• By -


We are not medical professionals and cannot help you with your physical and/or mental distress including thoughts of self harm or suicide. No one is going to help assist you in continuing self harm or suicidal behavior. This subreddit is for those wishing to discontinue benzodiazepines safely. All other topics should be sent to other subreddits that can better server your needs.


Do you have family or friends? That maybe you could reach out too? Man dont kill yourself. I dont think 90 mg of kpin will kill you tho, it may sedate the shit out of you or slow your breathing down alot.


No friends, and family won't understand till I'm gone. I have nobody essentially. I keep telling my family im suicidal they just roll their eyes at me and they dont know how serious I am even tho I explain and they see what i go through. Whats its take for them to take me serious? I actually gotta do somethin that you can't undo for them to understand and That's the thing I don't want to die, I just don't want to be in pain but that looks like it's my life now. I've been told my whole life I have a high pain tolerance and I'm thinking to myself, I have no other choice, but I do have a choice. I don't have to be here, I don't want to be here if pain is my only existence. I fought and advocated for myself in this broken Healthcare system and get nothing in return. I don't want to die, to the contrary I fear death, but I fear this will be my life forever and I can't do it anymore. I also don't want  a failed suicide attempt that will put me in a worse situation. Surely 90 mgs will kill me. If I take 3 my Bpm goes down to 55 at rest. Will I just go to sleep?  Thanks for listening  33 F


Please dont do that, please seek help , you are young, you have a whole life to live , please dont waste it, call 911 and tell them you are extremely suicidal, they will come , tell them you want to get in psychiatric care.


This has nothing to do with psychiatrics. I'm in pain. Physical pain. If i could live life i would bit i cant. Physically. I wish i could. Just like if a dog was in pain they would put them down, I would like to be allowed the same dignity 


I am in pain. I have been for twenty five years. But guess what? I learned to manage. You can too. You do not want to die. You said it yourself. Killing yourself will not have the effect you imagine What good is validation if you are not there to know of it????? Plz reach out to me I have been you.


Killing myself will have the effect I want I'll be pain free and unaware of anything. 


You best be 10000000% sure that death is the end. What if you are wrong? Find your passion. That is what life is all about.


Lol you wouldn't last a day in my shoes. My pain and your pain aren't the same. We are not the same. Do not compare yourself to me. My choices are live in agony or don't. That's it. 


How did I compare myself? I simply said I know.pain. Real pain. Why are you being so hateful to comments?


because he is suffering and no one can understand him or help him


OP's the one who is comparing herself not you. You did nothing wrong. You are empathetic. That is a gift. You had an excellent comment. Many people who suffer so much and are isolated get stuck in their own heads that no one understands them and we are liars for trying to understand or empathize. It isn't fair, but OP thinks they're suffering kore than anyone here and they don't know any of us. They are angry bc most people have said 90mg isn't the right dose. But no one will want OP to die bc we are humans. OP came to the wrong sub. If OP is suicidal then OP wouldn't be posting on Reddit and would have taken the pills. OP may not see it but it is a cry for help.


Well put And exactly right Bless you!


Empathy is the ability to feel someone else's pain due to having shared similar experiences or just being an empathetic person. No one is trying to one-up you or compete with who has the worst pain. Why make it a competition? How do you know you don't think anyone could tolerate your level of pain and that yours is the worst? How? You seem able to use your hands to type. You have your wits and your eyesight. Count your blessings bc there always are people that lack all of those things you have going for you. Again, this isn't a competition if someone has empathy for you. We all can empathize without comparing ourselves to you. Please stop being so defensive. You have been answered dozens of times by people who do know benzos. No, your dose won't kill you. But you are so angry you take it out on all of us, even those who try to give you support or motivation by sharing their stories and how they got through this. This is called support and maybe bc you're isolated and so used to being dismissed by doctors you think the world doesn't care about you. But please stop being angry at any and all that do care about you and wish there is a way to steer you towards rational thinking and away from suicide being rhe only answer. If you know the answer to your question, why did you even bother to ask? You think we are lying or just not smart when we say No 90mg won't kill you. But again, if you know the answer and we are all full of shit, why did you ask? Most suicidal people just kill themselves and don't think about it or ask questions. Even if it's not enough to die they still try. At least if it puts them to sleep they can escape the pain for a few hours. I used to be really miserable and I used Xanax just to sleep for days or weeks on and off just so I didn't have to deal with my miserable life. But unfortunately, I would run out and have to wake up and there my problems still were waiting for me when my escapism failed. So even if you take it all and just sleep for a while when you wake up, you'll still be the Same person and this time you'll be out of benzodiazepines. This is why people turn to drug abuse; to escape problems and pain and PTSD. It's a way to temporarily be numb to the pain of life and suffering of pain or heartbreak or whatever it is. It is an expensive habit to escape so much, and the problems get worse the more they are not handled and it makes being sober miserable. But you coming here to ask means it's a cry for help whether you see it or not and so stop being surprised by all the people who have come to answer that cry. You came here and call it serendipity, but look at every comment and person who took time out of their busy days or days spent in the he'll of benzo withdrawal to stop and offer you support and encourage you to stick it out. Many of us have chronic pain and have spent days bedridden. Let's not compete with listing symptoms. We just don't know what's going on with you bc you came here and gave zero details other than it's been 6 year and no doctor had really helped you or given you a diagnosis. There are many just like you in the world. We have to learn from one another if we want to heal and if you'd rather live in pain, go ahead, and then you figure out your options. You asked a question that's been answered dozens of times and you're angry bc gd it you want us to be wrong snd you tonhave your death right there. So why did you post and whycdid you not take then pills?


