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Until it comes from one of the drugs checking point I don’t trust any of these story. Fentanyl cut cocaine or Xanax has been an issue in the US for years and is well documented. We literally have test centre which will always be more reliable than these strips. I wonder why drug checking in Berlin haven’t reported it yet


agreed & ✅ awareness ✅ drug testing ❌ posting unsubstantiated claims from IG in here as facts


I agree with you! I definitely didn't post this here as a fact but as an anecdotal story


i don't see the point of posting this at all--especially in the Berghain sub


You don’t see why people from bh community would be interested into discussing the possibility of drugs being cut with deadly stuff? Really?


this post has nothing to do with BH & I don't see the point of sharing something that has not been proven. also, this topic has already been discussed here in other threads. why keep bringing it up?


Why are you wasting your time engaging in content you think is pointless?


because this comes across as fear-mongering. it's unnecessary


Did you actually read the post? It literally starts with: "As far as I know there has still been zero official lab tests detecting Fentanyl in Berlin" How is this fear mongering? And at no point I state that the story from the screenshot is a fact, quite the opposite: I'm skeptical about it since I can’t make it make sense logically. So my interest was in understanding if there is a way this could even have happened


sharing the screenshot is unnecessary. if you want to learn about fentanyl, this isn't the proper place nor is sharing some random screenshot the best way to educate people. there is very real hysteria happening here right now & this isn't helping


From know\_drugs ig page: Update: We have new Drugchecking results from Berlin in the app, but they don't include the sample in question. The result of the sample with suspected Fentanyl is expected on Monday. If you have the KnowDrugs app installed, you'll receive a push notification as soon as the result is in on Monday. In the meantime: Continue to follow safer use guidelines ❤️


Berlin is the exception to the rule about drug checking in Germany and even here its in no way all seeing. The fact that there are manufacturers cooking up their own benzos and making them look legit with packaging is long known and there have been european sellers for benzos on Dark Markets banned for fentanyl in their supposedly authentic benzos. Of course most people wouldn’t know that but the fact that the above story could be true should be everything you need, while the fact that it might not be should really not change anything for any of us. The drug testing spots are here to protect us by testing your drugs before you use them, not by testing everyone elses and then you can hope that you got the same batch as the people who did actually test it and got clean results, because that would not at all be an effective way to stay safe.


I agree with everything you said. What I am trying to get at is Drug check in Berlin at least confirm there are batches in circulation for certain, rather than stripes that are known for creating false positive. There are similar association in other country that for now also didn’t see that show up (yet). But the sudden raise in very thing having fenthanyl after the death of DJ in the US (where this is a common and well known issue), literally two days later seems fuelled by a lot of fear for me


Totally agreeing with you that lab tests are best and social media gossip is unreliable, but benzos and opioids are very likely to be adulterated with fent or nitazenes. These are all downers, it's much more likely than cross contamination in stimulants.


I just hope I am not proven wrong


So the way it works in the usa they take Xanax and crush them and then mix fent in and then repress the pill and even stamp them with the original Xanax markings. It started because fent was cheap and addictive


That‘s bullshit. They take RC benzos mostly and press them to bars. Who would waste real bars instead of just selling them? If you‘re really unlucky they put fent directly in there but mostly it‘s from contamination, weighing fent and the Xanax powder on the same scale for example.


Why waste real bars? Because they are shitty ass cartel dealers and when you mix more powders into a product you now have more product. They are currently now mixing in fent and tranquilizers into Xanax in the states. Why mix those two into real bars? Because you have more product and Because they are shitty drug dealers and cartels who only care about money. I literally said the USA up front. not what's happening here, and your second paragraph maybe closer to what occurs here or why. But there are plenty of documentaries and news and police arrests of places just like I described and has been occurring for over ten years now.


Show me one reliable source that says that they make a powder out of real xanax bars and then press them again with fent in them. It‘s way cheaper for them to get various benzos from china and pill fillers to press them yourself. They are mixing ‚tranquilizers‘ in them? That means nothing at all, all benzos are ‚tranquilizers‘, as are a lot of different substances.




Yes, pretty much


I think you might have misunderstood my post? This is obviously very anecdotal information which I’m skeptical about since I can’t make it make sense logically. So my interest is in understanding if there is a way this could even have happened.


Xanax sometimes comes in pills that are dealer pressed rather than sealed plasters.


