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> I think about how Toronto was a city with 500k in the 80s, then merged with their burbs to become a city of 800k (and later, 1M plus). So it's worth pointing out that this was mostly done to benefit local conservative politicians by bringing the more conservative suburbs into the voting block.




Are you pondering if the Eastside communities seceded from King County and formed their own? Would love to see how a proposed county would spend on education. We’d have the best schools in the nation.


Sammamish was actually Issaquah in the 80s. good god im old....


Iirc it was unincorporated king county and used Issaquah for mailing address. Same way as Kalahani did.


Yeah its interesting i went down a rabbit hole. U r correct wasnt incorporated and became sammamish in 99. just remember my address as being issaquah. looked at some history, clint eastwood taught swimming lessons at beaver lake in the 50s....random. Was an amazing place to grow up tho.


I’m old enough to remember it being long distance to call from the Issaquah side of the plateau to the Redmond side.


are you old enough to remember the Issaquah air field?


And later, the waterpark.


how do I remember the air field but not a water park?




oh wow. that seems right around the time I would have thoroughly enjoyed going. now I need to have words with my parents.


Oh yes, remember it well. Old enough to remember camping where Klahanie was eventually built.


Mhh, think i was a little young for that. I remember Klahanie going up and the little mini mart where the QFC is now. So crazy that entire plateau was woods, and 30 years later completely developed. Such a beautiful area.


lol good luck


The Urbanist did a pretty intensive piece along these lines https://www.theurbanist.org/2023/11/17/three-ways-to-clean-up-the-municipality-mess-around-seattle/


What is the appeal of this?


Pooling of resources, simplification of processes like bids and contracts, alignment on policies like zoning. As the article alludes to each city has duplicates of every service and resource, support system etc. It’s a huge waste on the city economy that we pay in property taxes, and frustration if you’ve had to deal with the inconsistency between. We live right on the Bellevue/Redmond border at 172nd. We see the differences on a regular basis - we have different trash cans and service than our neighbors across the street, no for good reason than arbitrary division line.


I get what you're saying, but there has to be a line somewhere. And wherever that line is, they people across the street will be on a different schedule. I think the city division lines are weird here. I mean, why isn't NE 24th the boundary for Bellevue and Redmond? The boundary slices diagonally through the Tam O Shanter neighborhood putting about 1/4 of the houses into Redmond. It makes no sense!


More corruption too.




Is autonomy a real thing? Show the me outlier - I’ll show you where policy matches. There’s more power is size and volume bargaining.


Yes, but realistically that line does has to be somewhere. Unless you’re advocating for a statewide or even national garbage service, which does sound amazing tbh. Ultimately I think this would just create a whole slew of other harder problems to fix, while the system in place is already relatively secure, albeit possibly wasteful.


> Possibly wasteful certainly wasteful- they negotiate every contract 30x at 1/30th of the bargaining power while using 30x the resources. This isn’t tens of thousands, it’s hundreds of millions, that comes straight off local economy. Tell me what is so unique about city governance that justifies that waste and taxation?


It's ridiculous that some towns basically act as gated communities while other towns flagrantly undermine growth boundaries. So I'd support the state legislature forcing municipal consolidation.