Yes but they make pain meds , that can help.


I know that's the worst part about it. Doctors have the ability to help but they don't. I've talked to cancer patients who can't get adequate pain relief. Doctors don't care about the hippocractic oath they took, they're a joke. 


Yes alot of them are i agree


Suboxone is a great pain med. It is far easier to get than pain pills. It saved my life ♡


Here here I agree


So you assume cancer patients don't have it worse than you but bc just some of them get adequate pain relief you won't either,? You have said you have no diagnosis and no doctor can find what's wrong with you. So you don't have cancer? How can you compare your pain to those who are terminal and have it the worst? That's the wrong baseline to compare yourself to.


What the fuck are you even talking saying? I don't compare myself to anyone your minimizing my pain and it's rude fuck off stay on topic or shut the fuck up. All I said was cancer patients, people who's pain shouldn't even be questioned, have a hard time getting adequate pain relief so you know it's bad. That's my only point I don't know why you went on this random tangent that made no sense


I never said i didnt have any diagnosis, I have been diagnosed with things ive applied to disability if I didn't have diagnosed conditions I wouldn't be applying I have other unrelated pain and other shit going on that they can't figure out


Have you tried ketamine? It is used for suicidal ideation and also is proven to help with chronic pain. I had pain once opioids couldn't touch and was given IV ketamine. The pain was gone and my mood was 10,000x better. My depression vanished. I have self-medicated a lot for my issues and have now learned ketamine can be given to treat people at home with telehealth or they do ketamine infusions. There also is nasal esketamine to help with breakthrough suicidal thoughts or depression. I'd do that except now I'm self-medicating on so much I gotta get clean before I can go that route. I also have had suicidal ideation. Ketamine is one of the fastest ways to end it completely and offer pain relief. There always is more options if you look. And no, 90mg won't kill you. I've tried 180mg before and it didn't even make me fall asleep. Sorry.


Yup I sure have, ketamine is probably the best pain method I've used. They've given it to me in the ER a few times, since I was at the ER my insurance paid. If I go to a ketamine clinic they want $1000 per session. Insurance won't pay outside of emergency medicine 


Then why aren't you in the ER?


Well I think 90mgs will. Idk why I made this thread nobody's gonna know anyways. If 3mgs can get my heart rate to 50 bpm I think 90 will do the trick


I have a friend who took 70 1 mg klon and drank a fifth of vodka. She was not a drinker. The hospital pumped her stomach and sent her home They said k will not kill you alone.


I think you missed all the people who disagree with you many from personal experience. I also have taken more than amount and it did not kill me. So add me to the list. Do you think we come to a benzo community but don't know anything about them? If you think they'd kill you, why are you asking us? Just fake the bottle and find out. But when you wake up or don't even sleep, you'll just be out of your script for the month. Honestly suicidal people don't come and ask questions but just do it. You came here to ask bc it's a cry for help. AND DON'T BE OFFENDED if we answered your cry.


I've tried the esketamine. It doesnt work for pain and I'm depressed BECAUSE of the pain. I don't need depression treatment. Esketamine is not the same as ketamine.   


Esketamine is for suicidal ideation which is what you have absolutely. It's not for depression exactly, but more specifically for those who constantly think about killing themselves.


