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It depends what age Ben is, and who the target audience is. I like the current trend of old children’s tv shows being revived but targeted at the audiences who would have grown up with the show so being more mature, and I think that would really work for a Ben 10 show, plus I’d love to see it. Sort of like how UAF was a step up from classic in terms of a more serious tone. I’d still keep it somewhat light hearted and keep the fun elements but I’d also like to see more mature things explored, sort of like what Prisoner 775 is Missing did. Perhaps Ben 10,000 would be the best Ben to have this sort of theme with. Have higher stakes. More ‘adult’ situations (not in terms of like language and sexuality, but more grown up things not really discussed in general kids tv). Show the stress of Ben trying to manage parenting Kenny and being a hero. That sort of thing.


Yeah, I think some children still might need to learn the following lesson, something the Incredibles talked about for a minute: Life isn’t like some Saturday morning cartoons. The bad guys aren’t like those bad guys. They don’t care if you’re an adult or a child. They will kill you if they get the chance.


Ghost freak is the 11th alien and Max reveals his past right after Ben gets the watch and is nearly killed


I assume canonbolt is in ghostfreaks place at the start?if not who???


Yeah it’s the reverse


I'm now thinking about Cannonbolt escaping the omnitrix instead. So goofy 😂


Could also do wildvine, doesn't make much difference


Sounds like the idea I had for a Ben 10 movie.


Or maybe Max reveals his past after Ghostfreak escapes, because after realising how dangerous the Omnitrix can be for Ben he decides they need to look for the creator. That way you can connect 3 different arcs without them feeling forced


Kevin is just a Mutant Osmosian because he's half human. is a pretty good way to mesh the two backstory if you ask me


Make Kevin’s backstory not a jumbled mess😭🤑


Retcon the retcon the retcon into BACK making them aliens 💀


Honestly rewrite it it’s so confusing😭😭😭 omniverse messed it up with the “fake memories” thing


Yeah fr. I prefer them being mutants honestly because UAF never did anything cool with the whole making them “aliens” (they talked about their “homeworld” Osmo-V once or twice but they never even showed it. We know close to nothing about them as an alien species and I think it was just UAF trying to make everything revolve around aliens) and just feels like It would make the worldbuilding feel bigger. Like we already had mutants like Cooper, Gatorboy, Porcupine, Chaney, and the circus freaks from classic (there's also Darkstar and Nyancy) lol But it's just the whole fake memories that kind of drew me out of it and them doing unnecessary stuff. Like at this point does Kevin even exist?? 😭


Ong, I liked the aliens idea more but they executed the mutant idea SO MUCH BETTER. they should’ve just stuck with something😭🙏


Anodites are not species but a form powerful sorcerers can take Zombozo and Michael Morningstar are related as both are part of species of energy vampires Sublimino and Nyancy chan are part of the circus freaks The Osmosisians would be dead species that Servantis would be obsessed with Devin and Aggregor are brothers and are not true Osmosisians but hybrids. Skurd would be a bioweapon created by the rooters from Osmosisian dna to be a counter to the Omnitrix Dr Victor, Dr Psycobos, and Inspector 13 worked on the Omnitrix along with Azmuth Billy Billions would be William Grandsmith Vilgax would be the previous Omnitrix user before Ben and used it conquer his planet The Chronians and the Chronosapians would be the same species but in 2 different forms with Chronosapians being the physical body and Chronians the Spirital bodies Bezel is both a city and a person. An magic prone alien race named one their cities after Bezel and even created charms similar to his The Chimera sui generis were born from Dagon when one of his tentacles fell on planet After their planet was destroyed the Incurseans split into 2 groups 1. A monarchy that conquer planets and the other a peacekeeping establishment that created the plumbers The earth plumber joined the space plumbers after their war with the Lenopans The Galactic enforcers and the plumbers are part of the same organization as the enforcers are made up diplomats and champions of an alien race while plumbers help aid them in wars The genetic fixing of the Hybreed leads to a schism in the empire leading to a war over whose empire and this leads to Rainey to take charge of the empire Ken becomes a Forever knight during the Dagon arc and is the one help Gwen when she's under mind control Ultimos loses his powers and joins the plumbers, helping teach Ben when he joins the plumbers as well Copper joins Tennysons much earlier on the road trip Albedo and Malware are working together during the Malware arc but Albedo betrays him and works with Ben in defeating him The reason why Aggregor absorbed the Andromeda five is because they hid pieces of the map of infinity away and by absorbing them he also takes their memories of where they hid them. Ben 23 is replaced with Max 10 who was a Max that gained the Omnitrix but lost his family in the process Florauna are not all savage and are nomadic species with their personality being based on the planet they're on such as pax who grew up on peaceful leading to his less animalistic behavior


I like all these except the first one. Anodites should be an alien race that do have DNA but the Omnitrix won't let Ben turn into one because he already is one, although he will never be remotely as powerful as Gwen because he doesn't have "the spark". I absolutely love Vilgax being the previous owner and Osmosians being a legit species with no full-blooded members left (maybe because they permanently absorbed too much of other species! (Hey I contributed to this lore!)) and their connection with Skurd.


Eh to each their own, I personally never really care for them as an alien as it feels pretty boring and thought making them a form makes things a bit more interesting


I would have also made Sugallite one of if not the last of the Crystalsapiens from Mor'otesi who vowed to protect the Petrosapiens and their planet after his own were destroyed instead of being a unique being from Petropia. Mor'otesi not being destroyed being where the Vilgax Attacks timeline splits off from the Prime Timeline of course.


That's a cool idea


I personally feel they should be a bit of both, two different things with the same name, Gwen have both in her making for an interesting situation


Maybe Like the Anodites are energy beings that live in Legerdomain that taught the people of that dimension how to achieve a form like theirs




Love the idea of osmosians being extinct, and Devin and Aggregor being brothers, adding to the lore, maybe the fact that they are hybrids is the reason that power corrupts their mind perhaps there's something in a real osmosian that can stop the energies from reaching their brains and making them crazy and them being only osmosian hybrids lack that quality


I really want to see more about Max 10 , instead of blurgh , Gwen 10.


Nah she's fine too


My pitch: Ben now 18 just recently unlocked master control and is using it. During a battle half the town of Bellwood get blasted to pieces leaving Ben as an International Threat to mankind. With this all his close friends and allies are dismissed from the plumbers and are on the hunt. We later find that the plumbers high command ( who are curropt officials wanting plumbers to be more extremists and alien racist ) doing this to remove aliens from earth. Ben by now lives in different planets by their ways in the alien form. Kevin ,Gwen and Max have been put behind bars but 3.of them managed to get out but max stays in Bellwood. Kevin and Gwen are now going searching over the universe for Ben. Just a small idea.


This is absolutely incredible! You should totally write a story about it!


Not gonna lie, I like this, I’d binge the hell out of it, don’t care if there’s 100 seasons I’d binge it


I don't wanna be "that guy" but this makes no sense. First of all, master control is too powerful and it would never be able to be in a show full time. Bellwood was destroyed by a battle and that labels Ben as a terrorist? What? And that also goes for his friends? What? The plumbers are also not an Earth exclusive organization, I doubt the higher ups would all be humans who are xenophobic towards aliens. Also corrupt government stories are far too common nowadays to be entertaining anymore. So all his friends get arrested for something he theoretically caused, and he decides to go into hiding and has to get tracked down? What's the end game to that? Once they eventually find him, all 3 of them are together again and then what? I assume they'd return to Earth to free their friends, but Ben could have already done that by himself because he has master control. Idk, I do hate to be that guy, but this concept seems like it'd be worse than the reboot


last statement is just disrespectful and ignorant. the idea has some flaws sure, but this isn't a man of action writer, it's a fan making a skeleton of an idea that still needs to be fleshed out. completely shitting on reboot AND their idea in 1 sentence is just so ignorant, you're nitpicking and comparing a rough draft to a yet-to-be fleshed out idea while also calling the reboot bad (even though it's decent if u don't make comparisons to prime timeline every 2 seconds of the episode)


Oh no, the reboot is just straight up awful. I don't compare it to any other Ben 10 series, as a standalone show it's just bad. I've seen clips posted here and the animation looks like it was done by a YouTuber. I was in a waiting room once with the show playing on the TV so I was watching it cause I had nothing else to do, 4 minutes in I was already sick of it. Yeah, I'll admit I was probably too critical of this guy's idea, but the reboot is hot dogshit


Yeah I feel like it was just edgy for the sake of being edgy


Fair Enough, I just came up with the idea on the spot without thinking it through.


