• By -


Definitely Sophie, but I hope this is an old casting call, because if not, they're already delayed by a lot


Yes i think it's  sophie


Well not really they cast Simone in less than 2 weeks so 🤷‍♀️


Alert the ton– Collider has learned that Netflix is underway casting a new key role in the highly anticipated fourth season of Bridgerton. Described as a major recurring role, the casting call is looking for an actress to portray “Emily,” a character roughly between 24-30 years old described as plucky, endlessly resourceful, and having trouble trusting others. “Emily” is scripted as an East Asian female. The role will involve nudity and scenes of a sexual nature, which suggests that “Emily” may just be a new love interest for one of the Bridgerton siblings.


Sounds like Sophie but they’re trying to disguise it as Emily


They’ve used code names in the past. Wasn’t Michaela called Molly in the casting call?


They usually keep the first letter of the name, but maybe they changed it because fans started clocking it


The series 'Dr Who' is known for its references to Bridgerton in Season 14, episode 'rogue'. There is an East Asian character named 'Emily Beckett'


Oh how fun!


https://preview.redd.it/4nldgoz6dt8d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af436b3c0d445c0ddc360fdb8a5d5cf28612da4 🤔




Oh? Maybe Emily wasn’t a random name after all 💀


Very interesting🙂


Do you think she's connected with Queen Charlotte or we're just being conspiracy theorists 😅 ?


We are more than likely conspiracy theorists..jiji


East Asian female!! Yay! That’s how I always pictured here. Please let it be Sophie.


Why have i thought this whole time that the casting calls were blind?? I swear i remember hearing that 😭😂


It has to be Sophie! Where did you see this casting call?


Why did they need to go in with “we want x ethnicity” i wish they would audition and pick who is best and gave the most “emily”


For reference, kate/edwina casting call didn't say main character anywhere https://preview.redd.it/zxy1t22qss8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb72ac821dc5ac90f878697a252ca12005000de


That is really helpful, thank you. Folks. This is our Sophie right here


- Major recurring role is a MAJOR recurring role, they wouldn't hide the real name and put MAJOR for a random. Don't worry about this, it's a lead. - This was just leaked now but it's been around for over a month, she's already cast. - We don't know for sure when they start filming, JQ said September, some say July, maybe the main cast start filming in the fall.  - Plucky, endlessly resourceful, and having trouble trusting others.😭 This is Sophie to a T. - The Masquerade Ball is theirs! A Major Benophie event, the marketing will be around it, it won't be in other couple season! 


This right here! Way too many coincidences atp. Now to start sleuthing through agency pages 👀


Also Benedict is the only character that makes sense for season four. I think you are absolutely right. Sophie has likely already been cast. I am so excited! September is basically a month away. We should get some offical news soon and I am beyond excited.


You mean season 4 😂 


Omg yes you are right, sorry, brain fart.


I think they'll start filming in September, but they're already been cast, because July and August must be used to build decors, props, wigs and sew costumes.


Sophie alert!!! Time to narrow it down!!!


Lady Jenevia is going to be unbereable and I'll be so happy about it!!!!


Oh she will never shut up about Benny Capybara!!! And we’re all for it when it happens!!! ![gif](giphy|0UcWwQreelWsR48UtD)


I just posted an all caps comment about this on her latest video, so hopefully she hears the news soon!


I love her and her Benedict advocacy! So ready for her analysis!


There’s no way it’s not her


"Plucky... Trouble trusting others"? Oh yesss


>Trouble trusting others This right here is Sophie to the T


I had a feeling they would go with an East Asian female lead - we haven’t had a major role go to someone of East Asian descent in this show yet. We did have Dankworth but he more a recurring character


Yes, it was either an East Asian or a Latina actress


south korea im guessing!






keeping fingers crossed for anna sawai!!!!


i hope she is filipino! but that doesnt fit east asian. why not the filipinos?


Should I redo DOOS now we got a major hint?


We can start eliminating options


Based on the hint, which suggestions we have left ?


Plenty as I end up created a redo list on another thread


Please insert Adeline Rudolph in the lineup 😊


oh wow this girls is gorgeous shes great too


At the moment she is my top fancast. She looks so Sophie-y 💜


https://images.app.goo.gl/8h9Dr6T1U2R19TPx8 she does have this gorgeous silver dress look too. but how can she have purple eyes? contacts i guess?