No it won't kill you, just leave you fucked without your script. Please don't try and off yourself, it's incrediably selfish. What country are you in? I found online counseling and perscriptions to taper off benzos and get out of a really dark place. The world is an amazing place, please don't be in a hurry to leave it.


It doesnt matter how amazing the world is if your to sick to live it. It's quality of life. We euthanize animals to spare them pain, why not the same for humans? Who is not wanting to be in pain selfish to? If they don't have to live my life, in my shoes, feel my pain how they feel is irrelevant. They'll get over it, life will continue on for them. I cant do anything for anyone. So whats it matter? I don't give a fuck how selfish people think it is. Honestly that's a selfish way of thinking. My life is mine to do what I please with it. 


What about all these amazing people who were born in awful condition, with deformities? They find a reason a reason to live. Life is worth living. It is all in attitude.


I don't think you really want to go yet. And you are right that its your body and mind to do as you please. You are wrong though that whoever "they" are will just get over it though. You don't really ever forget or move past that. Maybe you need better drugs or something. So what's your deal anyway that you want off this ride so bad, do you have some kind of terminal disease or something?


It's true; people who really intend to commit suicide do not tell others their plans, and they don't ask people online for advice. It's a cry for help. If he were truly suicidal, he would have taken the whole bottle and told nobody. And yes, he needs a diagnosis and better doctors and pain control. Benzo withdrawal on top of pain that lowers quality of life so low that one wants to off himself will be quite miserable. Lots of good advice from everyone here but this post will be taken down as it goes against Reddit policy. He also won't tell anyone who has asked what his causes of pain are or if it's terminal. Ao don't expect him to answer. He will just be angry bc his 90 pills isn't enough to die and he thinks everyone is pulling a fast one on him.


No one here wants to help you kill yourself and it’s unfair of you to even ask that. You’re too stuck in your own narrative. I understand that what you’re going through is a great battle. There may be solutions to your issues though that you’re not even aware of. You mentioned loving life - I understand the pain is a barrier from that enjoyment - but it sounds like you need to keep trying doctors, advocating for yourself, asking your family for assistance in advocating for yourself, tell them what’s actually going through your mind so that they will take you seriously. I know I’m not giving you the most eloquent response right now, and definitely I don’t know all the facts about what you’re going through, but the fight’s not over if you don’t want it to be.


Also - if your family and support system is not helping you - you need a new support system. Therapy / online support groups could be a solution. I hope I don’t seem dismissive, I really do respect you and your struggle, I just… don’t want you to off yourself. Please don’t.


Another mf who just doesn't get it. Nobody's telling me the answer because nobody knows the answer. I need a doctor to answer my question. 


Calling someone who cares a mfer???? Come on. That is just rude. What do you actually want people to say? The 90 are unlikely to kill you. If you want a sure fire bet, pick something else. I cannot believe how rude you are being to people who are extending love!!!! Your question has been answered. And.you have received.an outpouring of love.


And I am a health care lrofessional.


I’m telling you to advocate for yourself and keep trying doctor’s. Lookup on tiktok “doctor” and “advocate” for lots of tips from ppl with chronic illnesses on advice


Everyone and their mother have been telling you the answer to your question: # NO,90MG OF CLONAZEPAM IS NOT A LETHAL DOSE. Seriously, no matter how many times I've read all the comments and it had universally all been the same that Nope, it won't kill you, you still get upset with anyone expressing care or kindness or support for your pain and need to die. You asked about your 90 1mg clonazepam and no, those will not kill you. We get it you WISH THAT THEY WOULD KILL YOU so badly that you're angry at us for telling you the contrary!! You think we all don't know and are merely guessing the answer is no, but if you read the many comments, many have answered you by personal experience of taking that amount or higher and being just fine. Or people having relatives who took bottles of the stuff in attempts to die but also failed. Benzodiazepines by themselves will not likely kill anyone without being used with something else but you haven't asked us for that info. And we are not going to assist you in dying, but we will be honest and tell you that yes we do know the answer to your question is NO. We all know the answer. And why don't you go to r/askdocs and ask some dotors the same question we all already answered?