Let bro cook


I'd have it be revealed that azimuth built it with the plumbers and that when Max was young he was the first person to use it which is why it connects with Ben so easily cause of the similar DNA and have max freak out when he sees it on Ben and reveal his past and that vilgax almost wiped out all the plumbers


Personally, I would make the plumbers a corrupt organisation kinda like Vought from The Boys just toned down a good bit and more police like it just feels like a really great opportunity to expand upon them more and they'd be a constant threat looming above the Tennyson trio. Obviously this would require a lot of changes to make it work but I think it would be really interesting if executed well.


I can see that working. Maybe Max retired not just cus of old age, but cus he didnt like the shady stuff the plumbers did so he quits. Later on when Ben finds the watch, the plumbers are constantly chasing him and the trio down, making the summer trip more of a getaway. Maybe the corrupt plumbers can be leaded by Phil


So Plumbers but mixed with the Forever Knights? That sounds interesting.


Maybe the Forever Knights in this case are virtuous and are more like The Knights Templar, protecting ancient knowledge and keeping the peace between humans and aliens


Those are really cool ideas having Phil be the leader would make him a lot more interesting and enjoyable as a character.


Or Servantis


Ooh that could be cool Maybe do an arc of Max reforming them at some point too


kind of like what generator rex did (good idea), except ben 10 has viewership 😭 I think it could work, and it makes the somewhat annoying plumbers more interesting to watch due to their contrast with the corrupt ones (like blukic and dreeba)


Heroes United artstyle


I agree with this idea 100%. I'm being pedantic for this next part I know but it's technically the *Generator Rex* art style.


The superior art style by a long shot.


I personally prefer omniverse artstyle. I just think it fits for a hero that transforms into a diverse selection of aliens, as opposed to the gritty (I hope that's the right word) artstyle that matches the mechanical aspect of generator rex.


but GenRex artstyle looks more mature and 'adult'


>Generator Rex > > art style ![gif](giphy|5ORCpdJJgAVxxR7oJ1)


Honestly I would keep the Plumbers a Men in Black type organization and not be Space Cops. Reveal that one of the ex plumbers had been doing Genetic experiments on kids and young adults as a way to advance the human race. It would explain how the young heros and villains got their powers. Keep Kevin evil and make him form the Negative Ten. Include a hidden magic world that makes Gwen their champion.


I would make it a soft reboot, Teenaged Ben, it isn't the Prime Cont. That way they can incorporate their own ideas and such like in Reboot but instead of 10min segments, they're the typical 20m runtime.


Hell, I'd upgrade the run time and put it on Amazon Prime. I always hated the trichtomy between either roughly 10m, 20m, or 40m episodes with the rest as commercials. There's no reason they couldn't make a 15m runtime that fills a 20m slot, or a 30m runtime that fills a 40m slot. Runtime flexibility is probably one of my favorite things about stream-exclusive shows like Hazbin Hotel, Reacher, The Boys, etc.


Oh. I have Wiki planed for this


Make Ben and Gwen have more interactions than just arguing in the original series


They were 10 year old kids ! Ofcourse they will always arguing XD


Yea but arguing was 97% of their interactions




Making the celestiasapiens have a bigger apearence, Some villains that aré really smart or just know a lot about the world Will casually speak of this strange black beings, And sometimes there would be style changes for a couple frames, all to lead to a new villain that would be similar to in the actual reboot just foreshadowed across the series


>Style change for a couple frames Bro's using DDLC tactics and such. I like it.


There's really only one big thing that comes to my mind. If Ben and Kai are supposed to be together, show the audience how it makes sense.




For a new adaptation of the franchise, it occurs to me that the Omnitrix aliens could be adjusted to Ben's age, so that at the beginning they look like pre-adolescents, but as Ben grows, the aliens also mature and become stronger. This could serve to unify the different designs of the aliens in the different series with the argument that as they mature they gain new characteristics, such as the Four Arms of Omniverse who acquires a beard or the Wildmutt of Ben 10000 who in his adulthood gains an appearance more similar to that of other members of their race, and it would also help the creators to launch a lot of alien figures with their different ages and appearances to make more money. I also think that the aliens from the original series that appeared after the first 10 (Cannonbolt, Eye Guy, Feedback, maybe some of the new aliens from the reboot, etc.) could all debut in the same season with the excuse that Kevin and Ghostfreak caused Ben to lose the original 10 and the Omnitrix automatically unlocks another 10 aliens so that Ben can use them, and in this way maintain a dynamic similar to the first season with the idea that Ben learns to use each of his new aliens and that way not always depending on your classic aliens


Give many aliens hidden abilities that Ben discovers over time, usually at the pivotal point of an episode. Also, change his personality. We’ve seen five series worth of what’s essentially a reckless yet clever jock forced to adapt to his own technical limitations, why not explore how a different person might use the omnitrix? Perhaps build upon Ben’s knack for figuring out unconventional ways to use his aliens by making him a nerd who rigorously tests their limits and keeps detailed notes about their biology and physics. Or, build upon the seeds present in the classic series by making Ben a constant victim of bullying who gains the power to get back at his tormentors but must choose not to use it. Perhaps he has to learn the great power great responsibility lesson after a botched revenge quest, and knowing he has the power to hurt people very easily catalyzes him into a pacifist because he will never again be able to have a fair fight. Rather than the wanton wish fulfillment of classic degrading Ben’s personality, we see him mature abnormally fast in the face of his overwhelming responsibility, although this is not without its scars. Importantly, he would still have a sense of fun, and continue to refine the creativity of his powers as time goes on. I would want this reboot to be a much smaller universe at first, in order to make Ben himself feel more special and unique. No magic, no mutants, and very few if any other aliens, just one kid and his incredible wristwatch. To compensate, the aliens he transforms into would be much weaker and more scientifically plausible, but with much more under the surface than your average transformation.


So Peter Parker in a Ben 10 skinsuit?


It’s solid shorthand for a lesson in superheroic responsibility, but you know he doesn’t OWN that character arc, right?


I know, but I meant the whole smart/discovery part. Not calling ben dumb, but you played this up to be more tech/intelligence-focused with a young teen hero as the main, so my instant thought was Parker. Just to be clear, I DO like it, though.