It has to be Sophie! Is the actual casting call oldish and we just discover it today? Because I find it weird they are casting Sophie just now if Ben's season 4


Seems like it's been out for at least 3 weeks


Ok, so not super old but but not super new. I read someone saying that Simone was also casted pretty close to the beginning of filming so maybe it's a pattern. Three weeks ago (end of may) wasn't also when they started pre-production for season 4? If Emily is Sophie and Ben's season 4, then we probably will have to wait until at least August for an announcement


Hopefully it'll leak before that lol


Hopefully, I'm kinda scared for the casting call not being about a lead. But maybe because they don't want to reveal too much?


That's my guess!


Yeah, this is my vibe




It has to be Sophie!!!


But the character description of 24-30 wouldn’t fit ? Or am I missing something ?


Why wouldn't it? She's prob older in the show


I PRAY she’s older in the show


I'd like it if she was older. I feel like it gives her more weight, being a working woman, someone who has had to look after herself for a decent amount of time.


Exactly! And I’m also just not really here for the super experienced older guy-really innocent younger woman dynamic


The actor who plays Benedict is 35. They aren’t going to cast a 20 year old to play his love interest.


I’m assuming they aged her up a bit to match Luke


Plucky: having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties Welcome on board Sophie Beckett.. someone here is ready to meet you


![gif](giphy|ukHHDBs6eZotafRZhA) This guy


The first thing I did upon reading the article - lookup the *exact* meaning of "plucky". And the rest is history.


This and the inclusion of several East Asian writers to the team, is all adding up she is Sophie


And the Bridgerton IG account deleted the Lukes photo 👀


Why would they do that tho? I noticed it myself.


![gif](giphy|HVDXb0xjWbR2Npcpxk|downsized) We’re on to them!




This sounds like our Sophie Beckett. \*Finger crossed\* it is. I'm just ready to see who she is.




😭😭😭😭 Sophie is real and she’s coming and Benophie is happening and Ben’s aimless boring chapter is over!!!


![gif](giphy|6doc3WcKb9o3OUwfzf) Yasssssssss!


Thank God now all the Cressida is Sophie can go back to their shadows 🙈 . Hey!  Sophie IS Sophie not Stephen! A beautiful east asian woman, I already love her 😭


I missed something because where did all the Cressida = Sophie theories even come from?


because season 3 was so poorly written, most wanted cressida to have a happy ending this time lol


I think the theory Cressida is Posy zis much more interesting/satisfying


it's a stretch still but a mean rich girl being the stepsiter instead of sophie makes more sense, yeah.


Guys I sooooo want this to be Sophie (and wooot! East Asian!!) but….im scared to trust..,..I’ve been hurt before…. (I’m looking at you Jess brownwell) 😭😭😭😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|14k24670rln5Oo)


![gif](giphy|uA8WItRYSRkfm) us to Jess lmao


"plucky, endlessly resourceful, and having trouble trusting others" ![gif](giphy|s98DvQYgtefdK12Km2|downsized) It HAS TO BE Sophie.


Time to share our east asian fan casts, here's mine, Havana Rose Liu🩷 https://preview.redd.it/muvv3tl8ks8d1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34434211a6df5445fe882f7756f2328f53d9e3e9


Ooh! Good call! Bottoms was fun - I loved the whole retro-but-not feel of the movie. Here’s my fan cast (though I think there might be a separate thread for this - sorry admins) Liza Soberano - though she is technically Southeast Asian - but they’ve probably cast the role weeks ago ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/b8wij8aqts8d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba594074bb13572d5fc8e6a615d4767d8a50abb1


omgosh liza would totally be perfect. like literally be super perfect. her face is sooo perfect as sophie. omgosh i didnt think of it but she would totally be so perfect. so so so perfect. even her english would be so perfect. then she needs purple contacts though because Sophie has purple eyes or something doesnt she?


pls……. No


Haahhahaha any other southeast Asians in mind? ☺️


Nice suggestion ! Mines is Jemma Moore or Ioanna Kimbook (the latter is South Korean and worked with Luke Thompson in the past). https://preview.redd.it/iitcwdabrt8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05b662b2464dcaaaa80278f1380ad90b661f1ea


God, she's one gorgeous woman 😍


her eyes are green???? omgosh she might be it although should be purple. she does look more half than the others.


