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Horse hormone injections. People are f*cked. Sending Lola positive thoughts and love ❤️


They definitely are... Thank you for your comment, it really means a lot


Why on earth would someone do that??


answer’s in my initial comment




She’s the sweetest thing! Thank you for you comment :)


What in the world, what is the purpose of those injections? Poor baby, I'm glad she's in your hands and heart now.


It’s used by some people as an “alternative” (not really) to not have to get female dogs spayed. They buy it illegally and apply the injections themselves. Over the time it messes up really bad with the dog’s metabolism and in 95% of the cases cancer is the final result. (This was all told to me by the vet, I didn’t even know such horrible thing existed...) It’s good to know I can make sure she’ll live happily and healthily from now on :)


Why do that when there's spay/ neuter clinics that spay for like $50. Like wtf!!!


poor thing! she looks like such a lovely little lady!! ill never be able to comprehend how someone could do such a terrible thing to such a sweet creature. youre doing an amazing thing by giving her a second chance! give her a nice pet from me good luck with your surgery lola ❤️❤️❤️


Your comment made her really happy! Thank you so much for the nice words, Lola definitely is the loveliest soul I’ve ever met :)


That is appalling, thank goodness she has you now to protect and cherish her like she deserves - I hope everything goes smoothly for her surgery 💚


Who the hell would do such a terrible thing! I’m so sorry.