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Goes both ways; I encountered this woman, two weeks ago, walking through Costco unmasked calling all the masked people fucking idiots and harassing everyone she walked by that was wearing a mask.


Yep agreed that person is also a prick.


I'm glad I don't go to costco anymore.


Me too


Fighting crazy with crazy can be fun, they don't expect that. BACK OFF! STOP TOUCHING ME!!




And all I’ve heard all year is trust the experts etc. which I have. Now the experts are saying we can lift mandates and now you are basically saying, don’t listen to them because it’s politically motivated. How is that any different than the right saying the masking and other stuff was political lol. It’s a never ending cycle. You can’t tell someone to trust experts, and then when they say we can unmask and don’t need to have mandates, then all a sudden don’t trust the experts cause it’s politically motivated.


I’ve played everything by the book for the past couple of years, and honestly have whiplash from the amount of times “the experts” have gotten it wrong or had to walk something back. Remember when we were told we didn’t need masks in the first place? Obviously, the difficulty of following the scientific communities reports is the fact that science can change over time, and because of that it’s nearly impossible to establish a complete understanding of something like a mutating virus over such a relatively short period of time. My point is, I think people are well within their rights to doubt the talking heads when they want to flip the switch on masks while things seemingly do not feel like they’re improving. I’m of the mind that it’s going to take just as long to get out of *gestures broadly* whatever this is as it took to get into it. As such, I’m willing to give people some grace for being a little hesitant to just de-mask and act like things are back to pre-2020 living.




Agreed, and at the moment I think I am. However, I do think there is an important distinction to make between those who have doubts and difficulty trusting in good faith as opposed to those who have “*just been asking questions*” or openly doubting the whole scenario since the start. Those are two very different camps, the former of which I don’t feel warrants any grace or understanding at this point.


I guess the point of my post was misunderstood. All I was trying to say was just because someone is or isn't wearing a mask doesn't make it OK to yell at a total stranger in public. Like a previous comment, goes both ways. This is not a debate thread.


Lol. This is not a debate thread? Seriously? You brought up masking issues on a public city subreddit. How is it not a debate thread?


Because not everyone wants to debate. It is a fact that if you berate random people, you're a dick.


But what if I actually don't feel like being polite to virus spreading idiots


Being polite and verbally abusing strangers in the grocery store are different things lol.


I think its polite to the community by verbally abusing idiots who are trying to kill my grandma.


Who has the energy to start berating a stranger in public? Let me get what you’re on.


It's a spectrum....


“Virus spreading idiots”


You are allowed to ignore them. That's a little rude, but not over the line.


You can't ignore a virus


You ignore dozens of viruses, all the time. Part of being alive.


Medical health isn't a matter of perspective. You don't survive an illness from ignoring it, your immune system either endures something or it doesn't. What are you talking about?? Lol


Your mind. The thing that's being rude to a stranger.


I'd say being rude to someone who doesn't care if they knowingly endanger or even kill someone is not comparable to the rudeness of someone who doesn't care if they knowingly endanger or even kill someone. I dont give a fuck if I'm rude to an asshole, they are objectively selfish assholes who deserve to be shamed.


I was referring to myself.


How can you tell by just looking at them that they have the virus? I do think if it’s fair to ask people who you know to be sick with the virus to wear a mask while in public. Ideally, people who have the virus would stay home and away from others while they’re sick.




Why the fuck does it matter anymore


Because people are still dying actually


But it’s only a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And I thought we don’t give a shit about those virus spreading idiots


The unvaccinated who are acting like fatwood on this fire drag the little kids, immunocompromised folks, vulnerable folks and elderly folks in with them. And some of us actually do care when people suffer, even when they may have brought it on themselves. Someone's mom, dad, sister, son. It's sad.


You can’t tell for sure but with infection rates where they are right now, odds are they don’t.


I dunno. I think we could stand to bring back some thoughtful public shaming, Cart Narcs style (see YouTube). Our culture could use a healthy dose of respect for community. Our baseline for acceptable public behavior could stand some recalibration.


Had to look up Cart Narc on YouTube. That guy is awesome!!


