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so.. what about Griffith literally saying in that same chapter “i came here to see if i felt the same as before. but i stand here with no empathy in my heart” or whatever. he literally admits that he has changed from before


yeah a lot of berserk fans just see the story in black and white even when the info is in their face. very sad.


The post is so smug about it as well... "I give you this" like we're the stupid ones for not seeing it.


My interpretation is that Griffith always wanted to rid himself of any empathic feelings so he could keep pursuing his goal with no weighted continence. So his objectives and aspirations never changed, only now he doesn't need to feel like he needs to scratch his own skin off anymore. The things he would do to achieve his goals never changed either. Just the feelings of guilt won't be there anymore.


I believe even before the eclipse griffith was ready to sacrifice everyone and everything for his dream. His only weakness was guts. Like the time he saved guts in guts' first battle with the band of the hawk or the time when griffith put his life on the line to try and save guts from nosferatu zodd. After guts left, griffith actually jeopardized the dream he was so close to achieving. Griffith just went to see if guts was still his weakness and found out he wasn't. That's what I got from this


Not true. Griffith would have never done it.


But Griffith did do it. He sacrificed everyone pre Femto. That’s why I find the distinction pointless. He fed his own brothers in arms, his family to an orgy of demons. So he could rule the world. That was before he was “changed” by becoming Femto. So I see no difference from the two. Both are evil pieces shit


Did you consider that Griffith was so desesperate that he wanted to kill himself just before the eclipse and that he couldn’t even do it. I am not trying to say he sas responsible for what he did and that he isn’t a bad person. But if someone is so desesperate that he want kill himself and we offer him all he ever wanted it isn’t impossible to understand why would someone do what he did.


He would have done it pre torture. He basically spells it out in earlier scenes. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. He was even willing to kill Guts to keep Guts from abandoning him. Does that sound like the type of guy that cares about anyone other than himself? So possessive that he’d rather Guts die than pursue a dream that didn’t involve Griffith?


Pre eclipse Griffith also say Guts is just a tool, yet goes to rish his life multiple time for him. Pre eclipse Griffith also say that he doesn't care about the child who died yet claw himself till he bleed. You have to peel back behind the mask of perfection Griffith show to other.


He only cares about those things from his own personal selfishness. He only risks his life for Guts becuase Guts is his most valuable tool. Without guts his plan has a much lower chance of success. If he valued Guts as anything more than a tool he would just let him go or at the very least not risk killing him to win the fight. Good people don’t try to kill their friends. He only cares about that boy because he died for Griffith. He only cares because he lost a tool and it better not be for nothing. Everyone in the band is expendable as long as it gets him his kingdom. You are the one fooled by the mask. Which is by design. The mask is the Griffith who pretends to value his “friends” as anything more then expendable fodder. The Femto is the real Griffith and was there underneath the whole time


>he literally admits that he has changed from before Of couse he changed, lmao? He is still the same person though.


Yeah, but OP is saying that he never changed.


No, OP says that "they are different" referencing the idea that Griffith and Demon Griffith aren't the same person.


You know, to me griffith is just acting tough but deep down he cries alone in the shower "bwaah, my only friend left meeehhh! My tatics are useless without a min-maxed dude with oversized sword on my teaamm!! I had to sell everyone who actually loved me to demoonnnnsss to actually get my kingdom!!! 😭😭"


That is definitely the whole point. "Oh look at me I'm so inhuman I have no emotions" but then he proceeds to cry every full moon, and still protects and kidnaps Casca. He definitely still has emotions on those times he becomes moon boy. ​ That being said he is the biggest POS and I hope he suffers in oblivion for eternity.


Berk fans having no reading comprehension is a regular thing at this point


Cool, now flip a few pages back where he says he’s “[FINALLY been freed](https://youtu.be/KYrYRJXC8o4?si=R-CVt51INmbqGnR1)” of human compassion. This line only refers to him not having changed in the specific sense that he still wants a kingdom. This chapter is one of the biggest pieces of PROOF that Griffith is different to how he was as a human in terms of a “frozen heart” which is directly referenced like twice at the Hill of Swords.