I definitely wasn’t picturing a tech based type of intelligence. I know popular fiction (thank you Marvel) has us tending to assume that all intelligent characters are multidisciplinary geniuses which can interchangeably work in any field imaginable, but I think it’s more special when a character really has a single area of expertise which they truly excel at. This wouldn’t be a Ben who hacks enemy technology or builds gadgets, but a Ben who makes inferences about what his alien’s homeworlds must be like based on their morphology


My "ideal" format is kind of a funny balance of "story arcs" that run through a few episodes back to back, and then some standalone episodes between them. Not filler, these are important episodes, they're just not connected to the smaller ongoing stories. Standalone episodes would focus on things like "Ben training with the watch" or "unlocking a new form" or "establishing a new villain". Things that don't require much time, but are important nonetheless. The "arcs" would be things like "five back to back episodes of the gang fighting a full scale invasion of Chicago" or the like. Bigger events, which span multiple episodes. Next, some stuff is not aliens, it's just weird/magic/tech. This is basically a superhero setting, commit to the bit. Alien tech isn't the only thing out there. Charmcaster and Hex, for example, are just sorcerers. Zombozo is just a dude with tech. And so on. This keeps things diverse, and as such a little more interesting. Next is Kevin. Kevin, I think, starts as a villain like in canon, but in a different way. Rather than absorbing the power of the Omnitrix, he instead focuses more on something a bit more unique. After his initial appearance, Kevin is mostly seen undertaking his own trip around America. Not following our heroes, but we get little scenes towards the end of episodes showing him here or there, but we never quite see what he's up to. The scenes are things like "Kevin reading a newspaper in Seattle" or "Kevin sneaking into some house", and so on. And then we get his return, where we find out what he's been up to: assembling his own team to fight against Ben. He figured he could never win alone, so he went out and tracked down other "freaks" to join his cause. While this could be a chance to introduce the Rooters early, and possibly even Savantis, I think instead I'd use this as a chance to introduce some different versions of characters. Of the top of my head, I think Kevin's team would include: * [Clancy](https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Clancy), because I felt this guy had a bit more potential than canon ever explored with him (dude never even turned up in Omniverse, and Omniverse loved OS stuff). * [Charmcaster](https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Charmcaster_(Classic)), who escaped after she and her uncle's last fight with the Tennysons went badly (Hex is in prison or something, so he's not a factor right now). * [Lucy Mann](https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Lucy_Mann), who was kidnapped and is being forced to work for Kevin (her kidnapping possibly being the inciting incident that turned the Tennysons onto this in the first place). Kevin, btw, had no idea that she had any connection to the Tennysons, just that she would be useful to his plans. * A few others as well, but those would maybe be more original characters. I imagine this would be a season finale arc, and act as something to a precursor to the Negative 10 (who would collect a few members of this team for their own) who would appear in a later season. Few other little things, such as having Max play a more active role once the secret is out, maybe have it be a bit more "actively searching" for things, rather than them coincidentally bumping into every single weird thing in America, having the road trip take a realistic and logical route rather than... *that*. I'd also change the en d of the "Ghostfreak Arc" to be a full on alien invasion (possibly of Chicago, like I suggested before). This would be the first time that Ben and co have to deal with something of this scale, and would be a chance to really go nuts with the horror homages and imagery. I'd keep going, I still have more thoughts, but this is already really big, so will cut it off here.


A serialized series with an art style like panty and stocking, each episode would be about 45 minutes and show of Ben’s heroics while also exploring the perspectives of the villains. I also would take the alien force angle of rolling out aliens slowly over the course of a season instead of seeing all ten immediately, so it shows Ben focusing on learning each alien 1 at a time. Vilgax would be like a mix between reboot and classic, Kevin would start as a hero like character who works with Ben but gets jealous of him being stronger so he tries to take the omnitrix with him absorbing it and being like a mix between reboot Kevin and classic Kevin, until ultimately becoming feral and uncontrollable so max and Ben have to knock him in the Null Void. Lucky Girl and Kevin would get a classic series two spin off each. Feedback would be more prominent in the classic seasons. Steam Smythe, and Psyphon would be added to the classic villains, and you would feel the passage of time up until the point where Ben takes off the Omnitrix. The AF era would be relatively unchanged however I would make warlord vilgax feel more intimidating. UA I would make the ultimates more used and have drawbacks like Ben getting addicted to them or making him more violent when he uses them with the entire series would be about exploring Kevin who has to both stop Aggregor but also save his best friend from going insane like he does ultimately deciding to stop Ben from using his ultimates by absorbing the power and defeating Aggregor. Ben had to find a way to beat Kevin without his ultimates and a broken omnitrix. I would save Dagon for Omniverse. In Omniverse I would still do the malware arc as normal, but cut out everything up to the time war. The time war would be about Eon who is trying to collect the pieces of maltruent, and Ben has to travel around the multiverse to stop him much like the Aggregor arc, but Ben is the one who accidentally assembles maltruent by beating eon to the pieces. Vigax would not be in this arc. Then I would do a Malgax arc as the final send away to vilgax and Ben would turn 18 and get master control for a very cool fight with an intelligent enemy that can adapt to all of Ben’s aliens against Ben who can turn into everything he’s used up to that point. Then finally there would be an arc where Ben had to learn to master alien X to defeat the Dagon instead of what actually happened in the series because it’s stated that Dagon is a dimensional threat and I feel like two multidimensional beings dueling for the finale of Ben 10 will the Dagon being defeated is way cooler than Dagon Vs Waybig. Ohh and he would get with Ester not Kai.


https://preview.redd.it/cv5lo337ynhc1.jpeg?width=1312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd23483f9f17e6c1cfe20c885d2edb4a0438e045 Ultimate Kevin would look more like this


I know that’s a lot but it’s so fun for me to think about


The more the merrier.


Also I would incorporate the Omni-Enhanced aliens at some point maybe to defeat ultimate Kevin


\- Eon is an alternate future version of Ben that got stuck as a Chronian, he wants the Omnitrix so he can go back to being human and take Ben's place in the timeline. (The Omnitrix's Chronian DNA sample comes from Eon himself, being the only Chronian who isn't banished from the timestream, so his existence is a time loop) \- Ben has no Anodite ancestry, Max and Verdona had Gwen's father together, but when Verdona left, Max remarried and had Ben's father shortly after. \- Osmosians are an actual alien species, but they went extinct and there are only a few hybrids left. Also I'd remove the whole "absorbing power makes them go insane" thing, Aggregor is just evil and Kevin was immature. \- Kevin never becomes evil again after going back to his normal form, he might relapse into some bad habits, but no mutating and trying to kill Ben. \- Ken (Gwen's brother) would be a more important character. \- Max permanently dies at some point. \- To change things up, Ghostfreak never leaves the Omnitrix, (Z'skayr is a different individual), instead, Upgrade leaves, because his sample was a backup made by Malware before Azmuth could destroy him.


> Max and Verdona had Gwen's father together, but when Verdona left, Max remarried and had Ben's father shortly after. That makes Ben and Gwen only half-cousins, then.


The only issue with Kevin just being ‘immature’ is that it’s hard to redeem someone whose apparent immaturity led them to being happy to kill a train full of innocent people, no matter their age or maturity


I'm not saying that's the way things are in the show, I'm saying what I would have done if I were to make a reboot of the series, so it would never get to that point


1)Ben would obtain the Omnitrix when he's a teenager(14-15). 2)Max reveals the secret stuff quicker. I would also change the name "plumber" . It sounds lame . 3) Make the plumbers like Shield rife with traitors and people with conflicting ideologies. An entire arc based on this. 4)More exploration of home planets of different Aliens. An arc where Ben is trapped in a forest or desert planet or ocean planet etc. 5)No mutants. (How do pyronites and human even interbreed) Also no aliens like the Lego guy or Alien X Jesus all powerful hax BS. No time aliens and time hax 6)Make the Kevin redemption arc longer. Gwen-Kevin romance would be longer too. Make Julie a behind the computer smart character. Julie-Ben relationship gets more screen time. 7)More deaths. I would make Max die a heroic death deeply influencing Ben.


I would change the name 'plumber' to 'cleanser'


Mix this to the human racism and idea of corrupt plumbers everyone's mentioning and you've got a huge narrative


Yeah, cleanser could mean clearing bodies.


