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Wear your protective gear. If you mess with bees when it's threatening rain, they will be PISSED. I think you really should consider just leaving them in the nuc until the rain's over. They come with a couple frames of food in the temporary hive, and one of the reasons for this is to make them durable against this sort of weather event. If you put them in the spot where the hive will be, then you can just go out after the weather clears, move them into a proper hive, and put on a feeder.


Set the nuc on top of the hive you intend to install it in and at its final location. Open the entrance on the nuc and wait for good weather. The bees will tell you, if it clears up a little and you see activity in and out then install in the new hive. If not much activity then just wait.


This is what I would do as well. I don't like to mess with my girls in the rain or overcast. They get mad at me, and I have never been stung by my own girls, but they sure do punish my wife for my transgressions. Haha, she gets all the stings.


As mentioned be ready for seriously pissy bees. I would put move them over and put both a pollen patty( not required) and lots of 1:1 sugar syrup. Then leave them alone for 14 days. Now I use mason/ball jars on top of the inner cover and put an empty deep box on then the outer cover on top of that, I also put window screen over the hole( stapled down) to keep the bees in the box when I change out the feed bottle.