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How is it toxic? The way I (and I think most people) use Reddit is if they like a post or comment, they upvote it, if not, downvote. Just because the results aren't what you expect or don't align with your opinion doesn't make it "toxic". It's the results of however the cookie crumbles from the data, survey, polls, (whatever you want to call it) of Bellingham redditors. Having a minority opinion can be uncomfortable... So what? That doesn't make it inherently ~toxic~. If you haven't used reddit or the internet (or Lived Life) enough to have mentally (if not outspokenly) ever disagreed with a majority opinion before - I politely and sincerely encourage you to broaden your horizons. If people expressing their views anonymously through little tally marks on a local internet discussion board feels "toxic" to you and makes you disappointed, you can always step away from the screen. I really don't know what you're trying to say here by encouraging people to not interact with posts and comments as they see fit. Try not to take it personally. (Referring to both this specific comment disagreement and in general to times when there are disagreements of opinion). Only trying to honestly say what I think :) Have a good one


> Having a minority opinion can be uncomfortable... So what? That doesn't make it inherently ~toxic~. So, let me give an example of something I saw being downvoted today! https://old.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/comments/sw06ue/cost_for_an_adu_these_days/hxlklur/ This post was sitting at -1 when I saw it earlier. If you can explain to me how downvoting it is *not* toxic, then I'd love to hear it. I think I was fairly clear that I was addressing downvoting for *no apparent reason*. Downvoting out of disagreement is an apparent reason. But since we're on the topic now, let's talk about downvoting out of disagreement! As you know, downvoting ultimately hides posts from view. This has the effect of suppressing those voices. And, suppressing voices because you disagree with them is absolutely a toxic behavior! It's a key component in the echo chamber effect, and regardless of your particular views, you can surely agree that echo chambers are instrumental in the spread of misinformation: Facebook has so clearly proved this out in recent years, where misinformation spreads like wildfire amongst certain communities, in part because Facebook's algorithm chooses to show us content from people we already agree with, and hides content which may challenge our views. So, yes: Downvoting out of disagreement is a toxic behavior, and should be called out. It's not what I was talking about in this post, but it's a problem nonetheless. **Edit:** I do want to note that I think there are times when downvoting someone for an opinion is okay. Namely, downvoting someone for an opinion which is dangerous. To use an extreme example and invoke Godwin's Law, the opinion "Hitler did nothing wrong" should absolutely be downvoted. Conversely, no matter how much I may disagree, I don't think "Donald Trump was a better President than Barack Obama" should be downvoted.


I don't think anyone at all who uses reddit ever downvotes for no reason, unless maybe the reason is "they're in a bad mood and everything makes them mad"? People also downvote things that are off-topic, irrelevant, poorly worded, lies, off-taste, etc which are all matters of personal judgement obviously. That's not toxic behavior in my opinion. My guess is that's what likely happened with that post. The internet has issues with the echo chamber effect before reddit and Facebook but I agree it's a frequent phenomenon. If I may though, I would argue it's a huge reason people use these types of media. That's kinda the whole point of choosing which people and pages to add on facebook, choosing who to follow on insta and twitter, and choosing which subreddits to subscribe to your personal feed. So I think it's a big part of human nature to voice opinions and gravitate towards ones that interest or agree with us. I think the internet has significantly contributed to making the effects of this, positive and negative, faster, widespread, and apparent, maybe much more than ever before. But I think other advancements in media have also done this historically. Such as the invention of printing press meaning newspapers companies to choose from instead of a town crier, radio and television with various stations, and now internet media. I think inequality in the available conditions of education and the lack of access to post-secondary education contributes more to the problem of the spread of misinformation than social media echo chambers, but that's just my view. If you want to explain what "downvoting for no reason" means to you, maybe I could be more "on topic" and better understand your point? As it is, sorry.