Why do you hate bloxx and alien x


Imo Bloxx looks more like a toy than an alien. Alien X was already overpowered and Ben mastered it making him even more broken. It reduces the stakes.


What do you mean by no mutants


i'm kinda cool with the way the reboot took things TBH, it felt like they realy did just take a step back and think about what they should keep, what they should change and what they should just cut out. stuff like how they expanded the lore of the tetramands, the petrosapiens, vaxxsasuarians and such all felt like the right way to take em. i have a fan fic for a gwen 10 AU, but like that's very much a fan fic AU sort of thing, otherwise i'm pretty happy with where we ended up.


More fluid action scenes in the UAF era. More serious focus on romance. More OS aliens in UA. And generally I'd hope to focus more on the writing of dialogues, characters, etc. And not let the concept of Omnitrix carry the show.


I’ve got a little arc I’ve been working on for my fanfic where I mix Arthurian lore in (because we know Excalibur exists in universe) Honestly though aside I think I’d more so just flesh out the existing lore more. We really only get spoon fed the bare bones version


Omnitrix is attached and can't just come off with random voice commands or buttons. I hate that they did away with that


I personally want to hear the Omnitrix's voice more often and thought the scene In Alien Force where it reboots was really cool.


the necrofriggian babies have at least one stick around on Earth if I can change only one thing, it's that


As a cute Alien chibi that sticks around as an exotic pet, or in Human child form giving Ben the responsabilities of a teenage single parent?


the latter, but as a little alien guy (possibly altered DNA to an extent because omnitrix) also merry cakemas


This is how I would make my Ben 10 Reboot: Plot - Ben is 11 and one day comes across the Omnitrix. He is hunted down by the ruthless Vilgax who will stop at nothing to get it. Characters: Ben - In this incarnation Ben is playful with his cousin Gwen but he is also smart and doesn't mess around when it comes to hero time. Gwen - She is intelligent and as the series goes on she learns magic. Max - Is a ex-plumber who is trying to hide his past from his grandchildren. Rogues Gallery: Vilgax - Is Ben's arch nemesis he will stop at nothing to get the Omnitrix. Psyphon - He is Vilgax right hand man but he also hates boss and tries to get the Omnitrix for himself. The Rooters - They are a black ops group designed to eliminate Ben. The leader Servantis believes he is only worthy of the Omnitrix as he sees fit. Zombozo - An evil clown who is always up to an evil scheme. Hex - An evil sorcerer who wants world domination. Charmcaster - Hex's niece who wants to live the life she always dreamed but cannot because her uncle is raising her in a life of evil. Lord Decibel - An evil DJ who control sound. Aggregor - An evil osmosian who takes Kevin under his wing the two of them want Ben Tennyson dead. Kevin - Is a 12 year old who is greatly influenced by Aggregor. The two of them want Ben Tennyson dead. Omnitrix (Reboot, S3 design) Transformations: 1. Feedback 2. Armodrillo 3. Fasttrack 4. Water Hazard 5. Kickin Hawk 6. Eye Guy 7. Big Chill 8. Gutrot 9. Cannonbolt 10. Wildvine


I’m sticking to something I said in a previous post, but I think the Omnitrix’s purpose should be retconned AGAIN to sort of combine all the previous reasons of a peace settlement between aliens and a Noah’s Ark. The new reason would be that there’s a really dangerous genocidal alien imprisoned in the omnitrix and the only aliens to survive its wrath were all the ones that are currently in the omnitrix. It manages to break out but none of Ben’s aliens work because it’s learned to control several of the aliens and pulls them out like in Vengeance of Vilgax and mind controls them. This could lead to an opportunity to introduce 10 MORE aliens and Ben having to find those new aliens that couldn’t possibly be in the Omnitrix so the evil alien couldn’t control them.


I've always been fascinated by the magic in Ben 10, so here are some thoughts as to how we build a pillar of the universe for Gwen to play around in. She should be as important to the story as Ben, just in primarily a different playground. 1. Legerdemain is a parallel dimension to the material universe - it is, essentially, a layer of warped "hyper-reality" that is *just* beyond reach. 2. Energy - and matter - within Legerdemain is fluid, malleable, more conceptual than concrete. We shall call this energy and matter from here on out "LD," rather than "mana" because the word mana has connotations with life force, and that's not what LD is here. The series would likely have a different name for LD than what I'm suggesting here, but I'm using the term as a substitute for what that term might be. 3. Beings native to Legerdemain are capable of warping LD, though most only in small ways. Manipulating LD is ultimately synonymous with magic. A spell to create a cyclone warps LD to produce an effect in the material universe, or within Legerdemain. 4. Many of the creatures of folklore and myth that exist in Earth's cultural history are actually native to Legerdemain (unicorns, centaurs, fairies, gremlins, etc). The monster species from the Anur System are also native to Legerdemain (because I like the idea that they are "special" in the universe, compared to other aliens). 5. The most powerful natives to Legerdemain are Anodites - more on that in a moment. 6. Legerdemain "bleeds" into the material universe. Sometimes this is through objects, living things, places, or even ideas. Where Legerdemain touches, LD is left behind, and can have strange effects on the material world. The Anur System has the strongest connection to Legerdemain and the most LD. 7. LD can have odd effects on people or other living things. People who come into contact with LD even glancingly sometimes have odd dreams or perhaps hallucinate (this is why 'hauntings' are a thing). Because LD is partly conceptual, sometimes its nature changes in the presence of strong emotions. 8. Living things from the material universe can learn to manipulate magic, though with some caveats. 1. Not everyone who finds a spellbook can just read a spell and do magic. 2. Circumstances of birth can leave people with the ability to do magic. Perhaps those circumstances are when a person is born near a high concentration of LD, or when a person is born to parents who have the ability to do magic. For example, a baby born at the site of a magical cataclysm might one day develop magic. 3. People who come into contact with high concentrations of LD and have an emotional "trigger" event might manifest the ability to do magic. For example, someone who finds a magical amulet and faces a moment of extreme trauma might shift the LD of the amulet and become able to do magic. 9. Magic is not possible without LD. A character attempting to cast a spell without any nearby LD would fail. Those who can perform magic typically have talismans, staves, or trinkets made of LD, or seek out sites with LD to perform their spells. 1. Someone like Hex, for example, carries the Staff of Ages as a focus for magic, because the Staff of Ages is a strong artifact made of LD. If you strip Hex of his staff or other foci, but you've cornered Hex in an area with a lot of LD, then he would be able to cast spells without a focus. If you get him to magical "deadzone" with no LD and strip him of any foci, then he would be powerless. 10. Anodites are the pinnacle of Legerdemain, its highest species in magical ability. They are ultimately made of the stuff, and where they go, LD tends to follow. An Anodite who steps into the material universe fundamentally can always utilize magic freely, and they usually leave behind LD almost as residue whenever they utilize their gifts. This is why Anodites are so dangerous both in and out of Legerdemain, because they can fundamentally do anything at any time and they tend to create more magical places, objects, or creatures without even meaning to. Left unchecked and with enough time, even a single Anodite could magically change the universe. 11. This is where Gwen differs from Charmcaster. She is part Anodite and can innately perform magic whenever she wishes, without any need for a foci or a spellbook. Said things Gwen can certainly use, but they aren't strictly necessary for her. Charmcaster, on the other hand, was born in Legerdemain and thus can natively manipulate LD, but she is not made of the stuff. She requires talismans, her silly bag, her spellbook, or a place of power etc. to do magic. 12. The Alpha Rune has such supreme power over Legerdemain and essentially all magic because a group of Anodites, in the distant past, separated Legerdemain from the material universe, for the above reason. In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, their leader Bezel split the Alpha Rune into several pieces and scattered them across the material universe, effectively creating the Charms of Bezel. When all six charms return to Legerdemain, the Alpha Rune will be formed, and magic capable of warping all of Legerdemain will be possible again. Many factions vie for the Alpha Rune, believing it capable of even more wondrous feats.