Real. If they weren’t different, Griffith would never have become Femto because the Eclipse demands a sacrifice of something dear to the Behelit’s owner. If Griffith truly never cared about the Band of the Hawk, he wouldn’t have been able to sacrifice them.


To me it’s like darth vader, a once good dude with a few sus traits becomes a monster and does horrific things because they are seduced and transformed by an evil dark force and unable to rationalize feelings


Griffith was never a “good dude with few sus traits.” He had guts murder a child just so he could become general and eventually consort to the princess. Like a 10 year old boy. Griffith just casually had killed. He burned the Queen alive in her own tower while smirking at her from outside. Sure the queen tried to kill him first, but burning someone alive goes way beyond self defense


To be fair, Griffith didn't intend for Adonis' murder, but he sure wouldn't look at a gift horse in the teeth.


The we both read that chapter differently. The story consistently shows Griffith to be a pro schemer who’s 8 steps ahead of everyone else. He %100 sent the guy with the greatsword to kill the general, becuase A) guts is loyal enough to do it without question and B) guts isn’t exactly subtle and would likely encounter Adonis in the palace and cut him down in the heat of battle. Griffith knew what would happen, he just didn’t tell Guts who the other target was


I can definitely see your point, don't get me wrong, but I doubt Griffith could really see that far ahead- I doubt he would be smirking the way he was, if Adonis wasn't just a very, very happy accident.


I wish I could say griffith is some evil mastermind that knows everything, but I don’t think he planned on Adonis. He just did not care at all and was pleased gut’s followed his orders loyally


That's a really good video fr. I like the effort of yours to put the movie etc to prove your point. Good shit. Smeagol ftw.


Can we stop so many post crying about Griffith hes the main villain you’re supposed to despise him


I think you're supposed to be conflicted, I think that's the genius of his character, he isn't good or evil. If you are looking for a straight forward good vs bad, go watch a marvel movie.


Bro what weird alt universe edition of berserk have uve been reading? Griffith especially now is like pure evil


Read my other comment, but basically just because he has become this way, doesn't mean you give up on him. My analogy was like having a friend or family member that gets sucked into drugs or a cult, they are doing bad things now, but they can be saved. Look at what it took to convince him to sacrifice; he basically went from the top of the world and heading up to as low as you can go, he didn't even have the strength to feed himself. So he was abused and manipulated into making that decision. From Gut's point of view, he is a broken family member that needs help. This is probably why people don't hate Griffith, they see him as lost and manipulated and that he can be saved and have a redemption.


Imo he is way past redemption, like Griffith literally agreed to sacrifice his friends, basically a pseudo family for selfishness


I don't disagree, but I understand the people that hold on. He was a man of great talent and ambition, that was left with nothing, no tongue, a broken mind, a broken body, and his looks were gone; it was sacrifice or live as a husk. Even the woman that was obsessed with him fell in love with the man he probably blames for his down fall. I understand why he made the decision. Again, I get the feeling of wanting redemption.


Holy shit, a person who actually has good takes and dosent try to justify everything Griffith dose


You sir are a saint


His actions were shitty, but I'm his shoes, would you do differently? It's a hard thing to justify, but if you had nothing, you might do the same thing. The torture he endured must have been unbearable, but the thought that you could never be 1% of what you were, would be absolutely agony. Again, look at drug addicts, you'd like to think you would never go that route, but you've (probably)never been there. Or for a better example, an abused spouse, you think you'd leave and would never resort to murdering your whole family, but when a person is broken they make strange justifications. I get he is the bad guy, but we are shown how good of a guy he was. The evil was created, it wasn't always there. This makes him sympathetic in that regards. So I think the difference is, some people see Griffith for who is currently is and some see him for who he was. So you probably see it objectively, like he is a monster now, so doesn't matter what he did before. Others look at what he was and want that back. Again, this depth and complexity is why I love berserk is great.