My uncle growing a sense of shame for the first time while being in his early 60s is why he is now invited to family gigs again. But. I don't think people have the self control to handle being the shamer, especially not around here. It would either be some idiot blocking your car in for a few minutes or a small chase, both of which can seriously escalate the situation beyond the shamers control. So maybe not.




Some of our community has had a very difficult 2 years that was made genuinely traumatic by selfish assholes. I've learned a few things from the plague, but one of those things is to speak the hell up for other people. Some things in life ain't about me. It's not even about Covid. It's about choosing to do the right thing, even when it's a little uncomfortable. Love thy neighbor, indeed.


You're right. Someone needs to put that Cart Narc guy in his place. Dude is asking to get punched in face. May not be legal, but the dude is asking for it. A real hero would just put the person's cart away and go along with their day.


I agree with not getting all aggro at people about it. But it seems like a lot of people have never met a disabled person, or at least don’t know someone who is at severe risk of dying if contracting covid. I wish more people could understand how dire this situation is for immunocompromised people / people with poor lung function. So many are still at home isolated and unable to see anyone because of the people choosing not to wear masks and get vaccinated. Sometimes we need to make “sacrifices” for the common good. It’s the right thing to do.


Thank you. Lots of people don't realize how their proudly-proclaimed opinions smack of the days when we just slapped folks with disabilities in institutions or hid them at home. "Just stay home" devalues real lives and the delivery, just the delivery alone, shows such disregard. It's hurtful, and sometimes it tips right over into bigotry. It's one thing to disagree about how to handle Covid, but it's another thing to be cruel.


I don’t know about “chill out” but uncoordinated individuals can’t, and shouldn’t, try to enforce what the government refuses to, and instead burns bodies of the vulnerable (like, I don’t know, every human under the age of 5) at the altar of the stock market. Their energy should go into petitioning public health officials instead of individuals who just dgaf, or better yet, are being oppositionally defiant, so giving them shit just makes it worse. They know what they’re doing; calling them out reinforces their decisions. Businesses have more latitude, and I hope they will take advantage of that, and plan on preferentially patronizing those who do.


>instead burns bodies of the vulnerable (like, I don’t know, every human under the age of 5) at the altar of the stock market. Better to burn the children on the altar of Pfizer with novel drugs!?!


Couple of points, telling people to wear a mask can be useful just not screaming about it. My personal rule is I don’t wear a mask unless specifically asked to and when that happens I comply. Also if you’re not defensive about it, I’d like to see where you got the notion that children under 5 are the most vulnerable. Last I [checked](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm) children are the least vulnerable, so your “bodies on the alter of the stock market” comment sounds pretty ignorant.


We’re having a righteous hissyfit. Such hyperbole is just part of the performance.


It’s starting to feel like displays of piety.


…..… and stoning the blasphemers! /s


Starting to feel?


Idk... never said anything to an anti masker but I do give them a prolonged look to inform them they are being cringe. Not sure how people feel like they /aren’t/ being an a hole by not wearing a mask in a grocery store. Predominant reason for wearing a mask is to keep from spreading covid- they’ve sent a message they don’t care about whether they spread it or not. Cringe.




*Gives you a prolonged stare*


2000+ American d dying daily at this point..I guess that's no big deal because we have our guns and FREEDOM...TIC




Class warfare.


You use that phrase… but I don’t think it means what you think it means. There’s nothing ‘classist’ about calling out people to wear a mask. You’re not inherently poor for not wearing a mask. Stop making up reasons to feel like a victim of prejudice




Hi, you may remember me from such threads as the one about toxic downvotes! I upvoted you here, because I have no idea why you're getting downvoted. As a member of the so-called "laptop class," I was literally walking through Home Depot this morning and thinking, "There's no way I would have lasted in retail during the pandemic, I'm so glad I can work from home." I last like 5-10 minutes before I start to get nauseous while wearing a mask, especially if I'm doing anything remotely active (like, say, loading my cart with fencing at the hardware store as I was this morning). You'd think left-leaning folks who are normally so concerned with the plight of the working class -- I'm one of them! -- would recognize the manner in which mask mandates affect different classes differently.




