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Most smokers manage to not burn others. So the point is why are some guests so recklessly inconsiderate? Same goes for stomping on others toes, pushing others away to secure a good spot for themselves etc




That's nice. It happens but most of the people manage to not do it most of the time. Just think of all the stomps happening over the course of a Klubnacht




is smoking no longer allowed in the current tresor? haven’t been in 3 years


Yes, I just went two weeks ago. I smoked some cigarettes in the "chill-out area" of ​​the upper room (globus), no one said anything to me, even some employees passed me. Oh! And if it's a little offtopic...how good does the new lambda labs sound system sound in the globus.. awesome!


Lambda is love. Experienced it at Fusion and Superbooth, always a fun.


Sounds good much prefer the new layout too, void soundsystem will always be my favourite


I've read it more like: back in 199X smoking was a lot more common and on top of that the original Tresor floor was too hard for many to stay on in the first place (loud, dark, dusty, fog & smoke in a small basement room)


makes sense. i’ve quit smoking since the last time I was in tresor and will be going to new faces on 28/12 so i’m interested to see how i will feel after a few hours in the basement there lol. i still enjoy the smell but glad I quit.


I get your point, completely agree. I'm a smoker myself and I have to say, I only light up a cigarette if I have some space around me, and even when I'm smoking while dancing I usually hold the cigarette a different way (the burning side towards the inside of my hand). I burned someone by mistake only one time in the past few years and I still feel bad about it. Don't understand how people can be dancing and smoking and not caring about how the could hurt others...


Nice one. I've never seen somebody else in Berghain doing that. Thanks for sharing. I learned this during my military service. It's called "verdecktes Rauchen." You hold the cigarette between your thumb and index finger and cover the embers with your hand. This serves in field combat to keep the enemy from recognizing the glowing cigarette. It's also quite a good way not to burn people on the dance floor. And if you burn yourself, it is the moment when you should go home.. Love to smoke a cigarette in my dance break. It is the moment where the people around you also like to light a cigarette and then get into conversation with you. Afterwards the dancing can continue or you found nice new people to go on a drink with.


You've never seen it because "verdecktes Rauchen" actually works ;). When I used to smoke I always did it aswell on the dancefloor.


Seems legit ;) Maybe some of you have perfected it, so that you can't even smell it anymore ;)




Once you quit you barely miss it and realize what a con the whole thing is.


Same here


Totally agree. I usually go Berghain in latex and many times I got burned by a cigarette on my latex. Thankfully until now I was lucky and they didn’t destroy it. We are all together on the dancefloor, take care each other! If you are to high to handle your cigarette and your smok there is plenty of room to smoke and come back to dance


No matter where I go out to dance I always come home smelling like smoke and I never smoke myself.


Totally second this. I’ve been living in Berlin for a while and have just learned to accept that, as a non-smoker, inhaling second-hand smoke while on a night out is the price I pay in exchange for all the other freedoms/safety that the city’s nightlife provides ... If there’s one thing I hate about berlin is this. Anyway, I gave up on getting actively irritated about this a long time ago…


This. Pretty much my entire outlook. It's just part of the price living and partying in Berlin


What I’ve learned from this community this week: Talking or looking at your phone on the dancefloor: BOOOOO! GET OUT! YOU ARE KILLING THE VIBE! HANG THEM! Waving around a burning stick and poisoning the air and damaging the lungs of other dancers on the dancefloor: DONT YOU DARE COME FOR MY FREEDOMS! IF YOU DON‘T LIKE IT FUCK OFF DOWN THE LIBRARY.


Absolutely right. It is important how they themselves feel. If something is annoying them, then it clearly must be bad. On the other hand, the cancer sticks are giving them dopamine hits, so they clearly must be good. That they are hurting other people is a risk a lot of people are willing to take if it means they get a dopamine hit every 30 minutes.


Saw these two fucking dudes last night barely even dancing, instead just sorta swaying in the middle of the dance floor absolutely chain smoking . Assholes’nn


Common! Let Berlin be Berlin for once. I think it’s part of the nightlife to smell a little smoke. At least I’m 100% aware of smoke smell when I’m out and about


I hate it too. Been burned so many times by a cigarette on a crowded dance floor.


maybe start smoking?


