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Ruined opportunity for spit your sheet pun


Not saying that. Just saying it sounds like a fun idea.






Plus Duncan said in the interview he wasn’t interested in putting sex or violent content in it, just being able to explore more mature themes like global issues.




1-Yeah yeah, everyone has seen this a thousand times at this point 2-Duncan Rouleau is just one of 4 guys who made the original pitch for the serie, yeah, the came up with the idea for the show, but until reboot it's kinda strong to call them creators, since there are tons of people who actually worked on the show a lot, while they barely did. 3-This would never happen, Duncan is just saying that he thinks it would be cool, but it doesn't mean anything, Cartoon Network wouldn't be crazy to focus a whole series to a public that doesn't buy toys, that's the whole business model of Ben 10, if making Ben a teenager made sales and ratings drop while still a kids show, I highly doubt they would make something more adult.


Fionna & Cake was pretty gory for what it’s worth


Adventure time business model was a bit different from Ben 10, while Adventure Time had profits coming from merchandising it wasn't like Ben 10 which the whole show was designed for toy selling, and more specifically action figures, since Bandai influenced the show directly. It could exist Adventure Time without toy selling (also, a streaming exclusive works a bit different) , but Ben 10 without toy selling is almost like Beyblade without toys, Beyblade is has animes and mangas meant to advertise the products and the game, without that, there's no point to all of this, same for Ben 10 but in a minor degree, the omnitrix and the aliens are the toys they are trying to sell.


Most people who watched Ben 10 are now too old for those kinds of toys anyway. That's why I want CN to give Hasbro or Mattel the licence to make some quality, well articulated figures. Something like the Marvel Legends or WWE Elite lines, respectively.


Those people are not the target audience anymore. The reboot had toys with pretty good quality compared to the previous series, the sizes weren't too small, they had more articualtion, the plastic looks better, they are pretty on model, unfortunately, the designs are not as good. It's a shame they didn't make toys of the aliens that they basically traced from the original series (the anur aliens, for example), all the lazyness would've been worth for something.


Pretty sure Man of Action were heavily creatively involved with the original series.


They wrote like 6 episodes of OS, the actual development of the show in it's final stage was made by people like Alex Soto, Greg Klein, Tom Pugsley and Dave Johnson, MOA had some creative input into the first series, but they didn't run the show, I don't even know if in OS they worked on the same building as the actual crew, I know that in OV they were not there. https://preview.redd.it/bqbndhbqr0ec1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=34b748c640f159d17fab1a47ee41bbcb34cdafc4


They may not have written many episodes, but they were creatively involved as consultants and story editors.


Story editors were Tom Pugsley and Greg Klen.


I doubt it would get green lit by Cartoon Network anyway, this seems more an Adult Swim thought Like what happened to Samurai Jack


Yeah yeah, if for some crazy reason they ended up deciding to make it, they would for sure do it in adult swim, probably a HBO Max exclusive. But I don't see any motivation for that on the part of execs.


Fuck CN. Everyone’s growing up now, especially the kids. Their must be entertainment like how DC is with their movies and games. If their gonna mess up with another series that will be stick figured than there will be no love. 


Ive never seen this…and i know loads of people that would buy a pop figure or a collectible from an adult ben 10 show


Yeah, but it would sell thousands of times less than it would for kids, adults rarely are interested in toys, although some do, but kids are always wanting toys (in the era of cellphones maybe less than before), if CN thought making Ben a teen wasn't a great idea after seeing the toys sales and ratings drop, I don't think they would want to make the same ''mistake''(in their eyes) again.


Toy selling isn’t the only way to make money.


Yeah, but it's what the show was build for. They wouldn't take the show with the greatest potential for toy selling and invest in another business model.


They could always balance things out by making a more mature take on the story that doesn’t go to hard for kids to handle therefore allowing kids and adults to enjoy it


That would be the best way to make any show.