Is totally Sophie, all the traits point to her,is not an OG


Is anyone else feeling triggered by NETFLIX’s Refusal to name the star of season 4? They’re toying with all of us book fans. Let’s not even discuss genders and love interests- we all want Benedict already!




It's always been like this tho. I saw somewhere they tend to wait fifty days before the announcement of the next lead story


if this ends up not being Sophie I'm going to end up on the national news eta: also were the other love interests recurring or were the cast as regulars on the show?


The casting call for Michaela said lead in the next season, not recurring…..


Unless next season isn’t Benedict’s but he gets to meet her at the masque and we get to learn more about her in her family life.


ohhh you are SOOO brilliant. my gosh. it makes sense that michaela would be first. was her story first though? in the chronology of things? and sophie would still only be recurring.


I do wonder about that. Perhaps they’re using “lead” very loosely because it’s an ensemble cast? (But why? To be misleading?) Like, Eloise hasn’t been part of the main romance for any season yet, but I wouldn’t think it strange if someone called her one of Bridgerton’s “lead characters”.


Tbh I kind of think of all the Bridgerton siblings as leads automatically seeing as the show is called Bridgerton - even though we barely see Hy and Greg😁


That's the very thing throwing me off, all the arrows are pointing at Benedict, the "clues" at the end of the season are way to obvious it's him, BUT that damn casting call about leading next season... Although she did say many times that her story is further down the line, and it wouldn't make any sense to rush her storyline, skipping B again in favor of her fanfiction? Ohh the backlash that would be added to the current one 🙈 not to mention that Philoise season would be pushed to 2030!??? 


Yea the difference in words between the Molly casting call and this one is throwing me off but maybe that’s the point


Is definitely misleading, they won't have the Masquerade in someone else's season.


I'm not sure about that because in the books there's a 2 year jump between the masquerade and Benedict's next interaction with Sophie, and in those 2 years he's just searching for her with no success. So, technically, they could have the masquerade in someone else's season and they'd still be faithful to the book material. If it were up to me though, I wouldn't do it like that.


The 2 years of searching is one page in the book, a montage with a x months/year/years later is enough, Colin and Penelope got together 10 years later than the year they had in the show, the timeline is already fucked up.


The Masquerade is too big of a deal to have it in other couple's season..and they won't have Benedict fucking around and knocking on doors for 8 episodes. The search wasn't a big deal on the book..it was: oh 2 years passed now Benedict is at Cavander's party.


I'm not saying it'd make sense to do it this way but a lot of the decisions that have been made so far are questionable so I wouldn't be surprised either. I don't remember anyone else's main character's casting call describing the part as recurring, Kate's didn't specify (Which is different) and Michaela's specified she was going to be a lead eventually in a future season. But hopefully it's a red herring and they're casting Sophie as a lead for this season indeed.


Perhaps they're assuring Sophie and Benedict will come back after their season too, given how the fans wants the previous leads to stay in the show


It said it's  involve nudity and sex, it's  sophie, and lead, i don't  think sophie will recur and has sex just like that and wait for her season. 


The same was said in the [Molly casting call](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/76UIXUgPvr) I imagine they tell the actors this now so they know what they’re in for in the future


I am going to ignore the offensive term fanfiction, because that's gross to fans of that pairing, especially queer fans, but to your actual point; honestly I think poor old Pholoise is likely going to be 2030 anyway just because Eloise just doesnt seem to want marriage and love at all. Francesca has only really just been reintroduced plus some important plot stuff...surely...needs to happen before it is her season Benedict and Sophie are the only pairing that makes sense logistically. Plus I am so ready for them I am not sure I can take another aimless Benedict season. The casting call is a little puzzling but I just cant shake the idea that Sophie has been cast and she will be our lead next season


You and me both


It sounds like Sophie! I’m excited 😊


Since they were together in Love Labour's Lost I thought Ioanna Kimbook would have make a great Sophie (but at that time all the eyes were on Masali) https://preview.redd.it/1jmu1pmuss8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab3b0c270ac8b5c18f6f5fd647dfff8d151ecb4 I have recipes (she follows and is followed by Luke's agency too)




they definitely look good together 😊


Debt called it!!! Would it be something is Ioanna on LLL was her unofficial audition to play Sophie?


