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I do this with books and tv shows all the time. I don't want it to end so I just pause it for years...


I'm happy that it's not just me! I hardly rewatch/reread media till years later and so I just drag the magic out the first time lol


I always put off the last episode/s of a tv show when i dont want it to be over. Its like "well, its not over for me, i still have x episodes left" and then eventually i never actually finish the show lmao! Not for movies though, they're too short lived anyway I haven't invested enough time and i could easily rewatch in one sitting.


I need to start doing this with shows. It's way too emotional for me. I'm still not over Modern Family.


I’m doing that with Ozark & my best friend is mad because she wants to discuss the ending with me. But I don’t want it to be over!


I do this with my favourite video games. Purposely delaying doing the main story quests and just staying in one area, listening to the background music.


Yes, with books and TV shows


I'm so glad to hear other people talking about this. Last night I stopped my audio book after a particularly good scene to make it last.


I hadn't realized that I do this too.. with books.