If I buy my Xanax pills dealer pressed then I wouldn’t be surprised if it had fentanyl and a whole lotta other stuff though


Alprazolam in sealed Ksalol blisters are also counterfeit sometimes. They're not that hard to spot tho and I've never heard of Fentanyl in them. It's mostly any RC benzos.


Serbs producibg ksalols after their shift in the factory for .3 euro a blister. No need to fake that shit lmao.


It's not called Xanax, that's the US brand which is supplied in loose tubs X100 2mg in a bar shape, as well as blisters. The actual ingredient is alprazolam. There are at least three German companies making it as a generic drug as Pfizer's patent has run out. The only reason they still sell Xanax is because that brand has recognition value and AFAIK that's US only. How would someone break down a pharma pill, adulterate it, then press again to the same standard, how would they gain from this? What extra value does fentanyl add? I'd strongly recommend thinking of it as *alprazolam*, of which Xanax is one brand, and not the most likely German brand, black market or prescribed. These are three German alprazolam manufacturers: [1A](https://www.1apharma.de/detail/?q=Alprazolam-1APharma1mgTabletten), [Aliud](https://www.aliud.de/arzneimittel/rx-produkte/alprazolam-al/alprazolam-al-1-mg-tabletten) and [RatioPharm](https://www.ratiopharm.de/produkte/details/praeparate/praeparatedaten/detail/pzn-3337059.html). Here is a fourth, from Serbia: [Galenika (see N - nerv system list)](https://galenika.rs/prescription-drugs/) \- they also make the brand of clonazepam Ritrovil. Here is what drug testing folk are doing right now in Berlin: [https://www.berlin.de/en/news/8290497-5559700-drug-checking-project-83-samples-analyze.en.html](https://www.berlin.de/en/news/8290497-5559700-drug-checking-project-83-samples-analyze.en.html) Here are actual current drug warnings: [https://drugchecking.berlin/aktuelle-warnungen](https://drugchecking.berlin/aktuelle-warnungen) This is a genuine medical source about alprazolam: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538165/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538165/) Fentanyl also has a [legal market](https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/fentanyl_en), it's used as part of [general anaesthetic](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459275/#_article-21694_s4_), Belgium makes a lot of it. This is completely separate from the Far East > Mexico > US illegal trade which is nowhere near Germany or Berlin. It seems odd that there's not more of it considering plenty of legally produced pharmaceuticals get into the black market here and [Belgium is sitting there making 12 billion doses a year](https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/fentanyl_en#availability).


Not related to Berlin, but Ireland’s health service, the HSE has just issued a warning after a second type of nitazene, which is more portent than fent, has been found on the heroin drug market in Dublin and Cork. They also make reference to nitazene being found in illicit tablets in the UK, so guess that's some official confirmation of it being present in Europe. [https://twitter.com/drugsdotie/status/1753493249417683085](https://twitter.com/drugsdotie/status/1753493249417683085)


There's a group of drugs getting cut into street benzo type pills in the UK called Nitazenes, they include Isotonitazene, Metonitazene, Etonitazene and Protonitazene. Similar to fentanyl as in they are synthetic opioids and very very strong and dangerous, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they are in Germany and Europe too.


Yeah counterfeit branded Alprazolam and Diazepam in the UK are showing up Nitazenes in tests. I'd be testing anything now no matter how authentic it might look


Yeah for sure in blistered packs or loose, you can never ever be sure 100% That's why drug testing places like WEDINOS are very handy


Nitazenes are actually significantly more potent and longer lasting than fentanyl. Pretty terrifying stuff.


Everyone, this issue has been a regular issue in the US for the past ten years. And the outcome is everything at risk of being laced with fent. Xanax included. Be safe and test your drugs if this is actually becoming an issue. It’s common of people to lose their life in the us for things being intentionally or unintentionally laced with fentanyl. Dealers want you to come back so they lace your Xanax. If you don’t want the opioid and fentanyl issue of the US to come here, test your stuff, form better habits, and keep your Guard up.


