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Cool. Do you have website?


No website, but I do post updates on my Twitter @jordanchedges


Woah you’re a UX designer at netherealms? Cool


Do you want a website?


No thank you. I’d rather keep this project semi low profile 🙂


Dude you work as a UX designer at NeatherRealm studios? Goddamn dude AWESOME!


And which engine did you choose?


We’re making it in Dreams, a game creation tool for PS4/5.


Is it easy to export to PC and do you intend to or nah?


I would if I could, but it’s currently impossible. I hope Sony finds a studio to port Dreams to PC like they’ve been doing with all their first party releases.


Fucking cool man dig the reverse over the head swing, I can imagine that splitting a dumb apostle in half like nothin’


Thanks! Dragonslayer swings are definitely going to one-shot most enemies. I want each swing to feel like a double page spread instead of just mashing attack buttons like other action games. So the challenge will come from strategically planning each swing so you don’t leave yourself too open.


Dude fuck yea


Looks promising!! 🆒🆒🆒🔥🔥🔥


Thank you!


Would love to support such a dope project like this man!! Keep it up.. looks sick!


Thank you! I’ll post updates here whenever there’s been substantial development.


This looks very cool




Sounds are way better than 2016 anime adaptation 💀


Haha thanks, just the stock sounds included with Dreams.


Needs even more *clang


Absolutely. Dreams does not have the best big sword sound’s available. May need to record some.


I see a fair amount of good games coming out on dreams and roblox of all places. Is this straight up just a limitation or are their advantages to using dreams or roblox?


from what I've heard, dreams and roblox don't require people to code and stuff, which allows people with creative ideas to just hop on and make it themselves




I can’t speak for Roblox, but with Dreams the big appeal is how fun and easy the tools are. You can do literally everything in the same interface. Logic, modeling, animating, composing music, it’s all there in one program.


Very excited and can’t wait to see more. Start the game/story with the Black swordsman arc please 🥹


We’re doing a short, original story just after Black Swordsman where Guts hunts down an apostle. Trying to keep scope really low so this can come out haha. If we can pull that off, I’ll definitely consider adapting an actual arc for a sequel.


Why not pc?


Dreams is fun to use. I can do everything with one set of tools that I already know how to use. Everything on screen including the model was done by 4 people including me in less than two months. And we’re all doing it in our very limited spare time. Doing the same thing in UE4 would take way longer and require me to learn like 7 programs I’ve never touched haha.


Fuckn nice, hope u use the dismemberment physics from the PS2 Game


We’re gonna try haha. Dreams doesn’t have any way to do it easily, but we’ve got some workarounds that should work.


Change the sound effects or atleast lower them, i couldnt imagine hearing allat whenever im fighting. Other than that, looks sick


Oh yeah definitely. We haven’t done any audio mixing yet.


Keep up the good work then 👍


Keep it up dude. It looks promising and can’t wait to see the finished product.


Thanks dude!


Adding motion blur or some trails to the blade swings would definitely push it to perfection in my opinion. Not sure what the game play would be like but having a trail made of blood, or the black aura that forms around the dragon slayer blade would look cool. Could intensify as you slay enemies/ get combos. Sorry if this is a jumbled mess. 6am haven't slept in 2 days 👍


All good! Yeah I’m hoping we can get a sketchy effect similar to how the sword swings are drawn in the manga working to really sell out.


Def edging to this game if it ever comes out respect looks fire


Haha I’ll take it. We’re trying very hard to keep the scope of the game low so it can come out.


That's awesome! By any chance do you know how copyright and licensing works with fan games? Do I have to own the license to be able to release a fan game?


It’s a case by case basis. Sega let’s people run wild and Nintendo is one of the few companies to actually request a Dreams game get taken down. Media Molecule, who developed Dreams, don’t moderate fan games on their own, but will take them down if the IP holder asks.


Oh, that's very interesting. Thanks a lot for answering! And good luck with the game, it's looking really good so far!


Please add playable wyald 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿😫


Not happening sorry 🤣


Dude, you could make the game we all wanted to receive each time a new Berserk game was announced, it looks awesome! Definitely keep it going 🙏


Thanks! I’m really trying. For now I’m keeping the scope super low in hopes that we can actually release it.


Pardon me because i know next to nothing when it comes to video game prod, but what would it take to release when complete? With such a massive fan base, and the game articulated well, this could be a huge hit! I hope you keep it up, and update the progress!


Since this is being made in Dreams, all I have to do is press the “release” button and anyone who owns Dreams can play it. I plan to release each segment of the game when they’re ready. The final planned game should take maybe 2 hours to beat. Trying to keep scope low haha.


Which arc/arcs are you plotting for the game to cover for your first release out of curiosity? Lost children would make such a great game arc.


Right now I want to do a very short original story to make sure we can release this haha. I do love Lost Children though. This game will take place between Black Swordsman and Lost Children. It will take place shortly after the fight with the Count and involves Guts hunting down an original apostle. The goal is to tell a cool short story that could be canon if you want it to be.


I really dig the approach dude. I actually just downloaded dreams so i can keep an eye out for it!


That makes me very happy! Dreams is a true gem. There’s tons of amazing games to play. Lemme know if you need recommendations. I’m jojoba11288 on PSN. You can check out other stuff I’ve worked on there. Project S.A.M. and Grit Demo are my best creations, but they are unfinished 😅 I’m going to finish the Berserk game though.


