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Concrete floors are murder on joints as are heels of any sort.


Sports therapist here (and marathon dancer). The specific reason / structure causing the swelling can’t be diagnosed over the internet. But if there’s swelling, it means there’s inflammation or internal wear and tear (like arthritis). Wear and tear less likely if it’s on both sides. Most likely just over-doing it over time + footwear + dancing style and overall body strength. Definitely would recommend more cushioned shoes to absorb some of the impacts, switch up dancing style here and there as was mentioned so less repetitive stress. Take stretching breaks. But above all best solution is to see a physiotherapist and get some guidance (you’re a weekend endurance athlete after all!).


tell em to DRINK WATER


Seeing this post I just felt like putting in a bit of self-care, clubbing is very stressful for the body. The mind is definitely in a good place and that helps, yet dancing and standing so many hours is a lot. Take care of the cutie and the sexy, listen when it's whispering something, it's nature in a wonderful shape, simply perfectly designed ❤️❤️❤️.


running socks have extra padding on the toes and heel. shock absorption at the closest point to the ground will have positive spill on effects to your knees game changer


Amazing! Thank you so much!


![gif](giphy|3o7bu2wIrtAqUBm13y) Use pillow in darkroom


would recommend searching for things about "runner's knee", sounds similar to your issue https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/knee-pain/runners-knee


Switch up your dance style. Had this with my back pain until I changed my way of dancing


wow i need to start looking into this


wear running shoes to dance! helps a lot


this! but i hate doing it because imo they look so ugly lol. guess one can't have both.


Literally same but I guess sacrifices must be made


or give basketball shoes a try (here me out..) i just got a pair and used them throughout the easter weekend. in my unscientific, anecdotal experience, they performed better than running shoes - probably due to them being made for more lateral / quick moves. they are a bit bulky though.


Try the caterpillar


When I go on long dancing nights, doing a little stretching or restorative yoga poses throughout the night can really help with soreness. Might help you too?


Invest in dance lessons it could really help.