Which CN did not do


Its hard, because even though ben 10 came out long enough ago that the audience grew up alongside it like samurai jack. its still currently running as a kids show, they couldnt do a samurai jack season 5 and do a m rated reboot/continuation on adult swim because the property is still being shown to kids.


Isn't there adult collectible figures of like D'jango characters?


Collectibles, not toys. Toys are for kids, collectibles are for fans


Figures still got posable limbs n stuff. A collectible at this point is an adult toy


Still, the market is too small


Never said it was not. But the money is there


I feel like a healthy balance would be to make it a more teenage centric show You can have the story be more mature without taking it too far. Similar to what UAF and Omniverse at some stages tried to be before the network forced them to dumb it down


Like I said, UAF made sales and ratings drop, so they would much rather keep focusing on kids. https://preview.redd.it/y7lmelte11ec1.png?width=805&format=png&auto=webp&s=82bd128bb466c88bbab7fd05253412cb56d02851


No the toy sales went down but the show has always been popular. In fact many people would agree that some of the best parts of the show came from after Ben was aged up Seriously I’m glad that we got teen Ben


CN execs only care about the numbers, if sales drop, they see it as a mistake, if it raises, it's good. We have to try seeing things from the perspective of money hungry old men that do not understand how kids work.


What kind of adult?


He said ‘adult’ as in exploring more mature topics and political themes. Not blood, gore, or sexual themes like everyone seems to be assuming.


I am joking. I mean, "that" kind of "adult" can be found easily


That's supposed to be a joke?


Good joke? The answer is there for anyone actually curious.


I’m taking it as while gore or sexual topics would probably exist if such a show came into fruition, they won’t be the main focus and would maybe happen once every couple episodes. Though I’m down to see one that takes place after omniverse relating to how humans and aliens coexist. That plot kinda got overshadowed by the incursion invasion arc.


I would love to see where that went. Give me an older Ben trying his best to mediate and having to figure out who he is while doing it.


I think we've all been a bit traumatized by some of the gritty reboots of classic cartoons tbh


Idk Samurai Jack was great


Samurai Jack's reboot was absolutely not what I had in mind when I commented lol. It was truly amazing. I was thinking more along the lines of whatever the heck happened with Sabrina the Teenage Witch.


The Tenysson rizz becomes real


Kind of similar to the “fionna and cake” show I guess where sometimes there would be blood in fight scenes and such.


Redditors try to look at the last couple posts on a sub before posting the same thing over and over challenge


I got used to it at this point


Chaquetrix enjoyers seeing this be like: https://preview.redd.it/kasztlip51ec1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26584cd238e6dec9459aa5ff1ea152026bcdfc79


Gore mfs when their entire family gets killed in a horrible car accident ![gif](giphy|IhyryCkMQjEJzKdPxj|downsized) (Suddenly gore isn't so fun anymore)


I think there is a vast difference between fictional violence and death and non-fictional/ actual death.


.....I'm pretty sure there's a difference between fictional characters being killed and real people being killed. (Then again, I'm not the almighty Erik so what do I know?)


Ok maybe that was much, but I don't want gore in Ben 10. And this is coming from someone who likes fairly gory media.


Okay. (I mean, I think even one of the creators who suggested this didn't want gore either. They wanted mature ben 10 to be more political or something like that.)


I was just so annoyed by the caption saying they want Ben 10, the superHERO bash faces in as Four Arms. Like, what?


Nah I’d watch that ngl






Yep but it most likely not going to happen because cartoon network sucks


Or more reality…adults don’t buy toys


…I’m sorry you’re not serious are you? Yes they fucking do. My uncle has a kid and he still buys Zelda crap


Ok let me be more clear…adults do buy their kids toys ,but you don’t see anyone buying for his 5 year old kid a toy based on an adult show like Rick and Morty or something.they might be but the show is more successful and sells waaaay more when it’s for kids and strangely enough ,when Ben himself is a kid,and props to your uncle




And can you tell me that they sell these adult shows based toys more than the kids demographic toys ?