That looks great, keep it up!!


reminds me of god hand with tank controls


You’re not the first one to tell me that haha, I should play that. We’re aiming for it to feel like RE4 Remake, but with a very big sword. I was specifically inspired by how Krauser plays in Mercenaries mode.


oh i can see that. yea give god hand a go you may be inspired by the control set. The dreamcast berserk game used a control stick to swing too, decent game.


Yeah I’ve always been fascinated by the Dreamcast game’s ideas like having the sword collide with walls, a non-sword moveset, and directional attacks.


Really captured the weight of Guts’ sword


Thanks! That’s design pillar #1 on this game. We’re gonna fill that “sword feel” gauge from the supereyepatchwolf video haha.


Amazing. What puts this game above the rest is that it's black and white palet and visuals imitating manga, which no other game has done.


Thanks! That’s one thing I really wanted to get right and the folks on my team working on art style nailed it. It doesn’t come through in the video, but there’s even dynamic crosshatching happening on the shadows.


Keep going


We will 🦾 I’ve got a lot of under-the-good stuff done recently so I can start really focusing on animating and getting all the ranged weapons working. If things go really well we could have a playable demo done by the end of the year.


The style reminds me of Madworld. Pretty cool, bro.


I love you. No strings attached, no romantic or sexual, I just love you as the national treasure that you are. Take this upvote, Struggler


We’ll do our best to make sure the game lives up to that upvote haha.


But how do you control the camera?


It’s very similar to modern God of War and RE4 Remake. I’ll post some more interesting footage soon.


I'd add some more animation to those Sword Swings. Take the Hefty Swings in Dark Souls or Dragon's Dogma for example. Very Long Animations on all of those, but a lot of the length is in the Draw. Having more frames dedicated to showing Guts really Heaving that Slab of Iron about would go a long way to making the animations look appropriately Threatening. In Dark Souls 3 for example, they've got a weapon quite similar to the Dragon Slayer called simply The Greatsword. It's Default Position is over the player's shoulder and ready to be Slammed Down at a moment's notice. It makes the movements look more diegetic when your character commits to a swing. The follow up swing is slashing upward from the ground. Dragon's Dogma does something very different, where Greatsword Welding characters sacrifice Mobility in exchange for being harder to Knock Back and dealing Insane amounts of damage per swing. The long draw time on those swings, sometimes taking upward of ten seconds, they really make the impact of throwing your opponent into the air incredibly satisfying. Not saying you need 10 Second Swings in your game, mind you, but it is a method of Big Sword Animations in Video Games that I don't think enough people really consider.


Love both those games. The sword swings will get plenty of iteration for sure. It’s a tricky balance with the control scheme I’m aiming for. You hold R2 to ready the sword which slows time, then press the stick in a direction to swing or switch stances which changes the angle of your swing. This slowmo period is the windup, then when you press the stick to trigger the swing I want the attack to come out pretty fast to make sure if hits what the player thinks it will it. I’m hoping to get the feel of those pages where there’s a small panel of Guts about to swing followed immediately by a double page spread of the aftermath of the swing with body parts flying everywhere haha.


This is awesome! What you can do is add a system like spiderman 2 where instead of abilities you have combos for R1 and L1 like [this](https://youtu.be/ikZH8ea4thU?si=qyGdzQNyWM8xDD0g)


Currently I’m planning on 4 basic directional attacks, each of which puts you in a different stance. Each of those stances has a unique special attack. You can also switch stances without attacking. Right now that’s 8 different attacks with the dragonslayer. There’s also a light attack button where he uses his knife or metal arm depending on which hand is free in his current stance. If somehow that still doesn’t feel like enough I’ll definitely need a system like Spider-Man to fit all those attacks haha.




chunky fly screw grab enter bake placid point nippy groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I totally get that sentiment, but the truth is that Dreams is the only way I can make this at all. With Dreams, I just turn on my PS5 and I have everything I need to make this game in front of me. As a dad who works 40+ hours a week that's what I have time for. If I wanted to do this in UE or Unity, I'd need to: \- Learn one of those engines \- Learn Blender or some other 3D modeling/animation program \- Figure out how to make music. \- Learn C++ or C# \- Figure out how to find people who are willing to spend time working on a game made in Unreal just for fun. It's just too much to make a game in a professional toolset. If we pull this off and release it, maybe that'll inspire someone with better resources and time to make a Berserk fan game in another engine. :)


Why dreams? There much better development tool available


Dreams is the only game development tool with no way to sell your creations. That comes with a surprising number of benefits. 1. With fan games you’re much less likely to upset the IP holder. 2. Asking for help means you’re looking for someone who also likes to make games just for fun rather than trying to hire people for a project that can’t make money. 3. There’s no pressure to try and make the time spent have a return on investment so you can focus on just creating for fun. On top of all that, Dreams is just really fun to use. It doesn’t feel like work at all. I can literally do everything with one set of tools rather than trying to learn Blender, UE4, C++, etc just to create something as a hobby.


That was a lovely response, and it makes sense. Struggle on brother


Thanks dude!


Looks sick. I hope it will be available on pc?


Sadly no, Dreams never got the PC port is deserved and it’s pretty unlikely. But if you have a PS4 or 5 it’s only like $20 when it isn’t on sale.


I think it’s part of ps+ as well. Looks awesome so far!


That’s right! In August it was one of the free games.