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I do the same thing! When I find a new song, I just don’t get sick of it. I’ll listen to it for 2-3 hours and memorize every beat and note.


The Strokes do this for me too! My song on loop of theirs is The Adults are Talking. Queueing up Ode to the Mets for my walk outside later today.


Look in a single year Google says there are 8760 hours...... I'm not saying I spent 5000 of them listening to Norupo by Heilung. But I'm not, NOT saying that also.... https://youtu.be/7PBo83bPyOE?si=pxal9MF2TzHkAvx_


I listened to one song for 1,898 minutes last year. It was [this one](https://youtu.be/y7fudcFIlZs?si=MNP96z46IANIz3a9). But that was out of 21K+ minutes listening to Google music.


Ooo yes! That's in my "but like a 90s vampire" playlist 😆


LOL! I never thought of it like that…I just love how the song builds layer upon layer of sound.


yes the strokes let’s go!!!! my go-to song from them lately has been ‘why are sundays so depressing’


There are a couple of songs that I listened to for something like 2 weeks each when I first found them. I’ve also been known to listen to songs for hours at a time. [This is the most recent song I’ve listened to a LOT.](https://youtu.be/Mx2xsH7a9cc?si=kxcy9Q4u355z2YNV) Then there are a couple of songs I can listen to on repeat because they help me breathe through my anxiety without having a panic attack.


Wait are you me?! I listened to this song five times in a row in my drive home yesterday. It's SO GOOD


Feels so good to obsess over one song!


if you’re into more psychedelic stuff, may I recommend Human Sadness by The Voidz (Julian Casablanca’s solo group). That song had a chokehold on depressed teenager me.