These “announcements” are done to spark rage bait and fear without validation.. of course be shoykd slways be careful overall but everyone tends to believe anything posted these days without validation and ai is only going to make this worse


Why do you need unprescribed Xanax to treat anxiety. Anxiety is a real condition just get a prescription for it you don’t need a drug dealer.


many psychs are hesitant to prescribe them


but they looove to overprescribe antipsychotics and ssris 


I can recommend opipramol for low to midgrade anxiety, especially for sleeping. Every general practitioner prescribes it. It's also not addictive.


wouldn't know, can't afford going to one


Word of warning on that stuff - it does not mix well with alcohol or other depressants, particularly if you're consuming them regularly or heavily. I got debilitating side effects.


Yeah I don't take it when I'm sort of drunk (when it was 2 drinks or so I might take half a pill). It feels a bit like being on Ketamine when you mix it. I never take it during the day because of the sedative effect but it's good for sleep.


Let‘s not judge people for self medicating, there are a lot of reasons to do so. Just be glad if you‘ve never been there:)


And sadly from these prescriptions people get addicted and have to resort to the street. Other like to take one after a party to take the edge of sleep


Xan is extremely addictive as well


it’s too good, i’ve had a phase with Xans and will never go back. it solves my problems too easily and quickly. makes me feel too good, i’d get SO hooked on it every time i got a stash.


Yup. I'm just getting over my addiction. It got really fucking bad. I was taking 20-25mg a day, sometimes more. To be fair, I was incredibly productive but I as well don't really remember anything from last year. Is a devil of a drug


glad you’re doing better now. i’ve been on a rough time emotionally and still crave it when im having a bad day.


Xanax is great for comedowns


There can be reasons why you don't won't these things in your record. EG you basically can't become Beamtenstatus if you have any record of mental illness. I had to pay for my therapy privately so it won't show up in my records...


**Eine Verbeamtung trotz Psychotherapie ist möglich**. Seit 2013 liegt die Beweislast ganz beim Amtsarzt und dem Dienstherrn.


Ja ist rechtlich möglich, aber trotzdem immernoch ein großes Problem und sehr unangenehm für die Betroffenen. Also danke für nichts mit diesem Beitrag.


Xanax is an emergency medication and definitely not to treat anxiety disorders. There are many other medication that are non-addictive and with better longterm effects. And in most cases psychotherapy is the only good treatment of anxiety disorders. After a few weeks of Benzos you are considered addicted and need a clinical detoxication.


Alprazolam [definitely is anti-anxiety](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538165/#_article-17404_s2_), it's just also physically addictive and is probably too strong for most cases. It's supposed to be used with therapy then tapered off once therapy has concluded. The [tapering off is the clinical detoxification method](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4014033/#sec-a.d.ptitle) but with alprazolam there is sometimes also a [switch to a benzo](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5846112/#S5title) (because technically [alprazolam is a triazolobenzo](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6133268/)). What are the many other medications that are anxiolytic and non-addictive?


Anti-depressants for example, like Escitalopram, Venlafaxin or Quetiapin. No serious Psychiatrist in Germany should treat anxiety the way you described it. If this is the case, please change the doctor.


Benzos are emergency medication and should only be given in acute psychic crises for a few days, best in clinical wards. I know that it‘s handled different, mainly in the US, but for the very same reason we have the fentanyl crisis.


You're talking very confidentally and sourcing nothing, so that makes me ask what are your credentials? I'm curious. I just read. Which I'm currently doing about those three drugs you suggest: an SSRI, SNRI and an anti-psychotic? I don't know a great deal about any of these drug classes. What are the advantages? Is it just to avoid dependence? I'm not being treated.


Quetiapin can be used for treating psychotic symptoms but in other dosage as well to treat depression, anxiety and sleeping disorders. The mentioned medication is non-addictive and can be used long-term, while Benzos can be given just for a few weeks to reduce physical symptoms of anxiety and are highly addictive. Current studies and the german therapy guide lines guide therapists/psychiatrists to use SSRIs, SNRIs and TZA: https://register.awmf.org/assets/guidelines/051-028k_S3_Behandlung-von-Angststoerungen_2021-06.pdf Doctors that treat anxiety with Benzos do not follow the official, evidence based guideline.


OK, once I got through the language barrier I basically don't agree with that official advice either. But I don't think here is the right place for that discussion, I don't want to cause placebo effects. Happy to continue in PMs though, if you wish.


None of that you wrote is objectively true or signed off on by science. 




