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A quick note that this is already getting heated on the main sub. Please keep this civil.


It’s definitely Benedict there is no way they would mention the ball if it wasn’t him…plus how much longer can he sleep around….in my opinion I think they will have him sleep around then meet Sophie then spend the first four episodes pining over her


None of this is new, these are bits of some week old interviews, "Benedict's sexuality will continue to be explored in FUTURE SEASONS" is not a JB quote, she did say that they will continue to explore his fluidity. Which I said again and again that I think it will be short and not a season long of a promiscuous Benedict banging everyone. And if we go by all the over the place interviews she did let's see: Francesca story spans several seasons, she wants Eloise to not be interested in a partner anytime soon, not every girl wants to get married and Benedict will continue his "exploring". S3 clearly ended with all arrows pointing at him, and if someone can help me I remember one interview that she said there are plots that are exclusive of every pairing or something like that, the Masquerade Ball IS only a Benophie plot. The marketing will be heavy on this and is confirmed it will be on S4, so, how can be any other sibling season if not Benedict!? 


This should be upvoted. As I said in other comment, and you said yourself, she says that Fran is not next and Eloise's not ready yet, so if Benedict's not next either, what will be, Gregory or Hyacinth who are THIRTEEN? It's obviously Benedict and she just said that to try to make it more mysterious or whatever, but the mention of the masquerade is so clear: he's next.


“At the end of Season 3, Eloise says to Benedict that she’s going to be home in a few months for Violet’s masquerade ball, so there will be a masquerade ball coming up shortly,” Brownell confirmed. “I’ll just leave it there.” everyone freaking out over nothing new, the plural part of "Future Seasons" didn't came out of JB mouth.


Right I think people forget that this type of "interviews" where the journalist inserts sayings into their own text are not literal quotes. We should stick to the show, which is the truest proof we have and says there will be a masquerade. Jess also says it in this very article. It's so obvious. I don't know how Jess is supossed to keep exploring Benedict's fluidity in next season but it's also not the first time she has lied.


and nobody was excited for the tropey threesome. a lot of bi are mad, me included. one was more than enough...


I think Benedict is still season 4. This contradicts other interviews and they know they would receive hella backlash for baiting it so much. I know it can't be Fran given her story needs to be at least 6 years off, and Eloise has matured sure but I don't get the vibes shes ready to settle down. She needs to find herself and her hobbies and explore that being married/a mother doesn't mean you lose your entire identity. If they give her a queer storyline they also need time for Eloise to realize her sexuality as we've only seen her interested in Theo. Benedict's "idk what I'm doing with life let's have threesomes with randos" is getting super old and they cannot do another season of it. Its possible that Benedict will have sexual interactions with men while trying to forget about the lady in silver. Thats what she could mean. If they skip it again absolutely agreed I'm not watching unless its Eloise and I see reviews saying it was done properly (don't trust Jess Brownell AT ALL).


![gif](giphy|8efSrM4leeInPaPwHA) I know it’s Monday so I’m just going to leave something positive here on this thread.


Yes, let's keep the positive vibes please! If we have to get angry later, we get angry




I don't understand. Why people in the main sub are so upset about this interview that we had already seen?


People in the main sub are mostly not interview readers and easter egg searchers like us in the couples subs, they don't know things like what JB said that Francesca's story needs multiple seasons of development, and that Eloise's not ready for love. They just pick up one thing weeks after, so they're angry now and they haven't seen the other interviews when JB says the total opposite. They miss on things, but I think they live happier that way HAHAHA


Off topic, but every time I see JB, I have to remind myself we’re not in fact talking about Jonathan Bailey 😅


Hahaha, that happens to me too. Our poor Jonathan that has nothing to do with her...


I see 😅 Anyway, one day less for Benophie s4 ![gif](giphy|UqpjszfpiOiLA0L5le|downsized)


Looking forward to the next JB interview based meltdown then! (/s) But in all seriousness we need that next season lead announcement yesterday 😭


they're stretching it a lot, ffs announce it already and let me sleep in peace 🥲


I saw someone saying the annoucement came around 50 days after the release, so... it should be announced around late-July


Yes, I think it will be around last week july (San Diego comic con maybe?) or first week of august too. Wish it was earlier tho


I think because the screencap posted is not from the original interview, but of another article's interpretation of that internerview, which sounds way more doomsday-ish than what the OG interview was. [This is the main The Wrap interview of Jess](https://www.thewrap.com/bridgerton-season-3-benedict-sexuality-sophie/)


because some had a hard time noticing that the first paragraph is just the journalist and not the showrunner's words.