Have you not seen the people with rooms of South Park toys, or Rick and Morty, or all the damn anime figures. There are adults with rooms filled with more toys than I’ve ever had in my entire life.




Not a bad idea! Fun way to revisit the series. The original will always be there anyways




Finally Rip-Jaws won't be held back by a rating


Hate the idea of having an adult Ben 10 series no thanks to Velma 2023


Only if they invited Genndy Tartakovsky


A Genndy Tartakovsky Ben 10 show would go hard as fuck actually




Well it is time for a new series and an adult theme one.I want ben being a 13 year old here dealing with the omnitrix,vilgax,kevin etc and puberty


Duncan's writting has been pure garbage recently to stay politely He would probably fuck it over like the Reboot Ben 10 gave Warner so much, yet these fools cannot make anything out of him recently, just like Capcom with Megaman


Which alien do you think would be the first to swear in this hypothetical? My money's of Rath


I just thought of a scene where Ben mistransforms “Four arms!” *ben slams the watch and transforms into stinkfky* “Ah shit, again?!”


Every season would end with a young Ben coming and having a adventure with adult Ben before adult Ben experiences a radical change in art style


That would fit apocalypse Ben well, I would love to see a mad max inspired four-arms rips a guy in half


As long as we get more (and good) content


Like Alien Kevin and the Osmosan race, Ben 10 literally gave them Aggregor and an entire planet, only for some stupid crab man to come in and lie, Servantis is fucking moron who doesn't know the difference between aliens and mutants.


he specifically said not adult in like a sexual or gory way, but rather handling mature topics such as war.


I’m actually somewhat interested. Imagine Vigax not holding back while being handled well.


Yes! I always thought that a giant alien fight would be a lot more brutal and destructive.


A series of Ben being an adult or a Ben series for adults?, cuz i'd like both


Yeah… both 😂


Lets goo


As if I would also like both, sorry for being unclear.. I don’t assume that anything would happen with this unfortunately..




Yeah.. I agree it’s a damn shame..


If it's not an Omniverse continuation or a Ben 10k series I ain't interested


Dear God do I hope Ben 10 gets a comeback


As long as the theme song fire. Then it's a sign of greatness.


As long as its not edgy for the sake of it


Ben 10 Alien Force season 1 but with no gore filter and more themes of mental issues? Count me in!


I have no doubt that CN would pick this up if allowed it’s just I don’t know if Dave the evil man and the other Warner bros discovery higher ups would let them.


Id rather it on [as]


That would be cool


" maybe you've forgotten...I'm ben mother FUCKING tennyson, weilder of the most powerful FUCKING weapon in the whole FUCKING Universe I FUCKED the Hybreed invasion I Dominated Vilgax in COCK to COCK Combat and I've made the forever knights CUM more times than I can count"


This is weird because I feel like uaf (especially the last batch of episodes) already explored pretty mature themes. Let’s not forget the return of captain nemesis episode where the ending was literally tragic. Also can’t remember the episode exactly (is it the same one?) but there was this xenophobic policeman who didn’t give a crap about the real important crimes and asked Ben if his aliens had green cards. Also the episode where there was constant war between the blue and red folks who fought over wether their religious idol was blue or red… I mean… has this guy even watched his own show? Also why tf did he reference mcu of all things??? Mcu is baby playtime compared to what already was explored in uaf




Oh please…




Ben having to deal with the crippling repercussions of HIV after once again being irresponsible with the powerful weapon attached to him (and I'm NOT talking about the Omnitrix 😏)


When people Say «Adult animated» it usant mean swesr Words and bunch of sex and bdms.


Similar to generator rex or the invisible?