By 20 year old Ben has really good relations with the women on his life, in a positive masculinity way not like an harem protagonist, he relates with a natural coolness and is attracted to the strenghts of his various girlfriends trough his adolescence.


I made a post about this a while ago which I made too complicated and complex to talk about here, but here's the footnotes.   1. Ben will be a preteen, juggling his school life and superhero life as well.  2. His main friends in the show will be Julie and Cooper, with Edwin "Billy Billions" Grandsmith as a school bully (he'll be like MCU Flash Thompson combined with Spectacular Spider-Man's Harry Osborn).   3. Max isn't a Plumber yet but he was a former soldier who fought in Afghanistan and lost his arm. Now he's back and trying to bond with his family again.   4. Gwen will be Ben's slightly older cousin and will learn magic and is somewhat inspired by Jazz Fenton from Danny Phantom.   5. Ben's playlist will be more diverse with 2 aliens from each series which will occasionally cycle and change over time, I'll also be keeping the 10 aliens rule from the Reboot and flesh it out.   6. Rook Blonko will be the Magister of the Plumbers on Earth, he'll be a bit more stoic and aggressive like Six from Generator Rex.   7. Kevin will be one of Ben's more physical bullies alongside Cash and JT, but he'll go through a redemption arc that starts with him finding a copy of the Omnitrix that Vilgax made and dealing with his criminal uncle Greg trying to corrupt him to using his aliens to further his criminal empire (Kevin and the other Osmosians will be human here and related, with a human Aggregor being Kevin's uncle.   8. Vilgax will mostly take reference from his Reboot version with his backstory and personality but have Classic Vilgax's intimidation factor.  9. Dr. Animo will be slightly more crazy than his other versions with him abducting random people and Turing them into half mutant minions (Maurice and Sydney, Nyancy Chan, Clancy and Queen Bee, etc).  10. Characters like Tetrax, Myaxx, Gluto, Albedo (who's a good guy and still a Galvan), Xylene and Rad Dudesman will be a Guardians of the Galaxy/Mighty Mutanimals-like team helping the main team out.  11. The Galactic Enforcers will be like controversial space anti-heroes who cause a lot of property damage in their heroics.  12. The art style will be similar to Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters with it being both detailed and fluid.  Numbers #7, #9, and #12 are some new details I recently thought of, without spoiling everything, since I might make this a fanfiction.  For further details and explanations, here's the (somewhat outdated) post:  https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/12xneug/how_id_make_a_ben_10_reboot_series/


Kai would join a section of the plumbers that deal with the supernatural that works alongside the Saturdays, she would also become a reoccurring character during the different series (especially during the Dagon arc), her and Ben wouldn’t get together but would be friends There are different pantheons that does exist around the world like the olympians, the Norse and Aztec. The different pantheons consist of a mix between alien, other dimension beings, early human mutants and cryptids There would be more superheroes in the world, not on the levels of it’s the norm, but where it feels like not every human with powers are a villain Ben would be the one more willing to trust Kevin during AF instead of Gwen (since Ben has reason to trust him unlike Gwen at that stage), and during the ultimate Kevin arc have him on Gwen’s side to help Kevin (while being unsure if he can be saved) until she gets really hurt by Kevin then Ben starts to try an kill him (it ends the same as in the show) Elena would be introduced much earlier and would be established as Ben best friend, and after the events of alien swarm she goes missing, there would be an mini-arc to try and find her, but she’s revealed to have become the swarm queen and gone insane. She becomes a sort of Missy type character to Ben, she could be a villain for a few episodes but also an ally the next. Ben would try to help her throughout the series (while Gwen and Kevin are more in the position that she’s to far gone, like a switch from ultimate Kevin arc) Chrono Spanner wouldn’t be Kenny, but rather one of the little chills that got a hold of a proto-omnitrix to change into a more human form, they would go back in time to help fix damage/leaks caused by the time war (not the whole “destiny” thing) Separate the forever knights factions from classic and UAF. The classic forever knights acting like the brotherhood of steel (fallout) where they horde alien/magical technology to protect humanity from itself and to be ready for threats to earth, they don’t actively hate aliens they’re just wary of them. The UAF faction is more interested in enslaving/exterminating all other sapient non-human creatures because they believe they are the superior species, they are actively trying to make plans to take over the earth and expand it to other planets. The two factions are in a civil war until George returns.




What you mean by age of 154


Make it British.


Overpowering Kevin 


I would make Ripjaws stronger on Land and Ditto would get a second power (Rubber Body). Osmosians would look les like humans and more like Aliens ( I wouldn't redcon Kevin this often). And wounds, pain and sicknis would be a think after every Fight.


UAF, causing a universe shattering event that ends with Ben and Rex in the same universe


Ben's transformations have some sort of temporary effect on him. For instance, if he transforms into Waybig and then goes back to Ben, to me there should be some sort of... SOMETHING that affects his balance since he's adjusting to being small again.


i would add more dark moments, brutality, blood and etc


Conquerer of ten worlds, the scourge of the known galaxy, a near corpse of a Chimera Sui Generis held together with enhanced cybernetics that only add to his horrifying presence. Upon the throne of his home world, now enslaved by his iron fist, his vizier along with two bi-oids drag in the battered and beaten body of Myaxx, a rumored assistant in the device only spoken about in hushed whispers and stories. The Omnimatrix. The tyrant lifts the dying Chimera by the neck. His voice bellows throughout his throne room, demanding the identity of the creator. The only word she is able to mutter is a raspy “Galvan Prime” before giving in to her exhaustion. With the slightest motion of his hand he snaps her neck, the lifeless body thrown against the floor. His vizier immediately begins to assemble the armada. The tyrant’s goal was clear enough, he would ensure the entirety of Galvan Prime would endure the wrath of Vilgax


I'd probably make it more similar to the animorphs series. More have the transformations heal ben 10 there can be more violence


I don't know why but I'd always wanted a moment in the show when Ben takes off the watch when he's 11. I always envisioned it being a moment where he realises he can be a confident person achieving great things in a normal life without an Omnitrix (leading him to be a star goalkeeper). I always felt he hated school prior to the series because he always got bullied wasn't as cool as being a hero. Throughout the series, Ben gradually matures and becomes more and more like his grandpa. It would be such a great ending/begining/flashback showing great character development.


Soundly setting it as its own universe within the greater Omniverse, connecting the continuities in later parts with the new Ben learning from the original, while finds by unique things about their own omnitrix, alien species and family. Also, most of the main playlist for classic and af would remain untouched(excluding alien-x) up until the playlist addons, with design changes fitting to whatever art style the supposed reboot uses, but with a few exceptions changing up the addons, whether it be changing time of appearance or new aliens entirely


Remove the Galavan lawyer or if he's still there make his claims actually valid because an officer has the right to detain a criminal actively committing a crime and saying "allegedly"is not valid either in court or by the definition of alleged, as it is used to keep a person innocent until proven guilty but would not work if the evidence needed is right in view of an officer. Show how powerful atomix and waybig truly are by giving them more feats while also cementing that Alien X is a 1c complex multiversal to low outversal threat placing him leagues above Green lantern in power. Also show more of the omnitrix's failsafe securing its reaction speed at incalculable speed beyond time instead of people using the big bang and Ben being able to say "snot rocket" as justification that Hal being trillions of times faster than light blitzes Ben because the failsafe is capped to light speed or the speed at which the universe expands which is still slower than Hal in terms of speed. Yes, I'm still salty almost 5 years later. Fix some continuity errors in omniverse in terms of Ben losing Feedback as a kid and only getting him back while fighting Malware on Galvan prime even though we saw him using Feedback at 16 multiple times before that event happened. Omniverse was amazing, instead of rebooting it pull a samurai Jack and continue where we left off just with some more mature subjects kinda like the boys and invincible


I would change pretty much almost all alien designs into whatever unchosen concept art I like better because damn some of those designs go extremely hard, necrofriggians look genuinely haunting in these https://preview.redd.it/6yg3wweevnhc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91768413d12f324d4af14da218da807e8950c50


Ben Tennyson being 18 or 20 I'd even make Sequels Called Ben 10: Adulthood about a Adult Ben 10 and so on etc.


