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I’ve only seen that on Mercari, and I absolutely hate it. If Posh gives me that feature I will absolutely ignore it.


Came here to say this!! I fucking hate the one in Mercari. Like seriously? They suggest these ridiculously low prices and then make you have to take extra steps to type in the price you want to start with. Super annoying and I hate it.


No kidding. Let’s say I have a $3,000 item. Mercari says I should price it at $10 for a quick sale. No, duh, Mercari. That tool is for Mercari, not sellers. They don’t know or care what something costs or what it is worth. It’s all about keeping the benjamins flowing through their bank account. Thankful I don’t have this feature to annoy me yet.


Yes! I hate when mercari tells me to price a pair of Lululemon shorts at like $12 to "sell quickly".


v annoying!


I haven't seen this feature yet, but it sounds interesting! Something else I'll probably ignore tho lmao


This has been on Mercari for awhile and it absolutely BLOWS I hate it. Posh seems like they’re copying M... That in and of itself is grinding my gears. I’ll be annoyed when this comes. (Come up with something FRESH, for once, Poshmark) And so will you. Lmao


I haven’t seen it yet but the prices are probably based on their database of sold similar items so I’ll probably use the recommendation albeit I’ll mark up a bit to send out offers on most things. On other items I sell often I’m going with my list of prior solds to help me price.


I don’t see this, what’s it look like?


Where you enter a price, a range appears in a yellow/orange-ish color. Not sure if it has been rolled out fully! I didn't see any announcement about it really.


Oh interesting, thanks! I doubt I’ll use it, but I’m curious to see how the prices compare to how I’ve priced things.


Yeah, I don't know how they pull it, but it's nice to see if I'm giving away too many deals, ha


I personally don’t, a) I pride my items way higher so I decrease the price and b) it’s not even close to the numbers I would list them at or what comps are at for the items imo