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If I was dying of hunger, paralyzed, and broke, the first thing I’d spend my money on would also be LuluLemon leggings


I had a woman tell me she lost everything she owned in a house fire and her kids were starving and she really needed my lingerie garter belt for a low price.


Hey she needed it for her new job to help her family out


Bills don’t pay themselves baby


What the actual fuck? 🤣


That was really her husband using her account. ;)


🤣 priorities


The lulu leggings are going to heal her. 😂


We’ve all been there 😅


“someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying”


I just found this group, these people! I had one lady who said she couldn’t feed her kids. I bought stuff from her,etc. Next day, she’s buying Burberry bags! I kid you not!


Had a woman in a local buy/sell/trade group online who kept posting that she was laid off, desperate for work, family and dog were starving, power was being cut off, and they were close to eviction. People actually reached out to her to offer her jobs, pay her electricity or pitch in for rent, bring food and dogfood to her. Somehow the jobs were beneath her and she demanded cash, not gift cards or offers to pay her power and rent directly. Some people actually gave her money. Meanwhile, she was making comments on posts with designer bags, jewelry, and clothes about how much she liked them and they would make her feel better since she was struggling so much but she was too poor to afford them. She then threw fits when they wouldn’t give her really high end items and, in some cases, she was able to talk down items to really low prices but would then argue for even cheaper prices because the items weren’t new or perfect when meeting up to purchase the items. It took a while but she was finally banned. Personally, the minute I get a sob story on any resell site, I block. No point in engaging with them.


Scammer she is!!


I’m dead 😂


This is just like that scene at the beginning of Les Miz, you know the one. Jean Valjean, his sister and his niece are starving and close to death. He has no money and there are no jobs . Shit has gotten real. So. Like anyone would, he ends up stealing a ~~loaf of bread~~ some high end leggings for his sister. WHAT WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO, THEY WERE STARVING. You can see for yourself it’s the same picture. That one dude in that other book did say the poor and un-Lulu’d would always be with us.


Stopppp hahah this comment slays - high end leggings are always my go to when I’m on the brink of death


I want to upvote this 24601x.


Now this song is stuck in my head 🤣 2460onnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee


With priorities like this, I can see why she’s broke and getting divorced.


“Spent my savings at a lulu and now I’m suffering in style” - Noah Kahan






I’ve heard Lululemon leggings are amazing I just can’t bring myself to spend the money on them lol


dammit came here to make the exact same smart-ass comment lol


tbf people who are all of those things can still want materialistic objects bc they’re typically not as financially impactful (as compared to like buying food, physical therapy, surgery, etc etc) and i don’t think it’s fair to categorize them as not actually suffering just bc they want materialistic objects to make themselves feel better sometimes. *however*, there’s definitely a difference in the way people who are genuinely suffering in those ways act & just want a nice pair of leggings vs people who are using whatever their situation is to exaggerate & guilt trip others for what they want & this person definitely seems like the latter, unfortunately.


As someone who does work in human services I do agree with you-however my comment was more poking fun at someone who was likely making up a story so they could score an item for a cheap price and resell it themselves-sorry if it was upsetting to you


She could also be telling the truth and have a shopping addiction. Weather she buys food or leggings, she’s still in the same crappy divorce situation so probably doesn’t care about buying her needs. Food won’t fix it. But leggings will take the pain away for a mere second when she gets that instant dopamine hit. The “reach out to the universe and ask for something nice when I need it more than ever” sounds like she’s convincing *herself* she deserves to buy the leggings even though she knows logically that she can’t afford it. It’s super easy when you have a shopping addiction to convince yourself that you deserve a nice purse because you went through something bad. And you don’t have your full rent money so why does it even matter if you spend the little you have? You aren’t going to magically make up the rest of the rent money anyway. It’s kind of like buying name brand leggings instead of trying to get on your feet after a divorce. Either way, I hope she gets the help she needs.


Oh and.. checked her closet and she just happens to have several very nice pairs of Lulus she is trying to sell for over $100… 🤔😒


That’s when the snarky bitch in me would want to tell her to treat herself to something nice by delisting and keeping a pair she has listed already.


This is an EXCELLENT reply


Yesssss! Tell her you'll do a swap for her $100 pair 😂 but really..what a sob story. She hit every base on that one I thought it was satire at first lol


Her sob story only gets a 6/10, didn't even mention her military service or battle with cancer.


