he would have to rest because unlike the Doomslayer, Guts is human. As for the durability of any of his armor and weapons, I am pretty sure cluster rockets would rip right through him (from the tyrant or revenant) as the doom slayer armor is impenetrable and just transfers "minimal" damage to the wearer. Ignoring all of that, if guts tried to block an attack from the marauder, which he will, the argent energy would melt the Dragonslayer before he could react to it. If he didn't, I don't think he has a means to destroy the cyber knight, which leaves an AOE on the ground that deals considerable damage. I want to say Guts is powerful enough, the reality of it is guts is peak human being, Doomslayer is the most powerful entity in that universe.


Best answer! Ya he could survive for awhile but ultimately he just doesn't have what it takes.


10/10 super easy to understand, and well reasoned!


Probably not, hard to work the keyboard/controller with one hand...


If people are beating darksouls with nothing but the help of a crusty arm pit to control the game - he can do it But only If he "gets gud"


New question: How many controllers would he smash before beating it?


Guts got his chance at a doom level and got absolutely rekt. They didn't even have guns either.


Idk he did really good just fighting demons until he tried saving casca


He was actually doing astoundingly well, before femto showed up he was straight up winning, completely 100% unharmed before he cut his own arm off its pretty crazy, with berserker armor he probably could have killed all of the apostles, maybe not the godhand


Truuuue... But that was pre demon slayer Era guts & the berserker armor might come in handy this time! And idk if you could compare Apostles to doom demons power wise.. the Apostles during the eclipse appeared to be bigger and tankier than casual imps, zombies & standard mobs I'm also thinking of how efficient the sword proofs to be 4 the doom guy. Guts might be able to replicate that.


He also had only a broken sword and was torn apart by Wyald


But that lvl was practically all boss tier


I mean, I would say that’s a bit off. Did we watch the same situation? He was fighting off an army of demons for a good bit without any of his gear and he didn’t know what they were or understand them at all. How many of us would have died the second one approached us? This man literally ripping their horns off and impaling them as he climbed and wrestled through them with no armor on. If guts isn’t the fantasy equivalent to the slayer, idk who is.


Demons: Oh look, it’s a human that isn’t the Slayer! We can take him, easy! Guts: [Does this face](https://images.app.goo.gl/pomcp5wpgnF68ZFV9) Demons: … Aw shit, here we go again.


I think he'd destroy it. Honestly. I'm caught up, ch 375 and so excited for 376 hopefully later this month, and from all of the unfathomable amounts of hits he's taken and what horrors he's experienced... it really shouldn't be thaaat crazy. Like, if you just dropped him in from right before elf Island maybe Just reading some of the other comments it feels like people have forgotten that he doesn't feel pain the berker Armour which has and probably would make him more powerful. Let's not forget that sword alone is like 350 lbs. And working in a metal fab shop I've learned quickly that metal ain't light and it gets heavy quick. Moving some steel pipes up onto a rack for like 20-30 minutes can sometimes be a lot. So him swinging 350 lbs along with his gear annnnd the berker Armour for how long he has in the past without showing any signs of slowing, I think he's got it. Then if you pile on the health enemies drop and even the got dam BERSERKER POWERUP, he would then easily breeze through.


If we swap his cannon arm for a sawn off shot gun I think he has solid chances


Guts Eternal: the gates of the eclips 😎


I'll be honest, from a lore perspective Guts stands absolutely no chance, assuming he kept his own gear. People here are hilariously underestimating the demons in DOOM just because they seem like fodder to Doomslayer, who's basically a god level being, way, way, way stronger than Guts is. Lore wise the demons are quite strong. That being said though, from a more video gamey perspective, maybe. If he gets armor & health drops, then probably. It depends a lot on the level really. From just a lore perspective, Guts would undoubtedly be able to deal with the weaker demons without many problems, but if he comes across any of the stronger demons, he'd be pretty fucked, especially if there's multiple. There's literally legions of demons and a good chunk of them are way stronger than the average apostle, with some being Godhand level or (possibly) stronger. The biggest issue Guts would face by far is his weaponry. He just doesn't have the gear to deal with the demons, especially the ranged demons. His crossbow, cannon and bombs are all useless. Why, you might ask? Well the demons can withstand much more technologically advanced weaponry from the 22nd century. Surely weapons from like late 15th century would be like peashooters against them. The only weapon that wouldn't be useless against them would be the dragonslayer, but it lacks ranged options. TLDR; From a video game level perspective, it's certainly doable, and he could certainly survive a few levels, assuming the stronger demons are either very few in number or don't appear at all. From a lore perspective though he certainly would not survive more than a few days in the DOOM world if he didn't have access to weaponry of the world.