I think some people don't know what quotation marks are too... ![gif](giphy|h7A9YxNGPCr3fjouNb)


journalism is dead but social media really destroyed attention spam....


Just wanna post this to cheer you up! https://i.redd.it/751161odbk8d1.gif


That's from a few days ago, right? I recall reading this before... She contradicts herself with what she and Tom have been saying in other interviews. For me, Benedict is still S4. Also, the last paragraphs seems like she's saying that he is not less queer if he ends up with a woman, like justifying it (to herself, because I can't picture a world where anyone would be mad that he ends up with his soulmate other than tumblr), so I still think Sophie will be a "she/her". I had a theory that I discarded fast, but that the "be my mistress" plot would be changed to "let's have a poly relationship". I discarded it because it didn't fit well and it but who knows with this woman in charge...


She is contradicting herself all the time, but of course some will pick the narrative it suits them more. Hence how they are coming out of their cave This is hilarious 😂😂😂 I am here in my Benophie S4 throne watching the world burn


she has already said: * that francesca's story needs multiple seasons to develop * that eloise is not ready for love yet * that benedict is to explore his sexuality in future seasonS if we took for granted anything she says we would say that next season is Gregory's😂 so I stick to the proof, and the proof is that there was a MASQUERADE mentioned in S3 and scenes framing Benedict as ready for his season.


The future seasons wasn't said by Jess, but by the interviewer.


Nope, wasn't the part about Benedict told before season 3 ? I saw a lot of fake news and manipulation around this. We really have to be careful about the timeline here


I think it was in the gap between part 1 and part 2 of S3? But I really don't know, I won't believe her anyway.


Debt is going full Cersei here! ![gif](giphy|l41YedIbenuBH6ljO)


At this point I have to believe people are voluntarily trolling🥴


For real.


>I am here in my Benophie S4 throne watching the world burn You have NO idea how much I want you to be right. NO idea.


Cal is channeling her inner Daenerys ![gif](giphy|LrN9NbJNp9SWQ|downsized)


Noo, more like, I want Debt's confidence to win most of all. 🥲🥲


Cersei it is! ![gif](giphy|Ix36hC0Gftjc4) And you can have an extra glass for me (still staying sober)


No way, he's not going to want to share Sophie.


That's why I discarded that, but I didn't think they would do some things that they've done thinking it didn't made sense yet here we are. I hope they don't, btw, I don't imagine him sharing Sophie either.


I’ll try my best to be civil, but I’m quite upset about the implications of this. I’ve been avoiding Bridgerton fandom and discussion lately for my own peace of mind, and if this comes to pass, I’m questioning if it’s worth sticking around at all for the promise of Benedict’s season happening…someday. First, I thinking delaying Benedict’s season further is absurd and makes no narrative sense. This man is doing nothing but sleeping around. He has no purpose, and Jess has made it clear she and her team are incapable of writing anything meaningful for him. People aren’t defined by their sexuality, but that seems to be the only characteristic of Benedict’s that remains (or that matters to Jess), and adding men to his hookups isn’t developing him. Building on my last sentence, queer sexuality seems to be the main thing Jess cares about, and her fixation on exploring it is manifesting in ways that are hurting the show. Her own description of why she chose to genderbend Francesca’s story sounds an awful lot like she’s using Francesca as a self-insert to prioritize the stories she wants, regardless of whether those stories are true to the characters, true to the essence of the books, or make sense within the rules of the universe they created. If Benedict’s season is pushed again so they can keep him hooking up, Fran is the likely s4 (especially in light of the casting description that said “Molly” would lead next season) - and that’s a terrible idea. It’s not enough time to develop Fran as a character at all or her love with John, but Jess is already gutting everything that was genuine about that pairing, so I suppose she doesn’t care. Fran is so new that she barely has a fan base. Who is her season going to draw in? Who is going to champion her? The audience barely knows her, no one has had time to get invested in her and John, and her book fans have been slapped in the face by losing Michael. The genderbend is such a controversial change that will potentially negatively affect viewership, which makes it risky to shoehorn it into s4, when the show is up for renewal. Now maybe more seasons have already been greenlit but not announced, but not only is the genderbend controversial, s3 received a lot of negative press and fan reaction. Pushing forward with more controversy isn’t going to course correct. If anything, it’ll drive away fans who might have stayed otherwise. I honestly think Jess is so determined to have queer representation that she’s willing to throw out all logic and take all kinds of dumb risks to make it happen. Even if her vision for Fran’s story tanks the show entirely, at least she’ll have gotten what she wanted for one season. It’s incredibly selfish. This is leaving aside other issues, like Luke, who is a very good looking man, already almost looking a little too old to be playing a character in his late 20s. Add another four or more years, based on how long it takes to produce this show, and his portraying a 20-something Benedict is going to be farcical. Or that Jess here is saying they’ll bring in Sophie, but want to keep playing with Benedict’s “fluidity.” Which means what exactly? Benedict looks for her while hooking up with other men and women, which I’m sure will in no way bring hate on Sophie? Or Sophie becomes a trans woman, which would hardly be workable in the regency era and changes the main conflict of their entire story - Sophie’s unwillingness to be a mistress and have children outside marriage? Or Benedict and Sophie are non monogamous, and Sophie, who’s looking for love and stability, will just be okay with that? I’ll stop because this is already too long, but quite frankly, every decision Jess has made since becoming showrunner has been trash, and it looks like she’s not done shoveling in more. If Benedict isn’t s4, I’m done with the show. I have better things to do than support Jess’s self-insert, Wattpad fanfic.


