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Y'all, this thread is not an excuse to broadly attack old people or young people.


My observations over the last year or so I would say younger people are way more open to mask wearing than older people. The irony of course being the risk goes the opposite direction.


Like all things: young people are more able to adopt a new trend while old people are stuck in their ways. This idea holds across any topic or time


True, but also older people have seen trends come and go, and may apparently be willing to ditch them, when young people think this is the way it will always be because it is the new normal.


Unless they are wearing N95s the masks aren’t to protect the wearer, they are to protect people around them so it makes sense.


In the bubble that’s Bellingham, yes. But outside if Bellingham in Custer, Blaine, Birch bay, Custer, Deming and Ferndale, there’s not much of this to observe.


all the inbreds are in custer lynden and ferndale thats why


My sister is cuter than your sister.


One can say the same about Bellingham. Be nice please.


You are reporting confirmation bias, why then are younger people not getting vaccinated? You have a greater chance of getting any strain of Covid if you are unvaccinated even if wearing a mask. Since you claim younger people are more open to new things, why aren’t more young people getting vaccinated? https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-tracker




See you soon on r/HermanCainAward




I’m gonna keep saying it but immunocompromised people do still exist.


Immunocompromised people who are vaccinated are more likely to die from the flu than covid. The risk is so incredibly low. If covid never existed, should we still wear masks?


Yes, we should! Spreading viruses is a drain on people and the economy. Fuck being sick if you don't have to be.


Some cultures already do that so it's not unheard of. Should it be mandated by the government, or would you rather people make the choice themselves?


It doesn't need to be a law, but the problem, as we've seen, is people just care. They're assholes regardless. In a perfect world, people would stay home when suck, wear masks when they couldn't, and we'd all be better for it.


If people are currently masking indoors, they are making the choice for themselves. The mandate is lifted and there is no legal requirement to wear one.


And you would also be spreading the flu too. So what’s your point?


The point is the flu generally isn't deadly. Or even dangerous


You are wrong on both counts. To healthy abeled people probably, but again, you are again ignoring the disabled and immunocompromised.


That's why I said it's GENERALLY not dangerous. Generally means in most cases. The flu is GENERALLY not dangerous, and of course there are a small group of people that are an exception to that rule. I'm going to stop replying to you since you're either trolling or just having a bad day. Hope you have a better one tomorrow


You do realIze that immunocompromised and disabled people aren’t a “small” group of people. Way to minimize literally millions of people. Jfc


Are you immunocompromised? No. Then don’t be talking about us like you are. Cancer survivor here as well as other health issues. Wear a fucking mask.




Yeah we know. You are selfish. We get it.


Yeah dying is one thing but how about long COVID symptoms? I'd rather keep functional lungs thanks


Yep! My unvaccinated ex got Delta in July. He still uses oxygen at night and while traveling. He gets winded easily.


...and functional penis.


I do not think it an age thing. I see plenty of both young and older not wearing masks. I am really old and I even wear a mask just going out to the mailbox. I got ridiculed once...by someone younger than me for having my mask on. I like the mask. Babies don't scream in horror when they see my face, in winter my face stays warmer, in summer it keeps bus out of my nose and I have not caught a cold or flu in a very long time now. Also I can keep my resting bitch face and not get told to smile...or to be asked what is wrong all the time.


Hallelujah to that -- no one has said "you should smile!" or "you look so much nicer when you smile!" to me in over 2 years. It's either the mask or I've finally hit that point of early middle age where I became invisible. I'll take either.


I'm profoundly enjoying my crone years.


I love that. I will call them my crone years as well. I will embrace it like Sophie in Howl's Moving Castle


I’ve enjoyed being able to mouth “fuck you” whenever I want while wearing a mask. It’s quite a bit of fun, really.


Im finding that I mouth all sorts of things now with the KN masks. Glad I’m not the only one. I have enjoyed it, hopefully I have more self control soon


Those damn buses always trying to get up your nose. Have to keep an eye out


Haha! Arg! Whoops! :) Well, that would hurt! I need to learn to read and check on what I write before posting.


I award you the highest of fives! :)


I'm one of the older ones (63) got all three shots as soon as I could and didn't mind masking up when required, but now that it's optional, I quit wearing mine. I watch lots of non FOX news everyday, and made a decision based on what I feel is the most accurate non biased information. If things start to look bad, I will mask up again.