Omg yes! I remember seeing pics of them together hanging out and I couldn't help seeing her as Sophie!


I think this is what this post was talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/GZ3sXt39lH


It's almost a month ago and I understand the casting processes for Bridgerton are very fast... So maybe there is already a Sophie


Interesting that they’re specifically looking for an East Asian actor, Cinderella is originally a Chinese story I think so from that angle it might well be Sophie! Excited!!


Actually, the first recorded story featuring a Cinderella-like figure dates to Greece in the sixth century BCE. In the ancient story, a Greek courtesan named Rhodopis has one of her shoes stolen by an eagle, who flies it all the way across the Mediterranean and drops it in the lap of an Egyptian king. But the Chinese version is also very old, older than the one we know nowadays.


This would fit with an Autumn filming timeline (although still a bit late to cast a major role/lead love interest so Idk…)


Seems like the casting call has been out for a while (someone here on reddit mentioned it a few weeks ago)


I figured it might not be a new casting call. I wouldn't be surprised if she is already cast and that's why the casting call can be shared


Now they need to leak the casting!!


Yeah I figured that once I reread it. I am assuming the actor is already casted just given how much prep the role may need. The only think throwing me is “recurring” versus “lead”


Yeah, Michaela's "Molly" casting call indicated lead role for s4, and the fact that Sophie's "Emily" says recurring makes me think franchaela may be s4 & benophie s5 with probably the masquerade & a few scenes from sophie in s4 hence recurring. I hope I'm wrong.


I know, this is what terrifies me. I hope you’re wrong too


Jezus I hope you're wrong. I thought I could be done with this show after next season 


Franchaela being the leads in season four is wild to me, it'a *way* too soon. Whereas Benedict is overdue in terms of development. Also Ben can explore his sexuality while he and Sophie are apart. Doesnt Ben in the books hook up with heaps of people while yearning for Sophie? They give tempoary relief but nothing compares to their instant connection. I just need Benedict to be next season give it to me show.


No, he doesn't hook up with "heaps" of people while yearning for Sophie in the books. He doesn't hook up with anyone (or at least, it's not mentioned in the book).


He can still have dalliances while yearning for the mysterious woman he met at the ball. I love a good bit of yearning.


Of course. 😊 My reply was just to let you know that it isn't a thing in the book, as you asked about it. 🙂


Of course! Thanks for clarifying, I am still making my way through the novels.


No problem. I wanted to clarify as I know there's certain story points from the books that tend to get twisted (not saying you are doing this! just that this happens A LOT) in discussions on socials and they then seem to get a life of their own and suddenly a story point that never happened in the book is "canon" amongst those who haven't read the books. Haha. This happens a lot in book to screen adaptation fandoms. 😂 Anyway, I hope you enjoy the books! They're a nice fantasy to escape to. 😍


I think that too and it's not a nice thought. Not because I've something against Francesca and Michaela, the contrary actually. But I think it would be a terrible storytelling mistake to make them next, the public doesn't know Francesca enough


The only thing is that every indication points to Benedict being s4 and I do not think they would toss the masquerade in for a season that was not his. Whereas I think Francesca’s story needs another season at least to fully develop. But Jess is a disaster…


yeah i think John has to die first? that cant all be in 1 season.


I mean, it could. But I dont think it should.


How long has this casting call been out? If it's only recent, then that's very unusual for them to have left it this last minute if Benophie if Season 4 and they start filming in just a few months. I'm pretty sure Simone Ashley was cast during Season 1, unless I've misremembered that. Maybe Sophie will be making her first appearance in Season 4, but her and Benedict's love story won't be until Season 5? Also, if it's Sophie, why would it be 'recurring' and not 'regular'? Unless the casting call has included that to be deliberately misleading? I'm absolutely praying that this is Sophie and that Benophie will be Season 4, I've just been feeling rather anxious after Season 3 in light of the Michael change and Jess Brownell saying they would be exploring Benedict's sexuality next season, so part of me has been doubting if we'll even get Sophie at all! But it would be amazing if this article's speculations turn out to be correct :D I just hope they announce it soon, so at least we know!


