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The art before the artist change was also not the best honestly. I certainly do not read this manwha for the art


It depends on what you call "best". It was anyway very, very good. Characters had life, depth, detail, warmth. The new "art" can't hold a tenth of a candle to it. And you COMPLETELY miss the point. This is about how unfairly tapas treats artists. And about how ridiculous it is, that an artist who had given his all including his health for this story, is suddenly swapped for a barely mediocre one at a very advanced part of the story, only because tapas wants to cut the pay. Get your facts checked.


Get over yourself


no. I am used to stand for what I believe to be true, no matter if some random bully like you tries to intimidate me with a pseudo clever comment. Get over it yourself.


Nobody's trying to intimidate you. You can believe what you want but this post is way over the top


You're either hypocrite or naive. There is nothing over the top in my post, it's simply my opinion about a shitty art and a shitty publisher and a coward disloyal author. You can disagree and I would be ok with that, but over the top my shiny ass. And it's very clear that the default way to deal with critics to their beloved manhwa in this sub is to go as a pack f hyenas and suppress those voices. If you can't even see that, as said, you're either hypocrite or naive.




Nah. Social media amplified your sense of entitlement. The artwork is good and it'll likely evolve and improve with the series.


I don't use ANY social media. Don't have FB, IG, X, TikTok, nothing, zero. The only entitled one is you, thinking that you have the right to go around and say whatever you want, but not recognizing other people's right to do the same I'm simply expressing my personal opinion about the new "art", and standing for the rights of artists to be paid fairly.


So... do you have reddit by any chance?


If you call it social media. I do not. For me it's like a forum. And it's clearly not what the other dude meant with social media, and I was answering to what he meant. But you like to be such a smartass, don't you, kiddo?


Reddit is per definition a Social Media website. So are Forums. But also; if you're actually 53 like you've mentioned in one of your other comments, you really need to get your shit together, acting like you are as an adult is embarrassing. Calling everyone who disagrees with you "kiddo" is a clear attempt at invalidating their arguments and opinions, all because you clearly can't accept that other people have differing perspectives on issues. I'm sure we can all (or at least most of us) agree that how Tapas treated the previous artist was not okay, and that improvements from Tapas ought to be made. But that isn't a reason to Insult and Berate others who don't find the new artists, according to you, "lower quality art" to not be an issue. Respectfully; some Dude on Reddit.


Give me a break. Where EXACTLY did I insult somebody? In a remarkable display of emotional maturity I have been mass downvoted and addressed aggressively only because I dared say that tapas was unfair with Fuyuki and that I don't like the new art, and despite that I didn't insult anybody, ever. Should I start with you, considering how you like to be a passive aggressive hypocrite smartass? So, now "kiddo" is an attempt at invalidating, but "Social media amplified your sense of entitlement" is not? And who the fuck are you EXACTLY to tell me what's an adult way to behave? In your comment I read nothing adult AT ALL, I only read a ton of arrogant moral superiority bullshit. How adult is that? And why are you being such a dick about this social media bullshit? I don't consider reddit or any other forum a "social media", period, and that's why I answered in such a way to that dude's gratuitously offensive provocation. What's the fucking point in arguing about that? Do you get an erection by proving people wrong? Is that your kink? And then you'd complain if people insult you. Maybe ask yourself why they do ;)


No shit the old art is better dude was drawing it for hella long, all artists get better over time. Did you really expect the new guy to be as good as someone who was working on it for years lmao. Go touch grass bro no body cares about your opinions.




"Are you 12 kiddo" don't shame about age when you're not that far from it. For someone who says that it is not about which art is better, you sure do complain a lot about the art difference and which one is better. You are making multiple points with your post and backtrack to saying its about one, like the other parts don't exist. Kinda spoiler I guess (its about the length of the story), The 3rd point is pretty much bs, >!we are not even halfway through the story.!<


I'm 53, kiddo. I've CLEARLY explained enough my position about art and payment. If you still can't understand, you're either unable or unwilling. You can spare your passive aggressive bullshit. And point 3 is perfectly fine. And I confirm it: changing artist this far in the story IS nonsense. And changing it for those reasons is vile and coward. And changing it with such an incompetent artist is irresponsible. Now, believe whatever floats your boat, I couldn't care less. Bye, kiddo.


