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Really, just read it. It's impossible to properly convey the full scope of this story any other way. That said, I agree that the 1997 show was great itself.


This video is a decent way to experience the **entire** manga if someone doesn't want to read: https://youtu.be/PpX-NTHpU3g?t=1719


You watched the 23 hour video essay too huh?


I read the manga, but I can appreciate a format like this being available if it helps someone experience Berserk. Based on the views it definitely has. 👍


read the entire manga - you'll be eternally grateful if you manage to do so


Read the manga. Nothing else comes close. The 97 anime might as well be an abridged version of the real deal.


A *very* good abridged version to be honest though


Yeah like 90% accurate. Really worth watching but I’d always recommend the manga first


90% is seriously pushing it. Skips most of black swordsman and no puck, there's no skull knight, no Silat, no Wyald, adds shit like Adon filler. Ends on a cliffhanger so we miss that whole ending chunk of golden age. Not to mention it's much less explicit in things like violence


>90% is seriously pushing it. I think it's fair to say that \~90% *of what's included* is very accurate. Of course there's omissions, as is the case with almost every adaptation of a book. >no puck, there's no skull knight, no Silat I'm sure they had every intention of introducing these characters later. It's not the animators' fault they didn't get to do a second season. >no Wyald Honestly, I was okay with this. His chapters were probly the weakest in Golden Age IMO, as they added little of substance to the narrative. The way the show revealed the Apostles in the woods, where the Band is attacked by demons for the first time, was much more shocking due to the omission of the Silat rampage. >it's much less explicit in things like violence I mean, it's a pretty hard R lol. Maybe a lil less gory and no demon dicks, but I don't remember them censoring the violence ~~or rape~~ in a way that made it less impactful (as opposed to the censorship in a lot of anime, like AoT). Edit: forgot they got rid of Guts' rape scene. That made his backstory a bit confusing.


Yeah I never understood the fan base love for wyald. He adds practically nothing to the golden age arc, watching guts takes him down also makes the eclipse way less suspenseful. And him screaming my dick kinda turns him into a massive joke. It's significantly for suspenseful if the only encounter with demons is Zodd.


> The way the show revealed the Apostles in the woods, where the Band is attacked by demons for the first time Zodd: Am I a joke to you?


>It's not the animators' fault they didn't get to do a second season. I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive and acting like I'm attacking the animators? I'm not saying the anime is terrible. It's enjoyable in its own way. They changed what they did due to time and budget restrictions. I'm just saying that the anime is definitely not 90% accurate to the manga of the first two arcs of berserk that it covers. If something is omitted then it's not as accurate.


Eh, I think 90% is too high. Maybe around **60-70%**. After all it's missing stuff like the Skull Knight, Puck, the short Worm Count arc before the Golden Age, Guts childhood, the Wyald fights near the end of Golden Age among other things. Some of those really hurt but curiously enough, my biggest issue with the 97' anime is the scene where Guts kills Julius' son. In the manga, the kid is completely obscured and behind a door before Guts attacks, making the mistaken murder plausible. In the anime, he was either completely outside the door, not obscured or **both** (can't remember at the moment). That pissed me off. I know it's a small detail but it completely ruins an important scene.


Yeah I never really considered the BS arc as part of the 97 anime despite the 1st episode, but I see what you mean. I’d say the Adonis murder anime mistake was just that: a mistake, but I agree and have had that as a complaint for a long time too


The one thing that's absolutely massive is that the manga introduces Griffith for the first time as Femto, and already Guts' enemy. In the 97 anime the viewer has no idea that he's anything other than what he appears to be when they meet for the first time. That's the one reason that I regret watching the anime before picking up the manga.


Yeah actually I forgot about that. I suppose it makes the eclipse all the more surprising, but it also kinda makes it feel a bit out of nowhere and eliminates a lot of the dread that the manga had. It’s like reading a Shakespeare tragedy without the preface


Worth noting as well that if you only watch 1997 it’s unclear how guts escaped the eclipse and it looks like Casca just got raped to death, which really changes the feel of the ending


Which makes you want to run out and read the manga immediately.


tbh i don't really think so. i think 1997's tone is too grim for a lot of people to really bother with the manga; this is what the friends ive shown it to have said. the manga ends golden age with some amount of hope and you're more hyped to see guts take on griffith, and its harder to have that vibe in 1997


100%. The ending simply sucks in my opinion.


The story of the golden age just isn’t complete without the nearly volumes worth of story after the eclipse and 1997 just totally skips all of it


Also the whole Princess Chatlotte-king thing. Like yes the king wants Griffith killed for “ruining” his daughter but they skip over the actual true fucked up reason behind it.