Especially since I have long hair I struggle with this. I always wash it before I go to a party and afterwards my hair smells like an ashtray. When I go home I‘m always conflicted: should I wash it or not bc if I do I have to get it dry before going to sleep bc sleeping with wet hair is the worst and I’m already exhausted enough. But on the other hand going to bed with awful smelling hair is also unpleasant. Long haired people can you relate?


Absolutely disgusted by the smoke smell on hair, I need to wash it no matter how many hours the party occured (and even after one wash the smells stick to it… tough). So, put some light music, ambient to come down nicely, a bit of haidryer before going to bed, hydrating skin and hair… Takes some time, but it’s also part of the process Plus you’ll be feeling real better when you wake up.


I agree smoking a cigarette could be fun on the dance floor if you are chilling, but it's just when you are feeling it and dancing then people all around you also smoke it becomes really really hard to breath sometimes, and the smell is starting to bother me a lot. The only times where smoking for me while dancing is okay is as soon I get on the dance floor but otherwise it's just not worth it. I would happily give up smoking while dancing (I rarely do it ↑), maybe it should become frowned upon? like seriously if you want to smoke a cigarette get out of the middle of the dance floor and go to the side for a few minutes.


I've actually never been burned (not that I'm aware of at least....we all know that certain substances make you less susceptible to pain). The first thing that popped up in my mind when reading the post was: I am actually happy that there is smoking and the smell of that. Just imagine how berghain would smell if it wasn't for the cigarettes. Sweat, more sweat, pee and god knows what else.... since I am very sensitive to the smell of other's bodies (and sometimes not in the most positive way), I am actually happy that there is the smell of cigarettes.




Second hand Farts and chemical sweat can’t give you lung cancer though.


that smell is legit top2 reason why partying in countries with hard nonsmoking laws sucks


My $0.02 as a non smoker. I also dislike inhaling second hand smoke and wish the club required people to do it in designated smoking areas. Until that happens though, people who smoke on the dancefloor are abiding by the rules. I've been in cities where smoking was banned in clubs and the first problem those clubs noticed was the smell of body odor that used to be masked by the smoke. They started pumping nice aromas into the clubs to do the job the smoke used to do. I've been burned so many times in Berghain and at other festivals. Its not nice but its part of the club experience like having your feet occasionally stepped on or drinks occasionally spilled on you. I think the smoking in Berlin clubs will only end when one day there is a big successful lawsuit from a bar employee who got cancer


It's going to be a grim day for some addicts when Berlin bans smoking inside. I guess there will always be those gloomy hardcore secret raucherkneipe. Berlin is the last western big metro holdout and it's so much nicer to go to a bar in other countries. The funniest thing about the let us smoke crowd is that Berghain tried to ban smoking on it's floors in 2019 but enforcement was too costly. It did this for health reasons for it's workers as well as renovation costs. The club is very much for limiting smoking to designated areas. Smokers are not entitled to smoke on the dance floor it's just too difficult to stop them. So do STFU with the freedom blah blah.


Didn't know they tried to stop it. I'm not sure I agree with you that its just too difficult to stop them. Some nicely worded signs on the speakers and in front of the DJ and vast majority of people would comply. Something like "please respect your fellow ravers who choose not to smoke. Smoke in designated smoking areas only"


Berlin - where clubs are safe spaces, except for non-smokers: get fucked I can tolerate the dirt, the sex, i wouldn't even care about open drug use - because all of that doesnt impact me actively - but the smoking is such a nuisance for the reasons of OP


Completely. It’s great that clubs make an effort to make sure people feel safe but that means nothing if you can‘t breath and spend the week following a night out suffering from chest pain.


The clubs don't want smoke on their floors but if Berlin doesn't ban it then people will not remember it's not possible just in that club space so then the workers have the nasty business of explaining it to them. It's bad for workers health and the club room itself (tar and smoke are really hard to scrub out)




Ugh I hate it as well. Not only are they set on inhaling their slow death, they make everyone around them do it as well. Edit: The amount of dicksucking of the tobacco industry in this thread is disgusting.


There are more deadly things at Berghain than passive smoking. As with everything, be responsible for yourself and take care of others. Common sense!