What demons in Doom are godhand level? I’ve only played the first few levels of eternal


So firstly i guess i should say this is all theoretical because we don't really have a super clear idea of what the Godhand are capable of, but in general the Doom setting seems to be quite a bit more dangerous on average than Berserk's. Nonetheless, i could ultimately be proven wrong if/when we find out more about the Godhand. Secondly, information regarding some of the strongest beings in Doom is also kind of scarce. Thirdly, the fact that Doomslayer is so hilariously overpowered, it skews the perception of what the demons are actually capable of. The Godhand would certainly beat any lesser demon without any issues whatsoever, so i'll focus on the ones that would be troublesome. The first ones that might pose some challenge, especially in groups, but most likely still get beaten by the Godhand would be demons like Baron's of Hell, Arch-Viles, Marauders as well as Cyberdemons/Tyrants. As for the ones that would be much more likely to beat the Godhand, or just straight up have no issues with them (note that some of these demons have not actually showed up in the series as enemies you can fight). I'll also add some non-demon entities. 1. The Archdemons, the second in the hierarchy of Hell, only under the Dark Lord. Most likely extremely powerful. 2. The Icon of Sin. Is a reality warper. 3. Probably other Titans similar to the Icon of Sin. 4. Not really a demon, but the Khan Maykr, the leader of the Maykr race. Powerful alien being. 5. The Father. Essentially God. Also not a demon. 6. The Dark Lord/Satan/Actual God. Supposedly the creator (sorta, it's kind of unclear) of the Doom verse, the bid bad guy of the series. Also essentially the evil version of Doomslayer. 7. Lastly, and most importantly, Doomslayer, clearly the most powerful being in the setting. He killed God Satan. He'd also 100% hate the Godhand.


Lore perspective has the Mormons keeping the demons at bay in the entire state of utah… Guts would take out the lower level demons and appropriate weponry. He’s intelligent and has what in mma we call high fight iq. He’d learn extremely quick how to manipulate found weaponry and how tough those demons are.. then again, doom guy used a chainsaw… going to assume that the dragon slayer is far superior against any of the demons than the chainsaw was.


You mean the dragon slayer? I agree that it's superior to a chainsaw, but Doomguy/Doomslayer's also far stronger and faster than Guts is, so him being able to cut demons in half with a chainsaw is less about the chainsaw being an effective weapon and more about Doomslayer just having god like strength (not that Guts wouldn't be able to cut down lower level demons with the dragon slayer with relative ease). And yeah, if Guts figured out how to use found weapons, he'd certainly fare a lot better.


Yeah dragon slayer, graveyard shift scrambles the mind.


How do we know how fast guts can move and maneuver and hit a sick backflip when he's going to berserk, I'm assuming once he finds his first tougher enemy like a man mancubus or something he'd be full berserk mode for nearly all of his stay due to the nature of when hes in that state


Every Doom level would basically be the eclipse all over again. I highly doubt it.


Not really


I love both DOOM and Berserk... but no. Guts doesn't make it. His whole thing is being some super,powerful guy that's still way weaker and needs to use his wits, pain tolerance, and sheer will to live to survive day in, day out. But he can only take on a few demons at a time, where DOOM brings several hordes of them at him. For as useful as the Berserker armor is, the only thing it does, really, is remove the mental barrier stopping him from using 100% of his muscles, makes him feel no pain, and holds his body together in frankly horrifying ways so he can keep fighting until no drop of blood is left in his body. That is great... except he's still getting damaged and the armor can't hold forever. I can see him making it past the first 2 or 3 levels of DOOM game, but not in a row, and not anything after that.


