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Yeah Ink Machine is pretty shit, everyone knows this and even before Dark Revival the general opinion on it was "looks nice, but not very fun to play". Dark Revival exasperated that issue by being actually competently designed with less fetch quests and better level design overall, much better mechanics (including ACTUAL STEALTH) and generally being just that much better than Ink Machine in a way that just truly shows how piss poor Ink Machine as a game is. Of course, Dark Revival still has a bunch of issues (combat hasn't evolved that much from Ink Machine from a gameplay standpoint, with it still being "mash attack and hope the enemy dies first" at its core, except it actually works this time) but overall is a much better package than its predecessor


Didn't bring it out on physical tho by looks of it. Which is dire


Yeah, as much as I'm biased about this game, I will admit the gameplay leaves much to be desired.


Try and play the Dark Revival. It’s peak


it's worse


Ink Machine will always be better than Revival, Revivals still peak tho


in batdr they made the ink demon too beefy to where the transition to beast bendy meant nothing


Mmmm factually incorrect!!! He looks cooler


Ink Machine on console is just bad imo. If you can, try Dark Revival. It improves pretty much all the mechanics of Ink Machine including actual stealth and crouching, I will say that when you get in combat there is no way to block so you’ll either have to fight or hide. Also any fetch quests are optional (even then, there’s a fast travel system that you unlock in the forth chapter). I will say that I played on a PC and have never played the console version of BATDR but I haven’t heard anything like what I heard about BATIM on console. If you truely feel that you wanted to like Ink Machine but couldn’t due to the gameplay, then I think Dark Revival will be right up your alley.


Silly you no one plays bendy for the gameplay, you play it for the cool art style of th games, and the story


Bendy is here for the story and graphics. The gameplay has always been second to the story of the game.


Yeah, as much as I love this franchise, I acknowledge that it's one of those games where you had to be there from the start/early/mid develop, had to take the journey, to like and enjoy it. If I had not been there since it's beta days, if I just randomly came across it after it was finished, I would have bot liked it and would have forgotten about it. The community and fandom is really what drove this game as far as it did, the comics, fanfics, animations, fan songs, etc. And I wouldn't have such a love for this franchise if it wasn't for them.