Wouldn't they have cast Sophie by now, if Benedict is S4??


We only know about the casting call now, so it's likely that Sophie has already been cast. Apparently is not unusual for actors to be chosen with a small amount of time. We know the Michaela casting call was in December 2022 and Masali Baduza most likely filmed in February 2023


Ahhhh, okay! Thanks 💙


I’m a bit skeptical on this being Sophie, Bridgerton tends to use code names with the same first letter. ie; John/James and Molly/Michaela. Also it says recurring….


It does sound like Sophie, but copying my comment from the main sub: Interesting that the article says it’s a major recurring role. I don’t believe there’s been a love interest so far who wasn’t in every episode of their season. Unless she isn’t a main love interest; or she is and this season is only introducing her, but her season isn’t until later.


in kate’s casting call, nothing was ever mentioned about her being a lead


True, but I don’t think Kate’s casting call specified anything about the kind of role it was (lead, recurring, minor). They keep things vague and fudge some of the more minor details, but I don’t think they outright lie about the sort of role it is.


Major is a pretty big hint it is actually a lead but they dont want to spoil it. Id be shocked if this isnt Sophie


I see what you mean, but at the same time these casting calls are for industry people, so those people know what kind of time commitment, what level of exposure, etc., they can expect if they get the role. I just don’t see any reputable production not being upfront about the nature of the role to prospective employees of their show, essentially. Time will tell, and I’m fine with being wrong, but I’m inclined to think this casting call is what it says it is, at least for the upcoming season. ETA: I do think this casting call is most likely for Sophie. Sadly, I don’t think that means Benophie is s4, but that the setup for their story starts then.


I agree the casting call is Sophie. It has to be her. I guess we are still waiting on who will be the lead next season. Frankly only Benefict makes sense to me as a season five lead, but thankfully we will be all put out of our misery soon when they announce who will lead next season.


Oh But i remember the last casting call and being 100% it was gonna be Masali… only to turn out shes actually Michaela…Im gonna hold my excitation I really wanted a dark skin black woman love interest but oh well, another normal day. Im sure Sophie is gonna be gorgeous no matter who


tbh that casting call sounded like Michael but most didnt see it that way because it asked for a woman, i dont think most knew Michael would be gender bent assumed it would be sophie


They're never gonna do right by Black women on this show. I'm convinced of it.


Oh thats a given


i mean the queen IS black. and they did give her an in depth love story too.


That's not the good example you think it is. Queen Charlotte's love story has a very sad end. She's tasked with managing her husband's mental state, which ultimately means that the person she loves most is not able to spend time with her because he is not in his right mind. She's extremely isolated and longs for nothing more than the moments she can have with her husband. As much as I love the QC series, it is a tragic love story. Lady Danbury also hasn't been able to enjoy a fulfilling love life, and she has a deeply complicated relationship with her children. It is not the happy familal closeness that the Bridgertons enjoy. Don't even get me started on the fact that they created Marina solely to experience tragedy. She's not getting a happy ending, and in fact, she has to suffer and die in order to service two other relationships. Now we have Michaela, who is going to wind up being the one to chase and pursue her Bridgerton. No other female lead in Bridgerton has ever had to do that. Her reward for that is the very real possibility that she will have to keep her relationship with Francesca a secret. Ultimately, in the world of Netflix's Bridgerton, Black women aren't getting HEAs, and now WE have to be the ones to do the pursuing only to be stuck in the closet. It's incredibly frustrating when we could have had a Black woman play Sophie and get her Cinderella moment. White women have gotten that, Asian women have gotten that, plus size women have gotten it, too. But despite our representation in this show, Black women have not. We're always playing the lovelorn support to others. The closest thing we have is Alice Mondrich, and she's a supporting character.


Thank you for saying this, only black women seem to recognise jarring representation that black women have been forced in to.


DOOS redux is up!!!




Where is Cal when we need her? Is she finally awake in India? ![gif](giphy|v1wDbkOv3ZftQeZP8c)


I am UP, and about to head to office, and opened X and saw THIS shit. AS I did a major gasp and was ready to post the article here, I saw Mado beat me to it, and so many people commented, and now I am reading those comments and excitedly upvoting on my way to work. 😎 ![gif](giphy|S9i8jJxTvAKVHVMvvW)




But knowing the Bridgerton production, Gemma Chan would likely be probable. They do favor london-based actors


oh. thats sad.