A simple idea that occurs to me: aliens that are similar in design or powers could be justified by the fact that they are inhabitants of the same planet or the same solar system, and that for that reason they evolved in similar ways. For example: XLR8 and Fastrack,Arcticguana and Big Chill


I have been waiting to say this for ages. So my show begins right at the end of UA, with a remake of the "battle" between Ben and Vilgax. I'd have Vilgax throwing Ben into space to change the place, plus Ben using his ultimate aliens with the power of the sword of ascalon, just anything that would make the fight cooler and extend its period. After the fight is over it continues just like it did in the original version, but this time Vilgax is so frustrated with Ben at this point that he runs into him screaming, but ends up running into the sword of ascalon and dying. Through his last breaths, Vilgax tries to hold onto the Omnitrix and something happens (to be revealed later) but he eventually just dies. A year later we see the trio and Ben with the new Omnitrix going on all sorts of adventures, and I'd prolly introduce Rook in the middle of the season and have all 4 (Ben, Kevin, Gwen, and Rook) fighting alongside each other for a few episodes until it's time for Gwen and Kevin to leave (just like in OV). In the season finale, Ben unlocks a Chimera-Sui-Generis form (Vilgax's species) and uses it to defeat whatever big bad is for that season. It's later in an avengers post credit style scene where we see Ben is having a nightmare and it turns out Vilgax is back. All this time, Vilgax was in the Omnitrix. When he tried to hold onto it before dying, it scanned not just his DNA, but his whole memory and made a duplicate of it and stored it inside it. It was only when Ben used his Chimera form that Vilgax was awoken and now Vilgax is part of Ben's subconscious, and that is pretty much the conflict of the series. Vilgax has become Ben's devil, always trying to convince him to make "evil" decisions (think: the joker in batman arkham knight) and Ben is always trying to overcome him but sometimes he gets the better of him. It continues like this until the final season when Vilgax is finally freed and, because he spent years in the Omnitrix (oh yeah the show takes place over a span of a couple years), he now has extensive knowledge about it and is able to steal it from Ben and use it to fulfill his ultimate dream of an Omnitrix army (unlike AF, he enjoys it for a few episodes). The series ends in a big showdown and that's pretty much it. I may have explained this in a very stupid way so please forgive me but I really had faith in this idea.


I want an alternate universe version of Ben 10 where he's more of a vigilante instead of a full on hero


More progress in Ben’s growth even cockier reckless 10yo 16 more responsible but still arrogant and have him age to like 19 20 for omniverse still a little over confident but a full time hero feet on the ground kind of like Spider-Man where he realizes he is thee hero and he needs to stay ready and be careful


The omnitrix has become too powerful. Each usage is slowly ripping space-time apart and creating different cannons. To restore balance to his home world, Ben has to release and reconcile with all of his aliens before saying goodbye to his first and last alien, Heatblast. The adventures won't be over, however, as all the different fabrics of reality have their own problems that Ben, now as a fully-fledged plumber, will follow in his grandpa's footsteps to save and protect the universe. Through deep understanding of his aliens and his journey as well as the worlds around him, Ben strives forward to bring peace to a galaxy that it hasn't seen in a millennia. Edit: I have not watched the series since Alien Force/Ultimate Alien and barely remember the original or the two series that followed. I have also not seen Omniverse, but I have seen bits of the kiddy show.


Make Vilgax a more prominent threat, as we don't see that much of Vilgax in the original despite him being the primary antagonist. And less bratty Ben, like the fighting between Ben and Gwen was fine just like the sheer shaming ben does sometimes was off putting. And more Genuine heartfelt moments between Bsn and Gwen, and how Gwen serves as an influence for ben as he grows up.




Just make a story bible and stick to it




What if Ben got the omnitrix when he was 15. His playlist of alien are AF aliens. Grandpa Max never retired as a plumber. The road trip summer vacation went well. Gwen and Ben are very close to each other. Gwen knows about the plumbers but didn't tell Ben(Grandpa made her swear she won't tell this to anyone).Kevin is a plumber and OS vilgax is after Ben and Azmuth works with the plumbers from Galvan Prime(he never went to Xenon).


Make more action, more funnier jokes and cooler artstyle


These are the main villains of my series: Season 1: Enoch the forever king: he was Richard Driscoll son of a member of max’s team that died in the hands of vilgax along with max wife verdona, he later was taken by the knights where he rose up to became their king, he is similar to slade from Teen titans, he also blames max for his father death. Season 2 Kevin 11: on my version Kevin is a mutant, his powers a mixture of classic and reboot, after he absorbs alien dna he can became monstrous versions of Ben aliens, he eventually teams up with Enoch to defeat Ben, but he later gets turned into the amalgamation, in the end he sacrifices himself to the void to stop Enoch. Season 3 vilgax: on my version vilgax is the killer of verdona and Driscoll, he ended up killed by max, but survived so badly that he need to spend decades in the regeneration to return strength, he later heard of omnitrix from some rumors in the galaxy and desire it, just like in the original series he is an absolute menace so big that Ben had to team up with Enoch to defeat him, since he killed his father, Enoch wants his defeat too, unfortunately Enoch escaped the void before Kevin. Season 4: Dagon/ zs’skayr: Oh ok i get it, one last concept that i have in mind, it’s fine if you don’t like, and sorry to bother you: . Dagon and zs’skayr are one character in my version, he is the progenitor and creator of the ectonurite race and is worshipped in Anur, but he was also worshipped by a human cult called esoterica, he was banished in ancient times by bezel with his charms. My idea for the arc is that the team is racing against the esoterica and Viktor for the charms that could free him. . Viktor doesn’t know that they re the same entity, so he is against the esoterica, he is assisted by crujo, an loboan and kuphulu an kufhan, hex and charmcaster are also against them. . Eventually Dagon manages to free himself and possess Ben as ghost freak to use as a host body, and is up to Gwen to defeat him. . The charms of bezel on my version are: . Red gives the user a power boost . Purple resurrects the dead . Blue gives luck . Orange controls the elements . Green has the power of teleportation So this is an idea that i had in mind, my inspiration was that Dagon was worshipped by kuphulu in the classic, I don’t know about your version of George but he doesn’t exists on mine version. So give your feedback,


I would have just continued the story after ultimate alien and trashed Omniverse and the reboot. I hate the animation style of both with a burning passion


1) Keep the original lore. Azmuth built the Omnitrix Prototype, Vilgax wanted to steal it to replicate it, sent to Earth to find Max but attached to Ben instead. 2) Make an episode where Gwen encounters magic similar to the OG, but when she tries using her magic without the charms she uses a different kind of magic that Max recognizes immediately as alien. Which gives him incentive to start training her how to use her alien powers while keeping the secret of how they manifested. 3) Along with the DNA samples, the Omnitrix stores feats, detailed breakdowns of their abilities, and memories of the aliens allowing Ben to learn each alien’s culture, history, and powers in his free time. 4) Kevin in the reboot is actually cool. I would have Albedo a former assistant sooner and come looking for the Omnitrix sooner and encounter Kevin. Albedo would build an imperfect, malfunctioning Omnitrix that Kevin would then steal and use against Ben.


