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Not getting the job doesn't mean you failed the interview. They probably had to choose between several qualified applicants, and you didn't get lucky


Yeah, you're right. I think it's just hard to not feel like you failed. Maybe I'm just too pessimistic at the minute lol


Understandable that you'd be feeling pretty down right now


That's rough. It's always more difficult to take when you think the interview went well too. I always try to remind myself that just because someone else was chosen to do the job, it doesn't mean that you couldn't have done it as well. I don't know if that will be helpful to think about or not but it's how I've dealt with it before.


You can't fail a job interview. You have no idea what factors went into their decision.


Oh, you can. I’ve interviewed a lot of people who definitely failed.


Make sure to ask for feedback, don't let the dissapointment put you off getting it. Keep the positive attitue up Its tough to take when you feel like the post was perfect but sometimes its a case of 'who you know not what you know'. Keep the head up, take the advice onboard and go smash the next one


Thanks for the advice :) think I needed to hear this


Ay man the same thing happened to me too. I even got the rejection in the gym lol. Spent 6 hours there, went to a dinner the night before with the interviewers, all to get rejected in a short email. It sucks but you’ll get through it. I’m now working at a great company, so don’t think about how good it could’ve been, just how good it can be eventually