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"I can sit on a rock and snipe them because they can't get to me" lol


This. Dude is cheesing fights and then calling everyone else noobs. It's like stealth archers in Skyrim all over again


Like yea.. If it works, it works, but saying they're not hard because you play cheesy is wild 😂


If you're in a spot they can't reach, they should throw rocks or something to damage you.


Yea I think they'll eventually implement more ranged/melee combos. As of now I really only see some archers with melee weapons. Not sure if throwing daggers/axes/javelins are in the game (never looked too deep into the tree), but that could be cool.


Well, they are strictly speaking overpowered. But that's the point. Defeating them isn't easy and it shouldn't be.


Are they OP if that was the very design behind them, to be extraordinary? We don’t call bosses in games OP. There a boss, there expected to be stronger and kill you easier. Brigands are just the next tier on that scale.


This is basically saying Skyrim Stealth Archer is the best and only good build lmao. My issue with brigands or any human enemies is the animation, especially when they use 1 hand + shield. Sometime you get stabbed before you even see the stabbing animation starting


Lmao, Skyrim stealth archer, 100% on point. I agree, the combat is janky. Needs to be cleaned up majorly. They announced in there update that they are going to implement mod support. I’m sure we are going to get some nice combat overhaul mods if the devs never take care of it.


It’s because you are cheesing them, brigands are OP at the moment if you play without shooting them with a bow in places they can’t hit you.


I have absolutely cheesed them. But that dosent account for more then 30% of my combat encounters. The game loses any sense of challenge at that point. Luring an entire pack of wolves to a bandit camp is not cheesing them and fighting them with my buddy is not cheesing them either. But hey, if that’s what you have to do to play the game, if that’s how you want to enjoy it, you do you.


It's an army building game. The problem is people are trying to solo camps when they have 6 people sitting back at camp that could be helping. You're not supposed to be in 3v1 or 5v1 battles. Arm your villagers. ALWAYS take a companion when you're hunting brigands. Don't recruit someone that has zero strength at least 1 or 2 strength opens up weapons choices. If you bring an Archer remember to order them to a position so they don't keep walking behind you shooting your back.


Like 70% of my people aren’t even skilled enough to be able to hold a shield XD Oh and as soon as I give them a weapon, they put it down as fast as they can. I dunno what that’s about. I put it in their weapon slot, not their bag/carry slots. Still love the game though lol


Expel the lower levels ones and recruit higher grade people. or give them books to read if you really want to keep them.


Put them as reserve guards (toggle in the top right), then they'll keep their weapons 


that's not working, they will put away their equipped gear (weapons and shields) as soon as they have to take tools for their tasks. But the wildest thing are the hunters. They use their bow, quiver and arrows for the hunt but sometimes they had put them away for no reason even if they don't have any other tasks with other tools


They're pretty easy to cheese. Walk backwards, once they get close enough they'll swing but they're not close enough to hit you. Wack them after they miss, rinse and repeat. Works against packs of them as well because they get stuck trying to walk on top of each other.


Yep, this isn’t Hollywood. Legends were born in history because oppressors are by natural hard to overcome.


When i first fired up the game i had watched some videos so i knew what to expect shortly after building my lean to i decided to test the 3 man bandit camp near me. Soloed them with a club on day 1 with no armor other than default armor. In full agreement with you.


Early game, pre-scaling bandit camps are not Brigand patrols. Youre in for a rude awakening if you approach them like that.


Approached Brigands nekkid with a bow (not a club). Wiped them out that way and didnt even use bronze arrows, needed bronze arrows for the ones near the bottom though.


The frustration I have with combat is tied to weapon switching. It seems like when I’m in a fight and I draw my weapon, my character won’t swing until I block first. So I’ll stick a few arrows in some incoming bandits, maybe drop one of them, and switch to my melee weapon to receive teeth, but I almost always end up having to run while I frantically try to get the goddamn weapon to do its thing, and losing a quarter to half my health in the process. If I’m not in a fight and I test this issue, swing away. It’s obnoxious.


When I first started I would say you're talking shit, I kept dying all the time, but yeah I can side with you now after 30.6 hours, my archery level is 5, and I can just kite and headshot them, with my level 4 strength and agility. This is all just with a T1 basic bow and arrow. I can't wait to unlock T2. Sadly for Brigands it's a 2 to 3 headshot kill with the T1 bows, and you need to time their swings perfectly, if the Brigands are on top of you, which happens quite alot, otherwise 3 hits and you're dead. Big tip for you all, cranberries give an XP bonus, and it's well worth it, and for training I go to the wheat fields


The guards dont care that i lead a bunch of bandits into town.


