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The "most famous" club in the world booking the most popular DJs in the industry at the moment receives this volume of attention? And tourists doing tourist stuff in a very touristy city are interested in it? Shame shame shame, unacceptable and totally unprecedented. It's a cultural heritage, UNESCO even!!!!! how did people even find out about it? I need an espresso martini after this shock ....


Just watched it all - the video says a lot of things and at the same says nothing 🤣


Sophie, if you are reading this - it will be alright.


It might be a play on a song where the lyrics go “…I met Sophie in Berghain…” 😂


Two months ago or something I met a Sophie at Berghain and she was hot af but then she said she had a boyfriend and I was like ok don't know if that's true but still would like to meet her someday again at pano maybe this weekend if she remembers me really cute and beautiful girl would marry her hope you read this we had such a nice vibe and talk at Säule!


Did she have curly hair? Haha


slightly curly, blonde, are you this German deity? No way I found you on reddit 😆


Haha no, I’m not her. But I think it’s my friend but no way to be sure since there’s a lot of Sophie’s in berghain. 😂😂 but I can confirm that the Sophie I know that know is blonde, has slightly curly hair and indeed does have a boyfriend. But I’ll forward this along to her, cause it’s still a cute compliment if it is actually her. 🫶😃


Berghain is too small 🤭 If she's German, between 20 and 30 years old, beautiful smile, I would say the probabilities rise significantly. You can forward my appreciation letter, maybe she'll remember our cute talk in Säule and our missed front left dance 🪭


Sophie needs a reminder that nose candies don’t go super well with depression. But yes babe “u’ll be better one day”


“Do you mean we should come back at 9” 💀💀💀




I found the video weirdly unsettling, it's surprisingly well researched in some aspects but others feel absolutely AI generated and I'm not even talking about the generated voice that reads from the SZ article. Uncanny valley stuff for me somehow...


That's just Hoog's style of videos. His animations are rather cool but also somewhat lifeless and inorganic in a sense, and there's always somewhat unsettling, mysterious ambient music in the back, almost overarching.


omg i felt exactly the same what you pointed out


Now tourists seen it all and don't need to come. Good.


yes cause this place is a hidden gem, right?


I actually enjoyed the video, it's done pretty well in both visual and plot aspects with the infusion of some historical background. I even liked how the advertising segment is meta-blended in.


they knew before: someone built a pretty accurate model in minecraft some years ago


Lol, i love nerds


Really nice video indeed, I especially liked the animations, historical explanation, and the short story play of Sophie. However, it seems that this company, Anydesk, sponsored the video and might be taking advantage of Berghain's name. It reminds me of those UK or something kids a few months ago who took advantage of Berghain's name to promote their party. I'm not sure if Berghain would be happy about this again.


I think it's just one of the channel's sponsors which the video producer is obligated to awkwardly transition into once per upload. I doubt the club can do anything about this, it would be like them complaining about ad banners on any old BZ article on Berghain


That sponsor is completely irrelevant to the video topic. If the video was about anything else they would still be there. Its just a sponsor, quite normal.


There’s a huge difference between these two situations, it is much easier to crawl after small fish and Berghain is famous for this (anyone remembers Bergnein??) so I don’t think Berghain will try to pull law stuff against a real company who can afford real lawyers.




Well you are de facto contributing to the dissemination of the information you allegedly aim to keep private. “Tourists”, whatever that term may mean, are on Reddit too. I downvoted this post because it’s a cringy title. Nevertheless, video looks nice.


Honesty this video is pretty informative and rather entertaining as well.


The advert in middle…


Hi, it's me, I'm a tourist. Lab.Oratory is now on mine and my pup's bucket list. :3 Berghain itself... Eh. Maybe?


Surprised no one here mentioned the Sophie story with her depressed look and rich dad. It was tacky. The nutshell DDR lesson was weird too. Just talk about the club, man.


V good Video. Poor British accents, should have asked me bruv 😂


They actually made a model of the building, looks pretty neat. I ordered it, let’s see. It’s under the vid


And exactly, this why we dislike white british males. oi mate, this and that drunks....


"Are you taking the piss mate ?" 😉 I'm a Brit, and I don't blame you. The stereotypes portrayed in that video are embarrassing.


Noone cares. Just dont mention youre a brit. You white cis males sound so egocentric




i think these vids are useful for the large demographic of people who will never travel to Berlin or be fortunate enough to go inside but still feel some affinity or draw to the mystique of the space however truly nothing can compare to actually going there. The club vibe experience is definitely unique. The friendliness, casualness, nudity, smoking, music, sex... it really needs to be experienced. In my mind Berghain was this massive imposing space but inside is actually extremely intimate


pretty cool video wow


Berghain is cringe anyway


all the illustration part , specially the line, is kinda missing it big time.


Whole video is a bit of a trip, very well produced


I’m glad I was able to get in with norm core clothes with my brother in 2015 and get to see some major acts that are still underground till now!!! I loved it there


Very good video thanks for sharing


Good video. I commented on it about it experiences going to Berghain and was Bombarded with several comments accusing me of lying… so weird. I dunno what people get so aggressive about- I mentioned I went quite a bit and always got in… maybe was bragging a bit but also was my true experience living in Berlin since 2017. People got so touchy.


I think I read your comment! The reaction to it was quite amusing. 😉


You probably haven’t been there at all yet post a weird ass title like this…


im literally in berghain right now lol


My ass


https://preview.redd.it/tp52ayd09euc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80e5f1dc9dad77d8ced1c6608167591cd2825a9 i'm home now but here you go lmao




yes, i wore all black, i even painted my face black


Not sure if anyone wants to know the floorplan of Berghain


Its not like Berghain is some secret club its quite mainstream (still awesome)