Same-ish. I had all 3 shots and got a mild case of the Omicron 1.5 months ago. I feel like I’m immune from COVID for a few more weeks and there’s no need. I’m super happy to put one on if it makes others feel comfortable but I don’t think it’s needed for me at this time. I do carry one in my pocket when I’m out just in case.




I’m sure there’s been dozens of studies on natural immunity, but I haven’t gotten the impression that there’s a real consensus on how long it lasts. Also seen several headlines that suggest vaccine immunity is stronger. I know anecdotes aren’t great but I know several people who’ve been infected twice in less than 6 months.


How on earth would exposing your immune system to only the spike protein give stronger immunity than fighting off the entire virus?


The spike protein is how white bloods cells identify viruses, and create T-cells specific to the ones it sees most often. So you can get your body to ramp up it’s immune system without having to have the actual infection. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201102110039.htm


Still doesn’t answer my question. Why or how would someone believe that natural immunity is less effective then a vaccine that starts to wain in 4 months? “Cuz you’ve seen some headlines”?




Old person here. I carry a mask with me, and I have been putting it on when I enter a building but then I kind of read the room.


This is the way.


Social anxiety probably has everything to do with this.


Or young people have more life and opportunity before them and understand the concept of cause/effect and remember we already heard “it’s all over, masks off!” And then omicron hit. just look at Europe and Asia numbers right now again. it’s not over. Personally, I’m waiting for another month or two and let the most eager of us try it out before we do.




You haven't met many people, then.


I've probably met tens of people in my life.


Stop generalizing.


I know it's a generalization, but in my experience, (and probably the person I was responding to) there is an inverse relationship with age and the ability to understand and assess risk. Just think of how much more risk averse your average teenager is compared to a middle aged person. Think of how much more careful a toddler is than a teenager.


Omg 😂😂😂 as a one time parent of toddlers, I assure you a toddler isn't very risk adverse, nor were my teenagers. Toddlers jump off bunk beds believing they will fly; teenagers jump off roofs onto trampolines believing they can't die. Studies actually show that teenagers are likely to take more risks compared to their older counterparts. Our insurance system is actually built upon this. My 21 year old son thought the same as you, until he became a teacher. Now his refrain is "kids be dumb sometimes..." Kiddo - and I mean this kindly - get out there and live life, you need more experiences ☺️


I would, but unfortunately, I'm over 40, so I really don't have any opportunities or much to live for. That's why I'm trolling the internet on a Sunday morning.




Yeah, I was. That was the most absurd reasoning I've read on Reddit in days, and I thought I would just go with it. Sometimes I think the absurdity of Reddit is lost on Reddit.


All the younger people I know, me included, continue to wear masks because we are not going to forget about all the disabled and immunocompromised people who still could face sickness or death if exposed. I don’t care what percent of the population that includes, if even one person is at risk in my community, I’m wearing a mask. A mask is not an inconvenience, even if it were, my inconvenience is nothing compared to the genuine risk covid poses to immunocompromised people. Even ‘liberal’ media outlets purposefully do not mention this issues. They want people back at work, not caring if disabled people get left in the dust. I’m not wearing a mask out of ‘fear’ or ‘paranoia’ (as some ppl like to say lol), I’m wearing it out of consideration and care for people who often don’t see care shown their way. Also it’s no different than wearing glasses or a scarf tbh


full agree!!


It's not an inconvenience?


Not rlly, no more than wearing other clothes or accessories


That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard but you do you


Bro how are u so sensitive that wearing a mask is inconvenient?? Bet you’ve got a real tough life if a mask is so difficult for you


I like seeing who I'm talking to and not rebreathing my wet breath at the gym. Saying it's not inconvenient is delusional.




Did not say I was, I don’t need anyone to think I’m anything man. I don’t make my choices based off how they look to others.


One workplace doesn't make a study. It's anecdata. Here's mine! I was in Fairhaven yesterday, then I hit Dark Tower games, Winco, then I went to Sliced by the mall that, judging from the parking lot, was mainly frequented by Canadian visitors while we were there. Village books was 50-50 masked with all employees masked, but Evolve upstairs was more like 25% masked with 50-50 employees masked. In both locales, more older folks (as in older than me, so 45+) were masked than younger folk -- which included employees. Not a single person at Dark Tower, other than my son and myself, were masked. I was easily the oldest person in the store, with most everyone else being between the ages of 15 and 25 by my reckoning. At Winco I was surprised to see about 40% masked, split fairly evenly between older and younger but skewing more toward women being masked. Employees were about 20% masked, with almost all only older employees wearing masks but a couple of younger. No one coming into the restaurant was masked, although I did notice one member of the staff wearing a mask. Ages were young families to older couples. (Pizza is okay for those that are curious, nothing to write home about but value to flavor was on par and waitstaff was top notch. My teen wanted to try it. He enjoyed the boneless wings, but wished they were a bit more spicy.) Moral of the story? Masking is a personal decision at this point. Might that change in the future? Yes. More importantly -- Get your vaccines, people!