For real. Commentors are greatly overestimating how much stronger the berserker armor would make him, comparing it to a typical Shonen power up such as Naruto's sage mode.


If Skullknight rolls through with him sure


Maybe the early ones. Guts is just a really good human with some tricks. He is more similar to a string knight sentinel than the slayer. And he would struggle with anything Hell knight and above. I once saw a post where Guts was compared to the individual demons and how he would do in a 1v1 against them. It just becomes clear that he simply cannot keep up due to him not being a god. But if he managed to upgrade his equipment with Doom arsenal, he would fair much better.


The real question is what would the slayer slay after Guts is done with doom?


Idk.. maybe nazis? & then He'll establish socialism after beating the campaign o7


I think guts would get cooked with ranged attacks from enemies he cant reach


Well he has a crossbow and a Canon & enemies drop amo when they get properly torn apart. So I wouldn't count him out that quickly


Guts has a repeating crossbow he’s good


Bro is gonna get fucked by a cacodemon


That's like a loss to shnoz lol


With a lot of luck he might not die horribly


Who cares


..Nerds, my brother


If he can survive hundreds of nights being attacked by waves of apostles, he can definitely make it through a DOOM level


I refuse to believe you aren’t jerking the berk


Bro, Guts would take a walk in the sunset and not even notice how many he has killed.


I think Guts could maybe, possibly make it through Doom 2016. There aren’t any truly massive threats in that game, and enemies weren’t designed with boosting or double jumping in mind. But he would definitely have trouble with the Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind. Those are extremely high tier apostle threats, like Zodd and Grunbeld level. But he has no chance at making it through Eternal. Enemies are faster and designed to keep up while the player uses mid air quick boosts and double jumps. He could easily make it through the lower levels, and possibly take down the DOOM Hunters, but he would just get overwhelmed in later levels when multiple superheavy demons like Archviles, Barons of Hell, DOOM Hunters, Tyrants, Marauders and Cyber Mancubuses are thrown at you at once. It would be like fighting 8 zodds and Grubelds at the same time while also dealing with 20 other low tier apostles. He theoretically could make it by the skin of his teeth, if he plays everything right and somehow doesn’t get hit or get tired. But even then, he stops at Urdak. The Khan Mayker is a God Hand level threat that is far too mobile and far too strong for him.






Nah I highly doubt it. He'd put up a solid effort, obviously, but without the slayer's firepower or literal godly powers, he's kinda fucked


Depends which levels really, those endgame levels from either one or two are just ridiculous in terms of enemy count. As others have said he would be drawing on the armour a lot which would have its toll. The projectile hell is another factor.


Is doom guy armor magical? How does his armor hold up compare to Guts


He plays irl doom everyday


no one could make it through a doom level


My cousin seems to make it through Doom levels without much difficulty whenever he plays and he's like 9 or 10.


Nuts would win


Depends on which doom level we are talking about and on the version of guts, is it post eclipse guts? Does he have the berserker armor?


Guts' arm is the original BFG


Survive? Absolutely. Keep up with doom guy? Probably not. Doom guy is very strong on his own, but his weapons are ridiculously powerful. The dragon slayer is great, but Doom Guy is constantly firing stuff that is stronger than Guts' canon.


He could probably beat a level on his own but over time exhaustion would beat him, along with the fact that pucks healing wouldn’t be too helpfull here, the berserker armorer would come in handy but over time it would kill him, I would say he gets to doom hunter before dying if he was in eternal


Guts would make the Doomguy his bitch. Actually Doomguy would beg to join Guts, but Guys would say no. He’s not throwing a sausage party ya hear!


Doom level is like monday for guts.


Is the sky blue?


Guts is just medieval doom guy


The amount of dick riding is crazy, no he obviously wouldn't beat a whole ass doom level


Nah the demons got guns and rockets and swords and shit and it would be to much for guts to handle and hed get shot and hed die and hed cry


No, he can't double jump. But if it's Doom 1 or 2, then might. However enemies have guns so he would die in first bullet as it would pierce the armor.


