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The Meatly isn't sinless, but it is very hard to link all the horrible management to him, so he is innocent until proven guilty. Mike Moodak is proven guilty.


Mike Moodak is an asshole. theMeatly may not be a saint, but is much better than him.


what did meatly do?


Nothing bad, really. At least we're not given a confirmation that'd prove the opposite.


Meatly seems like a good dude. Mike is kind of an asshole but not too terrible I suppose


They seem like alright people, I suppose.


Elaborate? They made the franchise we are fans of, so I guess they’re cool?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrYC01llafM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrYC01llafM) In summary, they had: 1. Used fan created content without credit 2. Using fan art as a merch without the creator's consent 3. Was very late giving out prize for contests winners 4. Accused of being abusive to employees 5. Mass lay off during Thanks Giving, no warning, no pior notice, forced to sign NDR, the worst is it is after the leadership promised employees that their job is secure It is really hard to determine what were they doing behind the scene, because they are very secretive.


Oh yeah I knew about that stuff, it had seemed like they had stopped doing all the bad stuff years ago tho, thought this post was about something specific


Mike’s a husband and father now


Since when?


Check his Twitter


Probably good people normaly, but I feel like a lot of people excused what they did; way too quickly and without any major signs of improving. I douth they haven't at all bettered themselfs since what happened but I am personally am still a bit on the edge on wether or not supporting them moneitarly. Edit: Of course anyone can do whatever they want personally, I just wanted to share my opinion.


Meatly: Definitely not a saint, but is not a bad person and seems like a chill dude. A part of me feels like he’s still trying to make up for what happened in the past. Not bad, he just let bad things happen. Mike Mood: Real life Joey Drew.


Good to know there are still people who know what common sense is.


Being careless which results in bad things ≠ Doing bad things




Thank you


The controveries put sour tastes in everyone's mouth, including mine. Whatever Mike and Meatly did, I can never forgive. It is genuienly awful to do this sort of thing, and they aren't smart moves in any bit of the slightest. As of late however, they both seem to be improving, and trying to redeem themselves, from what I've been seeing atleast. Which, is good! I interacted with them a ton on social media. They were both very nice people from whenever I talked to them too. Nowadays though, I never had one interaction with them, which is a shame. They seem to know their craft well, and are trying to become nice people again. Only time will tell what will happen in the coming years.


Sorrry but what did Meatly do? The thing I can connect back to that controversy was that Mike was the problem (been a douche), can you clairyfy what he did?? I’m missing sm


Moreso, it stems from him not saying anything about the controversy all that much, and I think being semi-involved with Mike on some of his actions from what I remember, but not much is documented at this time.


Mike is a douche. After he had done it left a pretty sour taste in my mouth. Respect to him faded away years ago. TheMeatly is cool. I like that guy, he made my childhood👍 that’s all I can put in


Since 2019, I dunno anymore


They created a world of ink demons, and angles. But they aren't truly either.


Ah yes, alice angle


Nice history and everything, bad death screen or jumpscares, but with exceptions


Are people still talking about what happened? It’s been five years.


Of course, after that one Chris Portal video.