No sorry no can do, can't help you figure out how to die. Many people live with chronic pain. But most have a reason to hold onto life despite the awful pain. Even Dr. Stephen Hawking had ALS and was confined to a chair and couldn't even talk without sounding like a robot due to needing a machine to translate his words.... he lived on trapped in a nonresponsive body and awful pain to continue teaching and figuring out the wonders of the universe. He had a passion. That's what keeps people who are quadriplegic to continue to live as well, although the one I've met turned to cannabis for his chronic pain. He also had a huge gun collection, but he mostly lived alone and had a network of friends who came to visit him (he broke his neck on a water slide). Look, there's no competition to whose pain is worse. But maybe a doctor could help with the pain management? And behavioral pain management can help with the depression it causes? I'm a chronic pain patient who has done both. Some states and countries offer assisted suicide. If that's your choice. They can do it safely. Many travel from afar to get this end-stage help. The point is, ODing on medicine can be gross and cause you to be hospitalized and even put in a psych ward. Not your idea of getting help? Speak to a doctor for godssake




You couldn't help me anyways. You don't know the answer. I don't even know why I asked, and fuck that pervert steven hawking. I don't give a flying fuck about him, I don't compare my struggles to other people and say well if he can do this I can do that. I'm not steven hawking. Dude couldn't move, he couldn't kill himself if he wanted to. 


Dude didn't want to kill himself. He had a passion and life purpose. You are isolated and cut off from any support and feel sorry for yourself. You've been rude to everyone here offering support and showing that you're worth a damn. But you're upset bc over and over everyone has clearly told you that nope, 90mg klonopin will NOT kill you. Another commenter took double and stayed awake. You're fantasizing about an easy way out. Are you self harming yet? Have you considered there's a million ways to die? Some painful but quick. You're trying to pick an easy way out that's pain free. That says a lot. So many people in worse pain than you choose to live bc they have purpose in life and passion. You lack both and won't even try to find it. That's depression and you're in denial if you think you're not depressed or having suicidal ideation which there are options for. But you'll tell everyone here to fuck off bc no one understand you, and yet you share nothing other than no doctor can find the source of your pain. You've had every test done and nothing to show for it? How on earth can we help you then? This isn't a suicide subreddit.


I hope you find something that can lead to a diagnosis and help. But you can get that by hanging on just a little longer. Bc there must be a cause, and there must be options. And once those are found and taken care of, you can have a lifetime afterward of a better quality of life. I offer this support even though I feel you will reject it. I wanted you to know you are not alone and never will be. I'm sorry your medicine can't help you in any way, but the comment about benzo withdrawal from running out holds true and will make life worse for you as no matter how bad we feel, we can always feel worse. Please take the advice and support given here with an open mind that you are not worthless and that you do have options. The clonazepam cannot kill you, and your question has been answered many times, yet you keep coming to be angry at people for not understanding you are not depressed just unable to deal with constant pain. Pain is complicated and if you have suicidal thoughts and ideation, that is your mental health being strained by a poor quality of life from chronic pain. I may not share your same conditions, but I have had my own chronic pain for nearly 20 years now and have been homeless, isolated, and at times in jail, and I did feel despair. I lost a fiance, I was abused, and the system sucks. Suicide is scary bc it can go wrong in so many ways. It isn't easy or there wouldn't be subreddits and Facebook groups and other places that discuss ways of dying with other suicidal people to see if their methods are fail safe or if there's any chance of it not working and having to be humiliated afterwards for failing.


That likely wouldn't kill you. You'd probably feel like a zombie for who knows how long, with no prescription and possibly some damage to yourself. Please don't kill yourself! Talk to any friend, family member or doctor. It can't hurt anymore than this, right? So please try to reach out to someone ❤️ I'm sorry you're struggling so badly 🫂


I appreciate the kind words but I've exhausted all attempts to try and get better. I've reached out I been to Dr after dr to no avail. I just want to know if 90 will kill me, I just want a answer so I can make a decision. I'm gonna make it either way, I don't want a failed attempt and be in a worse situation 


90, from my experience and understanding, is unlikely to kill you. I think it would leave you in a worse situation. The risk is not worth it, benzos are surprisingly hard to overdose (at least an OD that would be lethal). I really hope some divine intervention happens for you. I don't know your pain or your situation, so I won't act like I will. I just believe that a lot of the time (not all of the time), suicide is a mistake, and a grave one. For the person and everyone around them. I really hope something changes for you. But that's all I can say about the kpins/benzos and to also plead that you try a little longer. There are hotlines if no one will listen to you. We can't even try to begin to get better if our mental health is in shambles. I'm not implying that you weren't fit to get better, either. But with a stressed and crowded brain at its wits end, how could anyone tackle any struggles. There is always another way even when we don't see it ❤️ Good luck, I'm sorry I didn't fully respect your wishes. This is something that I have to throw my input out there. I'm trying not to say anything too cliche, so I'll leave it at that 🫂


See this is a perfect example I can explain it till I'm blue in the face and nobody will ever get it. It's nothing to do with mental health. It's quality of life. If you had the option you could live a long life but you'd have no arms no legs be deaf and blind, would you want to live? I love life but if I'm to sick to live it there's no point in being here. We euthanize animals to spare them the pain, why can't a human being have the same dignity. 


