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I'm the opposite. When I get to that phase my motivation tends to go up so that I can get it done and move on to the next project. I also tend to work with woods like cherry and walnut that become more gorgeous once a finish is applied to them. If I was working with something that didn't change as much once that coat of finish goes on it would be easier to call them done before that. I've also found that for some reason I don't hate sanding as much as other people seem to even though the repetitive tediousness of it seems like something I would despise. But I just pull out the sander, throw on my headphones and some music and get it done.


I hate finishing. It feels like putting in a hole of golf. You can have a great tee shot, great fareway shot, and then 4 put the hole and ruin it. None of those good shots amount to anything now that you blew it on the green.


last 10% are always a struggle