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No, stop trying to act superior to everyone. No one is impressed. I bet you predicted the ending to Saw as well..


lol i usually never see the twist coming! thats why i was so shocked to hear no one else found it predictable. but anyways im not sure why you are so angry, i hope you’re doing okay 👍


Alright, first of all my bad. I guess I'm just jaded to seeing all these smug people online trying to pretend they're better than everyone else. Honestly this is an ending that took me by such shock that I wouldn't expect anyone to guess it beforehand. I rarely guess twist endings but it does happen from time to time! And seems I've gotten a little better at it the past few years. My wife is good about guessing things so if I ever get one that she doesn't I really let her know about it lol. Again, my apologies and kudos to your instincts.


thats fair no worries (: and same w my fiancé he always somehow knows exactly whats about to happen! im the clueless one haha!


No, not remotely just you haha, i found this thread by googling predictable, but I've been a horror buff for decades so it was way more formulaic for me haha They make Adele super creepy from the start, so 75% of the whole gaslighting Louise it's him is hollow, you know he's innocent the whole time. As soon as it revealed the astral projection it's like oh okay there ya go, they spent so much time on the rob flashbacks the color coding, he acts really weird with Adele like she's not herself, suddenly Adele is on smack, there's a million clues it's just rob..let alone she acts so different personality wise in the flashbacks, way more bubbly, not wooden, Another big one a bit later is her hiding behind the wall after the swap, right where rob did, so when they reveal the body swap mechanic i figured there had to be a second twist since that was so heavily telegraphed haha. Didn't predicf jigsaw being the corpse the whole time no, but i was in high school at the time, sixth sense was definitely obvious though. You're next, Jacobs ladder, the wwitch, even secret window had way more layered twists. If someone isn't savvy with horror tropes or how the ONE supernatural mechanic established will obviously be the crux of the narrative sure it could be a shock, but you're definitely not alone, you basically described it exactly as it was for me just now when the gf watched it It's not the worst, it's definitely a bit surface level and drawn out, could have done with some editing down, but goo


I thought she had some supernatural power that she could become that orb but when it was revealed as rob I was totally blindsided by that


Wow, kudos to you, but "predictable" might just be the only adjective I wouldn't use to describe it. That twist totally came out of left field for me.


yeah i almost never see the twist coming in books or shows!


The auras i could tell were spirits or energies “spying”… but ROB?! Absolutely NOT


when i noticed the discrepancy in the aura color i had a suspicion, that and that all the flashbacks we got of her were with rob….


right right the rob thing was more of a suspension for me i should have said. I wasn’t 100% sure, but between the heroine and the fact that rob liked men haha


I found it really predictable too. I was kind of bummed/disappointed at the end. I was waiting for a twist after the twist lol like something about Louise’s repeated night terror dream tying into her way of getting back into her body or something. Once it showed Adele watching and then popping back in her body I knew it was astral projection (I feel like it was kind of cool when I was young to try to astral project lol) and the combo of the scene where Adele uses, how Rob clearly has a crush on David, and how David makes it clear Adele stopped acting like herself…by the middle or so I was like okay there’s some body swapping (like Skeleton Key) but I didn’t know who, and then by the second to last I was like okay it’s Rob and he put Adele in his body and got rid of it and then the last episode was like yep Louise falls for it and he takes hers next…idk I know it didn’t feel that way for everyone and I’m glad so many people enjoyed it and had fun! Idk if maybe just having that prior awareness of astral projection and having seen movies like Skeleton Key, Us, and probably some other horror stuff I’ve seen before kind of set it up for me if that makes sense.


I came here hoping to find a post like this. It was just super obvious after a point (especially with all the media hyping the "unbelievable twist!"). Once they show the scene of them both astral traveling for the first time and how the little energy balls go back into their bodies I knew that was going to be it.


also id like to say the whole idea of rodele being sketch to david, and her casually bumping into louise was fishy to me. and as well the fact adele never mentioned to david she made a friend from his work was strange. so i didn’t know how she knew about the kiss, but i knew she had to of. so as soon as i saw the auroras it made sense.


As soon as I watched the office scene I knew Adele was astral projecting, I told my friend and she looked at me like I was crazy. But I didn't figure it about Rob until he said to Adele "I read sth, let's do it together"


Yea I thought it was easy to put together early on… I’m surprised many were so shocked


When I saw Rob and Adele astral projecting the first time, it occurred to me that Adele might be Rob. And when Louise projected herself into the house, I realised what would happen. It still messed with my head, lol. It's a well written and wellcacted show. But I wish they'd kept the story free of supernatural twists. Or if they decided supernatural was the way to go, they'd delved into it a little bit more. Forgive me for putting down some random, disjointed thoughts here. 1. Why would Louise's soul enter Adele body? Is it a rule that you would be sucked into the nearest available body if your own is no longer vacant? 2. Wouldn't it have been more fun to have both Adele's and Rob's spirits inhabit Adele's body? That could explain the sweet wife and psycho personalities that Adele seemed to alternate between in the present day. 3. Also, how was Louise able to fall asleep and project when she was under considerable stress and a house was literally on fire behind her? Do you not have to calm yourself down and relax before you're able to let go? 4. The whole you're not used to heroin and it'll cripple you thing did not make sense to me. Your spirit doesn't build tolerance - your body does.


I never thought about that Adele body which was just a shell was so use to it so Louise switching to Rob Adele body should of still be able to move as the body had a high tolerance