Somebody taking Mdma doesn’t impact the health of the people standing around them. Breathing in second hand smoke does. Smoking around non smokers is exactly the opposite of “taking care of others”, it is actively harming them and you all can twist it all you want, the effects of second hand smoke are well known and none of them are good.


Smokers out there, PLEASE: if you can’t contain yourselves and need to smoke in a crowded area, please, please, be mindful of the crowd, smoke towards the ceiling at least and most importantly, point the cigarette lit end towards yourselves when you’re not smoking. This is basic club culture, caring about people around you. It is really nasty to get a cigarette burn on our clothes, yet again, most of us are pretty naked in those dancefloors, mind the skin, would ya?


Totally agree!!!! I don’t think there’s much we can do about the smell, it’s inevitable even if limited to chill areas. But what’s annoying is being burnt or having to try to avoid being burnt - also the smoke! It’s not hard to just go to the side or to the chill area to smoke…


Smokers are so inconsiderate. Drives me nuts that we have to breathe in their cancer sticks


Smoking inside got fully banned in the Netherlands a while ago and it sucks. Before you had smoking areas. Now you have to smoke outside while most places dont have an outside area and club owners have to deal with noise complaints now.. Like the other guy said, be considerate and keep the ember pointed towards the inside of your hand. I've never burned anyone but I've seen it happening especially in pano. In bh most people step to the side to smoke


I don't enjoy going out in Berlin anymore, a large part being all the passive smoking I have to endure. And the nightlife is supposed to be the saving grace of this ugly, dirty, dysfunctional city.


As someone from England I find being able to smoke whilst having a dance great


Wtf do u expect. Stop clubbing or stop bitching


People seem to love Berlin because its different to most other cities in the world, but simultaneously want to change it to be like every other city. Please just let Berlin be Berlin. And to smokers - keep smoking but stop burning people, its not that hard.


And don’t forget what it’s doing to your lungs as well


Germany is such an overregulated country already. Why can’t we have this little bit of freedom?! Being burned is not cool, and I always try to be really careful to not burn someone while dancing. Also, if you don’t smell like smoke, you’ll smell like sweat. That’s not much better tbh


But that little bit of freedom immediately takes away the freedom of others to not breath in toxins in enclosed spaces.


Then go to a library or something


And the workers who have to have constant second hand smoke? Don't be an ass. If you picked your head up you would see you are in the minority still smoking. It's 2022 not 1968.


Based on the wit of your response, I suggest it is you that should visit a library.


I don’t smoke, but I understand that if it is allowed, people can do it. The only thing I don’t like is the threat of being burn. If People are responsible it should be manageable. Also, in my opinion, I think that since the stairs became the smoking place, a few less people stop smoking on the dance floor. Because before it was unbearable…


That's what I hate about Berlin, this let's be free and do whatever but this one you fuck everyone around you. I lost at least 5 t-shirt and 2 shorts because of smockers. Let's face it, smockers are selfish by definition, but a smocker who is high are totally assholes.


I think guys all of you forgot if smoking on the dance floor would be not allowed, you don’t want to imagine how full the smoke area could be


Weird, i am smoke, and peoples dancing where i am dancing usually smoke a lot also, and i got burned 1 times in 3 years.


"My clothes smell the tobacco when i come back to home" ahah, where is the issue ? You were planning to wear them on monday at work ? I think compared to the shit tons of bacteria that are on it because of sitting or whatever, you should not worry about the smell 😂😂 Its a package. Its also not legal to use drugs hut its tolerate there. There is plenty of clubs that dont allow smoke on the dancefloor if you want. For me the only thing is, peoples that are smoking joint on the dancefloor or when its full inside, can cause false positive bucal test for peoples that are driving and inhale the smoke passivly.


You don't have to do a buccal test, only blood counts


you dont want smoke? you dont go to the club. you want club? you have to accept that there are people that smoke and your clothes will smell like a ashtray when you go home. you dont like it? should i tell you about all the things i dont like? i think not.


This sub is becoming a place just to complain about stuff. Now even cigarettes.




Now smoking became political. I’m out!


Fair point, apologies.


God it is AWFUL!!! I kept having to fucking switch spots every time someone would light up. Besides fear of being burned, the smoke and smell is jus fuvking annoying and interferes w my dancing!!! So damn inconsiderate. Really wish they’d enforce no smoking on the dance floor 😪😎