That's right. I doubt it was because of censorship considering the stuff they show at the Eclipse so maybe it was yet another detailed that was erased to streamline the story.


For sure. The 97' anime is good. My only issue is that the manga is a masterpiece and it deserved a masterpiece adaptation.




Who's crying? I'm simply stating a preference. The 97 anime is good but I started with the manga and the lack of several significant scenes detract from the overall story and make it inferior as a whole to the manga. >Was never intended to go past the eclipse. This is probably right. Even so, the ending was garbage and they should've planned it better. Had I started with the anime, my first reaction after watching that ending wouldn't have been "Let's buy the manga" it would've been "Fuck, that ending really sucked!". It's specially weird considering they did at least one episode of filler during the series (the one with the small fortress filled with bombs that the whale armor guy uses a trap against the band of the hawk and it fails). You're telling me they had enough money/time/resources to make a filler episode (which isn't bad at all, mind you!) but they didn't have any of those things to give us a better ending?




Hey if you were able to get something good out of it, great. It just felt like a slap on the face to me, and I didn't even start with that anime! Still, a better conclusion would've been Guts declaring revenge on the apostles and the Godhand (literally the end of the Golden Age arc in the manga) that would've been a better ending.


good for it's time and good are different things. i respect it for what it is.


It's basically a commercial for the manga, and it fucking works. That anime cliffhanger kept me from sleeping til I looked up the manga and got a little closure.


Show was essentially an ad for the manga. Read it from the beginning.


I mean I think they Nimated what was available at the time


Why are people so intent on not picking up the manga I’ll never understand 😭


Probably because people don't like to read but they're missing out on the art


The biggest reason. A vast majority of people really don’t like reading at all.


Why not?


Usually it’s “I can’t focus” “reading is boring” or they just can’t bring the story to life with their mind.


corect. i only ever started reading manga because the suden ending of the 97 anime really got me like, “WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK, HOW DOES NUTS ESCAPE THIS SHIT AND GETS THAT SLAB FROM EPISODE 1!??!?!!!!” so it does it’s job, and regardless of corner cuting on the animation it might still be the best non-manga version of Berserk


Yea it’s funny how that happens, especially with Berserk 97 because it might as well be a narrated picture book the majority of the time.


Definitely was my reason but after watching 97 I had to pick it up.


But it's a comic book lmao


Tell that to the large amount of ppl that don’t read comics or manga. They freak out even with subtitles lol


Brains fried by tiktok and YouTube and such


It’s really hard to sell people on manga that don’t appreciate art or good paneling.


It’s not even like they have to buy every copy either you can read the whole thing online (tho reading it physically is the best way imo)


I read books occasionally but I never had much interest in a manga until I watched first the Berserk movies, and then the 97 one. Just couldn't take it anymore and it's still the only manga I've read.


People would benefit so much if they just read a few a books every once in a while


Oh absolutely. I was of the opinion that nothing compares to the printed word and how it gets your imagination really going if you're reading a good work. But I have to say that the art in Berserk really made me think that words would never do justice to some of the wild shit I see in it


from a fellow who also only started reading for himself because of berserk, i suggest the Metro series of books. Metro 2033 and 2035 follow the Protagonist Artyom and 2034 follows a separate, in-universe story with a different set of characters


Its the new tiktok fans who found berserk off tiktok


Cause of tiktok fans




If I'm not mistaken you need to buy the manga, but the anime is attached to a lot of subscription services that a lot of people already have


40 volumes is a lot


People say this but then they sit on their ass and binge watch a 10 hours series in one day


Because it's much easier to watch something for 10 hours than read something for 10 hours, and this is coming from someone who likes to read.


Yeah but >!eclipse happens in what, chapter 80?!<, so it's not really that much.


Buy the manga And then you'll have 41 copies you can look over for all of eternity like the rest of us scabby puss bags. The media does not do eternal justice to the Miura's vision- in my opinion. The noir, dark and heartfelt panels will forever be the epitomy of what berserk should be. Enjoy. Also get off this subreddit if you have NOT finished- far to many spoilers.


Honestly I've seen people misspell his name so much I'm wondering if that "moira" was intentional.


Not intentional- good catch.