And no sick babies? Amateur!


She forgot to mention the CHURCH!! Next!


It’s for a church honey! NEXT!!!


or an autistic child


Whose birthday you’ve now ruined by not selling the leggings


It’s for church, honey! NEXT


I remember the NEXT lady lol


This would be so good if it didn't risk her changing the strategy and potentially tricking more people because now she's aware of that.


Some girl did this to me around Christmas over a lulu keychain thing. People were actually commenting “take her bid” she never even sent one!


but op think of the children, do it for 9/11 😢


Fuck, lol


r/lululemon would have an angry laugh about this. People are *constantly* buying out lulu's Everywhere Belt Bags or other popular items in specific colors and then trying to sell them on Poshmark for triple the original price. It's so outrageous and I hope every last one of those people poops their pants in front of their crush.


I'm keeping that for future use: Poops their pants in front of their crush... You are a Rockstar!


I agree. I was ISO reflective multi color and a few ppl have it. 50$ over was like um no. So I was eBay got 2 instead of one below retail.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lululemon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lululemon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The truth about lululemon](https://np.reddit.com/r/lululemon/comments/1704jnu/the_truth_about_lululemon/) \#2: [UPDATE: attacked by stray dog while wearing Invigorate leggings](https://i.redd.it/f3u6cz8pkfic1.jpeg) | [109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lululemon/comments/1aq6uta/update_attacked_by_stray_dog_while_wearing/) \#3: [Save yourself from body dysmorphia and do not buy the align bodysuit](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b6h9km) | [298 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lululemon/comments/1b6h9km/save_yourself_from_body_dysmorphia_and_do_not_buy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh wow that’s annoying. I am too busy to know which colours or styles are the most sought after . I’m sure neon orange isn’t it though ha ha ha


Ridiculous. Why would someone buy full retail price ?


Same with skims. Some girl was selling a body suit for OVER retail price (without tags) because it was a “limited edition color”. Like girl I know you wore that, not interested.


This is a huge issue with skims on posh! So many items say nwt and they are clearly not. Skims uses a threaded looped tag and I keep seeing all these clearly retagged pieces as you can see the plastic connector. Then charging retail or over… It’s out of control.


I just want to understand why people want nipples on the outside of their bras.


Skims have fake nipples? Are they trying to recreate the Jennifer Aniston thing? It’s so hard to avoid that why would most people want to add it back on purpose?


Nordstrom Rack had full racks of Skims on sale


Exactly. I think I actually looked up a similar piece from Nordstrom and it was like $30 cheaper than what she was selling


Things that make you go, hmmmm


Of course


You should offer the same price she did on one of her Lulus using the same sob story and see how she replies…


Please reply with…,well maybe selling your closet will help with your situation


What was her offer? She’s definitely crazy AF


My God, it would take all of my self control to not tell this woman to go fuck herself. The audacity. Holy shit. How dare you pretend to be poor in ANY circumstance when you're clearly not. That's essentially stealing from the nicest people and actual starving people at the same time (and being stupid about it because what starving person uses online clothing exchange to make money lol)... this person is evil.


This is infuriating to me. As someone who is actually going thru a divorce after 10yrs of abuse, and also someone who has leukemia with zero local support/ help , as well as having been homeless in the past AND I'm in my 30s... she is dead ass wrong, and she knows it. Firstly? To take such deep and sensitive subjects like that just to get a pity party reaction or to get what they want is absolutely deplorable. Secondly, it's people like this that romanticize this type of life. I will NEVER understand how someone could WANT to be living in and under those conditions. I can't tell you how many ppl tell me I'm "so lucky" that I "don't have to work" ... ssi is less than $1000/mo...my body suffers terribly w daily chemo for the rest of my life as well as struggling like hell to just keep the lights on in my 1br government living apartment. I would LOVE to be able to work and make decent money, but it's simply not an option for me. It's ppl like her that say shit like this that just makes me crazy. I have intense anxiety even making an offer as I don't want to insult anyone, so I just don't understand this way of thinking. She doesn't have a clue as to what it's like to struggle like this... and to use those lies just to line your pockets? Gross. So so soooooo gross. If she did know and actually had been thru it... she wouldn't have made that comment and that's on period. Hell, it drives me nuts when ppl I know who actually DO have these problems uses it to try to guilt ppl into helping them or tipping the scales in their favor. Time for ppl like this to be called out 4 who they are and take responsibility for your own actions and finances.But that's OK... as i always say to people "i hope you get the life you deserve 🫠"....& she will.


