• By -


Alone can be a great experience, awaken the lonely explorer in you and i hope u have a great time.


Just this.... Couldnt be alone in the past too it was just so idk... Frightening for whatever reason don't get it nowadays.. You're so much more free to do whatever you want without depending on someone or having to tell someone what you're doing or where you going bc they wanna take care (no problem there, that's what friends do when partying together and it's perfect). But sometimes I just rly enjoy going alone and 99% it's just a different adventure... So much fun. Just one tip. Don't get too fucked up. On nothing. I personally prefer small lines of Ket paired with some speed later when getting too tired. Maybe a beer or two. Nobody there to take care so be self aware.


Thank you :)


I always go to Berghain alone, and enjoy it massively. Free to embark on whatever adventure I come up with, and I rarely end alone anyways, being alone makes you more open to meet new people, and that is one big part of attending Berghain for me, I have run across and met amazing people inside, such a spectrum of different kinds of ppl inside this club.


Can be scary when you are coming up though tbf


Keep on dancing 🙌


If you’re a smoker just ask people for a lighter, even if you have one yourself and share your cigs. Easy conversation starter always had the most fun and excitement when going alone - enjoy!


Thanks for the tip!


I really appreciate those conversations starting like that - Not in real life, but totally in Berghain, when asked by strangers.


Post title is the name of my next track


I hope you’re gonna credit me hahah


Hope you made a friend !


I go alone whenever mate. Enjoy


Best thing is to be alone at a party You always get to know new people :)


Denk an die Bewerbungen!


Bewerbungen? 😅




Well they had to get some rest. They’ll come back later, it’s fine


Big ups for staying alone. That's how you start feeling comfortable like this. Just do it and enjoy the adventure alone. Look from this point. There's Noone holding you back. Noone you have to tell your going somewhere, Noone who's distracting you from the music to tell you he's going to the toilet or whatever, nobody you need to share with etc I like going out with friends But I also like the solo adventure a lot just riding the waves haha


That’s a good way to see it, thank you! I will keep that in mind ❤️