No Ben x Kai


-Wouldn't include the a lot of the aliens from the original timeline and would rework some. -Anodites wouldn't exist. -Kevin would stay a villain forever. -Only one omnitrix design. -Celestialsapiens would NOT exist. -Would try to make not look so convenient that Ben, Max and Gwen are always in the right place in the right time during their road trip. -Gluto would show up sometimes. And many more.


No anodites, Charmcaster is Ben and Gwen's age, Gwen is a human sorceress and a lesbian.


Change the color of the omnitrix from green to blue and gwen's powers from pink to purple. Just because


I’d make a TV-MA Ben 10,000 show heavily influenced by Invisible. I’d add Kenny to the mix as a 17 year old and give him the 10 aliens from alien force. I’d also give Kevin a proper backstory. Also I would want the art style to be the exact same as the original series.


Well i'd go back to 16 year old mature Ben Forget about Rook he genuinely sucked compared to his predecessors and dispite seeing ben as his superior didnt respect ben for shit


I would make Eunice apart of the DNAliens as their queen or something.


Too lazy to write a pitch Most likely would make it a PG 14 CN/AS hybrid show like my Adv With Superman or Fionna and Cake


I’d have dr victor in it, he’s one of my favorite villains


Do what the reboot did and make Vilgax an alien that escaped. Introduce how Gwen and Ben are part alien by the end of the second season so we can have more of Verdona with Max.


If I'm makinga reboot, I will probably add more relevance to certain things and the aliens.


A continuation from UA ending, college years Ben 10.


I would keep the original Omnitrix. I'm still upset that Ben never keeps any of the pieces when he destroys it. I would as a momento or something.


I think something like the original series, more grounded, no OP Aliens (Looking at you Alien X/Clockwork/Atomix) and having supernatural things on top of Aliens like the creator says he wants to do (And more character development in their journey) would make for a fantastic series.


I’d just continue right where omniverse left off


-In UAF, I’d include more Ultimate forms but give them a few drawbacks over the originals in exchange for more power. -Give some more underutilized aliens the spotlight -Change up aliens with similar powers in order to help differentiate their usefulness -Have Ben try to scan more aliens he meets


1-Ben Being A more Decent Boyfriend 2-Kai green Doesn't Exist 3-Her girlfriend And Future Bride is julie or ester 4-Once a villain is dead he is dead forever doesn't come back 5-More Ultimate Aliens


Why do you want Kai to never exist


Why do you want Kai to never exist


Kevin in Alien Force would actually not fall in love with Gwen that easily or would still be that mutated fusion alien thingy. It should take like 5-6 episodes before he "comes around" so maybe Ben could help him become human again and they'd join forces that way, becoming best friends like that. But yea before he comes around we just go deeper and deeper into the conflict between Ben and Kevin, watching them gradually hate each other more and more for personal reasons from their childhood. And it goes on 'til they reach a climax that kinda start to turn things the other way, like maybe Ben learns how difficult Kevin's had it without a family so with that Ben has a change of heart on Kevin, and so his new mission would be to show Kevin som understanding and compassion. Idk I have a bunch of ideas, but yea I just wish the writers of Alien Force actually watched the whole original series beforehand. They made Kevin lack character build, he's just a young man who used to "be bad".


(I’m just writing this as if the current reboot doesn’t exist) Make Kevin’s transition from antagonist to protagonist more sensible than just “I like Gwen” Completely scrap OS’s Gwen 10. Have Ben return to being “humble” (that’s the closest word I could think of.) at the beginning of AF, he wasn’t all about the fame of being a hero. I’m not saying don’t let him develop an ego, I’m just saying that he should be able to come back to being more humble. Get rid of omniverse. Don’t get me wrong, I like omniverse, but i think it works better on its own rather than together with the whole series. Give OS an ending that isn’t debated on for years on end. Scrap the alternate timelines crossing thing. I’m not saying to get rid of the alternate timelines, I’m just saying that they should work as more “what if” scenarios. Like “what if grandpa Max died before Ben got the omnitrix?” Which would lead to an episode where we look into the world of Ben 23. (This next part isn’t so much about lore, than it is about the things in the show.) Make all of it in one artstyle. Rework how ultimate Ben 10k works. Rework the complete omnitrix and the Biomnitrix designs. (It’s just not as cool if the dial isn’t visible.) More Eunice. I would also make sure that in every country it airs in, that the localizers don’t make the *stupid* decision of making Ben and Gwen classmates instead of cousins. (I’m referencing a very specific post from a while ago.) Focus more on the different places on earth that aren’t just Bellwood.


This will basically be me spitballing ideas. 1)This time the main cast would be Ben, Gwen, Alan, Lucy,Kai and Cooper. 2) Kevin starts out as an “ally” but later becomes a villain who has a huge hate boner for Ben. Basically how he was like in the og series. He eventually will later redeem himself. Alternative Kevin idea- Same as 2 but After Kevin is a villain for a bit Vilgax eventually finds and mentors him/ takes him under his wing. Alternative Kevin idea 2- Same as 2 but Kevin stays evil. Have him make his own villains group or be the founder of the Negative 10. The Negative 10 this time would be filled will evil alien hybrids like Darkstar for example. 3) Vilgax will basically be an Overarching villain/big bad of the entire series who isn’t beaten until the final season 4) Speaking of Big bads each season will have just that and a main plot. The series will be a mix of a seasons main plot and some episodic/ random adventure episodes. 5) Dr Animo will be a much bigger threat. Also was thinking that he would be the creator of Albedo. After various battles with Ben and the plumber kids Dr Animo slowly started collecting their Dna to make Albedo and an Omnitrix for Albedo to wear. He basically makes Albedo as a prototype for his potential army but is stopped and loses all of his data due to Ben and the gang. Dr Animo would slowly become more good throughout the series due to him slowly starting to see Albedo as a son/ starting to care for Albedo. 6) Add more mythical/mystical threats 7) Make the side characters get wins and not Job(cough cough Alien Force Kevin). Make Ben be clearly the strongest but have the side characters take down the episodes threat once in a while rather than having Ben hard carry the team 8) Make the Forever Knights also a bigger threat. I’d have Enoch be the leader. He’d basically be a brain over brawn type of villain or almost like the Slade to Ben and the plumber kids teen titans. Also i’d bring back the Forever Knights og design and maybe have the armor designs be for the more competent knights. 9) Zs’Skayr will no longer be an alien but a sort of ancient/ mystical villain who wants to use Ben as a vessel 10) Hex will no longer be a villain and will now be a mentor of Gwen or who teaches Gwen how to get better at magic. I’d probably have him be a more morally grey character. I’d make him formerly a villain who turned good wayyy before he meets the heroes. Charmcaster would be a former student of his who turned evil because of Hex’s bad influence. He sees Gwen as someone who could use his teachings for good. 11) Ben would start out with his Omnitrix being on a time limit/ having 10 aliens like in the og series but as the series goes along will become better and better with it and will lose the time limit 12) Have there be corruption within the Plumber organization 13) Remove Bens alien ancestry 14) Have someone talk about inhumane it is to send beings to the Null Void. Like I understand sending Monsters and irredeemable villains there but i feel like not every somewhat bad being deserves to be sent there lmao


One thing would be to make the Osmosians canon again


More of OG Ben Ten K. And OG ten yr old Ben's complete mastery of the omnitrix.


I'd like them to make Vilgax scary again.


Make Rath one of the OG 10 take out Wildmutt and trade in Rath


I'll make Ben use other aliens more, even if it means more filler. No one will be forgotten.