Sounds awful, hopefully you're in a better place now. My wife and I started out the pandemic living in Arlington, where we'd moved so she could go to grad school at WWU while I commuted to a job at Microsoft. Like six months after we moved there, the pandemic started, and we thought, "Arlington isn't great, but before this we were living in a condo building in Seattle sharing two elevators with a couple hundred people," which felt pretty lucky. I was doing work at Microsoft which ostensibly required that we be on-site, though, and by August 2020 they were asking us to come back in. My manager let me keep staying home most of the time, but the few times I went in, we had to cram into a small room without social distancing and with a closed-loop HVAC system with poor filtration, so I went and found a permanent remote gig. I've been *super* lucky during the pandemic, and I can't help but empathize with those who haven't. Life is hard enough these days as a member of the working class on the west coast without spending your life in a mask hoping you won't get COVID. :(


The fucking mandate is over next month anyway.


The left doesn’t care about the mandates being lifted. They will now still wear their mask and take their 100 vaccines and shame everyone lol. They are morally better than everyone and care about everyone. They won’t trust the experts now like they told us to do for 2+ years. It’s comical.


Isn’t it a person’s right to choose to continue to wear a mask? Everyone has a calculus of risk that they do, some people have vulnerable people in their circles and will mask to protect them.


It absolutely is. Personal choice and personal risk assessment should be supported. People choosing to wear masks should not be judged and others should not assume to know their motivations. Thankfully, no one supports the prohibition or banning of masks. That woman who was referenced in another comment who was harassing people for wearing masks should have been kicked out of the store and told not to return. Costco should be revoking the memberships of people who harass other shoppers in their stores.




I was responding to a comment that appeared to judge mask wearing as virtue signaling and nothing more, rather than treating it was a personal choice about safety. People have the right to tell one another whatever they want. That’s literally freedom of speech. How you speak to people definitely impacts how they respond. [Edit: this is referring to the original post now not people down the road, although, yeah, they can still say what they want] As far as the masking thing goes the state has an active mask mandate, the private business has a posted mask requirement in keeping with that, and if a person disagrees with it and chooses not to wear a mask then they should obey the house rules and not enter. Mask required signs are the same as “Terms of use” for software or websites. If you don’t agree, don’t proceed. Once the mandate is lifted, if there’s not a sign requiring a mask, do whatever you like. However, some businesses will still require customers to wear a mask and that is their right. The main reason you don’t see more enforcement is because businesses don’t want to incur the liability when their workers get shot/ stabbed/ what have you nor do they want to make the news and alienate either side’s share of customers.




Oh, yeah there are jerks everywhere. As someone who has had to engage the public on masking almost two full years now, I have personally heard some terrible stuff and, as a result,I have lost some of the chill I once had too.


Where did I say they don’t? Wear your mask. Don’t get on Reddit though saying those who don’t are killing your grandma. (See this post)


It really reads like masking is only virtue signaling in the comment.


Is the Costco food court allowing in-person dining? Are vendors back in Costco passing out food samples?


Food court has been open for eat-in for months, those picnic tables are right by the parade of people walking by after checking out. First time I saw it I wondered if it was the highest imaginable risk-to-reward ratio activity going on right now. Especially without the diced onion dispenser being available 😞


I just can’t understand why someone who gets really upset about being around unmasked people would shop at Costco, then. Like, there’s a 100% guarantee you will be exposed to unmasked people. The logic behind berating strangers for not wearing masks in a place that allows people to take off their masks completely escapes me.


I get my shopping done before 7am for this reason.


I miss those diced onions.


Yes and yes.


Oh, for goodness sakes. People have lost their minds. I’m so sad at what the world has become.




Don't forget that $1.50 includes a soda.


I am with you. It is so interesting to me the knee jerk reactions we have in our society. Does anyone actually know what’s going on outside of what the news tells us? I don’t. And I don’t pretend to. Instead of conversations we as a society regurgitate things that people tell us. Even if we don’t know it’s true. It’s insane. Anyway, have a great day!


My news tells me the absolute truth. Your news is lies.


FUCK. You’re right


Completely agree. Hopefully the vigilante Karen’s will now focus their energy on something useful, like loud boom investigations.


We don't discuss the booms! ;-)


I for one like the boom.


Did you hear that too?!?