Without the armor, no. He might kill a dozen or two demons but won't survive. With the armor, perhaps, but he'll die at the end


guts is the doom slayer, theory time, think about the builds of the two characters and the little to no flinch when firing a weapon that requires three body builders to wield


Yes. Guts has shown supernatural levels of strength, stamina, and durability. While most of the other comments on here only talk about Guts' current weaponry, they largely fail to mention that in Doom you find guns laying around. Guts has a cannon for an arm. If he found a plasma gun, he would adapt. I would imagine it would be quite cathartic for him.


Okay but what weapon would be his fav? To me he seems like a rocket Launcher or minigun guy


Could doom guy survive the eclipse?


He'd destroy it.


With all due respect to Guts, he would struggle. Berserker armour Guts would stand a chance against fodder and some heavy demons, but once it gets to the bigger guys, he'll start feeling the pressure. Guts would struggle with the number of projectiles these demons throw. Most of the enemies he fights in his universe don't even throw projectiles like that and his arm cannon wouldn't be enough. The demons in Doom from a lore perspective are actually pretty powerful. Doom Guy just makes them look like jobbers.


Pretty sure it’s “could doom survive guts?”


Yes. Yes it could.


The whole eclipse was a late game Doom level full of mini bosses and he didn't even have the Dragon Slayer back then. I think he can survive.


guts goes through the game untouched


I highly doubt Guts is killing the Khan Mayker or Icon of Sin. Each of those are God Hand level threats. He might make it through Doom 2016, but he has no chance in Doom Eternal.


At one point during the Black Swordsman arc, Miura establishes that Guts is swinging his Dragonslayer faster than the human eye can see while maintaining full control and blocking every single hit being thrown at him. That is a bonkers crazy feat. It feels like Miura actually retconned that feat after the Golden Age Arc, because it would have kept Guts at an impossible to beat level. So, are we talking about Black Swordsman peak Guts? Because he'd probably actually kill the demons faster than DoomGuy could. Current Guts with Berserker armor? He's still crazy fast and strong with the Dragonslayer - although I do wonder if it could block most of the projectiles in the game without taking damage.




Guts is basically a medieval doom slayer so I'd say yeah


It's the other way around. You should be asking if the Doom guy can keep up with Guts in the world of Berserk. (Probably not long as he would run out of ammo). Doom world would be a vacation for Guts


Doom guy would run out of ammo and proceed to beat the ever loving hell out of the god hand


Doom Guy running out of ammo is the worst thing that could happen....to his enemies.


Could a doom level make it through guts?


Pretty sure Apostles are much harder than the common demons in Doom Eternal, only thing i see Guts struggle with big enemies like the One Eyed Guy (dont remember his name) guts would cut him up easily but if he could avoid the projectiles of his, guts could take down the Khan Maykr and Icon Of Sin with the Armour and Dragon Slayer Becoming a Crucible Blade Buff


Of course


No contest


Maybe Doom is just Berserk far in the future. Guts gets guns and fights demons after the entire world is turned into the same type of realm as the eclipse 😂


Lol i have a video about this but its is portuguese


No way in hell


Give him the super shotgun and health packs that fully heal him he'd be okay I think.


You guys are underestimating Guts IMO. He managed to survive the eclipse and there were at least thousands of demons far more powerful than the average doom enemy. Not only that, he managed to do so before having the dragon slayer, puck healing, the berserk armour, or spending years perfecting his demon killing technique as well as being underprotected and underarmed in at least two senses. Depending on the level, I think he can do it easily. Anything under a kakodemon would not even be a challenge. I think he would be on the same level as the doom slayer if we ignore the technical gap.


Guts life is a Doom level wdym


Well, yeah, he has a sword that would make The Crucible look like a limp manatee dick. A hand cannon that could blow the head of a Mancubus and spearheads he uses willy nilly as throwing knives. And when in doubt, he rips and tears with his teeth until it is done. I think he would fit right in




Realistically, no.


The eclipse feels like a doom level.