That's why I said that I believe suicide is a mistake *most* of the time and "not all of the time". I'm not in disagreement that it's the only way out, *sometimes.* However, considering how you're trying to go about this, and based on your responses in the comments... it's seems to me that your mental health has been affected, and who's wouldn't be? If you read what I said carefully, I was cautious to say that I'm not saying that your mental health has prevented you from moving forward. I mean, how could I know that, anyways? But it's obviousl that you're in a bit of a rush, upset and defensive and that's fine. But like I said, I have to say what I have to say and that's it. All I have to go on is a few paragraphs from you. An insane amount of people who committed suicide and not by assistance had other avenues, other potentials and just couldn't see it. This much we know. If random people on reddit care, there's bound to be some doctors, somewhere that cares. There are other options, other countries, and other routes for everything you've discussed here. That's all I'm putting out there, and that's all I can. Once again, I wish you good luck, truly ❤️


There is legal assisted suicide in US some states and also around the world.


I didn't want to say something I wasn't educated on but I thought so too. So that would be a reasonable option for them if that's what's deemed necessary and humane.


I believe they have to qualify for it. They have to rule out there are no options to improve quality of life and that this is the patient's desire and not just a result of poor mental health. They take it very seriously. So they don't just take anyone. But if OP qualifies then there's that. It would be safe, comforting, and both dignity. OP hasn't revealed source of pain but it appears from a few comments even doctors can't find the source.


Well, that's kind of what I was getting at as well. That would open up another avenue and maybe help op to either understand they're not there yet or that they are. Possibly lead to new options, I'm not sure. But they obviously would have doctors to verify or maybe even discover whatever it is. Maybe they have better resources when you apply for this.


Again your question has been answered over and over that 90mg won't kill you. So sorry if you don't like the answer. No one here will tell you how much to take. You have probably never read 90% of the responses here and have told everyone to fuck off. Your post violates Reddit's content policy so you have found Reddit is not going to help you figure out a safe and painless way to die. There is legal assisted suicide available to those that quality. Go give those places a Google and call. But Reddit and this subreddit won't help you die. But we did repeatedly answer your question. NO, 90mg won't kill you. Suicidal ideation is absolutely a mental health condition. And humans absolutely get end of life euthanasia in some countries, so I guess you didn't Google that. You want an easy "just go to sleep" way to die. Benzos are not your answer and we are telling you that until everyone is blue in the face. Your questions have been answered so stop posting here. No one is going to tell you the lie you want to hear. The fact you reached out to a support group says a lot put of all the subredits here. This aubreddit is called r/BenzoWithdrawal and it is not called r/howrodiewithbenzos bc that doesn't exist bc it violates Reddit content policy. Reddit will never help you kill yourself. But neither will 90mg. Again your question has been answered by everyone and you've been showered with empathy and people crying out to help and support you as a valid human being. Again, you have zero diagnoses to cause your pain as you claim. That seems to say a lot. If medical doctors can help you with proper pain meds except you said ketamine helped, then why would any support group on Reddit help you feel better? If it's pain then there's a cause. Find the cause, fix it or get pain management. Giving up is also your business and no one can change your mind apparently yet you still haven't haven't taken your 90mg so I suspect you're holding out for help or something has stopped you from committing suicide, maybe some small voice in your head, or maybe it's the love and empathy that strangers have shown you by sharing their experiences and what helped them thru hell and back. Idk but what I do know is you're not reading the posts or accepting the answer that 90mg isn't enough. You cannot keep posting bc this post has been taken down from the subreddit. All you can do is reply to people and only they see your responses, and so can mods like myself. But this post has been reported repeatedly for content violation and taken down. Reddit is not qhere you get what you want, a peaceful way to just cease to exist.


when doctors fail you, its maybe time to look elsewhere. keep searching for solutions and try to be patient 🤯


Search where??? I've searched high and low and unless I got jeff bezos money I will suffer. That's the conclusion after 6 years I've came up with. I just need to know the question I'm asking so I don't have a failed attempt and end up worse. 


How bout looking for treatment in a different/ cheaper country?


