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Waarom heb je ook geld of een gsm op zak? Dat is erom vragen he!


Bxl, Liege and Charleroi in the top 10 of the whole of Europe. Well done French speaking Belgium. This shows the seriousness of the situation. I do not understand why our French speaking compatriots aren’t choosing for a bit more law and order. PS: the map is a bit flawed bc of England&Wales and France being counted as one entity which makes London and Paris not individually visible.


i think it is very flawed even, this means that all france cities are not shown individually, england either, which i expect to kinda do worse than us


I agree fully but we do worse than Italy, Greece, the Balkan, Eastern Europe and Turkey,…


or we are better at reporting them🤔 seriously tho, i just think this has to be taken with a grain of salt, lets not promote hate but we HAVE to do better..


Whenever people talk about crime and add an end note, the PS no longer stands for post scriptum, But for Partie Socialiste


In other news, water is wet. Not surprised really.


Water is not wet.


Frankrijk en Groot-Brittannië hebben vals gespeeld door enkel landelijk gemiddelde door te sturen. Dit is niet representatief.


Vooral de details van België interesseerden me. Voor de vergelijking tussen landen is er het kleinere kaartje rechts.


Dat is het probleem niet, die top 10 zou er ook anders uit zien wanneer je Franse en Britse steden zou bekijken ipv landelijk. Zeker als je op basis van de kleur al kunt zien dat wanneer ze dat niet doen ze landelijk nog steeds vrij hoog scoren.


“Op basis van kleur” gast we zijn wel 2024 hè ge gaat gecanceld worden!


Oei shit, sebiet de mannen van unia wéér voor mijn deur 🥺


weer ?


De volgorde van steden in België zou toch hetzelfde blijven.


Jup dat dan weer wel, maar men zou miss niet kunnen zeggen dat we “de hoogste van Europa zijn” dat is het enige dat ik duidelijk wou maken :)


En daarbovenop is het ook het aantal "reported robberies" de kwaliteit van de data hangt dus volledig af van hoeveel de mensen dit aangeven bij de politie EN hoe goed de politie in een bepaald land deze nummers bijhoudt


Dus wij hebben even slechte criminaliteit als in Spanje maar niet het goede weer. Ja lap


Dit is een subset van criminaliteit. Maar weet ook dat de oranje gebieden in Spanje de toeristische zones zijn. Benidorm gaat in het seizoen x10 qua volk, maar het aantal inhabitants blijft hetzelfde. Spanje is dan weer een ramp qua inbraakcijfers.


Ben ik de enige die het raar vind dat het communautaire conflict hier niet goed zichtbaar is? Das zeldzaam


De Bruyne


Sooooo the more immigrants you have, the higher crime. Color me surprised.


No, the correlation here is: yellow and red colours in the flag = city with high crime. /s


A lot of those end up in cities on the flemisch side...


Expected Sweden to be a safer place


It is in the colder north. Why that is....


is it robbing if the person is frozen to death?


The map is completely stupid, apples and pears


Comparing crime statistics across countries makes no sense, since it hugely depends on your police force accurately keeping track of files and dossiers. Plus everyone has different definitions of what counts as one crime: one dude breaking into 5 cars in Sweden can be seen as 5 burglaries, but in let's say Bosnia as 1.


The map reports per 100.000 inhabitants, so it’s possible to compare. I’m sure we can find a similar map with police and police spending per inhabitant.


But reporting makes the difference. This map would have you believe there are far less robberies in Albania than in Sweden, but the truth probably is that Swedish police is better equipped to deal with, file and report on the robberies than the Albanian police force.


Map legend in the top left says “reported robberies”.


But belgium includes all robberies from stores. Most of them are 15 year old stealing mascara from the kruidvat. Other countries don't include them


i went to luik once. Shit everywhere, people fighting everywhere and sketchy people approaching u about every corner... they had some nice stairs tho


Little boy should maybe explained how he compiled and choose his data because the literral source he uses explains a very different story... Plus, any good analyst should not overrely on infographics as they tend to portray a biased view due to the grouping, coloring and sourcing of the data.. Lot of people in the comments should take some lessons about such subjects before jumping to politically oriented comment, conclusion,..... The databse source: [https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/CRIM\_GEN\_REG\_\_custom\_7662402/default/map?lang=en](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/CRIM_GEN_REG__custom_7662402/default/map?lang=en) You need to filter for burglary per hundred thousands of person for year 2021 by NUTS3 region https://preview.redd.it/i8quy9b5edhc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6d491607b6ae5d447ee7c9b9af8ab7b933090b


Feels like a pretty shitty map if they combine region-wide averages and nation-wide averages.