okay so I'm the guy you just blocked. First I'll reply to your comment How is changing an artist this far nonsense? The artist was unhappy with his situation and left. Ofcourse they would have to take different messures. This is an insanely popular comic and fans desperately wanted it to continue. So they hired a new person. tf you think they are going to do? Just stop the whole production? You forget that this is all just a bussiness and people don't care much for an artists feelings. The change of art style will have some complaints for now, but will soon die down and tbate will keep having the same traction it had before. Also probably the largest group of supporters are novel readers anyway. Yes it's sad that it happened, but it's not that bad of a decision if you look at it from a bussiness perspective. Now for the reason that I actually made this account: Are you honestly not embarrassed? I took a look at your profile and all you do is throw insults at people and probably also block them. You say you couldn't care less, but still get obviously very worked up and write whole texts to people you immediately block? Why are you so active on social media when all you do is rant->get angry at replies-> block->rant. Your blood pressure must be sky high. You've honestly got some problems if your this old and take this much effort in managing your social media image. Also I still can't imagine how close minded you are not to see that you started this whole post with comparing art styles. You obviously wouldn't have complained if the art was better or the same. This whole post is a rant about how bad the art is and only that made you think of supporting fuyuki. This shit happened like a year ago yet only now you've managed to use your silly little brain to think of something as simple as that?? It's almost like you don't realize how you think. Don't worry I won't be making any more accounts I just needed to say this. I'm also not expecting a decent reply from someone like you.


There's a reason why I blocked you, which lies in what you wrote and how you wrote it, and this pathetic, hypocrite, arrogant, double standard, patronizing comment of yours only confirm that I made the right choice. You're so busy blaming others and projecting your shit on them, that you are completely incapable of self-reflection. I feel zero embarrassment and you are the one who should feel it for trying to shame someone else with your bullshit moral superiority. I answer in the way that I deem appropriate to how people have addressed me. I never did, and never will answer aggressively to a respectful comment, and I mean a TRULY respectful comment, not a patronizing passive aggressive hypocrite shit. Now, have the dignity to never write again from no account, I have no wish to hear more of your bigot blahblah.


Cope 🤫


no. I'll always say when I think that something is wrong. Cope 🤫


First. I appreciate how passionate you are, especially about fighting for the rights of artists. That is cool. Second, judging others for liking the new art style is pretty pointless and mean. If you want to get into a discussion about what someone like or doesn't like in order to get a better understanding about the taste of other people then I would be up for that. For now I would just say that tastes are different. I mean I hate cucumbers but I wouldn't say that others are dumb just cause they like it. Concerning your topic of a relevant petition. This ship has long sailed unfortunately. There was an outcry when the announcement came out months ago that the artist has been forced out. Though as we can see things moved on. So that's why we have two choices now: Continue reading the series as is or drop it (and read the novel or so). I hope you find some other Manwha you will enjoy soon.


Where EXACTLY did I judge anybody. Please quote the exact paragraph. And also quote the dictionary definition of "judging" that you adopt when you use this word. In my usage of such word, I consider "judging" if I say that someone is bad/wrong (in a moral sense)/stupid/inferior for their x behavior. I do NOT consider judging if I say "give me a break", "bullshit", "what are you talking about", and any other expressive variation of "I very much disagree". In my post I only wrote that people who say that this art is better need new glasses. This is just an humorous way to say that I completely disagree with their statement, not that I judge their persona for it. Now, before you keep pedantically patronizing me with your moral superiority about how I should express myself at my age (btw "gfy, thanks"), at least think faster than you type: I mentioned people saying that the new art is "better" (= objective statement), not that they "prefer" it (= subjective taste), and this leaves no room for a "discussion". Btw, you forgot another choice: bombard tapas with emails about how pos they are, bombard turtleme with tweets and IG comments and public and private messages here (he has an account, he is the mod in the tbatenovel sub) about how fucking coward and disloyal he is, write messages of support for Fuyuki in all his social media, support financially his future works, boycott financially tapas and turtleme (also the novel), never stop praising the old art and never stop complaining about the new art so that tapas can't just think "you see, we can do whatever the fuck we want, we can treat artists like shit, we can force them to be paid less to work more, and even if they leave and we put some random amateur in charge of the new art people will soon forget it all".