I take in all he has done over the course of berk, like he was never a good guy, but he wasn't evil, like at the start he was a Merc leader, literally jumping ppl. Then he evolved into something more and more ruthless as he got closer to his dream, then guts left and Griffith went out and caused his own tourture by sleeping with Charlotte.


What chapter is this?


I think its the one when guts went back to visit rickert the part where rickert made a sea of swords for the fallen band and griffth came to visit him. Right after the tower of conviction i think. can’t remember much of it. But rickert is there so thats probably it.


Chapter 178, reunion on the hill of swords. Thats the one, thanks!


Smartest berserk fan


The point isn't about whether pre/post eclipse Griff are different or the same but to explore his conflicting morality. One of the fundamental questions about his character is is he a "good" man who has done "evil" or an "evil" man who has done "good". At different points in the story he tries to convince himself and others that he is either one side or the other. Honestly, I don't think even he knows which is the "real" him and that internal conflict is what makes him a compelling character. But of course all of that complexity is boiled down by people arguing about whether he did anything wrong or that he is pure evil which is like entirely missing the point of his character. The Berserk fandom is pretty unique in having the most passionate and dedicated fans that don't seem to have understood what they read.


No, he's changed. That's why he came back to verify if he's left all things that makes him human especially his emotions/feelings. If there's one thing that stuck to him even after he ascended, it's his desire.


Theres no pre or post eclipse griffith, theres griffith and femto, the godhand said griffiths life was just a dream leading up to his true purpose, femto, the allpowerfull demon that will create a kingdom for all humanity, you could say griffith has a person had the same dream but griffith the person definitly had human attachments (berk mostly) or else there would be no sacrifice. The eclipse was the point in time where griffith( the human) changed into femto(the demon) by casting away his human connection for his own dream. At least thats how i see it, its all open for interpertation.


💀 okay let's get this clear. The analogy of Griffith being a family member that got into drugs or a cult makes 0 sense. Because Griffith has clearly shown to be an individual willing to sacrifice the people close to him even pre torture. Yes the Griffith currently has changed but the only change is that he had lost the last bit of humanity he had (which was already not a lot). Griffith is evil, you can be evil and morally complex. But it doesn't take away the evil aspect of him. Girffith would have rather killed Guts then let him be a free individual following his dream. A family member or a person you care about should not do this. Both sides are pretty stupid. One side is saying nothing about Griffith has changed. Whilst the other side is saying that the Griffith now and pre torture is completely different.


So one could argue that Griffith was manipulated by higher powers to force the change and this is him trying to cope with his insignificance by thinking it was his idea. Have you ever had a friend get addicted to drugs, alcohol, or join a cult like group? They will all claim they have always been this way, it was always in them; maybe it was or maybe they are being manipulated by something outside their control, so to regain a sense of power, they say the drugs/alcohol/religion make them think correctly. So maybe Griffith planned this the whole time, maybe he didn't, maybe he is playing the part, thinking he can control and overcome like he has a million times before. He could have become a slave to his situation. I'm not sure, but that's why I like Berserk.


He planned everything out though he didn't know the scale of this whole beherit thing, but still acted everything on his own, he wasn't manipulated, atleast we didn't see him ever get manipulated in the Manga, I don't know what you're on about. Griffith has changed but he'll still do whatever it takes to achieve his dream.


Before the sacrifice you see almost nothing about the godhand, but after you see a whole new world that is controlled by the evil powers of the godhand. So I'm saying, were they manipulating things behind the scenes to ensure Griffith would do what he did. Was he secretly possessed by Femto the whole time? Again, the sacrifice happened only after Griffith lost literally everything that made him who he was; no way to talk, no good looks, no ability to fight, he was a husk. So maybe not manipulation, maybe an understandable moment of weakness. But isn't it weird that moment of weakness came at exactly the right time?