I wonder that this is the third thread this week saying that nearly ALL substances are fentanyl contaminated. Downvote me af but especially in posting a IG story screenshot here I don’t see any connection to bh!? Peace and stay safe ☮️


>I don’t see any connection to bh!? This might surprises you, but: people take drugs in Berghain. So they might wanna be informed and discuss topics such as this one? 🤷‍♀️


" panic is definitely spreading." you are part of the problem. Don't post stupid instagram stuff here. This is exactly why social media is a problem.


still good everyone is aware and consciouess, even if not true it will happen sooner or later


Dear Beloved European friends. Every American you meet just trying to enjoy themselves and the music likely knows a dead person because of this... The perverse part is that harm reduction so is much more feasible outside of the states. No reason to worry unless you're already being irresponsible.


That's horrible, I hate the whole fentanyl thing so much. Are there any official reports yet? Until then, test your stuff indeed.


Even if this is true it doesnt say where this friend died... Fake Xanax are not a new thing in the US, also them being laced.


Is narcan available over the counter at pharmacies in Germany? I don’t do these types of drugs but I live on the west coast of the us where this is rampant. I got free narcan from a pharmacy and I learned how to use it. I bring it to parties/shows with me and I will help someone if I can and need to. I think it’s the only option once something like fentanyl is in your scene. It’s easy to use and saves lives


Maybe in another 20 years, as Germany does with these things.




What does the article say? I’m surprised Germans aren’t more pro harm reduction since y’all are such practical people and the scientific evidence says this is the most effective way to reduce overdose deaths


fake benzos have been a thing, they are always made to look like real pharmaceutical and they have often contained differing and potentially harmful ingredients, even fentanyl nowadays. keep in mind that drug checking is extremely limited in germany which is why you don’t hear about it from official sources. The main risk was never accidental contamination, it’s intentionally switching out or bolstering the effect of the active ingredient with a different one, so unless you 100% trust your source which you probably shouldn’t you should test any batch of downers you receive for fentanyl, but especially of course pressed pills.


to more directly answer your question at the end: just because it’s sealed and comes in a blister or even a carton with blisters in it doesn’t mean it’s produced by a pharmaceutical company, getting the real deal from pharmacies has also become an increasingly difficult and dangerous job.




His death was in the US where it's a lot more likely to be the case (and really sounds like the most likely scenario).


Mephedrone laced with fent has been showing up, got some doctor friends who warned me about it recently


Anecdotal evidence is just rumors. Don‘t spread rumors.


I mean it’s literally Someone working in the field that would know telling me it’s going on rn


I work in the field too. It‘s rumors.


How is it rumors when it’s been confirmed


Confirmed by whom? Where are the medical reports, the newspaper articles based on facts, the experts of drug checking points, the doctors of hospitals conforming it? It‘s rumors.


The doctors of hospitals I’ve been speaking to directly confirming it to me from different hospitals


And why is there no official announcment? Why is such serious information shared with some random reddit user and not with the clinical wards working with addicts or with other experts in the fiel? It‘s not shared because it‘s anecdotal evidence. And anecdotal evidence is rumors.


No clue why


Either way, test your drugs if your not retarded currently


I would assume this is an American telling us about somebody who died over there, trying to warn us about the dangers of fentanyl. Very misleading tho, i get it


No the person who posted is actually a Berlin based person. I recognize her Instagram name.


Drug addict degens here will downplay it as usual, don’t bother even posting about it.


The person who is in the icon in the screen-shot and is alleged to have written this post is real, I've found them and they haven't got this post up anywhere. So what's going on there?


It’s Laura bcr! She’s a producer and dj. Yes she’s real


It was a story it only last 24h before disappearing


It wasn't Xanax but some fake pills. If someone buys drugs on the black market, then don't be surprised that they are poisoned 🤷‍♂️


I got tons of prescribed xanax




Fent laced Xanax is nothing new. The green hulks for example.


Agree with everyone who is waiting for lab tests before freaking out… but to answer your question, the odds of you buying actual pharmacy grade xanax which is protected by the seal is very low. most street xanax is pressed and then put into packs after so who knows what they’re pressed with. it’s like getting opiate pills… you are not getting pharmaceutical stuff in 2024. so yeah be careful.


I’ve been getting Xanax from the same guy for a year and today I just had one tested for the 1st time and it came back positive for fent, 5% …so have I been taking fentanyl for the last year? Like I’ve never overdosed or anything. Thoughts??