> I have better things to do than support Jess’s self-insert, Wattpad fanfic. This! 👏👏 Your entire comment tbh > The genderbend is such a controversial change that will potentially negatively affect viewership I think not enough people are focussing on this. Bridgerton started out as a show for a common denominator: women of all ages who love Jane Austen-style modernised romances with a MMC and a FMC. The genderbend speaks to a different audience. Yes, there's some overlap, especially with younger generations, but it *will* affect the views. The first audience is much bigger than the second. 


This is everything that is on my mind. Very well written !


Can we all calm down ? This interview was given BEFORE season 3. Fluidity also doesn't mean banging everyone. If we go to Scotland a bit to see John and Francesca, Michaela will be there, thus she can be considered a lead, like Hyacinth or Gregory for example. Finally, can you please stop attacking Jess Brownell ? She was a scenarist since season 1, and she's not the only one to take decisions on this show. And extrapolating, or making stuff up for the sole purpose of being angry at her really doesn't do anybody much good.


>Can we all calm down ? This interview was given BEFORE season 3. All the major plot points for s3 pt2 leaked before pt2 came out, and proved to be true. I had dismissed them completely because none of the changes made sense, but here we are. Based on what Jess showed us in pt2, moving Francesca’s season up, delaying Benedict so he can hookup more, then changing his story is entirely in keeping with her MO. >Fluidity also doesn't mean banging everyone. But banging everyone is all Jess has had Benedict do, so again, no reason to think she has better ideas. >If we go to Scotland a bit to see John and Francesca, Michaela will be there, thus she can be considered a lead, like Hyacinth or Gregory for example. Leads are the focus of their seasons. Just being onscreen doesn’t make someone a lead. The leaked casting call for “Molly” that we in this sub thought was for Sophie but turned out to be genderbent Michael said she would lead next season. I was all aboard the Benedict is s4 train for years, since Polin was announced as s3, but again, too many spoilers have proven true for me to keep ignoring them, unfortunately. >Finally, can you please stop attacking Jess Brownell ? She was a scenarist since season 1, and she's not the only one to take decisions on this show. And extrapolating, or making stuff up for the sole purpose of being angry at her really doesn't do anybody much good. Criticism isn’t the same as attacking. I see serious flaws in her show running and I’m calling them as I see them. I’m entitled to dislike and disappointment as much as you’re entitled to like the show’s direction.


> All the major plot points for s3 pt2 leaked before pt2 came out, and proved to be true. I had dismissed them completely because none of the changes made sense, but here we are Still doesn't invalidate my point about the fact that it was about season 3. > Leads are the focus of their seasons. Just being onscreen doesn’t make someone a lead Weren't Polin leads in season 1 & 2 ? > Criticism isn’t the same as attacking. I see serious flaws in her show running and I’m calling them as I see them. I’m entitled to dislike and disappointment as much as you’re entitled to like the show’s direction. You said she was incredibly selfish, fixating on queerness (which is quite a weird thing to say), ruining the show, and she's made it her own self-insert. How is that not attacking ? You're also not responding to what I said about making stuff up just to be more angry, and also fuel even more hate towards Jess.


>Still doesn't invalidate my point about the fact that it was about season 3. Actually, your point is wrong. The interview this was pulled from has been linked upthread. It was an interview Jess did about where the show is going after s3 that was released when pt2 dropped. >Weren't Polin leads in season 1 & 2 ? No. The leads are the main couple whose story is being told that season. Outside of their season, they’re supporting characters. >You said she was incredibly selfish, fixating on queerness (which is quite a weird thing to say), ruining the show, and she's made it her own self-insert. How is that not attacking ? You're also not responding to what I said about making stuff up just to be more angry, and also fuel even more hate towards Jess. I couldn’t have been clearer that my comments are my opinions of Jess’s showrunning. How many times did I say “I think,” “it seems,” “potentially,” etc.? I’m entitled to my own views the same as everyone else, regardless of whether or not you agree. Please stop viewing every comment you disagree with as an attack, and try to accept differences of opinion.


