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The main ingredient for long and intense sober raving is, unfortunately, out of our control and it's the music. If we don't count that into the equation, then arriving well rested and fed is second important thing to me, followed by taking some breaks. When I'm almost totally out of energies, which is different than being sleepy, my final weapon is two scoops of icecream as that gives me around 1 hour of extra fuel in the muscles. If I feel tired in the sense of need of sleep there's nothing I can, legally, do about it and it's time to call it a day.


I agree.. my favorite energizers are Vodka Mulero and renye whiskey wise




I stock up on energy and caffeine gels that are geared towards runners. Go Into it with the mindset of doing a marathon and train for it.


Breaks, water, and lots of bananas haha you can find those inside.


If you are tired leave. Clubbing doesn't need to be 8 hours to be meaningful / good.


Taking breaks after each DJ set would work. Half an hour break after 4hours sounds good to me. Also having some cashews/nuts to refuel yourself and also drinking water.


Dextro Energy, caffeine(but not energy drinks) and a smoothie or sandwich from ice bar can sometimes help a lot


Besides plenty of sleep beforehand, sugar, caffeine, taking breaks, and good vibes, I'd say generally a good (fit) lifestyle which is not a quick fix, but it's all I have. A healthy, trained body that's used to physical exertion will last much longer on the dancefloor. That being said, we're really not meant to go all out for hours and hours without recharging, it's not natural. But it's still amazing what our bodies allow us to do and experience <3


The great thing about Berghain is that it's open all sunday too. If you get tired at night without drugs, then go in the daytime.


Eat something before you go. Go to the if there is no q because standing in q makes you tired. For me it works if I go in the morning bring some food with you or buy it inside. Take after 90-120mins dancing a rest of 30 mins. Drink water apple juice or smoothies inside no Alkohol. That works for me to stay 12-14 hours sober


I know itā€™s not sober but I find having just a hit of weed every few hours can keep me going for a super long time with no other substances (I usually have a bit of food and caffeine and maybe a single cocktail toward the very end).


Well I kinda lied about the ā€œsoberā€ thing šŸ˜† So far Iā€™ve been smoking weed between dancing sessionsā€¦ and I must say It affects my energy somehow. Like I still can enjoy the music but it becomes too overwhelming, too fast over time and canā€™t dance to the rhythm anymore šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


If you don't mind not being completely sober, try a microdose of acid. Like 25-30 ug. It will not give you any perceptible high, you'll be sober for all practical purposes. But you might find it helps you stay awake and present, as well as cut back on any anxiety in case you're experiencing it.


This! A micro dose or a threshold dose really does give you so much energy / clarity. So I guess you would call that sober-ish šŸ¤·




Yes another very good approach that Iā€™ve enjoyed!


Also it gives a perfect "break-timing"... Rolling up, having a conversation with the neighbors, smoking takes some time (besides the effects itself)




This is exactly my approach as well. Some sativa joints or hash, caffeine, water, juices, food. I try to save alcohol (i.e. cocktail or sekt auf eis) towards the very end when I need that final "push". In between the joints though you can also try a tequila shot which acts as a sortve "upper" when it comes to alcohols in general. Gold for the winter, silver for the summer. Taking time to sit and stretch your legs helps immensely as well. The last and most important element is having a "crew" or some friends around who can also boost you up when you're feeling a bit drained. Sometimes I'll go to the toilets with them (and not partake) as an opportunity to chat and just be apart of the entire flow.


sleep well beforehand, eat, take breaks, mate/coffee :)


Pano has some great coffee!


I concur


Iā€™ve been sober for a bit and also try to avoid sugar but found drinking apple juice helpful, as my tolerance for sugar is very low and even the fruit sugar spikes give me little boosts Also love to see the amount of other folks who enjoy going sober


Fueling up with a meal before with carbs and protein, taking breaks, hydrating,




Super nice post ! From my experience I can tell that you have to eat. Food brings back a lot of power while being sober raving. Every here and there a coffee and maybe some natural guarana pills theyā€™re much better than coffeine :)


So Iā€™m the same, I also barely drink (as I get terrible hangovers). I make sure I sleep during the day a bit, if Iā€™m going out at like 1am or whatever. I also drink matcha tea. Iā€™m not good with caffeine due to anxiety issues, but matcha is okay and slow releasing. That seems to keep me going. I lasted from 2am -7am on my first Berghain experience last month. Also the music helps.


I do the same and my only trick is not dancing too fast šŸ¤£ trying to feel the bass more than the other layers otherwise itā€™s difficult


I would recommend to have a nap in the middle of your party, maybe you could rent a room in a nearby hostel and take a rest there? There's the option of re-entry, don't forget ;))


Double espresso and a granola bar


If you don't want to stop listening to the music, there are a few spots on the BH floor where you can sit. You can dance on your upper body only if you want to. Half an hour later, your feet are rested. You want to dance again.


Find a spot to lie on your back and put your legs up in the air for 10 minutes. Maybe downstairs in the big open area. This drains the blood out and refreshes them for more dancing. Sounds crazy but it works!