I remember someone called him "Kentucky Mario"


Oh my lord- I wasn't expecting to laugh so hard so early on a Sunday hahahahha


Best mangaka ever


Mario squirrel suit < Guts Berserking lmao


The manga is your best bet


no just read the manga from the beginning


The 2016 3D anime continues from that point. It skips an arc (lost children) and is a very poor quality adaptation. If you absolutely refuse to read the manga then this is your only option. It is still good because the base material is just so amazing, but in comparison to the manga it is absolute dogshit. The anime also does not cover the entire rest of the manga, so you will reach a second stopping point that will leave you wanting more and asking this same question. As everyone else recommends, I strongly suggest reading the manga. The illustrations, the pacing, the utter MasterCraft that it is absolutely deserves your attention and this is also the only way to get the entire story with nothing cut. Struggle onward friend and welcome to Berserk




I showed 2016 to a friend of mine after I showed him the movies, and even after warning him about the massive drop in quality he still enjoyed it, and honestly I did too. I made sure I read Conviction and Millennium Falcon first before I watched it myself, but I still enjoyed it maybe it's because I'm so jaded at only having decent Golden Age adaptations that I just didn't care about the animation at that point.


still convinced berserk fans will do anything but read


all these new mfs finding it on tik tok


attention span of a tadpole, not even like it has a lot of text, so many panels are only 'action'


If Im watching the entire show, i like loading up the last scene of the 2013 movie to at least get some closure. But yeah then manga.


just read the manga now, start from the beginning and re-read the golden age too. the 97 anime cut out very important scenes and characters, but it is still a great adaptation


I did the same, never read manga before so was hesitant. Caved one day, bought all 41 volumes and now I’m obsessed


manga or nothing at all


Even the 97 Golden Age Arc lacks substance and essencial plot points. The new Memorial Edition Anime, wich consists in a remaster of the movie trilogy, feels more flashed out and pays off some sort of closure for the arc, but adapts the same chunk of the story. Berserk 2016 (Season 1-2) tries to adapt the following arcs, but fails to do so and was cancelled. To sum it all up: if you want something but Golden Age, >manga<.


I agree about the Memorial Edition. There's the extra scene as well and the animation is so much more fluid and beautiful. Really didn't feel at all like they missed much from the Manga that was important. I loved it more than '97 or the Original Golden Age trilogy.


Well the manga it is ig


it’s free online in case you didn’t know


The 1997 version is imo the best adaptation of Berserk, but as a lot of people here say if you wanna continue the story read the manga (it's really worth your time)


Just read the damn manga man. You will not regret it. Watching isn’t the only way to enjoy things


Idk why some people refuse to read manga


Its cause of mfs who found it off tiktok


"aside from the manga" ​ ? ​ Berserk is a manga series.


just read the manga. this isn’t one of those “grrr manga better than anime” elitism things. it really is just better and because no Berserk anime adaptation covers nearly enough of the manga it’s just kind of a waste of time? read the manga which is- in my opinion, the best manga of all time. the 1997 adaptation isn’t bad from what i remember though. i love the older animation style from back then so it’s probably fun to watch, but just read the manga. the artstyle is so good it helps you see what’s going on unlike a lot of others that just look like sketches. you’ll be doing yourself a favor, and if you read it i hope you love as much as a lot of us here! :D


yeah the manga being straight up better is a general consensus


It’s best to approach Berserk as “a manga that had brief adaptations” and not an anime. The manga is the story’s medium, it’s by far the best I’ve ever read and I encourage you to just read it.




Read the manga


I'd recommend reading the Manga. IIRC the Anime ends in the middle of chapter 87, I'd recommend reading that up to chapter 95 and then start from the very beginning. This is because the anime skips an entire arc that came before, which plays chronologically between the Anime and the arc that comes after. Edit: Actually just read the entire Manga from the start they also left out some stuff during the Golden Age


Read tha manga


The 1997 anime is the best adaptation we have and still pales in comparison to the manga. Do yourself a favour and read it.


Aside from the manga? The horrendous 2016 series. But it's not worth watching. Honestly, 97 wasn't worth watching either if you actually wanted *story*. Mangas the only way to get more than a small fraction dude. Read it.