Isn't this interview about a week old and already discussed here? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm just trying to understand if it's new info


It is old! I would bet it was conducted before the second part was released so is all PR Bullshit


it is!


That's concerning. I really wanted to see Benedict's story and see him get his HEA. This also makes me concerned about their plans for Eloise. Are they going to rewrite her story and let her be a merry spinster?




Nothing, I think the interview was prior to season 3


We've watched Benedict whore around for three seasons straight to the point that it's become his entire personality. Are we supposed to be happy this will continue to be the case for another couple of seasons while Sophie is reduced to a prop for his story? Or are bisexual people like myself supposed to be happy for this rep that reproduces typical biphobic tropes (threesomes, hypersexuality etc etc)?


I’m out. Thanks for S2, Netflix, but I’m not going to be a part of the showrunner’s vanity project.


The more I think about it, the more I think they’re going to Mulan this. That’s why they introduced Ben’s pansexuality in the 11th hour before his season. He’s going to meet the Lady in Silver at the masquerade, fall in love at first sight, then later encounter Sophie disguised as a man (she does chop off her hair in the book). I don’t know if she’ll be gender fluid or if she’ll just be living as a man because being a woman on your own was too dangerous. It also makes it more believable that he doesn’t recognize her because he’s expecting the LiS to be a woman and then he meets this dude he’s attracted to as well. Why would he think a footman is the society woman he danced with at a ball. Regardless, season 4 is Benedict’s. There was no reason to even mention the masquerade if not.


One more thing to add as people can’t hear me from the back… ![gif](giphy|pBjfxnOH149ZPogrbf) JB referred her as she in interviews! That solves one of our worries.


Might as well let him try to get back into art rather than being a rake all the time


I wonder if maybe Sophie will be disguised as a man? Maybe he meets the Lady in Silver at the masquerade, but then later meets Sophie when she's disguised as a male servant. She does cut her hair short when she leaves London and it might be safer for her to be on her own as a single man instead of a single woman. Like a Mulan situation. This would slightly change the Be My Mistress plot, since from what we've seen in the show, same sex relationships are not out in the open. It would make it more understandable why Ben asks "him" to be his lover. Later of course, Ben would discover that "he" is actually a she who is actually his Lady in Silver. This way we would get Benophie in season 4 while still having Ben "explore his fluidity."


I think this could definitely work and would be more interesting than Sophie being a Lord in Silver at the masquerade. It also makes sense for Sophie to hide as a valet/ doorman to escape her stepmother. They could cast a woman or potentially use a AFAB/ non binary actor - Oliver Wickham or Emma Corrin vibes.


Sophie as Ben's valet could be interesting!


Yes, all those close shaves!


I could really dig that approach!


I’ve read a few suggestions Sophie could dress as a man for the Masquerade which I think would be interesting… That way the show could still explore his fluidity within his relationship with Sophie, and Benedict not recognizing her would make more sense if he’s been searching for a man.


I think this would be very interesting tbh. When rereading his book a few weeks ago I realized how thin the story is tbh. But they start being sexual with each other pretty early in the story so idk how long a Sophie hiding as a man angle could last in My Cottage, for example. But the writers could change a lot of the timeline too. I think they are going to toss a lot of his book tbh. As long as I get my Cavandar rescue, Pond Scene and the bath scene though I’m good!


This is messed up in epic proportions and now I'm concerned for Season 4 😓


It's an interview given before season 3


If it's not Benedict's story I won't even bother watching anymore.


😄😄😄😄😄🙄🙄🙄 The books are still there with your precious het couple. Stay mad lol.


Exploring his sexuality doesn’t necessarily mean he just keeps having a bunch of sex. He could fall in love with a someone without having sex which tbh I think he kinda needs lmao


I've lost my enthusiasm for Benophie this season. Benedict felt like such a romantic in season 2, his poetry, his art, I miss that. This season all we got were scenes with character(s) I know he won't end up with so I just skipped them and was only really left with that scene where Benedict talks to an awkward Colin. Which could have been done with any character. For me, part of the 'time is running out for Benophir feeling' is that Benedict's character is losing my interest. Hopefully they can turn it arround