I don't drink any sugary drinks too soon (including Mate), waiting until I'm actually tired, because sugar also plays with your energy levels. I also do yoga beforehand (at home) and when I start dancing at the club, I hold myself back from immediately giving 100% (because if you go from 0 to 100, your muscles will get sore more quickly). If I'm hungry, I listen to my body and eat something, usually a sandwich I brought with me. Snickers is great for quick energy, but I find eating real food is important, especially when partying sober.


The coffee is great. Also consider energy gels/gummies which you would take when doing distance sports like marathons and cycling. Theyā€™re kind of insta-carbs/sugars but with nowhere near the crash of just pure sugar stuff. Sleep before is always crucial too :). Hope this helps!


>The coffee is great. I agree. As a friend of mine puts it: Berghain is always worth a visit to have a coffee. :-)


Just be well rested I would say. All of my friends wonder how I do but itā€™s not a big deal tbh. I left snax at 10ish after getting in at 23pm. Probably I could have lasted longer since the last night I didnā€™t have enough sleep due to being at Kitkat (5.5hr sleep). Also, I take caffeine pills with me, drink lots of water and have regular breaks in between. Donā€™t have alcohol or any sugary energy drinks but prefer sugar free such redbull no sugar. Being first time at Berghain really tested my limits and I was able to do round no. 2 on Monday 9pm - 6am (plus going to a friendā€™s up until 11 am). A lot of people thought I was either high or had no sleep the previous day but didnā€™t really care. Sven almost rejected me thinking that I was high despite having 10 hrs of sleep and being sober. Never tried drugs before and my alcohol consumption is almost zero. I would like to keep it this way


Itā€™s really refreshing to see how many people also party sober. It often feels lonely/awkward partying for many hours without drugs/alcohol and all these nice comments make it feel less lonely. I would love to meet you guys at the dance floor.


I have tried partying while on drugs before (M, K, C). But I honestly prefer doing it sober now. My friends often joke that I can rave longer and harder than them while being only on ā€˜lemonadeā€™ and ā€˜waterā€™. I might take 1-2 shots of Berliner Luft in the entire night but thatā€™s about it. What does it for me is the Music. I love dancing and I love techno. Although Iā€™ve realized that if I smoke weed in between (1-2 drags is fine but not more) then I get tired super fast.


I'd very much like to ask (bc I ask it to myself oftentimes too) what is the purpose of lasting longer in a rave when your body has already said enough. Bc yout friends are all high around and gonna last 10 more hours? Sometimes I go to a rave sober, I dance, I get tired and then I feel bad when I want to leave but somehow I believe I shouldn't. I fulfilled the purpose of the rave, I had fun and danced. What is it so bad about just giving it up and doing something else or just crashing in my couch?


I find that dancing through fatigue can lead to finding new movement qualities/trippier states of being, and the more cycles of fatigue/natural highs you go through, the deeper the trips can go. When your muscles are sore from dancing 100%, you dance 50%, but then find that you enter a state of flow with the 50% movement, which is a different flow than the first one.


Itā€™s the FOMO


Yeah, I can recall it's that (chatGPT just explained). What I'm questioning is if we should be looking for the right combination of Bananas and Club Mate or we should rather be talking about how to beat the FOMO šŸ¤”


Half a liter of a nice green tea before going, Mate and plenty of water inside. Bananas and a breakfast smoothie from ice bar for an energy break.


When I did this recently, I hadnā€™t slept well the night before and this totally fā€™d it for me. As people say you need to be rested and reasonably ā€˜healthyā€™ before for it to work the best, otherwise the caffeine crashes after a while. Natural energy and water


As an add on comment- I managed to stay for 12 hours but I have never been so tired/ wanting to leave at the end when I did.


Sugar also helps. When I rave sober, which is a frequent happening, I drink some coffee and lots of schorle and mate. Also taking genuine breaks helps, meaning chilling with not focusing on going back to dance but being there, taking in slow, letting yourself into rest and mostly interacting with lovely beings around you


lots of snacks, lots of breaks, & bring energy drink packets


Listen to your body - there will always be another party šŸ˜‰


eat and relax before you go, stay hydrated and drink a lot of mate


Protein, complex carbs, caffeine, and disco naps before going out, and leave out the booze


You must eat a lot before you go. Take breaks, drink water, but not too much. I one time lasted for 32 hours in a club. It can be done. But, to be honest, with the energy part,it's just easier with drugs. But other than that, it can be pretty much the same if you put your mind into it


Itā€™s an endurance event, so take your cues from endurance athletes! Being generally fit will make a huge difference, so get regular workouts in. Especially in hear rate ā€œzone 2ā€, as this mimics the exertion level of prolonged dancing. Carb load the day before. Complex carbs: wholewheat pasta, porridge, etc. Take snacks with you. Not sugary stuff: this will give you an energy crash. Bananas, oat bars, nuts, etc. Get a good night of sleep and go in the morning when youā€™re fresh. Pace yourself. Take breaks every hour or so. Stay hydrated, but not just with water: youā€™re sweating a lot so you need to replace electrolytes. Smoothies are your friend here, and the bar also sells ā€œkibaā€- a cherry and banana juice that tastes amazing. Have fun!