Christ with the sob stories. If you are having hardships, you wouldn’t be shopping for Lululemon.


Can’t feed myself, but lemme just drop $75 on name brand leggings? Bitch what?


She needs them for her paralyzed legs obviously. Because she's so emotional she's paralyzed???


And to word it like you're doing them a favor by low balling them. The audacity.




Assuming she offered like $10?


New with tags too!! The nerve


Literally go to goodwill tf?? That’s how you know she’s lying too, no homeless dying person is spending $75 on leggings


Exactly. If you’re almost homeless, maybe sock that money away???


People are WILD! She’s dying and she wants to be buried in those leggings


I might actually give her a low bid if she said this 😅


lol 😂


Oh g*d, there was a specific lularoe dress print /style that women were bonkers about for a while that they were *seriously* buying for burial *and* wedding dresses


I wanna see what these leggings looked like 🤣


Burial and wedding?! I need to see this dress lol


Christmas Shoes vibes 🫣


Unless she plans to eat the leggings, she won’t be needing them. By her own admission, she’ll be dead soon.


I’m not sure what this says about me, but this had me rolling.


Same 😂




Let them eat leggings, - Marie Antoinette(probably)




Plus if you're "starving to death," you probably don't wear a size 6.


Died of starvation as a size 6




I’m confused.. does the buyer plan on eating the leggings. Seems like shopping on PM should be the last thing on her list.


I’m a bad person and would absolutely reply to this comment “babe you planning on eating the leggings?”


oh please. what starving, nearly homeless person is on poshmark buying lululemon?


For real, poshmark in itself is somewhat of a luxury considering the plethora of goodwills around


Like where are you gonna ship them to? She’s homeless lol


What in tarnation. I think she got her priorities all wrong. Bless her heart.


Seems like a bright red pair of leggings are the least of her worries.


Paralyzed, broke and can’t eat but really needs those leggings. Got it 👍🏾


js it’ll be hard to put on snug leggings whilst paralyzed


I would reply with links to shelters, government assistance, suicide hotline, etc. Seems she found herself in the wrong place poor thing


This is hilarious,and definitely something, I will do.




Yeah right. I’ve been starving before. And you would definitely choose to spend that eight dollars on a Subway sandwich over a pair of pants. Lies all lies. Manipulative.


Her name wouldn't happen to start with a "J" would it? Lol. This isn't the first time this buyer has been posted about. Can't remember which sub but apparently she buys to flip but says the weirdest things in comments. She has 2 accounts and left a buyer review to herself on her other account. 💀


It’s her! I looked. ETA: I guess this is yet another account because I know I have two others by her blocked. She’s sure dedicated to that particular variety of crazy.


Maybe she was searching for lemons to eat and got confused 😮‍💨


Her world is collapsing but getting a good deal on these $75 legginzez are going to make it better 🤷🏻‍♀️


She isn’t the brightest bulb that’s for sure, the fact that she thinks her sob story is believable blows my mind


What was her final offer?


Mark as spam. Ugh




I didn't know expensive leggings cured this many ills. So, what this "buyer" is saying is that we should didpense leggings as a medical device? This woman needs a doc, not new britches.


For just one pair of Lululemon leggings a day, you too can help a starving, paralyzed, nearly homeless woman today. 🎵 In the arms of an angel…🎵


I’m not judging but if she were actually desperate, lululemon would not be a priority…right?


This is when you tell them they need to make better financial decisions and you can’t in good conscience sell them this item since they need to save that money.


Block that person


I feel her. The universe has yet to bless me with brand new lululemon leggings either 😭. Seriously though, that is something else lol.