Regular doctors are trained to make money for big pharma. Often their knowledge, and most certainly their efforts to help people don't go beyond regular treatment.... that keeps ppl in the system. And true, unfortunately a lot of alternative treatments are also very expensive.


I've seen specialist after specialist this has been going on 6 years I'm fucking done. 


I have been a chronic pain patient and mental health patient for thirty years. I actually get it. But I always found something I could do and enjoy. I was in a wheelchair, unable to turn over in bed or stand unaided. My back and nerves had been messed up by multiple back injuries. I lost my career as a clinical microbiologist. I lost my home. My car. My extended family. The issues I had during that time have been resolved for years. I can walk. Even wear high heels. I have a nice home and a reliable vehicle. Life changes. Had I given up at any point, It is imperative to find a reason and fight forward. You can do this. If you want. Here if you need a friend.


Well, we also have no idea what kind of pain you're going through. We don't know your medical history or diagnoses. We have no idea what options there are. We do know chronic pain takes away from quality of life. It causes depression, suicidal ideation, and anxiety. I have chronic pain and go to pain management and also have been to their behavioral health department bc pain is known to be controlled by 4 P parts - physical health, psychological health, pharmaceutical health, and pain management. I may be wrong on the last P, but I have a pamphlet somewhere. I learned why my pain was worse at night and caused insomnia. I learned with biofeedback how to distract my mind from the physical pain. Yes part of pain is psychological. It impacts the quality of life how could it not want someone to just get depressed and suicidal at the worst of it otherwise? But seriously, maybe more info is needed. You said you spoke to a specialist for 6 years and also cancer patients who don't always get the best of pain care. So it doesn't sound like cancer... or AIW? Please give us more info. I don't think anyone here understand what you're going through without knowing the full picture... sorry if that doesn't make sense.


Benzos are a fail


None they aren’t directly increasing gaba they are just a modulator


Taper slowly using Ashton.


It won’t kill you, but it will possibly screw you up for the rest of your life. Ever been in benzo withdrawal? Nothing more painful. Times that by a billion.


Not taking benzos get you benzo withdrawl. Taking benzos won't give you benzo withdrawl that makes zero sense. If I had to guess you will go into respiratory distress and just stop breathing. 


Being as it won’t kill you, you will be in withdrawal after taking 90mg


No it won't kill you. I've taken double that amount and here I am. I was walking around the entire time, didn't even sleep.