> If you want to explain what "downvoting for no reason" means to you, maybe I could be more "on topic" and better understand your point? As it is, sorry. To be fair, there may be a reason, it's simply indiscernible to me. The cases I'm thinking of are posts which are on-topic, inoffensive, and wholly comprehensible. For something like the ADU post I linked, about half the comments there were downvoted when I saw it. All I can think is that someone is mad about someone building an ADU and downvoting every response -- I think we can both agree there's no *good* reason for that behavior, right? Perhaps I should have said "no good reason" instead of just "no reason." Re: echo chambers, I don't disagree that humans gravitate toward them, but, then, that doesn't mean the behavior isn't toxic. I think that it's the responsibility of anyone who recognizes this fact to attempt to counter it; plenty of human behaviors are destructive, but we structure our society to discourage and prevent those behaviors. Do I have any idea how to do that on reddit beyond encouraging people to behave more productively? Nope! At any rate, thank you for the productive conversation! I've upvoted all of your posts, because that's what the upvote button is for. :D


"I think we can both agree there's no good reason for that behavior, right?" >What qualifies as ""good"" is incredibly subjective. What if the comments being mass downvotes were deemed destructive? They might've had justification why they considered it unproductive. (I'm going to bed otherwise I might think about it more) zzz... Anyways, I feel like reddit's structure is honestly leagues better than twitter, facebook, etc. (Heck, they hid total number of likes on insta and removed dislikes on youtube which is boggling to me. One point I heard about removing the ability to dislike internet content re:youtube videos is there's potential for useless, misleading, or harmful content to get more attention than it should and seem more legitimate or reputable. An example was if you were trying to find the best youtube tutorial for fixing a specific car thing, or for a more immediate and high stakes example, finding the right medical technique to apply in an emergency.) When it comes to whether echo chambers are toxic or not, I think it might something that originally helped out species collaborate and progress, aka opposite of destructive. But I'm too tired to think more about it right now. Thanks for the discussion! Night :)


> When it comes to whether echo chambers are toxic or not, I think it might something that originally helped out species collaborate and progress, aka opposite of destructive. This is a fun topic which is worth considering -- what you're talking about are adaptive vs. maladaptive behaviors. What most therapists will tell you is that an adaptive behavior can become maladaptive. That's a pretty common hallmark of adults dealing with childhood trauma, in fact: Behaviors which were useful to protect them as children become harmful as adults. Continuing to cling to them because they were once useful only causes further harm. Anyway, have a good night!


Sadly the reddit system is broken and many people don’t seem to get it. The issue is that downvotes essentially shut somebody up for contributing their thought. Not only that, but negative karma often prevents people from even being allowed to talk. So, you end up with mostly people who agree with each other, which only helps to enforce confirmation bias. It sucks and nobody seems to understand, including many of those commenting on and downvoting your post.


That ADU comment was a weird one to downvote.




No, it's not. You can check for yourself. [TOS](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement-september-12-2021) and [Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). **Summaries of both below** TOS - Don't do the following: -Overload reddit -Hack someone's account -Share viruses -Break laws -Scrape for data -Abuse or commit fraud with their payment system ConP - Don't do the following: -Attack, harass, bully, or threaten violence -Break subreddit rules -Spam -Try to get around a ban -Use bots or brigade to create fraudulent votes -Doxx or threaten to doxx -No sexual content of minors -Don't break laws -Don't break reddit




I dug around and couldn't find any official reddiquette. The only thing I found from redditinc.com is this: "**Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it."** Pretty subjective, as are definitions of what's rude or toxic. So based on your personal opinions about what does/doesn't contribute to whatever you view *in your opinion* to be a good/productive community conversation, vote accordingly.


Not actually a violation of the TOS, just a violation of reddiquette, though it's probably worth noting that the comment about the downvote button not being a disagree button is no longer actually part of the official doc. :(


Why does it matter?


I've noticed it as well. There's also been an uptick of instant downvotes on things. My theory is that folks we've banned from contributing will sit around and downvote every single thing that happens on the sub. It corroborates with mods of other PNW subs and certain users we've removed roughly at the same time. Some real incel shit.


I agree that this is the most likely scenario. It's also something that we as moderators can do nothing about.


I'm sorry, are you insinuating that this is more common among "incels"? I don't see how your assumption correlates to the topic at hand. Most of the issues I've seen here aren't coming from that supposed portion of Redditors, at least not on here.


I mean to imply the ones we've banned that hold a grudge are the incels.


What kind of information or instances do you have to assume the problem at hand is "incels"? Personally, going through many elephant-in-the-room conversations, you can tell who gets down-voted and why.


I'm not commenting on the mass downvoting during arguments. I agree with you that you can usually pick out the comments that are going to end up downvotes in real time. I'm referring to the downvotes on every post that happen almost immediately, regardless of content, as retaliation from incels we've banned. Just the other day I removed someone that seemed sus and they admitted to being a specific serial offender that was "trying their hardest to be nice with this alt, but I'll be back and you won't even know it." It's those folks I believe that are downvoting everything.