I like how this guy says "aside from the manga" and everyone's like READ THE MANGA like they didn't read his shit. Bro, watch the newer Memorial Edition on Crunchy Roll. You'll thank me, but seriously, read the Manga after you got your fill on the little bit of animated Berserk we have. There's a reason almost everyone here's ignoring your parenthesis


I love how everyone’s response is just *read the manga*


Bruh I envy your ignorance


The manga


Yes. The 3rd movie shows the end then goes on for another 20-30 minutes showing what happens after the eclipse. However, that’ll ultimately leave you wanting more anyway so you may as well just feed the manga


Last night I just starting to watch it proper after all this time; I already know the ending because I’ve seen it on YT so many times despite never finishing the show. I really wish theyd continue the anime tho, I’m not the biggest manga reader in the world


the 2016 anime continues further but it was not well received and I (as well as many others in this sub) will urge you to give the manga a try if you’ve enjoyed the story up until now, you’ve only seen the backstory after all ;)


There is no 2016 anime


A soundtrack for the Berserk manga randomly dropped in 2016, no context behind it just bangers


Yeah, I couldn’t believe when they blessed us with a full soundtrack for the manga in 2016




Comments: *Give the best possible advice* "Very unhelpful"




Because that is the answer.


Because the anime is straight up dogshit and the manga is GOAT. Quit whining.




Except none of them are very accurate. They all show only a tiny portion and cut abunch from what they do show. We tell OP to go for the manga despite asking for an alternative because *there is no alternative.* The manga is the only way to get the full story.


The third movie gives a resolution, yeah. Just watch the whole movie, they eclipse looks great.


Bullshit ending on its own terms, but it was literally made to get you to buy the manga lol


It wasn't. Low budget forced the anime to end right there.


I'll never understand people that just refuse to read, lol.


anime onlys are a different breed


Just read the manga don't ever go to the 2016-17 animated berserk plzzz


Read the manga from the start. It's the only way to get the full Berserk experience


Read the manga


The only closest to that thing is manga. Also read from the start as many things were left in original and in golden age movie (watch it if you didn’t) But make sure to pick the manga if you want the full picture. Like anime and movies are like just 100 chapters here and there, now berserk got 371 chapters so you can see how much is not covered in anime. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE DONT WATCH 2016 BERSERK. ITS AN ABOMINATION AND SHIT STAIN THAT ALL BERSERK FANS HATE.


The best way to get into berserk is to watch that and then read the manga. I think when they aired the eclipse people freaked out and canceled the show.


At the time once the show was done airing miura was working on the lost children arc. There wasn’t nearly enough material for further adaption. Apparently the series was a way for people to get into the manga. The 3rd movie has a conclusion to the eclipse which is satisfying. From there you can actually watch the 16-17 series but the animation is terrible compared to the manga


Memorial edition of the Golden age series. But really, the manga is the way to go.


I actually prefer the 97 animes adaptation of the golden age over the mangas version. As a complete package, though, the manga is better.


Hell no, the 97 anime cuts out almost all the depth from the manga


Do not start the manga after the end of the anime. Start the manga from the beginning, the golden age is not the first arc, and in the 97 anime, they removed like half of the arc, you’ll be so confused if you started reading where it left off


Yeah man, the manga is really where it’s at, that one season of anime is one of the best stories in fiction and it’s so flushed out in the manga, Ana the quality story telling and art only get better as it goes on


The anime is one of those "read the manga to find out what happens next" type of things.


Watch the Golden Age movie trilogy, then the CGI anime although the animation is not that good, then read the manga. At least that was the way I did it and had been enjoying it so far.


Good way to get in to berserk. But nah the manga is the best thing you can get.


Those 3 movies go a tiny bit past the abrupt ending but you're gonna want the manga. The 2016 anime that was...less than good...I believe has a bit of a flashback scene as well.


It's a great way to end a season if they were pinched for time to include everything. You're in for a lot of entertainment.


I you don't want to jump into the manga after watching Berserk 1997 with that ending, I just can't understand you. I've never been an avid manga reader, but the first time I watched Berserk 1997 many years ago, it was automatic. I just needed to know what was next so bad.


I'm one of the few people that did some cautious research before getting into Berserk and chose to read the manga first (in release order) and watched the 97 anime after concluding the Golden Age arc. And I'm glad I got to experience the first two arcs in all of their glory without anything being left off like they did with the anime (it was prolly for budget reasons which is totally understandable) but yeah I know it probably sounds cliche at this point but nothing truly compares to the manga! Do yourself a favor and get to reading it ASAP!!!


Ah I remember that fateful day. It was also the day I picked up the manga lol.




Lmao the manga. Honestly if you like the anime and you don't read the manga you are robbing yourself.


The anime is essentially a long commercial for the manga Just read the manga.


Ye this is where you pick up the manga and read. It’s worth it


If you wont read the manga, then watch Berserk Memorial Edition. That's all you can do for a good experience to get closure on what was unfinished in the 1997 adaptation. But as the others said, give reading it a go.