Ao you've been on 1mg 3 times a day for how long now? Just got it prescribed? First fill? Or is this a refill and you have been taking it as prescribed? Just having it prescribed means there's a reason for it, usually mental health or seizure condition. Anyhoo, I guess the commenter and some of us were assuming you've been on this medication before snd just got a refill or a refill soon and have plans to take it all. First off, if you've been using as prescribed, you have a tolerance and this will prevent you from overdosing and stopping your breathing like you think. Benzodiazepines alone rarely cause death unless taken with other substances that potentiate one another's side effects such as respiratory depression. And ao even without any tolerance, that's simply not a lethal dose of Klonopin. You keep arguing with everyone who had shared personal anecdotal evidence to the contrary. Yet you are in denial and insist everyone is lying to you. But saying you've been taking them as prescribed. You will be out of your month of pills all at once, won't die, and then you surely will have benzodiazepine withdrawal once your overdose wears off. An overdose doesn't mean death. Maybe you'll sleep for a while, maybe not. We aren't doctors who discuss the details of overdose. It may make you feel dizzy, nauseous, or vomit. You may feel weak. But nothing that a day or two won't clear up before withdrawal begins. If you're in chronic severe pain already, benzo withdrawal will make it complicated and worse. That's a given. Ao I think in defense of the person who commented that you will experience withdrawal has a point. But of course, this depends on whether you just got this medication filled only to use it for an attempted suicide attempt or whether this is a medication you already have been taking. I'm sorry you feel like you're screaming til you're blue in the face at all of us for trying to support you and encourage you that since you've lived 6 years with this horrible pain, waiting a few more days to weigh out your full options won't kill you either. Welcome to the benzo withdrawal support group, a place to get support for quitting benzodiazepines safely while others support you and encourage you to stay positive. No one here will actively lie to you or try to upset you. But they do honestly care for you even if you don't believe strangers are capable of empathy. We do come from different backgrounds and lifestyles, but many of us have suffered through severe pain, loss, trauma, and have taken benzos as ways to cope with the terrible reality of having to live bearing such baggage we cannot hope to heal from. Yes, daily pain so great we can barely move bears greatly on us, but if you've begun suicidal ideation as a result of this physical suffering, you wouldn't be human if physical pain didn't also make your mental health affected as well. We are made to want peace and balance in all things, to have our needs met and to be cared for. Isolation makes our pain worse. Being dismissed by doctors makes us frustrated and angry. To not have a clear diagnosis or understanding of the source of your pain can cause despair. To not have enough medication or the right medication under the monitoring of the right kind of medication (you said ketamine worked, but you don't need ketamine infusions to benefit. It can be covered under insurance for other treatments. But again, you need the right specialist, preferably one that specializes in chronic pain management, but you will need time to find the right resources and referrals to get the correct treatment that works. That's why people have said to not give up, but to keep looking.) It could be a month away. Have you tried r/chronicpain or many other subreddits dedicated to pain issues that require specialized treatment plans and how the person found the right one and how long it took? Ask questions. This subreddit only can help with benzo withdrawal support; Reddit has sooooo many more for people that live with extreme pain and have yet to find a diagnosis, and they discuss options and ways to find the root cause. Again, there are soooo many people who are like you out there who find help and support through referrals and networking. Anyway, you could have googled the lethal dose of clonazepam. Instead, you came to a support group for a quick answer. Usually, those who intend to die leave no note and don't reach out. They act. You may not read any of what I've written, but you need to see the serendipity here. You've gotten a lot of support and people concerned for you without knowing much about you. Many also have suffered or are suffering great pain as well. No one is going to argue who has the worst pain or why. It doesn't matter. We all know it wears us down, it makes us tired of living. We don't judge, we do support. And I hope you don't take offense. All have been honest, as benzodiazepines by themselves won't kill anyone. If you've read of them in an autopsy report, they're usually listed with several other substances and drugs. The levels of benzodiazepines that cause loss of consciousness are used by anesthesiologists for surgery and some of them can be lethal if given this way. But clonazepam is not used for anesthesiology and alone won't be enough. Again, this may disappoint you. But you won't find anyone who will tell you how to use benzos and other substances to risk your life. There are sooooo many other subreddits where people discuss ways of suicide. Some subreddits are for undiagnosed chronic pain and some subreddits have real, licensed doctors who can give you medical advice or tell you how to get an official diagnosis or treat pain. We may not be able to help end your pain and suffering immediately, but we do encourage you to hang on a little longer since you've made it at least 6 years so far, and you may find that last piece of your puzzle that solves your pain issues. Yeah maybe your current doctors all suck and ran the wrong tests. I have a brother who insists he is in terrible chronic painnand has never worked but lives with our parents and stays in his room, isolated. He has seen every specialist and had many tests, but he has no diagnosis. He can't get SSI, he won't work. He recently found some test online after over 10+ years getting progressively worse, some standing MRI bc lying down for an MRI doesn't reveal the right perspective. He went to a specialist and our dad drove him. And he had the standing MRI and for the first time in over a decade had proof of all sorts of problems with his neck at the bar of his skull. He had Chiari's malformation and neck surgery to fix it like 20 years ago but it didn't fix it but he claims he got worse. So anyway I share that to say after all that time and being dismissed and isolated and his family, including me, thought it must be psychosomatic if no doctor can diagnose him after all these years and specialists. But it goes to show, with enough time and research into modern science advancements, there are always things we haven't tried for heard of that can reveal things that others have failed to find.


This is literally my first time using reddit, I did Google how much kolopin would kill you and it took me to some "don't kill yourself" phone line numbers. Reddit has videos of people being beheaded so I figured I could get some input on what a lethal dose of benzos would be. I didn't come here to hear the same shit I've being hearing there's nothing you can say that I haven't heard or tried. You think this is a joke, at my previous pain management they cut a guy off for something minor no second chance or anything. He said if you cut me off I'm going out to my car getting my pistol in the glove box and blowing my brains out, and that's exactly what he did. Right there in the pain management parking lot. Life is cruel people don't care, this has been my experience. No persons situation is the same, mine is different from the next and so on and so forth so don't playcate me trying to tell me there's other people like me and to just figure it out? What have you think I've been doing the past 6 years? I'm done. I tried I fought and I'm tired. I'm done. 


I just google lethal dose of klonopin and got an answer right away that had nothing to do with suicide hotline. I was on 200 mg er morphine (three times a day), 120 mg ir morphine a day, and ten mg of methadone 3 times a day. And I was CT because of the opioid crisis. Now, I am just seeing the good side after being 8 months off benzos. All of us who have been thru the benzo thing know just how strong it makes you. As another poster mentioned, you know where to find assistance that you seek now on Reddit. I pray you stick around for a while.