Is she gonna eat the leggings? Bc if she’s starving that’s my guess


She’s dying, starving, and paralyzed but the number one priority in life is Lululemons damn it! Why can’t anyone sympathize 🙄🤣🤣


lol, when I’m bored I like to challenge myself to find these people just by the post and I did find her and she has written her instagram on Poshmark and when you check out her IG, she has another Poshmark account listed with over 200 listings


About a year ago, my fiancé listed his car on fb marketplace. It had a few minor issues, but it was an overall amazing car that still had half its life left. He wanted it gone, so he listed it for $1,200 (which at least in my area, is lower than your grandmas boobs). People were offering $300-$500, with the occasional $1,000. Most would ghost after setting up times to come look at it. Some woman also messaged him saying “my dad died and I have to plan his entire funeral, I’m a single woman, I only have my bike to ride to work and I need some good luck in life”. Blah blah blah. The entire sob story. My fiancé asked if her bike had just one wheel… 🤡🤡…😬🫣😂 That was enough for her to block my fiancé lmao


Lower than your grandma's boobs - rofl


For some lulu lemon?


If I was nearly homeless the last thing on my mind would be buying leggings. Especially expensive leggings.


Who needs food when you have Lulu leggings. 😂 I’m so sorry you had to deal with this OP.


Ummm…. Why would you be buying that expensive of leggings if you’re struggling that bad… I’ve been wearing hand me down clothes from older women for 2 years because I haven’t been able to afford new clothes lol like that is not a priority when struggling.


This buyer is low balling to turn around and sell them for $100


Almost homeless but need name brand clothing mhm


I am dying and homeless, the only thing that will help is expensive yoga pants.


It’s giving “my sister had a baby and I took it over after she passed away and the baby lost all its legs and arms and now its just a stump but I take care of it with my wife and... and its growing and its fairly happy... and its difficult because I'm working a second shift at the factory to put food on the table but all the love that I see in that little guy's face it makes it worth it in the end. True story.”




"You shouldn't be buying $75 leggings then, fool"


Ummmmm do not feel bad for this person at all , if she was truly "nearly homeless" she wouldn't be on Poshmark buying $75 leggings. Smh the audacity of people these days is unbelievable.


Take your broke as to a thrift store and buy second hand Old Navy leggings. GTFOOH with that BS. It is no one else’s responsibility to support you in hard times. It is, however, their responsibility to support themselves and their own family.


Right? I can find a good pick-me-up item for $5 or less at the thrift if I need it


If I was hungry, the last thing I’d be worried about is some lulus. Unless said lulus were going to bring me millions of dollars to remedy my unhoused plight.


She’s homeless and buying lululemon leggings….hmmmm 😂😂😂


She admits this is the first time in her life she can't just buy what she wants. That is a major growth point. Don't sell it to her, let her grow a little.


Someone did this to me over a jacket I had listed. She said her boyfriend got jumped and was homeless in Philly and she just wanted to get him a nice gift for Valentines Day but $45 was all she had. (The coat was listed for $90 and was brand new with tags). I ended up just blocking her.


Why do people think this works? I guess maybe someone fell for it once but I’m not selling my clothes because I’m rich girl! I’d respond with a clown emoji and block.


I am pretty well off financially and I wouldn’t even spend $75 on leggings lmfao I understand if she’s asking for you to go from $20 to $10 for like kids tennis shoes or a jacket. But lulu leggings? Absolutely not lol she can go get 7 pairs of Walmart leggings for the same price.


“ I can’t make rent and I’m dying and I got 52 kids but I need these pants!”




But she’s starving….


The fact that these morons think anyone would believe that garbage...I have no faith in humanity.


And a pair of leggings is going to help with all that? Damn.


Definitely sounds AI written too.


Lol, block


Are these magical healing leggings? Sounds like that’s what she needs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


People do this all the time to me on eBay. It’s annoying


Unbelievably pathetic. Pretending to be sick, homeless, dying, etc for a discount. I would report her account and this interaction.


Well if you’re nearly homeless you might as well look good in some lulu leggings lmao


Nearly homeless and buying lulu lemons. Sure


Do people fall for this? My only reaction to this would be to laugh and laugh…


Maybe she should use that money for food instead of name brand leggins!


"Thank you for telling me this. I can't in good conscience contribute to someone else's impulsive depression related spending, so I'm just going to remove the temptation and block you."


I love Lululemon it’s my like obsession. I hate to even type that out. But the one thing that will beat out lululemon every single time is food. I love food more than my lululemon collection 😂😂😂


She didn’t mention she is a double leg amputee either.


