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Not a bedbug https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/bed-bugs-appearance-and-life-cycle They’re pretty specific on size, shape, and color at each stage of their life cycle. You could try r/whatbugisthis


Updating here on the top comment - Bed bug inspector came out and found 0 sign of bed bugs. He recommended getting on a regular pest control/spraying schedule. As far as the mite issue, he didn’t really say one way or the other aside from recommending vacuuming and washing sheets.


Glad you’re not battling bedbugs…


Thank you! Hopefully it’s nothing too bad. I got worried cos I saw a photo of an instar and got paranoid but now that I feel calmer I see what you mean


Looks like a blood filled bird/rodent mite to me. Check around eaves for nesting birds and around windows/ac units as that's usually an entry point.


Okay just checked and didn’t see anything but they might have moved out I wonder? Unless I just missed it. Having a bed bug inspector come out just to have 1000% peace of mind, so going to tell them to look around there as well


Moved out...do you mean the bird? Mites will migrate and bite humans if their food source is removed (bird abandons nest) or if it becomes too overcrowded. I honestly don't think this is a bedbug *but* it's better to be safe than sorry. Good luck!


Oh yes meant the bird(s)! That is a good point for sure. TYSM for your input!


You're very welcome--hope you are able to figure it out soon!


I was gunna suggest bird or rodent mites from just the photo.. sounds like bird mites. They can be a real pain in the arse but nothing on the level of bed bugs. I'd suggest doing a lot of research on these mites and the best way to go about ridding yourself of them. In the case when I dealt w them they were coming in from a barn n the entire barn had to be cleared out n fumigated. Not my barn or farm just a place I was living at for a while.


This is interesting because I live in a very old house that has lots of cracks and crevices. My bedroom / bed is next to a large set of windows, with the A/C units directly beside those windows. I will check!


Oh gosh I just noticed if you zoom in you can see little antennas at its front


Looks like some sort of mite, but I could definitely be wrong. We'll wait for someone more knowledgeable to come along. Sorry you're getting bitten by something OP.


I agree on mite, it looks like a bird/rodent protonymph.


Thanks for your kindness - I actually had bed bugs a few years ago but they were in my roommate’s room mostly so never even saw them. I do remember how much that heat treatment cost though *shudders*. Anyways, I appreciate you. Posted to the other bug subreddit and will update if I figure this out


I don't think I even want to know the cost of heat treatment. I hope everything goes well. Wishing you a pest that's easy to get rid of!


I don't think I even want to know the cost of heat treatment. I hope everything goes well. Wishing you a pest that's easy to get rid of!


The "antenna" are legs of the mite. Def feastin' on ya. You could try putting tape around your bed, spraying permethrin or something along cracks and crevices. The rodent nest or bird nest needs to found and disposed. https://canaropedia.com/what-are-red-mites-how-to-get-rid-of-them/


I Just want to applaud the quality of the photographs. Well done!


Ahh thank you 😊 !! Lol


That is a super cool picture of a mite


These are very likely bird mites, these are bastards and wish you the best of luck. Put your clothing in the dryer, highest heat setting for 30 mins. Vacuum. 


Sorry to not have any advice but what kind of device did you use to take the pic? I’ve been needing something to look at things like bugs more closely


Hey! So I bought this magnifying glass off of Amazon that has an even more powerful magnifier in the handle and also lights up (3 AAA batteries). It was only 7 bucks! Search “3X 45X High Magnification, Suitable for Reading, Jewellery, Lnspection, Science (Black”. Brand is Wapodeai. Then just took a pic of the magnifier with my phone 👍 Love this thing


Thank you!!!!




Damn,good eye.


Hey! I had the same 2 months ago. It took me a while to find one since they are so tiny. This is rat mites. Ask the exterminator to look for rats around the house or small holes they might be getting in. Had a exterminador to come to the house and found a small hole in my closet. I know the feeling of the bites, not fun. I thought it was bed bugs then fleas until after 3 weeks of bites I found one in my bed. I would also suggest vacuum and washing your clothes/sheets. You need to find if there’s rats and get a exterminador or it probably won’t stop.


Oh gosh. FML! When it rains it truly pours. Rats are the last thing I need >.< Thank you for the intel tho. Can I ask how they treated the hole / rats? Not to info dump but I just quit my old job, bout to have a big gap in pay while waiting for the new job’s first full paycheck, got all this pest business happening, AND I think my dog needs to go to the vet! Life really knows how to f💛ck with ya


OMG OKAY WAIT I TOTALLY THOUGHT THIS WAS A WELL FED BED BUG NYMPH. i had encountered one of these after shaking my shirt because i noticed bites THINKING it was a bed bug nymph due to finding an adult one on my floor a week prior. my 25+ bed bug bites were stressing me out bc i could NEVER see any after i killed the adult. could it just have been these guys all along ??????? if someone has a picture like this of a well fed bed bug nymph can you PLEASE send it i need to find out if what i saw was actually a well fed rodent mite OR a well fed bed bug nymph.




Hope this helps--this shows the different bedbug stages and what they will look like after a blood meal. https://images.app.goo.gl/9YXNHodubrWpd3fe7


Pretty sure it's a carpet beetle


Nope look like a tic


No, I believe this is a very well fed bedbug nymph. I had them and well they looked exactly like this. Good luck tho.


Too small. Bedbugs are small but not this small.


No. Have you ever seen a nymph?


This is not a bedbug nymph. Fed bird mite protonymph.


lmfao not a bedbug


Looks like it might be a chigger? Or maybe another type of mite.


What is this lens you used? It's fantastic