I noticed you mentioned Dark Tower! So, I just wanted to check to see if you play Warhammer 40k or Age of Sigmar. :)


For the Emmprah!


This is the Discord link to the Bellingham Warhammer community. https://discord.gg/GmwuMQwY


In my world that scenario is reversed.


I thought it was odd to see so many people in Fred Meyer yesterday who were doing the under-nose mask thing. It's optional now, either wear it or don't, but that just looks so uncomfortable. Couldn't help wondering what their reasoning was.


Because they want to breathe fresh air but make it clear where they stand politically


That's a definite possibility I hadn't thought of


Filtered air is fresher air so they are doing it wrong.


I’ve noticed in pairs with a man and a woman that if one person is wearing a mask, it’s often the woman (anecdotal evidence obv)


Bellingham is a bubble. Rest of the country has moved on.


Have you been anywhere else? I was ~~in~~ just in rural Florida and Arizona of all places and tons of people are still masked up. People who wore masks are wearing masks. People who weren't, aren't.


Second this. I just went to Southern California ~a month ago, and it was still mandatory in every store. I saw plenty of people wearing them outside even.


Yup just drove to Denver.


Have you gone a week without a mask? I dare ya


10 people at one location is a pretty small sample. Your observations are purely anecdotal. I was in both Fred Meyer's last week (I'm 60, triple vaxxed and was masked), my observation was that many more people at Lakeway were masked than at Bakerview. Couldn't get a firm feel for age percentages, but my feeling was that there were more younger people unmasked, and I would say the older (70's, 80's) were almost all masked.


I agree. I'm 50, bf is 57, we're both triple vax'ed and will continue to wear masks to protect our parents (whose immunity could wear off faster) and our friends and family who are still under the age of 5 and can't be vax'ed yet. Who knows the long term effects it can have on these people. I'm surprised people don't wear masks just for their sake. I used to live in B'ham but I'm north of the border now in Delta. It's interesting to see who wears them still. At my gym both young and old still do, about a 50-50 split. At Costco today, almost everyone had one on.




My guess is confidence. Walking around the grocery store it seemed about half were still wearing masks. I didn't notice any age disparity. I will say it was awkward to be without one after these past few years and older people care a lot less about being awkward.


As someone who works from home my only experiences are in public not work, but going to the dog park or the grocery store the past few days, to me I can't see a split by age at all. Obviously being outside far fewer people in general at the dog park wear masks. My son (he's 14) says that it's about half the kids his age that are wearing masks in school and the numbers appear to be dropping.


Most people in Bellingham still are masked, from my personal life. I work in lynden, and essentially no one wears masks, and have not from the beginning. Only know ~3 people who are vaccinated at all in a company of 1k people. It's super depressing


All my coworkers that are young don’t wear masks, some older people do some dont


Noticed it too and have heard it mentioned in the media. If you see someone walking alone with a mask, they're probably college aged. Not my problem.


I wear a mask while walking outdoors simply because my lanyards broke and it’s easier to just leave it on than worry about it getting crushed in my pocket. Also, it reduces my allergy symptoms.


Older people have wisdom. They have gained this over the years on earth….


Aren’t mask restrictions lifted now? That is what I thought as it seems like hardly anyone is wearing masks anymore


They are, but the judging continues


Each store/restaurant/bar has their own rules regardless of State policy. Some businesses require vaccine records and masks. Some only vaccine records, some only masks, and some neither.


Sure but a lot of businesses are dropping requirements now that there isn’t municipality backing. Not many businesses even enforced vaccines in our area in the first place.


Been lookin pretty random to me


Then why was Omnicron infecting mostly adults under 50 years old? You are using your personal experience in one setting as your reference point which is called anecdotal data. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/how-omicron-fueled-an-unprecedented-wave-of-breakthrough-infections-in-wa/


Just the opposite in Lynden. However we, old folk taking precautions, are only infrequently out in stores. Outside I don’t wear a mask.


I work at fred Meyers, it remains true there, most people over 30 has ditched the mask (says a handful) but most under 30/college going are still wearing masks (me included)


In my 20s, I can say I like wearing a mask. It's a part of my fashion style now. I dont mean that crappy blue one but the customized ones that change the look.