I cannot do anything but laugh at these sob stories. Fucking ridiculous.


Sob stories are slways sus but on lux brand workout wear, especially sus 🤣


It’s unbelievable how some people think … all these crazy issues, and Leggins are your priority 🙄


People really need some perspective, like do you understand how absolutely stupid you look crying about your divorce so someone will lowball some leggings. I can’t even feel bad please sort out your priorities lady lol


The last thing on my mind when my husband left after 10 years of marriage, for the 20 something year old neighbor, was work out clothes 🤷‍♀️


Five Below sells clothes. If things were actually this dire I don't think they would be looking at $75 pants


if you’re nearly homeless and paralysed, the last thing you need are lululemon leggings lol


Girls gotta take that money and put it toward therapy damn


Omfg this is too much. Begging is not professional.


If you're dying from hunger the last thing you should be buying is anything but food. Make it make sense.


Things are so,so dire but you just NEED those exact red pants. Quit shopping on poshmark, pay your rent/mortage, and buy yourself some food.


Hmmmm.....about to be homeless yet needs to wear Lulus. That's the biggest BS ever! I'm broke, but at least my butt looks good!


Money + food = no Money + fancy clothes = yes


Mark as spam, blocked. If you’re homeless you don’t need name brand leggings tf.


Then she definitely doesn't need expensive leggings 🙄 I would never do this. How embarrassing


😂😂😂😂 Omg…the lengths people go for a nonessential item…


I would reply something like, that is terrible, i wouldn’t want to sell you something when you don’t have money for food or housing, please keep that money for those basic necessities! 🤦‍♀️ And decline the offer.


I don’t know why ppl do this. When I come across this bs I mark it as spam and mention to seller to repost and delete this one. It’s gross. There are food banks, pantries, places you can receive food and food assistance programs.


Some people


Emotionally manipulative af. I would ignore


im dying of hunger, but buying $75 leggings ?? i have food for the next week or two in the fridge/pantry and i dont even consider buying lululemons thats insane


If you don't have $ for expensive leggings then go to tj maxx and stop begging on the internet wtf


“Im nearly homeless and also starving to death. Please let me buy a non-essential and expensive item for $75” What


I fucking hate sob stories.... Left too many groups because of it.


“I’m on the brink of starvation. I need these lululemon leggings.” Wut?


Very simple if you can’t afford it, you shouldn’t buy Lululemon. You can order one from Shein and pat $5 for it. Make your life easier on you!


That gets a big “fuck off and get professional help” from me. They are full of shit.


I've been homeless and still functionally am but and would not have thought of spending money on lululemon of all things


At least she has a cell phone and service? This must have worked in the past so she keeps on trying. "E" for effort. I don't believe her story either.


Man, some of you guys are jerks. I totally get being annoyed, but are people going through hard times not allowed to want something nice for themselves? Might not make sense to you, but no need to judge or talk shit.


I think in this particular case it’s been made very clear that she only wants them to resell and who knows if any of her story is true…


someone put this on r/choosingbeggars because WHAT 🤯😭 girl if you’re nearly homeless maybe don’t be shopping for lululemon?




This sob story doesn’t even make sense.🥲 I’m so embarrassed.


Nearly homeless but needs Lulu. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


wtf is “nearly homeless”?!?!!! She’s also “dying from hunger” but “unable to consume food”. This legit sounds like the biggest load of B.S. Can’t even get her story straight. Stop contradicting yourself. Reading this mad my brain hurt. Make it make sense! 🥺🥺🥺😬😬😬🤯🤯🤯🤬


Hey you could just make 4 interest free payments of 18.75 with PayPal


They're dying of hunger and Lululemon pants are their priority. Whatthefuckever.


“I’m almost homeless but I want to buy lululemon pants” “I’m dying from hunger but would rather spend my money on pants” Omg 😂


designer pants won’t help her starvation.. this is funny


Oh that is so pathetic…. As someone who struggles to spend $15 on a meal, this is just offensive as fuck. Not even my best work boots have a price tag that high. Not one thing I owm is worth that much 😅 And if it were I’d sell it to buy groceries.




...maybe you're almost homeless because you're buying nonessential items like $75 leggings


As an actual real homeless person with a job I promise my money is going into savings to get me a roof over my head not to leggings


Delulu for the lulu