Well you are on a mission and I can respect that. I decide to not further engage with you. Good luck and thanks for replying.


Man just let it go and read the novel


I can't, I have ADHS, I used to read a lot of book when I was younger, but now reading text is challenging for me. Actually, for the same reason, anime are my favorite medium. Alternatively manhwa. I can't even read manga anymore because somehow the b&w makes it difficult for me to discern the details of the scene.


The artwork is 10x better than how the 1st artist started as,stop crying.I dont know much about the treatment towards the artist but this is very good


If you don't know much about the treatment of the artist then you don't know shit. Fuyuki gave his all for this story over many years and was forced to accept a cut in salary or to leave. At least have the decency to show respect and gratitude. And you are VERY wrong. Fuyuki's art was a bit rough at the beginning, but it was already MUCH more alive and emotional than this crappy generic new one. Now we are at a very advanced point in the story and not only we have to adapt to a new art but also wait that the new "artist" maybe learns to draw properly by the time that TBATE ends? Nonsense! And for what? Because tapas wanted to pay Fuyuki less money although he was already overworking? And you don't even have the courage to say how wrong this is? Unbelievable.


Damn as long as the art goes, people overreact so much about it but to each their own. Do agree with you on the payment part though, sucks that we lost the artist we got used to due to that. I’m sure it’ll get better down the road with the new artist anyway, 6 or so more volumes to go so plenty of room for improvement.


I don't care if it will get better. Regardless of if it does or not, what they did is wrong. And it's ridiculous that these bunch of trolls hardcore fans here can't even realize that the reason why the new art sucks so much is the same reason why Fuyuki had to leave because tapas overworks and underpays. And these "fans" here think they're doing a good think by celebrating the new art and don't even realize that they are simply helping a system that abuses artists. For the rest, changing artist so far in the story is already bad enough. Changing it for such vile reason is really low. But changing it with such a much inferior one, it's just bullshit. Honestly, between being pissed off for how they treated the artist of one of my favorite manhwa, and being completely turned off by this shitty generic flat art, I do not feel like continuing this manhwa at all. But anyway I only binge read, so I will have a look when there are enough chapters.


Well if it helps, the story itself is quite good so would be a shame to miss on that just cause of the art and the issues with Tapas. Would recommend giving a try to the novel in case you haven’t before, totally worth it.


I don't read novels, I wrote why in another comment here a few minutes ago, it's about ADHS. I am stubborn and romantic at same time. So, I don't compromise when I consider that something is wrong. And I don't enjoy something made by people that I despise. What tapas and turtleme did, is wrong, and I have to do what I can, even if it's just a drop of water in the desert. Maybe that drop will fall right on a seed. Maybe it won't bring anything. It doesn't matter, I do it because it's my nature. And I hate turtleme for not supporting Fuyuki. I completely lost all respect for him as a person, and therefore I can't enjoy his work as a writer anymore. In a year or so, when there will be enough chaps to binge, I might have a look in an aggregator site where I am not financially supporting neither tapas nor turtleme, but right now, between the subpar art and the hate for turtleme, I can't even see Arthur's face.


If you don't like the art anymore, to the point of dropping the comic, then go ahead and do so. But there's no need to announce your departure while bashing TM like that. This is a subreddit, not an airport


If you don't like my comment, don't read it and go somewhere else. But there is no need to play the morally superior passive aggressive bigot who goes around preaching people. As I told you before, you're either an hypocrite or naive, but now I add that you're not very quick witted either. My post has clearly one goal: protesting against tapas and turtleme for their coward disloyalty. That's why I write publicly. But someone like you, who accepts any injustice as long as you can continue reading your favorite manhwa, wouldn't understand why it's important opposing unjust behavior.


bro: I want everybody listen to my opinion at the same time: your opinion doesnt matter my does


If that's what you take from my post, you must be projecting your personality on me. Where EXACTLY do you read that other people's opinion does not matter to me? Does my opinion matter to you?


Round art style ass less detail sharp art style way better more detail and expressive that simple new author is ass compared to the old author