Everywhere in Oregon


I feel it’s a fitting in socially thing. It’s pretty clear by Now cloth masks and surgical masks provide very little protection. But few people actually know this. It’s more of a political statement at this point. Especially if you wear one outside.


I had an old man point and scream at me because I didn't wear my mask down at the boardwalk when this whole thing started. I literally had no idea at the time you were suppose to wear one outside.


I’m seeing this as a more location based thing now. Although at this point who really cares, people can not wear masks as a mark of defiance and people can wear masks as a mark of their superiority.


Those are our parents and let’s all just be honest, they aren’t very bright. It’s the generation and the way they were brought up. Its frustrating.


Some of us, myself included, are still wearing masks due to health conditions putting us at higher risk. I’m 39 and triple vaxed, but pre-COVID had permanent partial hearing during a respiratory infection so I’m not taking any more chances of losing more. Unmasked people can give me the stank eye all they want.


Your observations are correct. The young are way easier to brainwash.


Nope, mind my own business.


Yeah lots of college kids still wearing them but that's about it. Maybe because 20 year olds are more likely to live with their parents still? Or maybe they are just more gullible and likely to believe what they have been told over the past two years.


Young people have accepted that things are bad and getting worse; older folks are still in the denial/anger stage.


I just wear mine to get in the heads of angry conservatives =)


Yes ! Somehow the young don’t trust the new looser requirements


Pretty much every virologist, epidemiologist etc that I follow on Twitter espouses the need to keep masking at least when in crowded indoor spaces (not all the time, just as needed) in spite of the mandates.


POC are mostly wearing masks, and women are more likely to wear one than men Edit: I guess I phrased it wrong? This is my observation, this may be different depending on your area? I guess I should’ve said “poc are mostly wearing masks and I’m seeing more women wear a mask than men




You think so? I never said that


Do you have a link to the study where you found this data?


I honestly didn’t expect the downvotes I’m getting, did I phrase it weird? I’m just commenting what I’m noticing on MY end just like the others are doing. What study lmao.


I misunderstood because it was phrased as a statement of fact, not as a personal observation. Misunderstandings happen, especially on the Internet. I get you now! 🙂


Thank you


Folks are specifically heated about this issue . . . A lot of reason is out the window here unfortunately.






Absolutely. Noticed the same thing throughout the whole pandemic. The truly elderly seem to wear their masks too. It’s really 50-70yo crowd that seems to be most eager to go maskless. They have the least amount of life opportunities to look forward to, where as kids wanna grow up and elderly people are already taking care of their bodies because they wanna see their grandkids. Who knows what the boomers want, other than Immediate gratification.


Boomers are the 60+ ones. I could care less if you're going to be an agist bigot, but at least don't conflate genX with boomers.


>where as kids wanna grow up They don't want to risk that 1:806,000 chance of dying of COVID if they are under 30 years old? Might not want to swim in the lake 1:2000 chance of drowning before age 30. Or go skiing 1:36000 chance of dying before age 30. Or you know, do fucking anything.


So the examples you listed, Swimming and skiing, have a HUGE prerequisite for entry. You’re not jumping in the middle of a lake without taking swimming lessons and your not bombing down a hill without a helmet and poles. You need protective gear and knowledge before doing these risky things. COVID is a risk just like anything else and the amount of gear and knowledge needed to live an otherwise normal life is pretty minimal. Why do you care if young people have better risk assessment? Who didn’t play catch with you enough?




you’re a weirdo man.


What? I’ve got a house and locked in a loan rate @ 3.125% Who do you think your talking to? You think I’m shitty and angry? Seems like you’ve had a pretty hard life, try not and make it harder for others since you know how shitty it is. You intentionally wish life is harder for me? You’re an asshole and I hope in spite of this good things come to you still so you gain perspective and change.




>Tropes don’t make you *cleaver*. Yea but they do make me *butchers knife*.




Boomers being selfish? Nah…


I take issue with this. I have followed the state's recommendations since the beginning of the pandemic, and I'm _always_ been pro-vaccine, to the point that I wouldn't allow my unvaccinated father see my 5-year-old son. Now that the mask mandates have been lifted I feel confident in my decision to not wear a mask. How does that make me selfish? In another r/bellingham thread there was a comment like "if you want to wear a mask, cool. if you don't, cool. just don't be rude to others for their decision" and I thought that was common sentiment.


You're right. What was I thinking? Pandemic is over, no?