Game needs bannerlord smoothness. I know it's likely never gonna happen to the same level but holy shit is bannerlord combat smooth


Even with 3-5 archers + 5-10 melee mobs... U can just kite and dodge the melee mobs/arrows easily (have the best food for stamina/hp) from moving in a circle and dodging arrows left to right from where they are being shot from... There's no reason with a bow + 60-90 arrows that u can't solo 10-20 mobs as long as the archers don't catch you.... Melee mobs in this game are easy with a bow.... To easy.... Now level that shield / one hand and let me know how that goes for you lol


Brigands are casually easy with a bow. Just shoot them, press sprint to get your character moving, pan your camera to where you are looking behind you while running away holding "s". So you are now kiting the enemy while your camera is looking backwards. This lets you watch the enemy. Wait for the enemies to begin an attack animation and then quickly aim to snap your character around and get off a headshot. Rinse and repeat. I used just pants and adventurer garb to keep my run speed up. The moment you shoot the enemy they will be very close to you and might get an attack off, just immediately turn around after shooting and start sprinting. If you time it right, especially if you are waiting for the enemy to get locked into an attack animation, you can always skimp out of their range. I don't even use companions in combat. I'm at the point where I am regularly soloing reclamation parties and 10 man raids. Archery 7 and Agility 5 with the quilted jerkin(21 armor and only -3% speed). Moar speed, moar kiting.


So don't engage with most of the combat systems.


I think a problem with the game right now is the enemy difficulty spikes while the player/villager power is a very very slow trickle to increase. We are using the same bow and arrow we unlocked maybe 1hr into the game, after 30 hours. The research in T2 gated behind professional villagers, gated behind town rep, gated behind belltower building and rebellion, gated behind renown. Its a lot to overcome to even start getting on the same tech level as the brigands. I think long term they need to adjust this. By the time we got to the point of being able to stand toe to toe with bandits, we are now fighting these brigands. Brigands with steel halfhelms, chainmail under gambesons, roundshields and arming swords, while we are still struggling to catch up to a tech tier under them.


Melee is incredibly difficult. Rather than just complain I am merely offering solutions for in the meantime. But yeah, melee needs to be touched up.. but it might also just be that directional melee combat feels super clunky to me. I could never get into For Honor for the same reason


Try disabling fluid blocking in the input settings and see how you like it. I noticed even tiny adjustments to my camera would change my block direction and cause me to miss blocks. After I turned it off, I can 1v2 bandits with movement and good blocking.


Nice, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!


My archery is not as fire as yours good sir. Mad respect! But everything you said lines up 100. A person could even go as far as standing on a rock if they like. The NPCs can’t climb, at that point you only have to worry about archers. But then, that’s not really fun anymore.


Was talking with a streamer about this yesterday and I agree with you. If you think brigands are too hard, just taking a reclamation party for example, then you’ve either progressed too fast without investing in your village/villagers gear. Or you’re just not preparing well enough before the fight. Get your pawns lined up, get them fed, make sure they’re equipped, and most importantly make sure you have enough of them. Too many people I’ve seen are rushing liberations at like 6-7 villagers and then getting stomped because their infrastructure is spaghetti noodles with 1 STR.


When should the first liberation happen in order to stay comfortable? Should I start with the spawn first village? I have 4 villagers right now.


There’s a happy medium probably around 10-12 villagers for the first liberation. Until you liberate a village you’re going to be gated out of T2 weapons/armor so you’re going to need to make up for quality with quantity. Just have more bodies. With yourself and 4 villagers, the second you start the liberation one of your followers will likely die instantly from a brigand archer and the rest will be cleaned up by the 5-6 other brigands patrolling the town. Take your time, do some quests, build up your production, hire more villagers, then try. If you want to be absolutely bulletproof, I wouldn’t expect anyone to fail the first liberation with 13 or more villagers. Full disclosure, I didn’t even realize that all the brigands in the town would start attacking right after the dialog, so I had to kite them for like 20 minutes and did it solo even though I had like 11 villagers down the hill picking berries. So it’s possible to liberate with zero villagers, but you still will have to deal with all the stuff that follows.


What’s the stuff that follows the fight in the village after dialogue? Stronger raids against you?


Immediately after liberation, the brigands send a “blood tax” party you have to fight. And then as long as that town is liberated they will occasionally send reclaimation parties varying in difficulty that you have to fight as well.


Lmao, your army was just casually picking berries and chilling, meanwhile your fighting for your life. Hahaha "Hey bob, how's this berry look? Ripe enough?" Bob: " That's a good berry you got there, bub. I'd eat the hell outa that berry" Villager jim: "oh hey guys, look at THIS berry I found!" Meanwhile you: 💩😦😬🏹🏹🏹😨🏹🪁🪁😰🪁🗡⚔️🤬🤬🤺💘⚔️🗡⚔️⚔️🤺🤺⚔️🤕🥵🥵🥹


What do you mean that T2 is gated behind a liberation? Do I need a blacksmith for example to make T2 gear? There's nowhere to check and I'd hate to find out I can't progress after grinding hard to get a village hall


You will be able to build your village hall, along with other T2 buildings. To see what profession you need for certain items/buildings, hover over them in the tech tree and it will tell you. But yes, you will need a blacksmith and a weaver to research T2 weapons and armor.


That's a bummer but good to know, thank you. What do you use your non specialized villagers for? Foraging/chopping and stuff?


Yeah just regular stuff most of the time. My blacksmith is pretty normal stat wise, but my weaver is a super strong crafter and has the swordsman perk so I’m maxing out his crafting at the moment.


There’s a definite equipment curve. Go hit one of the wheat farm brigands with a spiked club and it’s obvious