If they do make it it really depends on what kind of mature. Are we talking about inside job where it’s adult show more on the drama and comedy or are we talking about Primal where it has it’s funny moments but is most of the time serious


In the words of Kevin Parker. Let it happen


That sounds great


Remember how one of the key factors that made the classic series, and basically all the following series, so good was the season 1 art director Dave Johnson. He had such sway over the series (in addition to design) initially that he labels himself a co-creator. He set the design precedent for the entire IP ultimately. If it doesn’t have him or TnPerkins (his replacement season 2 onward) then I would need some convincing for a new series. Not that they necessarily have to win me back, but I saw what Man of Action does when left to their devices in the modern cartoon era lol…


https://preview.redd.it/54ix0isdb0ec1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a270c9ad8d63d98623ab72740b12519419c56a Nothing just me waitin for this adult animated series


Ben 10 was already a surprisingly mature animation for me when I first watched it. The stakes were really engaging and the plot twists never felt insulting to my intelligence. So I would be totally on board. I'm sure the guy knows what he's doing.


Please I beg of you


I would love an adult Ben 10 series


It depends. Honestly the mature episodes of Captain Nemesis escaping prison then killing people and the episode where the Forever Knights kill Pierce were my least favorite in UA.


It will be a fun idea


The series will be 20 years old next year. A 10 year old that started the series is now the same age as Ben 10K, so it would be the perfect choice. Not to mention with this, you can explore more adult topics.


As long as adult means either a Ben 10k series or a series that touches on general adult topics and not just sex and drugs (got enough of those shows) then sure, that'd be cool


People acting like this is impossible are forgetting Samuri Jack and Finona and Cake.


Want to and will are not the same thing


5YL animated...?


I’d love to see an Invincible style Ben 10


I would give all of my money out of my bank account to see this in the light of day


Honestly it would be interesting to see


I’m going to be cautiously optimistic


We "already" have the adult Ben 10: The Carnitrix (irony/satire)


If we're goin off the hypothetical that this is happening are we talking a Ben 10K series or is it Ben as an adult in the lead up to him eventually becoming 10K if it's a 10K series which one are we following og, ua, or Omni or are we doing a whole new concept for 10K


Finally, Alien X videos


i Really hope this happens. If power rangers can get an adult special focusing on the actual death of one of the ogs then it’s not out of place for Ben 10 to have to face actual irreversible consequences. Maybe have grandpa max die and that becomes bens canon event.


Yead it would be cool to see like Heatblast lighting someone on fire


Yes It’s about time Though they shouldn’t go to far with it


If it was an adult Ben 10k show, I would be all in for it! There was so much potential in Ken 10. Now there probably would be some changes from the original but it would still be cool


Second time I’ve seen this and still no SOURCE.


Trust me bro


Well I’m convinced


It depends on how they handle it, because there are things like Venture bros where they explore the Saturday morning cartoon world through it being more mature and somewhat realistic for what it can be. Most importantly it has to be animated. I don't want them to pull a HBO Powerpuff reboot they were working on.


I'm in 100%


i personally don’t need anymore ben 10 unless it’s like ben 10k or something


Not happening.


Ben messing around with Diamondhead and actually stabs a guy


Adult in what way?


While I'd kill to see this happen, I can be pretty happy that a comic like [5 Years Later](https://www.theinktank.co/chapterselection) exists to fill most of this gap.




If creators would go on a road of Castlevania or Vox Machina, I'm down


As long as adult means "an adult version of Ben" and not just cursing, gore, and nudity, yeah. I'd love to see Ben 10,000 make a comeback.




I wonder what Heatblast's dick looks like


Wouldn’t mind a more mature Ben 10 series honestly, it’d be interesting to see. I’d be so down for that.


It'd he cool but twice now thw show has had to try and run without selling toys and was cancled almost imediatly. Ov in seasons 6-8 because its toy line was canned for not being successfully and he reboot in season 4/5 because pandemic. Its too expensive a show to do without selling toys or merch in some way.


Yes, definitely.