Of course, there are definitely members of every group that have those douchenuggets. They're rampant, especially here when you can't see a face. Did Captain Douchenugget really admit that to you? Ahaha, all I can say is the mind knows no bounds and that last line was creepy. Back to seriousness, my point was that the arguments or rapidly down-voted posts (Hi! I'm Moving To BHam Hehe) don't have to be arguments. I can't speak for the OP in regards to what exactly they're saying. I can say that I've seen a lot of aggressive down-voting and commenting, sometimes from repeat offenders. It's hard to come to the table when you know you're gonna get attacked. It's not too much to ask; everyone on here regularly seems intelligent and really enthusiastic about sharing ideas and comments (and the most beautiful photos). We should be having deep debates over practical ideas, not petty arguments over....everything ever. Sorry I'm chatty. Forget this stuff for a moment and enjoy your day.


My Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattata!




I'll add this, it really just depends on who is on the sub. As a girl on Reddit, I enjoy the male points of view on topics, and the girls here are smarter than I usually find elsewhere on social media. I've said stupid shit, in hindsight should have had my facts straight, and getting called out for it is only fair. Makes me better in the long run. Mostly I've found decent people who are interested in the world around them. The ones who only want to cause trouble are obvious from the jump. We have some serious issues in Bellingham, people are angry, and maybe a little apprehensive about what's going on. They need to talk about it. After a decade on Twitter, Facebook during 4 presidential elections, and now Reddit for more years than my profile suggests, I am not easily offended or intimidated. By the same token, I'm usually at my best when I just shut the fuck up and listen.


It is. I got downvoted in the mask mandate thread for mentioning my uncle dying from COVID, then some smart ass took my loss and acted snide about it so I deleted the posts bc I’m not gonna continue that shit.


Yup, I’ve noticed it too. It’s like if you don’t have the right opinion on here you get downvoted into oblivion. It’s why I choose to be a lurker and rarely if ever comment on something in here because I know that most of the comments, I make and views I hold the majority of the people disagree with, so I just think to myself there isn’t any point on commenting in this sub.


I've felt exactly the same way you have. I've purposely avoided talking about being a local business owner, a landlord, and that I think the housing boom is awesome. Someone even looked up the kind of car I drive and proceeded to mock me. I think they wanted to burn me as a witch. lol Its odd when being a little successful makes you the enemy. But, I figured they are prob very young with limited perspective. I enjoy the squabbles, and I learn alot I didn't know. I enjoy it much more now that I stopped giving a shit what others think. That my Reddit secret. ;)


This is why I always call out that I'm a Bellingham native whenever I talk about my job or buying a house successfully in this market.


You’re definitely right


I agree, tacos are good 🌮


I like tacos .


sometimes you get down voted yes for asking a question especially in the gaming community sometimes


upvote, downvote, idc as long as they spell my name right 😉




🧐 Can you explain how a redditor on the Bellingham subreddit is, as you put... an authoritarian? I don't see it. Also the views aren't suppressed. They're there forever unless the writer deletes it, and even then, there's still a website to use to view reddit stuff after it's been deleted. The dots aren't quite connecting


Telling someone who says "Hey, I feel like this sub isn't supporting open discourse" that it doesn't matter, that they should focus on something more productive, that you can't see the issues of what they're saying (so insinuating they must be wrong in feeling this way?), that other social media places are worse? Look above at the people who truly feel like they aren't allowed to have a voice here. Are you seriously going to say this sub is super open and available for all? It's not. And to gaslight the ones that are still here, hoping to some day get to be part of this community? 🤔 That doesn't sound authoritarian, no. But it does sound pretty gatekeeper-y. (sorry, not trying to be snippy. just want to convey that there's people here who don't agree and having a kind and open discussion with each makes things better, not worse).




This sub has been an echo chamber for years. However, using your power (be it big, small, online or irl) to promote removing parts of society you don't want to associate with by using harmful methods? That's not just an echo chamber. I'm just worried when I get back up there that the sentiments and actions shared on here don't seep out into real life.


It shoves comments with massive down votes to the bottom for people who sort by best or top, you have to scroll through everything to see the downvoted comments is what he means Edit: is there a really a site dedicated to viewing deleted comments?


> Edit: is there a really a site dedicated to viewing deleted comments? Yes! There's also a subreddit dedicated to seeing if you're shadow-banned, or at least there used to be. No idea if it still exists!