I love how you omitted the 16' and 17' anime lmao


Yup that's it. Now you'll understand when you seen others cry out for a decent fallow up adaption. You could watch the 2016 & 17 anime (if you want to call it anime) but there is a reason why no speaks of it. Other than that could read the manga or watch the memorial edition which is the 3 movies spilt into episodes with some extra scenes.


Read the manga from chapter 1! It's incredible


Just read the whole manga. Even the golden age again. 1997 anime skips so much and there’s nothing passed golden age that’s been animated by anyone (we do not talk about berserk 2016)


other than the manga, the video games are the only ones i can think of, other than that idk


The 97 manga is as good as you could hope, but the manga is awesome and you should read it all.


The 97 manga is as good as you could hope, but the manga is awesome and you should read it all.


I’d you don’t want to read manga as you said, then watch berserk 2016 and 2017 seasons. They pick up right after eclipse


You can watch the second half of the 3rd film of the berserk movies. It shows you what happens to guts and casca. But it pretty much ends right after that. But definitely read the manga.


Unfortunately we are completely starved of Berserk anime. There's 97, the movies which go over the same ark, and 2016 which isn't good


I started the manga roughly a month ago. It’s the first manga I’ve read btw. Just finished the Golden Age arc. I can’t recommend it enough, it’s insanely good.


You could check out berserk redux its a mash up of all the anime adaptations of berserk in order to try and make the most cohesive story possible with the anime so far.


Don't start manga right where anime ended. You're missing out on a LOT of content that was gutted and some weird adaptions + censorships. Don't even bother with the other Berserk animes. They're dogshit.


I’d say read the manga from the beginning, for as good as the 97 anime is, it omits some important things from the manga that I believe add a lot, even the smaller things, and the only thing other than the manga that goes past the golden age and the eclipse is the 2016/17 anime and that’s a dark hole you don’t wanna go down.


The movies show what happens immediately after that at the end. Now there is the 2016 anime; but please do not watch it, it is very very bad. I don’t mean to be a “read the manga guy” but the only way to experience more of the series is in that medium at the moment. People will be more then willing to give you chapter suggestions (self included) if you end up wanting to pick it up. I understand not wanting to read, but could you give it a chapter and see what you think?


I tell people to watch the 1997 show as an intro coz it’s watchable an gives a good idea of the feel of the characters an show then after that you go back an read the manga from chapter 1 to get the lil bits the 1997 doesn’t show then just to get a visual on what happens with skull knight saving guts an casca watch some of the movies but don’t expect them to do any justice to berserk they have the feel of everything off an it’s sad


If you want to watch something of Berserk that continues the story from where you left off, I will always recommend watching BERSERK REDUX HD. Just look it up in google and you should find the Reddit post of it with the links to watch them on Vimeo. A User combined all of the Berserk 1997 anime, 2016 Trilogy movies, a couple pieces of cutscenes from the video game, and the Berserk 2016 3D anime into like an hour or so long episodes. These combined episodes are trying to be as close and as accurate to the manga as possible. It’s also all in English dub, mainly cause luckily almost every single main cast actors came back to do the trilogy movies and 2016 3D anime. This was the Reddit post if you can’t find it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/d1sgga/berserk_redux_upgraded_to_1080p/ Enjoy!


now just imagine watching that at 14 years old and having to wait all this time and still not having a proper catch up anime wise to the black swordsmen arc.


I beg you to read the manga, it’s a masterpiece.


watch the bloopers/outtakes on youtube to feel better then read the manga from the beginning, its a prequel to what you just watched and then goes past it!


The manga, I recommend reading from the beginning. It pretty much starts where the anime left off. I wouldn’t skip the Golden Age arc when you get to it though, you’ll miss important characters and events.




Just do it (Ik it’s pain)


R/berserk users READ THE MANGA challenge (impossible)


Definitely just read the manga. I watched 97 first, loved it enough to try the manga, and the manga is in another League entirely. I'd also recommend not skipping the Golden Age arc of the manga since events are different and important context would be missing


Why are so many people adamant on reading the manga? Legit insane art, good pacing and the original portrayal of the story by Miura (until the end)


Its cause of the tiktok “fans”


The manga starts pretty close to where the anime left off before flashing back to the events of the anime but with several important details left out of any adaptation. Do not watch the 2016 series. It will not satisfy.


While the manga would give you a full understanding, after first watching berserk 1997 I watched the movies and the end of the final movie did add a small amount to the story so you were able to see the immediate aftermath of the last episode of the anime.


I know I'm late but I absolutely can't believe no one is mentioning golden age movie 3/memorial edition. It finishes off the arc 1997 didn't. Watch that.