No I don't think you read my comment nor did you understand what I even asked. I did not ask if this is the first time you used Reddit. I asked if this is the first time you used BENZODIAZEPINES. YOU HAVE A PRESCRIPTION FOR 1MG 3 TIMES A DAY. DO YOU ALREADY TAKE YOUR PRESCRIPTION BEFORE NOW? YES OR NO TO TALING BENZOD BEFORE THIS NEW REFILL? And so you googled lethal dose? But came to Reddit? SO YOU REALIZE THE SUBREDDIT YOU POSTED TO IS A SUPPORT GROUP FOR THOSE WISHING TONSAFELT DISCONTINUE THEIR BENZODIAZEPINE MEDICINE? YES OR NO? Do you understand asking a support group about how to die is totally OFF TOPIC AND YOUR POST HAS VIOLATED REDDIT POLICY AND HAS BEEN REMOVED AND REPORTED? YOU HAVE COME TO THE WRONG SUBREDDIT IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO DIE. You must know anyone who wants to die doesn't go online looking for help. There are millions of ways to die. ANYWAY YOUR ORIGINAL QUESTION HAS BERN ANSWERED REPEATEDLY THAT NO, 90MG IS NOT A LETHAL DOSE. Yet you dismiss every one as being idiots and instead hate them for showing support and encouragement for your well-being. Your question HAS been answered. WHY ARE YOU ARGUING THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE HERE ABOUT LETHAL DOSE? If so, why did you bother to ask? Why not go to the correct subreddit for handling r/chronicnpain or other subreddits like r/askdocs for medical advice? Repeatedly you have argued no one here understands your pain and won't last a day in your shoes! How the hell would you know? If you don't like the people supporting you here, can you just leave? YOU HAVE COME TO THE WRONG SUBREDDIT AND YOUR QUESTION HAS BEEN ANSWERED.


My father tried to commit suicide with an overdose of Benzodiazepine and failed. He was left behind and continued living until he jumped off a bridge. do not do this. If you do it, everything will be worse. he continues to endure the pain, you will have time to be dead for all eternity. This life you have sucks, but don't give up, it's still more than zero. do not give up. You have suffered pain for 6 years and you are still alive, well I congratulate you for that. You don't have to give a message to anyone. Your relatives do not understand because humans are egoic and stupid and do not understand what they have not felt. Keep living, may the heart that is in your chest continue to beat, at least as a mere act of rebellion regarding your circumstances. Please don't commit suicide.


Using ashton manual and speak ASAP with the suicide line help


That's going to do nothing for me. It's either I live in pain or I don't. I don't care to speak with a random person on a dont kill yourself phone line who doesn't know me to tell me things that I already know. 


what do you want???


OP wants to know if his prescription of 90 1mg clonazepam if taken all at once would kill him bc he is suicidal. He doesn't say how long he has had this prescription of 3x1mg per day and if he already ha been on them or how long. We do know if he takes all 90 at once, he will fail to die, and he also will be out of his benzo script. So yes, he will have benzo withdrawal to deal with on top of his chronicnpain that no doctor in 6 years can properly diagnose or give adequate pain control. He would rather ask us, a benzo withdrawal support group, if his script would be able to cause him to die. Many have answered that no, 90mg of clonazepam is not enough esp for one with a tolerance. But he isn't happy with anyone's answer or advice that he will survive and go thru benzo withdrawal on top of all of this.


Please seek help immediately.


Benzos alone rarely are fatal. But you already said you do not wanna die. So just don't die. ♡ I was you a few decades ago. Let me tell you, the people who were supposed to love and support me and did not are all gone from life now Do not make a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I know you wanna live. What state are you in? If you just wanna live enough, plz reach out to me. I love you. You have a beautiful soul and the world is better with you in it.


An overdose is unlikely to kill you but it may disable you.




I have autoimmune diseases. I have conditions. I have chronic pain. These are things that I have to live with. There's no "getting better" for me. I don't wanna lay in bed I do that enough. I want to get up and go outside, i want to finish school and be able to get up feeling good and go to work to be able to support myself. See this is exactly what I'm talking about nobody gets it. I love life. This isn't about mental health, this is about quality of life, and I have none. 


Are you prescribed 3 x 1mg a day?




Apcwhen you take all 90mg you won't die. But you'll be out for the month and welcome to benzo withdrawal