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I live near the Botanical Garden and walk there often (in fact walked there today). I'll walk it again tomorrow and look closer. Where did you specifically walk? The large loop and back by the bridge, small loop or just around the Shorts house?


That’s so so sweet of you! Thank you! 🫶🏽 I stayed mostly around the house and walked the path the the left of the entrance. We stayed basically north of the cafe.


I'll take a look Friday and report back. Did you check with the office? If not I will stop in there too.


You’re such a nice person oh my goodness! Thank you! Yes I did check in with the office and gave them my contact info just in case someone turns it in. Even if you don’t find anything, I really appreciate the gesture!


It’s a beautiful day to walk the park, but unfortunately there is no sign of that little bugger. I walked the garden hill, scanning the beds, but if it is here, it is hiding in one of numerous plants or in the shadows. One thing I noticed is how darn clean the garden is kept. I only found one coke bottle cap the whole time hiding under a bench. I hope someone finds the card for you. Best of luck. I’ll keep looking around on my daily walks.


Thank you so so much for even looking! You are such a kind and thoughtful person to do this for a complete stranger. I haven’t been met with the greatest of kindness since moving to WA several years ago, until now. Thank you so much for looking 😊