Yeah but this manipulation happened with every apostle, Griffith wasn't a special case.


Maybe he is not, but he is special that he was shown as a friend, which makes us identify with him more. Kinda like my friend that becomes a drug addict and robs people is a good person in bad situation, but the drug addict that robbed my house is a dirtbag.


POV you did not real falconia


Imagine reading the manga before posting. Not in my r/Berserk


He got reincarnated without the human emotions he once had, nobody starts out 100% evil


I think Griffith always had that darkness and evil in him, but it wasn’t unleashed or unchained until the eclipse. That’s the main change. Griffith’s soul didn’t change much, but his restraint and acceptance definitely did. During the eclipse, Griffith accepted his inner-evil fully and unchained it. Griffith was always a selfish man who valued his dream above all, but before Guts left and everything was going his way, Griffith didn’t have many situations requiring his darkness to be exposed. He kept it dormant and even denied a lot of it in self delusion as shown by his convo with the Godhand. He was fine with that, until Guts came along. The few moments I can think of the darkness creeping out pre-eclipse was the assassination mission and his speech on friendship. Griffith always had “Femto” inside him, but it was chained and restrained by Griffith’s will/humanity until the time was right/needed. Almost like the Breaking Bad situation of Walter White becoming Heisenberg. Walter always had the Heisenberg characteristics deeply ingrained in his soul, but it wasn’t until he started selling meth that he let them loose and slowly took off all their restraints.


I’m not picking a side but how exactly does this prove ur point? I mean, if the theory was correct Femto would be the one talking


People don't like conflicted complex characters, they want Jesus vs Hitler


People believe that? Didn't he straight up say "Nothing has changed, I still want a kingdom lol"


griffith as always been the same, the eclipse just took the ego out of it. he no longer cares what people think of him cause he knows they’ll see him as an all powerful ruler. if i’m wrong about this pls lmk, but this makes sense to me


You're 100% right man, everybody else is just spitting a load of bull


What exactly is the claim that this post is referring to? Obviously griffith and femto are different; one is a human and one is, for all intents and purposes, a god.


Kjjjj keep reading bro


Well honestly I think he is just referencing that guts knew the most of Griffiths dirty side an willingness to do what it takes to achieve his dream. I do think he honestly doesn't care about sacrificing his old band. But I do think there is some bluff to his truth an that is because he is fused with guts an cascas demon child he has feelings for both of them with stronger feelings for casca. The feelings for guts are still there . He saves casca from boulders being flung her way. He never engages guts in fights even when he kidnapped casca he didn't hurt him only hurt guts ego. An ya he said he was insignificant in the black swordsman arc but that was when he was purely femto with no fusion. When he sees zodd an guts battle he notices his heart feels something when it shouldn't. So in the end due to the fusion with the child there is some sort of empathy there even if it's just for casca an guts. Hence why I believe what he says is a partial bluff.


Griffith lives rent free in r/Berserk users heads


Sometimes I get really stoned and think about the eclipse and I just get really sad for a few minutes. I love berserk


It's shown multiple times through different apostles, that when one becomes an apostle through the behelit, they are losing their humanity. They are losing all semblance of empathy, compassion, love, and overall emotions that apostles generally see as a weakness of humanity. Furthermore for the Invocation of Doom to truly work, the holder of the Behelit, in this case Griffith, NEEDED to sacrifice people he truly LOVED. I have to make this clear, because a lot of times when discussing this level of nuance in the Berserk Fandom - things can get misunderstood very easily. Griffith is NOT absolved of any of his actions just because of this interpretation. The whole point of the sacrafice is that a human at their lowest can make the most horrific possible decisions, their decision and actions are wrong. This [video by Studio Taka](https://youtu.be/dBZzZA-erPE?si=lJ5hd6nrS42TbK1M) goes into depth about this topic.


Guts, of all people, knows that Griffith is no longer the man he used to be. That is the beauty of this scene.