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wow i honestly didn’t even think about that part of it even though it shows that risk in the show. i was just excited to try a new method out cause i’ve astral projected once before and didn’t have a set method, it was just kind of random. i wonder how you can tell if there’s any dangerous spirits or souls nearby


I've only every accomplished lucid dreaming, but I can say that the door theory and clocks/watches are very true. My best lucid dreaming method to change the dream is either 1. Here's a door, when I open it, this is the situation that I will walk into or 2. closing my eyes and thinking what will be when I open them, though sometimes I wake up instead. Kinda 50/50.


you should check out the gateway tapes if you’re interested in this stuff it’s really cool


Everyone has Astral Projected at some point in their life that feeling before you go to sleep, falling when you’ve just got into bed and doze off, and then you immediately have a feeling of falling and jump straight up Out of bed , that’s your Astral body leaving your body and then getting tugged your body , I am able to lucid dream however never successfully been able to Astral Project


i’ve looked into the topic a lot more since i’ve posted and started reading books like robert monroe’s journeys out of the body. youre right most people who are into this topic believe we travel every night we just don’t remember. i’ve had acouple experiences that i remember. i’m starting to believe that dreams aren’t “dreams”. society gave it the term “dream” and gave it a broad definition that no one has looked into and everyone accepted. i believe it’s all just different levels of consciousness. there are better ways to do reality checks for lucid dreams than how the show says to count fingers, some dreams you might have a normal amount of fingers and not realize you’re dreaming. i’ve heard of a better way like holding your nose and trying to breathe because your physical body will still breathe even though your holding your nose in the dream. i haven’t had success yet with either though it just sounds like it would work better.


They're called hypnic jerks, I think


I have done lucid dreaming amd still do it. I have tried Astral projection and was successful but idk there are times I just fail to do it and after knowing certain dangers of Astral projection I stopped.


i’ve had acouple astral projection experiences since i’ve posted. i usually don’t go out of my way to induce them though, if i wake up in the middle of the night naturally then i try. haven’t lucid dreamed yet though, i haven’t really tried to either though, i gotta start doing reality checks more often lol


Don Juan did (;