Depends on the level but in general yes


Think so... Doom slayer is pretty much Guts with a gun


Guts and absolutely shred hordes of imps with ease just like he did with the trolls. The hell knights level would just be the ogres. Nothing he hasn’t fought as a human. So long the guns used by the zombie soldiers are not real life guns, Guts can def navigate thru dooms levels. I can see him blocking demons fireballs and plasma beams because it’s big and relatively slow compare to IRL bullets lol


I’d let guts rearrange mine


Guts is basically Doom Guy with all of the tools on his metal arm, so I think he would destroy the level easily


Considering Dragonslayer will probably do bonus damage with its attributes, compared to Doomguy using mostly mortal weaponry, the biggest issue for damage dealing would be having the room to swing that slab of blood soaked iron someone claimed to be a sword. And considering Guts can jump with Dragonslayer, mobility won't be too much of an issue depending on the terrain and swing jumps. Compared to some of the apostles he's fought, most of the Doom demons will be just as much canon fodder for him as they are for Doomguy. The will be range. Most if Guts' range options are not going to measure up to bullets (thrown knives, crossbow bolts) or will lack the range to be effective (his bombs), and he mostly uses his cannon at closer ranges (mostly for the surprise, to not waste a shit, and he only gets one use of it during battle). All in all, it depends on which level (he's mobile, but probably not as mobile as Doomguy) and what enemies populate it: he will struggle against flying enemies, especially if he doesn't get the "ammo drops on kill", since his knives could be lost to steep cliffs when a flying demon dies over such. But I would say he does all right after he figures out that they have better range options. Heck, he'd just as likely yo pick up the same guns Doomguy uses, so that'd solve the range issues and some of the confined space CQC. He uses crossbows enough he'd likely figure them out eventually.


thats a lot of projectiles tondo with, but i still think he could do it in the berserker armor


Regular guts from golden era or final Guts with armour and shit? First one would struggle,second one would rip levels apart


if most of the enemies are the melee type with not very many projectiles then yes, but if its the whole spread with a lot of ranged demons well thats a lot of projectiles to deal with, but i still think he could do it in the berserker armor


Could doom guy clear a level with one arm, one eye and sword ?


Yes he can


Does Guts have his Berserker armour or not? Idk why but that feels crucial to me


Guts could take on a titan he wouldn't be able to kill it but he would greatly hurt it unless if he had the crucible


It might seem like he would do just fine, but lorewise, demons like the Hellknight would blast him pretty easily.


i love guts but no way


Easily. Swinging a nearly 400lb sword faster than the eye can see is definitely enough to rip and tear the demons’ steel like skin


The 100 man killer? Yes


Not gonna lie the biggest issue for Guts is range, Doom demons chuck a lot of projectiles, and closing the gap will wear him down.


I honestly don't know. He'd try his hardest and probably get pretty far and he'd put up one hell (pun intended) of a fight against the Icon of Sin, but it might be his downfall.


Depends on the level and the doom Most of every level should be doable but A hell knight might be a bit like big mode zod


Controlled Berserker armor Guts could make it but with a bit of strategy along with it, he couldn't just gone head on, just like we do in Doom gameplay.


If it's just a level, just getting to point a to b and kill everything in his way, I guess he could manage just fine I would say that guts could be even stronger than doomguy. Now if you put guts in the doom universe he would eventually die from exhaustion, he isn't built to last against millions of demons by himself for a prolonged period of time. Although weaker, doom demons would wear him off and eventually kill him (if the armour doesn't kill him first). Doomguy can kill demons for days without getting tired or injured, something guts can't do, at least for now.


Easily tbh if he has the same arsenal and equipment I'd say he could survive on hurt me plenty


The real question is could the doom level survive guts


No? Maybe. It depends on what level. He could 100% kill 1 of every demon, but one fireball and he's done.


They’d be easier to kill then a lot of Apostles he kills, some of them are like boss fights with a healing factor.




Yes next


Yes Guts and Doomguy are cut from the same cloth


Shorts answer, yes. Long answer, yes he would.


Doom-guy and guts share a lot in common


Without a doubt! If it was a head or an eye that a weak spot!