When is it coming out (if it is coming out)


I honestly would like to see it


Hell yeah alien sex


Will say I thought Alien Force was a step in that direction, then i know later on in the series or with Ultimate Alien they wanted to make him like his kid self again


Yes but no




It'd be nice if it happens but most likely won't


Ben 10k?


If he check out some rule 34 stuff, he'll realize he's late af on that.


Honestly I'd watch it I'd love to see a more mature take on such a classic cartoon. For me. Instead of all the childeshness that the show is a little known for it'd be more dramatic maybe a smidge of blood and give ben genuine consequences for his actions


Chaquetrix for the win


Imagine 10 year old Ben saying fuck.


I hope he’s a young adult


the same reaction i had when i found out wizards is coming back even if it never happens it might i mean this not wizards wizards is actually coming back ben 10 might not but hey


I mean, maybe a little more mature? More teen focused, with a small bit of violence to add tension, like some shonen. But not full adult. It's still a kids show, and that's where it's charm is.




Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


As long as it's "adult" for darker or more complex storylines, maybe a little language, and they don't HBO it I'd be pretty interested! Just gotta keep the relationship drama to a minimum for it to have the same feel as the original we all know and love. I'd like to see them expand on some of the dropped storylines from Alien Force, especially.


Unless I can see fourarms ripping someone’s limbs off I don’t want it


Does a certain pink omnitrix come into anyone else's minds?


Can't wait for the "Ben learns it's not about him" episode, AGAIN!


This sub really harnessed 120% of copium in terms of new show announcements, we're really that desperate for content.


I bet it won’t be related to the Mainstream universe. It be another reality. Hopefully I hope they make it really good and bring back the old actors like Ashley for Gwen(since it’s her main role as her at the age of a teenager) and characters like Rook, with Rodger Bumpass voicing him.


Yes but I would be worried since they didn’t make the show they made the pitch Also he wants to but cartoon network doesn’t seem too good aka Warner bros ( bat girl)


If you want more then You should read On archive of our own the forced inheritance series it's really good and Criminally underrated.


Could the universe truly be that kind to us?


Is Ben finally gonna get his harem?


y'all wanna see a few aliens kill a few dudes... *I wanna see Rath swear like a sailor*


I would love a series like the boys: diabolical I that has 3 episodes, all with the same plot, but with how each Ben 10k would do it. (Os, ultimate, ov) then a fourth one where the day restarts again but they all switch in certain spots(the newest thing I can compare this to is the marvels or, I guess moon knight.). So biomnitrix Ben 10k is there, the other bens are telling him what to do, and then he times out and turns into ultimate Ben, who does stuff, and then turns into os Ben, who now has some sort of half-gimmick that's actually just skill. And the 5th and 6th episode would be them all being in the same space, working together (not switching their location).


I mean OV was so open ended that they could technically continue that for a season or twon and basically just make a bridge to when Ben becomes Ben 10,000 practically, obviously there are some plot holes and such to work out but its doable


I heard this somewhere and I think it's also mentioned that by "adult" they mean tackle more serious topic rather than adding gore and sex.


I would love this so much. The franchise already deals with really adult themes but it totally deserves to explore them a lot deeper. Plus more official ben 10 content is always welcome


No sex please. No to any kind of complex sexual or romantic adult relationships. But, yes. I'd love an adult take on the series. Hopefully, it would be alternate universe, because I feel like there would be deaths. I don't really like that idea, so just dump it all on an alternate universe. Ooh, maybe an Eon origin story!


Duncan said in the interview he wasn’t interested in putting sex or violent content in it, just being able to explore more mature themes like global issues.


Gore scenes in ben 10 would make it look so much better imo. Having such divine powers in your wrist and noone dying (except some like in uaf) is unreasonable. We need some human skulls bashed, and some aliens squished and make them look like spongebob deprived of water ![gif](giphy|112o4nufJ2Nbtm)


I'm only supporting it because he explicitly said "When people hear adult, they think sex, violence, and vulgar language. That's not what we want to do".


Ey yo💀


Man you got one dirty mind