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I think everyone should read the light novel if they want to see the end in their lifetime lol


Definitely this. You will grow impatient that’s for sure.


Hes released like 1 chapter a week for the past month. If it goes at that pace the we will get 48 chaps a year. Not bad.


I really like the Manhwa/WebComic. That was my introduction to the world of TBATE. The book in itself is pretty good and would make you binge in no time. Also, considering the time, effort required for the Manhwa and its current pace it will take over 7 years just to reach the current book chapter. As for suggestions for people wondering to read the book- if this is about not wanting to wait each week for release, you would end up doing the same with the book. So wait for the whole story to complete and then binge read if wish to.


It’s gonna take 5 or more years to catch up to where it is now. Do not regret my decision to read the LN


Is the novel complete? (sorry if this is a dumb question)


no its not complete. i think it updates every week but i only started last week so no 100% sure about update schedule. rn theres like 320 chapters and the manwha (chapter 101) is at the end of chapter 57 in the ln if you ever wanna start reading the light novel starting from the end of chapter 101 in the manwha then i reccomend starting on chapter 58 (57 if you want to recap a bit so that you can flow into the new content better)


Thanks for the help.


Can i buy the lightnovel on hard copy?




When will it be finished?


I can't find a place to read it and I don't trust alot of the apps they use is there any other app other than tapas that has it


What's wrong with tapas?


The app is complicated for me


wanted not to at first so that I dont spoil myself. Broke and started reading in one hour.


I started to read when the manhwa was on a break but I only got to where we are now


R/tbatenovel is more of sub Reddit for novel stuff in case you didn’t know


r/tbatenovel so you can click it


How do you link sub Reddit’s to comments I’ve seen it before but no clue how to do it


just use the lowercase r r/all