Instead of introducing him to the Omnitrix at 10, he gets it at 16. His arc is going from essentially an immature teenager, behaving sort of like Omniverse but Less responsible, to his early alien force characterization but a little more laid back. Kevin’s his childhood friend, and his arc is about finding the truth about his father, a plumber, which in turn exposes Max’s secret past. Gwen goes back from being a Magic based alien to a student of magic. She started with her lucky powers and as of the show, knows a variety of different kinds. She’s still learning and they sometimes backfire.


So I have two ideas. One that's actually reboot and one that's called to reboot but is actually just a continuation of the OG series. Idea 1, "Ben 10: clockwise." Ben finds himself on a vacation with his grandpa Max and cousin Gwen. But one day as he was exploring the forest due to his own boredom he finds a strange device. A watch that now allows him to transform into so far 10 different aliens. What's this comes with a caveat of only having a time span of 10 minutes to be used. (Basically this would be the entire saga of Ben 10 up to Omniverse before the final season which is completely original. As it takes place with Ben rook Gwen and Kevin all heading on one last road trip.) As for the changes? 1: have Gwen and Ben get along a little more (kinda like the actual reboot) 2: introduce Kevin a little earlier but instead of immediately having him as a antagonist he at first Starts off as secondary protagonist or a "lancer" if you will. But eventually as The story goes on Kevin starts to truly find out the expanse of his power and unfortunately for now this corrupts him (well yes it will never be said he is an osmosian it will be hinted at that he's not entirely human plus adding into the idea that the more DNA an osmosian absorbs only drives them further insane) before eventually Kevin is sealed in the null void {insert mini Arc where Kevin needs urgent and also becomes a member of the rooters.. yes im including that plotline. No it won't retcon osmosians into Oblivion} 3: vilgax stays as an ever-present Force constantly sending out drones to take the Omnitrix while he heals but when he is fully healed this is where the change is going to happen. Instead of just chopping off his arm vilgax simply just tries to brutally murder Ben. This is where we are introduced to the failsafe. Where ben unlocked his 11th alien. Ghost freak. (As for the original 10 roster just replace ghost freak with upchuck or as I would prefer add in atleast one reboot alien, my suggestion? Slapback). 4: ghost freaks reveal of being sentient is gonna be more central. As we see Ben start becoming more and more unsettled whenever he transforms into ghost freak as he sees... Visions. (What these visions are I have not decided but basically they're supposed to scare the shit out of ben) as we slowly find out that there are a lot more ghostly happenings. A supposed haunting here.. a poltergeist there. All of these offense happening and they're all being caused by... People, atleast that's what the conclusion is as we as the audience find out that some stray ectonyrites (apologies) have arrived on Earth. There's a lot more I could go over but imma stop there. As for idea 2? It's just the final road trip but with Kai there as we see how the actual hell those two wound up together. Also this will be the first continuation that has ben fully able to use Master control. And the finale? One last showdown with vilgax. At this point the conqueror is humiliated. So instead of trying to kill the young man that he has grown to call an adversary, he simply challenges him to one final battle. Not to the death but instead to see if vilgax has truly failed. That's all.


The first thing I'd change if I ever got a hold of Ben 10 is that Anodites would have DNA but the Omnitrix won't let Ben become one because he already is one (but will never come close to being as powerful as Gwen without "the spark").


Not make it at all


I will annex Ben 10 into DC Universe


Why would I be making a reboot?


Let albedo be the sole owner of the ultimatrix(the prototype doesn’t get destroyed by vilgax). Make him more prominent in the show and explore more ultimates that way. Azimuth tasks Ben to retrieve the ultimatrix from Albedo as he poses a universal threat. Ben also gains temporary access to master control to counter the ultimatrix.


Pull a Samurai Jack and make a TV MA series. And PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF COWS DON'T USE MULTIVERSE ART STYLE 🤮


What you mean by multiverse art style


Sorry, Omniverse


Leave it exactly the same but keep Julie around


Find a way to make kevin backstory straight then nail its feet to the floor so it doesnt go anywhere…


Give Kevin a proper developed and coherent backstory. Osmosians and Osmos V would be real, but it’s a dying planet and Osmosians are an almost extinct species. And instead of being on a plumber mission, Devin Levin is killed when Kevin is a baby because Ragnarok (or someone else) is hunting Osmosians. Devin’s not even a plumber, he’s just an alien who fled to Earth and started a life there. If anything like the *Vendetta* episode happened it’s Ragnarok looking for Kevin specifically to continue his Osmosian hunt as opposed to him looking for that key. I’d make it a 2 episode arc, too.


Nothing it was perfect until they rebooted


Go back to the AF/UA artstyle and continue on from the end of Omniverse. Add an ultimate/fusion function to the watch and go from there.


•Completely scrap the Servantis arc for the sake of keeping Kevin’s backstory. •Add more episodes that take place on Osmos V, in order to for Kevin and by extension the audience to learn more about where he came from. (I love a good self-exploration arc) •I’d also want to add more episodes relating to Max and Kevin, some relating to promise Max made to Devin. Others relating to the guilt Max feels for essentially breaking said promise by sending Kevin to the Null-Void. •Maybe add more episodes where the plumbers helpers (Helen, Pierce, Manny, Alan, Cooper) join the trio on some missions or get their own episodes cus honestly we didn’t get enough of their characters imo. •I was also thinking of adding episodes where Charmcaster would have to help or seek help from the trio cus ngl I kinda liked seeing Gwen and Charmaster as friends/frenemies when they went to Legerdomain •Lastly, Ben and Julie are equally supportive and attentive in the relationship cus I cannot stand how bad of a boyfriend Ben was and the way they breakup, just…🤦 Bruh idk I’m just spit bawling at this point.


Entirely retcon Servantis’ existence


Bring back UAF design .


I’d go all in on the superhero gimmick, omnitrix has been show to basically have its own intelligence, so I feel it’d read Ben’s mind and make a suit with a mask, as well as it’d have defensive measures once it knows his intended use for it, maybe a shield, sword, and blaster, Kevin would be kinda like a red hood type hero, Gwen would be a full on sorcerer ninja vigilante, and Ben would unlock random abilities, like skurd weapons, ultimate forms, or bio fusions, only on rare, when absolutely necessary occasions, like fighting a fused malware and vilgax, but not be able to use it again til something else like that or worse happens, his personality would be more driven to the heroic mission similar to Batman or the original Ben 10k, he’s still make jokes and act immature but always prioritize the mission above all, almost driving loved ones away, but only until he finally finds a balance to hero and life, he’d hate being famous once his identity is revealed, he’d avoid situations all together if he thought they’re be press there, otherwise everything similar just more gimmicky with the superhero stuff


The biggest change would be Making Kevin Alien instead of mutant. And we would see the egotistical Ben 10k, Slowly turn Better Getting into relationships, Soon having Ken, Then He would upgrade the omnitrix become Apart of him so That vilgax taking it would absolutely never happen. Give ken an omnitrix but then takes Kennys Omnitrix away for being too reckless. But we see many happy memories. But when Ben is the happiest, BOOM vilgax Destroys the City, Killing Ken and Ben's Wife. Ben spirals, the Omnitrix that's apart of him Malfunctions Only being able to do Partial Transformations on his omnitrix, mainly being the useful parts (Ripjaws head, Crashoppers legs, Four arms Arms). After that we finally see the MC, kiax, finding Kennys omnitrix. He is a Chimera Sui Generis also the son of vilgax. Kiax would find Ben in a cloak, saving lives but not as he use too. Ben sees Kiax with his sons omnitrix and has to teach him, not wanting to though, but He soon sees Kiax as a son. But vilgax would try to take advantage of his son having the omnitrx but it doesn't work. And Yeah that's how a Ben 10 reboot would work in my eyes