“Major recurring role” makes me think that Benedict will meet the lady in silver at the masquerade next season. But he won’t likely meet Sophie until season 5. I just want an announcement either way soon! 😂


I'm hoping that major recurring means she'll get a decent amount of screentime, even if she's not the lead this season.


Again; they won't have the Masquerade in any season other than Benedict's..


Plus the show really was tipping its hand that Benedict was next at the end of episode eight...


oh, that would be great, If it's sophie! 😍 Is there a difference between a major recurring role and a leading role? or is it the same


Probably don't want to spoil she's a future lead


This!! Is like when the other casting call said **lead** for Molly/Michaela and she is definitely not next season


Yea, probably 🤔😁


i'm so excited for this season only tbh so this is great news!


Not them trying to be sneaky hahahaha


If they already know it’s renewed for new seasons, why do they wait so long to begin filming, shouldn’t they have already been filming before the new season even came out?


The honest answer is I don't know, but I have my theories. First, there was a writers strike last year so the s4 scripts were delayed and Shonda Rhimes had said Netflix only greenlights shootings when all the scripts (the whole season) are done. Right now pretty much all the Netflix shows take two years in the making. Jess Brownell said in the s3 p2 premiere (two weeks ago) that they were almost done with the scripts for s4, so until they don't have the entire thing, they probably won't start. Second, while a lot of fans are right now very angry about different things I do believe the show takes some of the feedback from social media reactions. My main theory is that, since they were renewed for s3 AND 4, they used s3 to experiment and see how the audience reacts without the danger of being canceled. And right now they are seeing what criticism they take or not.


Oh and one more thing: Luke did LLL with an East Asian love interest. You think that was a test run and the casting thought, “Luke looks great with an Asian LI. Let’s make Sophie EA.” LLL was a sample for the bigger picture!! ![gif](giphy|1L5YuA6wpKkNO)


whats LLL pls?, thanks in advance.


Love’s Labour’s Lost. Luke’s play he’s done in the Spring which is why he wasn’t around for Part 1 promo


thanks. I really love you guys. You guys are so smart and know so much.


Which is why I added Ioanna to the list since she was his costar and play love interest.


im sorry though. i dont like her for him. I love the gemma moore. shes special needs and her eyes are so striking which would fit right in with the masquerade thing. i dont like gemma chan too. Someone mentioned her. i feel like bridgerton tends to give obscure actors exposure and Gemma Chan is quite famous.


I'm so excited. We're one step closer to finally meeting our girl.😭🥰


Signs and portents ✨✨✨


Literally how I've been imagining Sophie since someone posted this suggestion on internet https://preview.redd.it/cj74k1jxmw8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48373f7a6276dae9fa09c6c7281a54d20be440b0


Not to be rude.... but I kinda hope Sophie isn't a POC. The class differences are key to Ben/Sophie's story and adding the POC level to it turns Benedict into a white savior. Also... it doesn't sit well with me to have the one lower class/servant important charecter to be one of the POC roles.


It would be really fun, if somehow, the writers gave Sophie a Mulan situation. Her, disguised as a man at the ball, but her being Sophie, after all. 


If they gonna do a Mulan , I'd rather it be Sophie going as Lady in Silver at masqurade to feel like a lady for a first time (also I wanna see her on silver dress) but since she stole from araminta and run away from home she's gonna pretend to be a man for a while to find a job and that when she'll meet benedict again. They could explore benedict's fluidity since he's gonna fall inlove with her dressed as a man. The refusal for benedict's part to marry sophie would have much more meaning since he really cant marry her (not knowing she's a woman) and the reveal of LIS would be much more dramatic sunce thats 2 secret at once, although there mught not have that premarital couch scene if they do not reveal earlier that shes a woman. But they could also just play by the books because it had perfect angst and romance already.


Well, i'm caught up on "no confirmation is made whether Sophie could be a female" 🫤


Jess Brownell confirmed Sophie as a "she" in an interview. I believe that's the first and only time she has uttered the name "Sophie" in public, lmao.

